
Language Use Quotes

There are 173 quotes

"The most important thing is to communicate clearly and effectively, using the vocabulary that you know well, rather than trying to impress with complicated or unfamiliar words."
"In idiomatic swearing, words are being used purely for their ability to arouse the listener's autonomic nervous system, to gain their attention, to assert a macho or cool pose, or to express informality."
"If there's only one thing you can say to somebody in another language, if it's expressing thankfulness, then that's just like, that's just a nice thing."
"Language is inherently a means for one group to dominate another."
"The choices you make in the words you deploy... has a huge impact."
"It's not actually the specific words, it is using a type of language that is considered unrefined, offensive, or out of place in respectable language."
"It is time to speak your truth... gather yourselves... banish the word struggle from your attitude and your vocabulary."
"Do not be afraid of informal language thoughtfully and artfully sprinkled through a manuscript."
"That's just not a good justification to use a slur at somebody right."
"It's really English for the real-world, ladies!"
"Think about how you could use English to help someone... make someone's day a little bit better."
"Effectively the way I'm using language is a bit like scaffolding for a building."
"I literally would, I've done that more than once but it's just not a good word."
"So, I hope that all of these expressions, in the zone, on the ball, in the flow, are useful to you."
"We use 'people' and 'folks' to address a group of people."
"Using more inclusive language is a good thing."
"So, it's good to also know that. You might not want to use that word in that way, but just so you're... You understand it better so that you're not in any embarrassing situations."
"People may disagree with me, but I'm never thoughtless with my language."
"We're gonna have to stop using the term African-American."
"We're gonna have to stop using the term black and brown."
"There's a big difference there grammar is how you put thoughts together it's not the vocabulary it's not what you say."
"He understands the language, the format, he's creating, it's ridiculous."
"Language can be inflammatory, unintentionally, and so I don't pray in this... in the name of the Father and Son and the Holy Ghost."
"We have linguistic colonialism going on where these people have taken our words and they've spun them around to be something different."
"Taylor Swift is empowering that gargoyle of a word that squats grotesque and twisted."
"We need better words that don't water down pre-existing words."
"In an ideal world, people wouldn't use slurs. In a practical world, people use them to say [__] you to oppressive structures."
"There's never a good or acceptable way to use a slur to attack a marginalized group."
"Light cursing can make you seem more authentic to your supporters but there are shades of language that are dangerous."
"I'm always saying on the regular, just part of my vernacular."
"Strong words, ladies and gentlemen, strong verbs."
"Think carefully about the words you use and the legacy of cruelty, suffering, and discrimination they might conceal."
"Is language but a means of avoiding silence in one's own solitude or are we obligated as humans to use words in an attempt to articulate silence?"
"The fact that people are using the word space signals a level of enthusiastic forward thinking."
"Language should aid clear communication; avoid mistakes that hinder understanding."
"It's definitely a really useful one to know, it's used really frequently even in some online magazines and blogs and things now but it means to be honest."
"Feminists rekt - we need different words that mean the same thing."
"The language that's used is very important if your goal is to reach like young people."
"A proper constraint forces you to explore language in the neighborhood of the concept you're trying to convey."
"You don't get to use the four swear words... you're not going to have to worry about being able to speak out freely."
"Capitalism: if you don't want to live there anymore, don't use its language."
"Occupy Wall Street used language that PBS will not air; the Tea Party used language that you could use in church."
"Ian isn't racist and he's just using a word."
"I'm a swear free Channel I don't feel like it's necessary to swear in videos."
"These efforts are why I have come to see the fetishization of language and ineffective anti-racist trainings as not just empty but extremely destructive."
"Czech saves this icon player pick bro, I feel like he's always there at the end to save the day."
"Either everybody stops saying it, or we should move to a point where all of us start to look at the context."
"I find content entertaining when people say a variety of things and mix up the words that they use."
"Don't cheapen the word 'Love' by using it to describe people you've never met before."
"We use can to ask for permission to do something."
"With expressing Spanish tense, you can also say things that you do daily or that are habits."
"Now we can throw around words like accessibility and gatekeeping to win arguments but it doesn't change the fundamental nature of things."
"Teachers stop using academic language and standard English as the accepted communicative norm."
"Every word and term is going to have its misuses and abuses."
"People have started using catch-all words to propel their arguments."
"Metaphors are so satisfying, especially if they hit and they're just right."
"Using language as force, denying consent, it's anti-democratic."
"Get woke, stop saying fireman and firemen okay, get offended."
"Your use of idioms and all other language when you speak needs to be flexible, needs to be natural."
"If you use a word in its proper context, how can it be offensive?"
"It's just a word. It's how black people greet each other. It's how Hispanic people be. It's like everyone uses this word except... oh my god, a white guy said it."
"I know I just used it just now, but it was to demonstrate the point."
"People threw around the word criticism so loosely."
"The term warlord that you use with the Prophet, you've never used with Harry Truman, you've never used with Roosevelt, you've never used with Winston Churchill."
"Nobody should be using this word as a term of endearment or using it as a way to cut other people down."
"It's all about intent and how words are used."
"Our words have to reflect how we actually use them in reality otherwise they're meaningless."
"Despite and in spite of are exactly the same so you can use them interchangeably."
"This game's casual language actually makes it pretty easy to understand your goals."
"And I think this is one of the only cases where I've seen a newspaper headline use the word idiot to describe a murderer."
