
Narration Quotes

There are 676 quotes

"No game to this point has managed to recreate so faithfully the voice of the dungeon master, simultaneously guiding you through an adventure whilst throwing up roadblocks at every turn."
"Narrating a PowerPoint is actually a helpful feature, particularly if you're a faculty member or a student."
"Mary and Max is perfectly paced, perfectly acted, and narrated."
"The voice of a great narrator or a really good storyteller will keep you engaged and perhaps take you on a journey in your mind."
"Narration reinforces the gameplay experience."
"A good narrator can make a good book great, and a great narrator can make a great book epic."
"Plastic has literally become a part of nature." - Narrator
"Congratulations to Peterborough United... lifting silverware... at the home of football." - Narrator
"The awesome narrator drew me to this game in the first place."
"I have no words so I guess we'll just move on to the final character."
"Sit back, relax, grab a cup of coffee or tea, and enjoy today's narration."
"Innocent until proven guilty, always." - Video narrator
"Don't form an opinion until you have all the facts." - Video narrator
"I highly doubt that they would have abandoned Natalya if they weren't absolutely certain that she was an adult." - Video narrator
"Super Mario Kart was a surprise hit." - Narrator
"Being able to see somebody have a high skill level, see them work in real time, and have them narrate and talk about what they're doing the whole entire time."
"Before we get to number 1, my name is Chills and I hope you’re enjoying my narration."
"Here's Bruno, he'll go himself. No he won't. Oh, what a goal! What a goal that is."
"Army ants: perseverance personified!" - [Narrator]
"The narrators really did a great job at keeping me in and keeping me surprised."
"Murphy is always a win even when narrating the creative star within a star."
"Live your life and then live there." - Narrator
"Alrighty, where do we begin? So this story starts about 10 months ago."
"That is the collapse of the Mongols and exactly where we're gonna leave off."
"The man is someone who stood up for the rights and dignity of all men." - Narrator
"Family, faith, fidelity to the common good." - Narrator
"Public service is a noble calling." - Narrator
"This is the only narrative you've ever heard and this is the only one you're gonna hear."
"No game is perfect... but his narration would have carried it on its own."
"Could this photo perhaps show the spirit of a former patient?" - Narrator
"My name is Desmond Miles, and this is my story."
"Actions undertaken at Marqua on the 28th of September 1918... Tandy's platoon had been attempting to take a crossing over the Canal de San Cuenta when it came under heavy machine gun fire and was unable to progress." - Narrator
"There is an island in the North Atlantic where people have been looking for an incredible treasure for more than 200 years." - Narrator
"A truly touching end to the Survivor Series." - Narrator
"The world doesn't get to tell the tale, we do."
"Daniel LaRusso, two-time All Valley champ!" - Narrator
"I love the unreliable narration in this, narration is one of my favorite aspects, like good cool interesting narration is one of the things that will really get me hooked on a book."
"This one is wonderful, it's narrated by Bailey Carr, January LaVoy, and Samantha Dez."
"Celebrity narrators: Whoopi Goldberg, Josh Gad, Gloria Stefan, Neil Patrick Harris, Angela Bassett."
"Thank God these tapes got confiscated by police." - Narrator
"Transparency is what we deserve, transparency is what we should be fighting for." - Video narrator
"That's what they do. They get you and then they do the narrators to those documentaries, they're just like Kondos."
"Well, this chapter isn't going off to a sparkling start."
"Vin Diesel narrating space adventures, what a time to be alive."
"Through the heavily stylized but fresh and exciting narration, Bastion's narrator added a ton of life, atmosphere, and charm to the story."
"This is great to hear... they really really really care about the polish." - Narrator
"This video was very strategically narrated... not everything is how you see on social media."
"Thomas has had seven different narrators over the years, and at least three could be considered famous."
"So I'm sorry if this voiceover is a bit disjointed. But you know what? We're here together, we're in this together."
"The only one with someone else - my wife Sarah - helping do the narration."
"He spoke with certainty and a particular clarity as he chronicled his experiences."
"Hajime narrates his tale of betrayal, making Yuvi tear up."
"As long as we're there, they were allowed to not care." - Narrator
"The book has a really recognizable voice, and that's partly because of the narration."
"Fred's videos set up the theme that he's not a reliable narrator... he's prone to making things up to be dramatic."
"He told the story like a fine movie director would."
"You'll join me on my walk, and this is what's happening on my walk."
"History starts with Herodotus' Persian Wars, it continues with Thucydides' Peloponnesian Wars, it continues with Xenophon's Hellenic Wars, it continues with Caesar's Roman wars, and on and on."
"Emil tells the story of his dangerous journey in the most dramatic way possible."
"You've got to have the eye... It's learning how to bring that story together."
"Now it's time to hear her side of the story."
"Breaking the fourth wall with your narration and breaking the fourth wall by talking to the audience on screen are two different things."
"Is unreliable narration a sin? No, it's not."
"I'm going to take you guys along with me the entire journey."
"I'm getting ready to cross the street."
"Let your fighters narrate their misses and their dodges."
