
Purchase Decision Quotes

There are 96 quotes

"It's one of those headphones that I immediately heard and was like, I have to buy this right now."
"What is your current gear not doing that you think this new equipment will do? Will this new equipment actually deliver on the features and the hype and the promise that it suggests?"
"This is it. This is it. You're buying nothing else."
"I'm not trying to convince you to buy. If you want it, it's good. If you don't, [ __ ] it."
"This is going to be the final thing we purchase, fully healed up Kraken."
"I think compared to the Lexus IS, I would definitely buy the G70 over the Lexus unquestionably."
"Ultimately, whatever price you pay is going to be worth it in order to access the Nintendo experience."
"Now the question is how much am I going to pay for a potentially fire-damaged brand new Volkswagen Golf R?"
"I do really, really like it. There are a few cons to it, but I still think it's worth it for me."
"The only opinion that matters when you go to buy a game is your own."
"I would absolutely purchase this 10,000 Rebel 1100."
"The engine is the reason to buy this bike. It's amazingly powerful."
"If you're on the fence about making this purchase let me leave you with this thought: this is one of the first releases of 2019 that's multiplayer focus that I don't regret spending a dollar on."
"There's legitimately no reason that I see to purchase this game right now."
"My general recommendation for this headphone and any headphone regardless of interest and price is to see if you can try it before you buy it."
"I've always said like if you don't think it's worth like they showed you all the content beforehand so if you don't think it's worth it then just don't buy it."
"How many hours will I have to work to pay for it... it's a lot easier not to buy something than it is to make more money to pay for it."
"This set is absolutely going to be worth that price tag or not."
"If you need something right now, buy it. Do not wait based off of leaks and rumors."
"If you really like them, I think it's totally worth it."
"It's a good thing I didn't base my whole purchase off of that."
"We bought the premium tickets which are 2 days."
"The Tony Award is your presence if you would show up at the Music Box Theater and experience this work, that would be the greatest Tony Award I could ask for."
"This was a score, I paid just under 10 grand, I don't know if that's a good deal."
"I found myself buying it for maybe a little bit more than I wanted to spend, but you know what, that's okay because as you've already seen, it's got a freaking touch screen."
"I may, when I run out of this, get the original just to have that experience."
"I am selling this to myself I love it all right I'm going to do a quick Google Lens but for 1999 I think it's a yes"
"Also let me know which would you guys think would be the better buy the Grand Cherokee or the Grand Cherokee L keep in mind there's only about ,000 or $2,000 price point between the two of them."
"I wouldn't buy the sack myself, but it's a low-cost solid alternative."
"If this was 1300 bucks, for 700 bucks, dude, I'd pay six and a half for this all day."
"I'd drive all the way out there and I buy this mannequin, it's 50 bucks. I'm like, for 50, I can have a fun wall mount, like wall mounted mannequin holding up a fire extinguisher."
"The color was just so grungy and edgy and yet worked for my skin tone and I fell in love with it instantly when I put it on my face I would have bought it on that trip if it hadn't been for my no buy."
"I might have to buy it just to see if it's a television."
"I made a conscious decision if I was going to buy one of these bags at this cost I was going to actively use it and love it and enjoy it otherwise there was no point having it in my collection given the price of it."
"...if everything else was not so epic, I would have a hard time buying something like this."
"Works great, this is what I'll be putting up on that little dash. I'll find some way to integrate it so it looks like it's factory. 50 bucks, no brainer, add to cart."
"That's actually one thing I would buy it for 20 bucks."
"I was like, 'Oh, it's like 50 or 45 dollars. It's so much cheaper than the Mist King. I'm just gonna buy it.'"
"This could truly be a game changer if it works the way I wanted to. Let's see if this is worth purchasing. Let's do it."
"It's worth every penny. I regret not ordering it years ago."
"They did work with me on it. I had to really sit down after being super frustrated and ask myself, would you have purchased this car as is if you saw it in its current condition in person?"
"So my sister bought her for 3500, but I did pay 5,500. But you know, I'm single."
"Would I buy one? And the answer is simply yes. In fact, I already have."
"Not a bad price... I think it's time for me to buy this camera."
