
Sources Quotes

There are 218 quotes

"Comfort can become dysfunctional when we get it from the wrong place."
"All the stories we know about Jesus and his time come to us from the Gospels."
"Before you go believe any theory about the pandemic or share any information about the pandemic, it's good to know where that information's coming from."
"The historical core of the Traditions is remarkably consistent and is multiply and independently attested in extremely early sources."
"Where are you getting these ideas from? Well, let me tell you, we went out to Pinterest."
"Racism can stem from different resources other than just blind hatred."
"It's important to kind of hear a variety of sources so you're not influenced into going down what someone else wants you to do because it benefits their bottom line."
"Trusted advisors and your audience: valuable feedback sources."
"When we seek worthiness from the wrong source, we get doors slammed in our face."
"An inspiration can come from many different sources."
"People take inspiration from all sorts of places."
"What you want is love, and love can come from other sources as well."
"Inform yourself. Check the sources people provide you with."
"People's minds will go crazy about who leaks information to us, and the coolest thing for me is that we have so many varied sources."
"Finding inspiration in diverse sources, from books to games to shows."
"I will always trust a contemporary source over something written many years or decades after the fact."
"We need base load power and that has to come from hydro and nuclear."
"RTX IO is literally exactly what I was describing... so those initial sources I had were legit for sure."
"My sources are telling me don't underestimate the depth of the rift that's between them."
"...I have nothing against reading scans, but if you do, please read multiple sources and definitely read the official translation as well."
"I often get asked where my inspiration for conversions comes from. It's never one single place, and I often find myself getting ideas from artwork, books, films, as well as other people's kit bashes and conversions."
"Don't read good books only; read the best books, and whenever possible, read primary sources over secondary."
"As far as the sources go on Norse and Germanic paganism, we really, really do have a lot."
"Nuclear, wind, hydro, solar, natural gas, coal power - it's all great ways to generate electricity."
"The professional historian can identify this basic layer even in the most deplorable of third-hand sources."
"Islamic doctors were acutely aware that Galen and Greek medicine were only one source of medical knowledge."
"Most of the information I just shared with you is something you won't hear from Muslim Scholars and apologists, even though it comes from Islam's most trusted sources."
"Inspiration can come from the most unexpected of places."
"Plant sources of nutrition are not equivalent to animal sources."
"Guidance comes in different forms."
"Does it make sense that the prophet copied these sources?"
"There is such a thirst for wisdom that it's okay, it can come from so many different places."
"You find fiber in plants, fruits, vegetables, whole grains, seeds, nuts, legumes, and mushrooms."
"Getting information from only one source... the more info that you get, the higher chance of evolving to a level that wouldn't be reachable any other way."
"Sometimes that thing is a person, sometimes it is a nice slice of cake on a rainy afternoon, sometimes it’s funny gatos, and sometimes it’s art."
"You are not limited to one data source, you are free to connect to multiple data sources of your choice."
"Unexpected gifts drifting from unknown sources."
"Check my facts; read Dr. Charles Mok's book 'Testosterone Strong Enough for a Man, Made for a Woman,' and check out Dr. Rebecca Glazer's website."
"However, you're picking up your cards from the right sources."
"Find inspiration in life, in feelings, in your surroundings."
"Vasily F's notebooks provide an abundance of material to check against other sources."
"There's a massive number of sources."
"Now inspiration can come from absolutely anywhere."
"Resistance only has three major sources."
"Human behavior flows from three main sources: desire, emotion, and knowledge."
"Where do we find truth? Are there sources of truth that are simply out of bounds, that are no longer credible in the 21st century?"
"All a fun classic Nate land lines on there. What's your Source?"
"Hope comes from different places. Hope comes from defeat, hope comes from belief."
"The majority of even secular sources agree that the Gospels were dated to the first century."
"I'm hoping that's true but I trust my sources."
"Bartman just to give you an example allows 15 independent sources for the crucifixion of Jesus within 100 years."
"It's not just that we're using unnamed sources that bothers me or that everything we print the White House denies or that almost no other papers are reprinting our stuff."
"The written and archaeological sources overwhelmingly support the gospels' Resurrection narrative."
"Credits and references are important for acknowledging sources and contributors."
"The weird thing is though, like, are those sources any more or less reality-based? What's the difference?"
"That's what I try to do, stay very close to the sources and see where we find some of those."
"Nurturing can come from any source."
"Inspiration comes from all kinds of places."
"Data can be from many different sources."
"The devil is not the only source of evil."
"But let me tell you why I use First Corinthians or Galatians. Because these two sources, and several others, are allowed by virtually everybody in the critical Community."
"The originality of an idea depends on the obscurity of sources."
"Authentic language: reading materials from real-life sources."
"Get back to the sources, don't worry about the weight of tradition, just get back to the original stuff."
"Top-notch Navigators gather information from many sources."
"The creativity comes from anywhere."
"The history has begun to change in recent years because of a number of well-trained historians going back to original sources."