"She then informs him that he will be residing in the Rose Palace, the same one where his mother Satara once lived."
"He had a strange sinking feeling in the bottom of his stomach as if something awful was about to happen," the narrator described.
"His urgent narration complete with deadpan humor, colorful descriptions, and well-harnessed enthusiasm made an average match exciting but elevated marquee bouts into the god tier."
"It's mostly just a leisurely boat ride with some narration about life in the Wild West and you get to see a few scenes you couldn't see otherwise."
"The Cadence and colloquial autobiographical confessional style immediately creates a kind of warm intimacy."
"I could almost hear them narrating my demise."
"Nothing happened until we had both been in bed for more than an hour."
"Long ago there was narration in the early years of the second age. Which is less than helpful considering I have no context for when the first or third Ages were."
"I open the door and I'm like, 'Oh [__],' and then that's when Bo, he come out, Will up, and they was like, 'Close the [__] door, close the [__] door, man, listen.'"
"We got to the airport, I'm sitting here at breakfast with Danny."
"Angela Vidal is someone we know and love, who was our guiding force and narrator for that first terrifying movie."
"The narration in this movie is its own character like a campfire storyteller he connects the vignettes and holds our hand through the entirety of the film."
"All legends are born in truth and nearly all movies are born with narration."
"You constantly have to stop doing anything so the narrator can catch up with his long-winded explanations of what's happening."
"He rulev calls it and describes the bullet hitting the gas pump and causing a big Michael Bay explosion."
"Nell explained to FR that saki had endured unfortunate circumstances for a long time."
"The first Great Western democracies; we might usefully recall an African proverb: Until the lions have their own historians, the history of the hunt will always glorify the hunter."
"They just show the character's profile on screen while the narrator explains their single defining trait."
"The way Jackie breaks the fourth wall by addressing the camera directly and therefore speaking directly to the viewer, makes us feel like we're actually in the room with her."
"It's been a lovely day, but now it's a bit cloudy and blustery. Let's go inside and see what we can find. Shaking, let's go thrifting!"
"I love the cash you done it go what did you do no no that's weird voiceover guys of it run across the bridge insane and they're still like the same that we all grew up with it's mad"
"A story so insane, so vast, and so riddled with incidents."
"Every day we write our own biographies by living, and remembering, and narrating."
"I said that's fair enough. I actually had some, um, how it all started originally."
"So this being built right before the Civil War, Colonel Short moves in and very soon he moves back out because the war comes on."
"We're gonna head back to my house and get all the keepers into the ponds and tanks."
"The chest is not lying when it narrates what he saw."
"The rest of the video is going to be a voiceover which is good news for me because I won't be interrupting my own self anymore."
"I'm going to take you on a tour of this balcony here."
"The train had a tour guide that told us stories as we traveled and pointed out sites of Interest."
"Oh, and also fun fact if you didn't notice the narrator of this movie who mentions things every once in a while but primarily here at the start of the movie is actually John Hurt."
"He asked me, 'Can you describe the guy to our security guy?' and they said, 'Yeah, he looks like you ethnically, but he's bigger than all three of you.'"
"In a matter of a couple of seconds, we had out at the plate and a strikeout, two gone."
"He continued to remove her clothes, sir."
"When Crystal Lee finally started talking, she didn't stop for 4 and a half hours. Her story was stunning."
"Could there be a sweeter arrangement? Over and over, he gets to ask it. I get to tell."
"Do you want me to describe it to you?"
"One thing I love about this series is its usage of the unreliable narrator."
"His voice-over narration was the closest thing we can get to comic book thought bubbles."
"Until next time, peace out," the narrator concluded.
"Utilize AI voice overs for narration."
"Literally every line of it let me tell you instead a new tale, I'll lay it down as I've heard it told."
"Then with a voice tinged with both sadness and love, Sarah spoke."
"The team hold it and took a knee as they heard Vulture proclaim, 'The small object just flew through the air and struck one target, they scattered and two new signatures are flanking them.'"
"I took supper that night, or rather we took supper."
"I got her okay to narrate the activities of the entities so I was speaking aloud to her while they were doing the thing."
"Live adjudication here as they cook, three Kim they cook for Caymans come through."
"...so what we're getting ready to say is there's probably not going to be a whole lot of voiceovers maybe I don't know..."
"Doc recounted his version of events: 'Suddenly rustlers emerged from their cover behind the bank, raining down a storm of bullets upon us.'"
"I hope you enjoyed that combat story. This is easily one of my favorites."
"Tell us about what happened here, David."
"Narration was created as a crutch for those who could not tell their stories through visuals."
"She told me the most extraordinary story."
"The sourcing of an entire cast's worth of VoiceOver living on screen in gorgeous Gothic detail."
"It's wonderfully tragic and a little funny that we see Joe's fate right off the bat. The entire film's worth of great narration is seen through the lens of a man we already know to have died trying to be a writer."
"How many different ways can a voice come at us out of sync and still mean something? This narrator bets there's at least 10."
"So let me explain to you how this went down."
