
Divine Focus Quotes

There are 63 quotes

"Why is it that he created the vastness of the universe... and he is hyper-focused on what you do with the stuff between your legs when you're in your bedroom?"
"Only Allah should be the most important thing in our lives, only Allah should be our ultimate focus, our ultimate love."
"God hasn't called us to ignore the longings in our hearts; instead, he wants us to find our ultimate joy in him."
"More important than the work of the Lord is the Lord of the work."
"It's not about the information... It's about the connection not with the words, but with Him who is behind those words."
"Blessed are you when persecuted, for it's about what God is doing in you, not about them anyway."
"Nothing is more simple than this: as soon as [a problem] comes up, think about God."
"All of it points to God, all of it points to the wonderful splendid Savior."
"I repent for creating idols in my life, for ignoring your ever-abiding presence as I pursued people to fulfill a place that should have been reserved for you."
"That's what's at the top of the only Mountain that matters."
"Friends of the Holy Spirit are Jesus people. Friends of the Holy Spirit are obsessed with the person of Jesus."
"Cleanse our hearts, O God, until all we see is you."
"Remember, the Lord is filling your vessel, your focus is on accuracy, not on every word being written."
"Take time to withdraw and look at the Lord with the eyes of the heart."
"Live your life with yahuwah as your focus and your priority, and let his love for you cover you so that you can be ready for him when he calls."
"The temple was meant to be observed from the outside, to be a focus for the gods."
"God gets the glory. Only God gets the glory."
"Pray for me, but don't pray to me... Pray to God."
"Be really careful that you don't miss Jesus by accident."
"Faith is the ability to say, 'I'm putting my eyes on the goodness of God in this moment.'"
"Whether we go through the high tides or the low tides, the only thing we should ask for as a boon from Krishna is that, 'My Lord, may I never forget you.'"
"God clearly over and over again wants his people to have their hearts and minds set on him as the source of their joy."
"Clearing the spiritual debris for God's attention."
"Don't allow the devil to make you too busy for God."
"What if instead of putting yourself at the center of your spiritual practice you put god, goddess, or nature at the center? How would this change your approach?"
"This generation that we're in, it's kind of like an overlap between the older generation and then their children right now that God is focusing on."
"Grace focuses on God. 'I will be merciful to their sins and their sins and iniquities will I remember no more.'"
"There is an appropriate space for reflecting on the past," notes the commentary. "But it shouldn't detract us from God's current work."
"...we will be with the Lord forever, and his lordship will be most on our minds."
"The mind that is stayed on him, he will keep you in perfect peace."
"Focus on God and be concerned about how God sees you."
"Everything in heaven points to Christ."
"Anything that pulls us away from God, no matter how good or beautiful it may seem, ultimately does not serve our greater good."
"It's not about you anymore; it's about Him completely, and something happens inside of you where you know you can't lose."
"Live in the spirit, you see God, you don't see the situation."
"God's entire focus is rulership on the earth through mankind."
"My eyes are toward you, O God the Lord, in you do I trust and take refuge."
"Stop performing for those that are trying to get their attention and keep performing for God."
"...people need to be focused vertically on God's truth, God's Will, and God's view..."
"My joy is becoming less dependent upon my own immediate circumstances and more attached to what He is doing."
"The main thrust of the word of God is the god of the word."
"Allah does not look at your figures, nor at your attire but He looks at your hearts."
"They that walk according to the spirit set their mind on the things of the spirit."
"Putting God in the middle of this situation is the best thing."
"Keep seeking the things above, where Christ is seated at the right hand of God."
"The inspired text of Genesis 1 and 2 is more about the who of creation than the how or the how long."
"Joy, peace, forgetfulness of the world and everything except God."
"Choose nothing, just live your life for God's sakes, and enjoy as much as you can."
"Every teaching of every prophet, and specifically of Jesus Christ, points only to one person that is the father."
"Run with perseverance the race that has been set before us, fixing our eyes on Jesus, the author and finisher of our faith."
"When the world was busy with its own affairs, God's eyes and the heart of the Messiah were on the lowly state of Israel and upon the temple in Jerusalem."
"Instead of beginning with man and his world and working back to God, we must begin with God and work back to man."
"On Calvary, all of God's wrath was focused in one place."
"All religion must have God for its object, or else it is nothing before Him."
"Always think of the Lord; what will you gain from hundreds of worldly thoughts?"
"Seek true peace not on earth but in heaven; not in men or in other creatures, but in God alone."
"Proper worship, real worship, or rather pure worship, has substance in the sense that it's not about your entertainment but rather everything is about God and glorifying Him."
"Abraham's Nation focuses on God's name so God will make Abraham's name great."
"Focus on God rather than yourself."
"Keep your focus on God. Do not just give Him the glances or quicken gazes; keep your eyes fixed on Him."
"When you become focused on God's presence, your soul will begin to align itself to that."