"Sometimes it comes from a conversation, sometimes it comes from listening to the radio."
"Interference can stem from many different external sources."
"Citations show how much you have read... they matter because your reader is interpreting who you are citing as well as what you are citing."
"...vitamin E is really abundant in nuts for example and it's highly abundant in seeds for example but also liver, liver is going to be a good source..."
"...these tools are giving us our best and most likely approximation of what historians feel happened given the sources that we have."
"God can use whatever source he wants to get his blessing to you."
"I think in general as long as the information's reliable... I think you're allowed to quote any source."
"Luke wasn't limited to a single source of information."
"Learning Islamic history is different than Western history, alhamdulillah. We are blessed with eyewitness sources."
"Most of us get our knowledge from speakers, and where do speakers get their knowledge from? Usually from books."
"The tomb was empty. That's historical evidence. We have multiple independent early sources."
"Most of the best theories tend to come from very obscure sources."
"To fully understand the Bible, we are necessarily drawn to sources outside the Bible."
"I added indexes and bibliographies to the books so that you can easily see what sources he consulted in his research."
"Love and force are the two sources for all of our actions. Love causes voluntary actions, force causes involuntary ones."
"Real innovation has lots of different sources. It's usually lots of small pieces, not big chunks that lead to huge advantages."
"Data contained in data warehouses comes from a variety of sources, generally referred to as operational data."
"So Jesus' death isn't simply a point of Christian doctrine, it's a fact of history, as even non-Christian scholars are happy to admit."
"You get inspiration from everything."
"What do we mean by ethics? The disagreement is on the sources from where come our ethical values."
"Expect compliments from unexpected sources."
"It's not an Act of Faith or anything like that I don't think it's a presupposition it's simply having spent about a decade doing it I pretty much convinced myself it looks like Mark is a major source for Matthew and Luke."
"As I look at the relationship of these gospels, Luke specifically says he uses secondary sources, and so I don't have any problem with the fact that he says I studied these things I laid these things out and if he's using other sources that's fine that's wonderful."
"Do you have sources that are independent of one another who are reporting him saying that thing or similar things to that?"
"So much of what we know about Julius Caesar is based on a handful of sources, and those stories are repeated. Some of those sources are Caesar himself too, no, I would say that relative to other great... I mean, certainly Alexander, but... exactly, exactly."
"I feel like healing can come from different places."
"Evaluate the authenticity and accuracy of your sources."
"The poetic Edda is a more primary source than the prose edda."
"So earlier sources are better than later sources."
"Once you start engaging in the content... maybe try to find a few sources that can add to your repertoire of knowledge."
"Calcium is found in cheese, yogurt, milk, green leafy vegetables, soybeans, tofu, nuts, bread, and fish bones you can eat with the fish, like sardines."
"Melatonin is produced naturally in our body and is also found in eggs, fish, berries, walnuts, pineapple, banana, and oranges."
"Magnesium is in black-eyed peas, tempeh, soy nuts, cooked beans, tofu, almonds, cashew, flax seeds, dark chocolate, and fatty fish."
"Change is coming from all over the shop."
"Vegetables provide carotene, a precursor to vitamin A, while animal sources such as liver and pastured egg yolks provide a true vitamin A."
"Wisdom has three major sources. The most critical, the most important of all of that is the scriptures."
"Identify sources clearly. The public is entitled to as much information as possible to judge the reliability and motivations of sources."
"We depend on confidential sources to let us know what's going on and to give us information, and they have to know that we're not going to talk about them and we're not going to give their identity or disclose anything that would put them in jeopardy to anybody else."
"If you want to find the best information, you need to go to the source."
"The story of Atlantis... is by no means the only one, nor even the oldest most ancient source."
"Money flows to me from expected and unexpected sources."
"Without sources, there is no journalism."
"If we have a story that's written 200 years after a historic event but we don't have any earlier sources than that, then it's more of a gray area."
"It doesn't matter if you got your Vitamin D from a mushroom, if you got it from fish, or if you got it from the sun, at this point it's all the same."
"Just ask the question: How do you know? Or to put it more specifically, what's your source?"
"You are only as good as your sources."
"Inspiration could come from any place."
"If you would like to call me uneducated, please come with receipts, please back up your claims with reputable sources."
"You've got to go to original sources; that's always the best thing to do."
"I feel like I can get inspiration from everywhere."
"From his trance state, he explained that he got his information from two sources: the inquiring individual's mind and the universal consciousness."
"History is written by people who use sources and list them in the back of their books."
"Revelation, reason, and experience are the sources of knowledge and understanding."
"The most important thing that we do as genealogists is to cite our sources."
"In order to truly understand the history of the Roman kingdom, we must examine two different sources: the Roman literary works and the archaeological findings."
"It's really important to read the entire document because you learn some things when you actually read primary sources."
"The primary sources from which knowledge of these sects comes down to us are from Josephus, Philo of Alexandria, and Pliny the Elder."
