
Microtransactions Quotes

There are 156 quotes

"Baldur's Gate 3 devs have gone on record that the game will never have microtransactions at all."
"Knowing anything in your game is optional and buyable means you need to make it desirable."
"Once you add gambling to your game and give potential in-game advantages for real money, you're firmly within pay to win territory."
"Did you know what you would do? It all began here, patient zero of the state of gaming is that horse."
"People have been talking about the microtransactions, yeah, I see chat keep mentioning that it's $2 to change your appearance."
"Everything you unlock in Star Wars Squadrons is through gameplay. There's no microtransactions at all in this game."
"The notion that properly marketed, properly budgeted, and properly developed AAA games, particularly single-player ones, must include microtransactions for major game companies to thrive is one of the greatest lies that the gaming industry managed to sell."
"Gamers are really appreciative of a fully complete product with no microtransactions. It's the mystical word, the forgotten language of years past: 'feature complete.'"
"Live service games with battle passes and content roadmaps make a lot more money after launch day thanks to microtransactions."
"Microtransactions have evolved, morphed, and ballooned out to a now unbelievable extreme."
"Having optional cosmetic microtransactions in the game is not going to affect your gameplay."
"I hate how people call them microtransactions, but there's packages to buy it for a hundred dollars."
"I'm not at all saying I didn't use Robux or I didn't pay to win. I used a lot of Robux, but I also played this game for like three days straight."
"It's time to celebrate... we beat the Pay to Win demon."
"I think there's good ways of doing loot boxes."
"Red Dead Online introduced something Rockstar has never done before: a secondary premium currency similar to what the free-to-play mobile games use."
"If players simply didn't buy these crates, they would not be added into games in future."
"Nintendo decided that their creators program was going to rule how YouTubers made content."
"A big draw of video games is time away from the [ __ ] of the world and now time and time again microtransactions, loot boxes, ridiculous cosmetics, advertisements are now being aggressively shoved down our throats in our video games."
"Why can't a studio like Naughty Dog continue to make some of the best most innovative games with no yearly release calendar and little to no microtransactions?"
"Don't buy microtransactions buy video games."
"Microtransactions themselves aren't too bad, but they create a continuous stream of income."
"I don't think you should support anybody that charges you a fee to play to upgrade your version of the game that you already purchased."
"Activision Blizzard made $3.37 billion from microtransactions last year."
"Economics fuel much of this problem: with the progression system comes unlockables, and with unlockables comes microtransactions to acquire them immediately."
"This feels like the end of this microtransaction culture because it's gone so far beyond ridiculous."
"Don't buy microtransactions, and they'll stop putting them in."
"It does devalue accomplishments in the game when people can just buy them for USD."
"Post-launch micro-transactions turn video games into a fucking honey trap."
"Minecraft went from being one of the purest indie games to having microtransactions."
"I think we're gonna about to be on the last level."
"Activision rammed microtransactions right up the thing in December 2016."
"The normalization of microtransactions in premium games has been a truly sad thing to see."
"Nobody cares about it like a cosmetic like this I don't care about it nobody cares about it if they want to add it as a [ __ ] like some transaction microtransaction who gives a [ __ ] unobtainable in other ways I don't care no gameplay impact."
"No loot boxes, no microtransactions, just a game for people who want to become a Jedi."
"You and me as it happens some human beings aren't as smart as others and unfortunately we've all supported predatory microtransactions one way or another."
"Companies in general are trying to sell you on the idea that microtransactions and loot boxes are [ __ ] features."
"All the complaining legitimate or not does not mean a damn thing if you turn around and you buy microtransactions."
"I was so excited for this game until I played that beta and saw those loot boxes."
"I just mean personally I'm probably never gonna like loot boxes tied to progression in a game."
"It's fair. They don't abuse you with loot crates. They don't hide all the best cosmetics in the cash shop. And they don't even put the cash shop in the game."
"There shouldn't be a thing in a game mode like FIFA Ultimate Team."