"This fragrance is absolutely it. Oh my goodness, I think I'm gonna have to buy this because there's just too many fragrances that I want."
"80 grand for a lightly used one of these, well that starts to make a lot of sense to me."
"I think that because I've never seen it before, I'm gonna buy it."
"I'm not spending 90 for not even the whole thing. There's no way that I'm spending 90 for not even the whole thing."
"It does look quite cheap but mind you I bought it for $17.99."
"The set is all just a good buy because you're probably just buying it for the clones anyway."
"I would absolutely buy a dump trailer again because I care that much about the convenience."
"I almost went to the point where I bought one of these all-in-one box kits. I'm glad I didn't and I went with this custom route."
"I've always wanted one of those tormak type sharpeners and I really didn't want to spend that much money on one."
"It looks beautiful, I'm buying it."
"It makes absolutely no sense for me not to buy it because compared to any deal, compared to any other DAW, it's just absolutely value."
"Why buy a bread making machine? My friend bought one and I saw how good it was."
"I guess the question that everyone wants to know the answer to is, is it worth buying the Evo 2.0? I say it is."
"Absolutely, guys, if you're considering buying one of these, do your homework, do your own research."
"I ended up picking up the EDP I ended up getting the parfum and I figured you know what 3/4 of the way complete with the newer savage fragrances I might as well get on board"
"Would I buy this car again? Yes, but I would do the 2022 now."
"Just protect it and it looks pretty good. I'm sure I paid no more about a fiver for that as I said, that's number one. Just I just like the color so I bought it."
"Would I purchase this bag again? Yes. Is it worth the new price point? Yes."
"You buy this car and it's just gonna run forever."
"$9.99 for a pre-release pack of Aria? That's a good buy!"
"This was so much fun that I'm going to get a set of these for my girls."
"Don't pass him up because he's actually a worthwhile purchase for the 40 bucks."
"I decided to just pick it up, I thought okay 15 bucks, why not?"
"1975 sleeping bag. Yo, that is pretty dope. I can't not get this. I can't. If I leave that, I just... I can't. 1975 sleeping bag, I gotta get that."
"When they do release the iPhone 15 Pro and if it does have an even larger camera bump I'm going to still buy it."
"For the price, it was a kind of a good deal for something like this."
"Reliability is a big factor for people when they're buying it or not."
"Honestly like I don't know if you can really complain with a bike that cost $900 like right now you go to the website go buy it right now $900 you cannot go wrong."
"It's 100% worth it, it's a no-brainer."
"I got a Nintendo Switch, I have been thinking about it for a while."
"The one thing you cannot improve post purchase is the picture quality."
"Eighty-three percent of the online audience require encouragement to complete a purchase."
"I've heard these are super stable, so that was one of the main reasons I wanted to buy this boat."
"This car is worth buying for that alone right there."
"Yes, if I was in the market for something like this, absolutely, this is a bike I would buy."
"Take that into account, the ones that you want to listen to, the real opinions to listen to, to form your own opinion on a bike to buy."
"This Civic I think is better than the Corolla and it is a car that I really like and I would buy with my own money."
"It's a huge reason why so many people buy them because they're hugely economical."
"It's kind of difficult to buy into a product if you're not 100% certain that it's going to work. You just never know."
"That was pretty much spot on; I'm definitely buying beer."
"Price isn't why people buy. People always buy value."
"You're mainly buying this for its performance and what it's capable of doing."
"At the end of the day, both are great purchases and it just comes down to your personal preference."
"It is worth buying if the price suits the emotional meaning."
"The bottom of the funnel is where they have connected with you and your solution and they are close to making a purchasing decision."
"For the target customer that this Mac Mini is targeting, it's a no-brainer purchase."
"If you're looking for a certain vehicle and you are serious about purchasing it, look at JD Power and Consumer Reports."
"For what it does, that is one that I would buy."
"I'll take this one, please. Thank you."
"You could feel like you have found the perfect product to buy if you're looking to buy something that you've wanted for a long time."
"I hope that if you're interested in getting a TA08, you're gonna pull the trigger now and get one."
"I love the color and that's the reason I bought it."