"If you're a historian, you need to go back to the original sources."
"How historians can find a common historical truth is that when conflicting sources all talk about the same thing somewhere."
"One of the most common recommendations is to go to the source of the stories, not just accept hearsay or second party retellings," Erickson advised.
"The supernatural capacity to judge from a spiritual insight whether the spirit operating has a source that is divine, human, or demonic."
"Take a big pinch of salt with these sort of fantasy or biblical storytelling sources, but they are still useful."
"The most important thing is being truthful and being thoughtful about where you get your sources."
"People want to rely on sources they can trust."
"Critical thinking and a good knowledge of sources is like, I wish they taught that in school more."
"Go read the source because you'll often find the sources completely different to what the article says."
"I will not only present you with a biblical perspective but also look at the extra-biblical sources that describe this area."
"Wikipedia is not a source, alright journalists?"
"Inspiration can come from so many places."
"Let me go back to the sources, right? Does that make sense to you?"
"I always tell everybody that you know if you start with good sources, then a lot of these questions just go away."
"Knowledge is not taken from the mouths of men, but from the pages of books."
"We should go back to the early sources consistently throughout this course to make sure that we get the real deal."
"Joy comes from many sources, it can come from things, it can come from people and interactions and relationships."
"Your first reading should be from a very concise source."
"Inspiration can come from many sources, may it be from family or unexpected places."
"What stories do the non-Muslim sources really tell?"
"We have very set sources that we believe in."
"You can get glutamates from other sources like seaweeds, soy sauce, mushrooms, and yeast extract."
"Happiness comes from people, places, or things."
"Sometimes when you're learning English, you learn things from a teacher or from a friend or from a book or from a textbook, and that's all good."
"It's also important to provide sources so people can check if it is relevant sources or not."
"You can definitely learn a lot here, but continue to learn from other sources as well."
"I have trusted sources that I have on Twitter."
"Omega-3 fatty acids are good for you; they're found in fish and some nuts."
"Knowledge of the past and knowledge of sources is carefully intertwined."
"Make sure that there's something behind that, because you want to make sure that who you go to and the information that you're getting is from a reliable source."
"If you're trying to get smarter, you want to read and listen to the best possible sources."
"A journalist has to have at least two verified sources for every story."
"I'm always going to give a reminder that, listen to the source."
"Also, look for more than one source and don't just blindly trust the first source that you find is right."
"The most important reason for retrieval and citing sources is verifiability."
"Magic comes from a lot of different sources."
"Make sure that you have quality sources or knowledge that you know is absolutely correct."
"I became more confident with that source than the hearsay from my interview with my aunt."
"Always look at the first source, second source, and third source of your gain."
"The genre of the gospels, the source material it seems to draw from... those genres are very well defined in antiquity."
"You definitely have to consider the source."
"These radical developments are transforming the availability of primary sources."
"You have to check three sources before you can assume something is true."
"All sources have limitations; no source is totally without value."
"You're not gonna see one source or two sources; you're gonna see a variety of sources."
"The only way to learn true history is to get it from the horse's mouth."
"Our own identity is derived chiefly from three sources: first from our upbringing, secondly from those around us, and thirdly from the media."
"Please listen to good sources; there's a lot of people talking nonsense out there."
"Each individual element comes from a different source in the universe."
"Investigations are largely driven by information; however, not all sources of information are created equal."
"Always look for the original source. I can't emphasize this one enough."
"When we talk about primary sources, we tend to talk about those sources which are direct witnesses."
"If you only get your information from one source, you aren't informed."
"It's just hard to trust people; you need to explore a lot of different sources."
"Just because people prophesy right doesn't mean it's coming from the right source."
"The ideas that I come up with come from all kinds of sources."
"You need to be able to say where you got things from otherwise it's just speculation."
"Check your sources and have a lot of them."
"It's valuable to use more than one source."
"These early sources... not only confront that standard narrative but also help us along the building blocks."
"It's important to remember the primary source."
"The five main sources of the UK Constitution: statute law, common law, conventions, authoritative work, and treaties."
"After completing this chapter, you're going to be able to identify the six most common voltage sources."
"I just reported the facts and listed my sources on those facts."
"It is clear from the literary analysis of the text that it was compiled from multiple sources."
"Inspiration came from everywhere."
"Be open and receptive to information, no matter where it's coming from."
"Some of the greatest things come from the most unlikely sources."
"On the multiviewer, we will see at the same time all the sources we have to play."
"The information is only as accurate as the informant."
"The sanctity of these sources and methods are at the heart of the intelligence community's ability to keep us safe."
"Your greatest blessings and good fortune will definitely come through these sources."
"This post contains a significant trove of verified information from our trusted sources."
"It's a highly constructed work of art that says more about the richness of sources Gauguin was seeking rather than the life of Tahiti that he was presenting."
"It's interesting where you get your inspiration from."
"It's essential that we always credit legitimate sources as a way of saying thank you."