"Microtransactions are a cancer to the gaming industry. Hopefully they'll be illegal within like the next five to ten years because it's legitimately preying on children to like get their parents' credit cards and to spend ungodly amounts of money."
"Doom Eternal will not have microtransactions or an in-game store."
"Every microtransaction you are about to see is entirely cosmetic and does not affect your character's progression or power."
"I think free-to-play with a cosmetic only cash shop is one of the best options."
"The weapons banner is there to punish whales."
"A paid boost doesn't solve the problem, it avoids it."
"The boost creates an unbalanced player base."
"Animal Crossing has this nasty habit of everything being hidden behind a paywall... literally everything in the game at some point passes through the bottleneck of bells."
"Horizon Forbidden West wasn't designed around microtransactions and around grindy content. It was paced just right. It's a game with integrity."
"We kept all of the loot boxes and the economy of real world money turned off in playtesting."
"It's a devaluing of gameplay itself. That's what microtransactions are."
"Guild Wars 2 has been a very solid product in terms of delivering consumer friendly microtransaction purchases."
"Fall Guys has the best PR, colorful art style, in-game microtransactions that can actually be earned, and you can play with 60 other people." - Mr. T Lexify
"We don't want to see that the game we play is becoming exploitative in its microtransaction practices."
"Every time you want to do something cool it's, well you can't, you have to go to the cash shop."
"Fortnite is really just a maturation of those systems, a refinement of every habit-forming trick and microtransaction pressure point developed in the last decade."
"Free to play crystals count, shout out to Mirage Memorial!"
"It was truly unbelievable that 343 industries would bring this into Halo Wars 2 after the backlash of microtransaction brittle the halo 5."
"Mobile games are the future. We're gonna have full-fledged games on mobile devices flooded with microtransactions."
"Elden Ring is a complete [ __ ] game with tons of content and no microtransactions."
"Star cards and progression in loot crates that people can buy with real money will always be frowned upon."
"In hindsight home was ahead of its time it rode the early wave of microtransactions and online social networking had the focus been that from the start it might look entirely different."
"Fundamentally, Lost Ark is a free-to-play Korean MMO, so it kind of goes without saying that there's going to be some things on the cash shop that people would consider pay to win or heavy pay for convenience."
"I truly believe no game should cost $2,000 for in-app purchases."
"It is, in every sense of the word, pay-to-win."
"Microtransactions should be to the worst extent giving you a boost but not making you overpowered."
"To the extent that you pay money into a microtransaction, it's a bad deal."
"It'd be a fun way for players like myself who are willing to buy the battle pass, obviously make nineteen money, we'd all buy it and we'd all be happy."
"The focus on microtransactions is not going anywhere."
"Let them know you don't want online-only DRM in a GT game, you don't want microtransactions in a full-price game that's worse than free-to-play games."
"The game actually rewards you with some of the premium cash shop stuff for achieving various milestones in the game as well."
"Loot boxes are a plague and pay-to-win microtransactions have no place in gaming."
"Microtransactions should be a term that goes away."
"The atomic shop was created this has made a lot of people very angry."
"The majority say we wish that loot boxes weren't normalized in these games."
"It is steeped in the same energy as those groveling halfwit game executives who tell us microtransactions are great because they let players 'skip the grind'."
"The reality is, when you pay money in free-to-play games, your expectation should match the service's lifespan."
"I'm tired of seeing these [ __ ] packs and all these loot boxes, I hate it."
"As long as classes, gear, or items aren't locked behind the premium seasonal pass I'll likely just ignore it."
"Microtransactions, they ain't going anywhere."
"We've kind of put our foot down and said there's going to be no way for a player to spend money to gain an advantage."
"You literally make more money through microtransactions by just making a good [ __ ] game in the process."
"We've replaced cheat codes with microtransactions. Those are the new cheat codes."
"Sony exclusives might all fundamentally play the same, but I gotta take a well-crafted complete single-player game with absolutely zero microtransactions."
"No premium currency, just a massive slap in the face."
"It's nice that you can set your times to chit chat with a fictional character... but it kinda sucks you have to stick with it unless you wanna pay up to change it."