"Using the word 'apparently' in the same sentence as 'I did my research' completely invalidates the fact that you did your research."
"Nonetheless, did you notice something in the video? I did not use a single cuss word."
"His use of language and storytelling abilities are something to be admired."
"But you talk in English is probably one of the most Polish signals I've seen for the European economy."
"Would you use your mother's name as a cuss word?"
"Using specifically something feminine as a slur is actually weaponizing gender language."
"Prioritize using the exact language and phrases from the video."
"It's just like women calling each other bees, it's not the same thing."
"Difficult is a very easy word to use and dismiss."
"A witty person uses words in a smart and funny way."
"Once you start playing with language and start using euphemisms and refusing to actually call something what it is, I've always had that pushback." - Larry Johnson
"The left wants to win by changing language, we need to use precise language."
"My vocabulary was at times too harsh and ineffective."
"If you actually want to use Spanish out in the real world, you need to do things that are going to prepare you for doing Spanish out in the real world."
"I'm allowed three swears before I'm only allowed three swears."
"I will not equivocate, I will not excuse, I will use the severest language I can command."
"It's not just about using the right words; it's the intentions behind those words."
"It's not a word that one race gets to own. Like if you're uncomfortable with the word, then you should be uncomfortable when anybody uses it."
"This is an Alinsky shell game with language in order to gain power."
"Words very rarely come as individuals; words should come in natural phrases of two, three, four, even five or six words that come together to form natural phrases."
"Now is a good time to start thinking about that and examining how we use language and why we use language in the way that we use language to represent events in the world."
"And similar-- you probably are use to the word in just everyday language-- but similar has a very specific meaning in geometry."
"Reframe your language to be more in gratitude and appreciation."
"We actually now live in a world where calling someone a simp can make you lose your career."
"We got to be real careful when we literally start using the language of the oppressors against our own in order to placate them and make them comfortable."
"I never mentioned the word sin because it makes people feel bad."
"Please stop using the term rare for things that are not."
"Corpora are used to understand how language is used by specific communities and users."
"I'm sorry, but I don't have nothing in my purse. Sorry, I don't have nothing."
"I think over the past three or four years, I say 'Adidas' more than 'Adidas,' really, Matt? Don't be that."
"A corpus should be a representative sample of language use in light of research objectives."
"Your vocabulary is one of your strongest points because uh you were using a range of collocations in some idiomatic language in different topics."
"Another little sliver of that, another little linguistic trick that I often apply is do away with the word 'side effect.' Just literally do away with that word. Act like that word doesn't exist. Everything a drug does is an effect."
"Our thinking and language use are shaped by practical challenges and cultural evolution."
"I love the use of the word 'cloying.' That should be used in audio file descriptions."
"Understanding is what lets you use something fluently."
"Your fluency comes from really understanding something so you can use it fluently."
"We need to be more precise in our language."
"The more words that you use that are purposeful, the more likely people are to feel excited, engaged, and passionate around you."
"You can't say that you're for gay people but then you're using the word gay to try to insult someone."
"Avoid depreciating language towards yourself or your work."
"It's not to perform... when we speak, it's to communicate."
"We create that environment where they have to do it."
"Bilinguals usually acquire and use their languages for different purposes in different domains of life with different people."
"Language is a tool in which we use to communicate, but not everybody uses language in the same way."
"Language is how we communicate; communication is how we lead."
"Language is defined by what people do with it."
"I stopped using the words never and always."
"Use the vocabulary that you are comfortable using because you can't control what other people say."
"The second principle for learning a language is to use your language as a tool to communicate right from day one."
"When it comes to speaking English, we use the simplest tenses for most people most of the time."
"Language learning takes place when you use language for real-life purposes."
"When you use big, what I call 'three-dollar words' or 'two-dollar words' when you can use a one-cent word, you actually come across as either pretentious or like you don't know what you're talking about."
"We have these high frequency phrases and words and idioms that people use on a constant basis."
"It's valuable for us as a society to soften a lot of this language, being less prescriptive."
"It's not about what is a grammar point, but what is a natural-sounding thing that people would use in this situation."
"What do people say in this situation? That's what a language pattern is."
"You need to focus more on output, using the language rather than just taking it in."
"I use English on a daily basis, whether I'm talking to my international friends or colleagues, using social media, or watching some shows."
"Use language that fits the situation."
"Use your own words; you don't want to repeat a lot of words from the question."
"Every time I speak it or use it, I am carrying a part of my history."
"Use nice language and explain your points nicely; that's what gets you into the fours and fives."
"If you regularly express your thoughts and ideas in English, even if there's no one there, that does help."
"Lexical resource... can you use natural English words and combinations of words?"
"The focus that the CEFR has is on the communicative use of the language."
"Enjoy everything you do while using the language."
"How do we determine whether we're using our verbiage correctly?"
"You can learn English grammar naturally by using the language."
"I don't like to throw the word 'hate' around so lightly."
"I'm one who when loving dictates inside me, go on using my language."
"The current rule of thumb is not to use food to describe skin color."
"We all speak, we all read, and we all write, and that's all we are doing using language."
"Formal use of the language is not better use of the language; it really depends on the situation."
"It's important to know the situation you're in to know what type of language you should be using."
"Languages die when no one uses the language."
"Think about all these things as you go out, design your suit, get out, have a fantastic time learning and practicing your English."
"Do your daily activities in your target language where possible."