"I've always thought microtransactions were obnoxious and shady and whatnot, but now I just feel like it's a terminal illness that may have already spread too far to be cured."
"Whenever you introduce microtransactions into a game that didn't previously have microtransactions, you're needless to say gonna get a little bit of mixed feedback."
"The game really isn't super pay to win... it really won't be pay to win unless money is not an object to you."
"This isn't a pay2win thing; this is a pay for convenience thing."
"We don't need all these micro transactions, it's just pure talent."
"As far as I can tell through all of this they are saying yes we have these purchasable microtransactions but they are just cosmetic."
"I despise cash shops in all video games. I would personally throw all of them into a pit and fill it with the currently very expensive gasoline and burn it all up if I had the power to do so."
"Ultimately, if people don't buy these microtransactions, that I think keeps it pretty much keeps you in the straight and narrow."
"Microtransactions are also really, really unobtrusive."
"There will be no microtransactions whatsoever in outer worlds."
"They might have a dynamic variable of how many loot boxes they want you to buy before you get the item."
"Microtransactions in a full-price release? I cannot trust you."
"This practice will lead to more developers locking essential parts of their games behind extra payments."
"It's not the Krakens that fund the 1 billion dollar game, maybe it is the $2 packs and the hyperdrive bundle."
"Baldur's Gate 3, a single player RPG with no microtransactions, is beating just about every game on Steam."
"Baldur's Gate 3 statement on microtransactions warms the heart."
"Microtransactions will never be seen in the same way as they were once seen."
"We've committed that content purchasable with real money in Marvel's Avengers will be aesthetic only additions."
"Prepare for the actually terrible part of Diablo Immortal: the microtransactions."
"The problem arises when is when the developers create something that's like intentionally difficult to get past or complete without purchasing microtransaction."
"There was a day where people would riot against horse armor in Oblivion and now we're all just kind of cool with you know every player being subject to psychological torture to milk their wallet in every game they play."
"It's optional to justify microtransactions, willfully ignoring how video games are designed to be grindier and less convenient."
"I'm so glad that they canceled microtransactions you guys, such a good solid idea."
"Given how lucrative microtransactions can be on mobile devices, it might have been tempting to go down that route."
"Marvel's Avengers will have microtransactions for skins, emotes, nameplates, and takedowns."
"Star Wars Battlefront 2: EA overturned everything, removing all microtransactions."
"It's not pay to win, it's pay to skip the grind."
"Epic games made three billion dollars in profits from all of the freakin microtransactions."
"The lightning Network is ideal for small payments, under $25, especially for microtransactions."
"The lightning Network allows for transactions as low as 35 cents, showcasing its low-cost capabilities."
"There has been some people, to their credit, having genuine discussions about these microtransactions, and I think that is healthy."
"I think for microtransactions, ZK is actually a really, really important component of this because ZK allows us to basically customize execution environments."
"You can have business models that are AI compatible with digitally native microtransactions where you can charge the AI fractions of ascent to access a service or to access a function or to access some media."
"Not only did they lock creation crystals to make them impossible to reset unless through a bug exploit, but they added loot chests and microtransactions."
"...his only request was the original two games stayed free of microtransactions and stayed at a fair price."
"The idea was to create a low-cost microtransaction-based model of broadcasting."
"Microtransactions are where games started, and all we've done is go full circle."
"Users are getting more comfortable with microtransactions and paying for subscriptions."
"I love how Final Fantasy 14 handles microtransactions."
"Products that use micro transactions or economic systems as tools for other things, like maximizing revenue extraction from unhappy users, will lose in the marketplace against products that use these tools to actually improve the customer experience and make the product better."
"Fundamentally, we reject the premise that micro transaction systems must come at a cost of user happiness."
"Unless people stop purchasing entire games outright, the small fraction of players who buy into these systems will always dictate that games revolve around a system of microtransactions."
"That was like the most brilliant thing in business when people went to free downloads on app-based games and then in-game purchases."
"What we're talking about is the creation of low-cost systems, micropayments not just cents but even hundredths of a cent."