"It's at this point Dater also notes that Uzumaki that Gara was strong, continuing the narrative that Dater was surprised by Gara's strength but never really overwhelmed from it."
"...the thing that puts it above those other shows, is the narration."
"Well, I finally got there, I finally got the head off and yeah, I probably skipped quite a lot of that because it has taken so long."
"It catches you up to speed through Tara's narration regarding who she is and the actions that she has done."
"All important movies start with flying through the clouds and narration. Wait, did I say important? I meant cliche."
"It was a big open flue and free from any suggestion of hiding places or corners," he narrated. "Yet of course I did not trust to any such casual examination."
"I love that I can sit here and narrate this and really make the information one way, but make the stories really vibrant."
"The narration is convoluted but oddly perfect."
"Listening to the author narrate their own audiobook makes it profoundly more powerful to listen to."
"So that's Jessie's story, isn't that really what happened?"
"This machine is so big. Whoa, do you see what's happening? Yeah, those belts are lowering down to the water, and then they're gonna submerge themselves in the water."
"Tolkien deliberately encouraged his readers to pay attention to the potential limitations of his narrator's perspectives."
"They're literally just standing there having a discussion."
"...the dominating vocal performance of narrator VOD bacham."
"We all come running into my bedroom, like, what the hell is going on? This and then we're all back in real time all of a sudden and this is like five, like, like 10 plus 5 all of a sudden."
"Attention ought to be paid to the presumed Identity or more accurately identities of the narrators."
"To me it is a benefit a boon that I get to be able to narrate these stories for so many people and have them just rekindle their imagination from when they were a child."
"Having rich narrate the challenge is actually a welcomed bit of humor to lighten the mood."
"Henry jumps off the cliff and just hits the water and there was no teleporting so Jenna volunteers to go talk to Clay."
"My voice or my narration here is going to be the main thing, the most important thing audio wise in this video."
"Confessionals are the storyteller of the season."
"...oh my gosh he's huge he's huge hold on to him Jay that's a huge one oh my gosh that might be the basement I've ever caught here get out of the grass I got the net I got the net oh my gosh oh he's fighting good come here he is fighting so good wow."
"She got to be like I made out. Yeah, I mean she did so they're living now as different people. No, well, they're the same people they just living. They're going to each other's houses for vacation."
"Dietrich folds and now Sam Soverall, King five of clubs."
"So, let's get this over with. So we start off with these awful drawings as Dick Van Dyke tells us the history of the trolls... How they prank the humans and have been doing that for thousands of years."
"The voiceover does a lot of the heavy lifting here."
"Kevin doesn't raise, just calls by renaming and the flop is a three three eight, three of a kind for Kevin Stallman."
"Narrate audiobooks. People will pay you to read books."
"A guide for looking at these group of characters and puzzling out who they used to be five years ago." - Narrator
"She's been savage and disfigured, like Theon." - Narrator
"And as they were doing that, one of the workers building a road up to the top of the hill where the main shaft was, he was plowing a road and as he was plowing the road, he saw something yellow pull out under the plow."
"A story of what happened during that hour."
"'He had some definite ideas as to what he wanted, he being a campaigner.'"
"There are even unreliable narrations in the sense of that line."
"So anyways I'm at the hotel let's do a tour."
"Paul Revere will ride west from Boston toward Concord to warn them of their approaching Redcoats."
"All I know is this sets off a string of events that happened next. I have no [ __ ] idea what's going on."
"But the night ended in a pretty unexpected and kind of scary way, so let's rewind time and I'm going to show you that now."
"I must have heard the boy say it."
"Michelangelo's returns as the UK narrator as always, but it just sounds bored."
"That's not my only story of somebody being thrown off a building."
"Come on baby here com a turn it's a queen Steve has taken the lead that is a devastating card for Brook lighter and I say that because he cannot win if the king comes up anymore."
"And Mahomes steps up throws are late for the end zone is Kelsey from Patrick Mahomes alone I got 2 31 to go in the first half"
"We're making this big run and he sees all these boats out here in the bay just kind of seemingly out in the middle."
"It's the historian's job then to try to tell the story as best you can."
"The narration and editing sometimes at that time I still owed a little, today it's a little better."
"There's actually a freaking story this time."
"I love how it's like, I had to read the narrator's part there 'cause the narrator's gone, did you notice that? That's actually a really nice touch."
"'Swearing to himself, Daniel collapses and tugs the shiv out of his thigh.'"
"There were two people in the car, a guy and a girl."
"I thoroughly enjoyed it, the narration style I just thought was superb."
"The stat makes for a slightly more interesting and enjoyable narrator."
"It's like this book was written and narrated by Siri, just conveying the information in the most robotic way possible."
"The tall woman threw out the information as if saying she had just walked down the corridor to purchase a snack."
"It's self-paced. So, it's my voice, it's me sharing the screen."
"As a great raconteur, Bob Ballard knows how to leave a story just a little bit open-ended."
"we told them everything that happened"
"I'd love to narrate some stories that take place in or around cathedrals or churches."
"Let me tell the people what happened."
"Tracy describes what happened in his interview."
"Ray Porter agreed to read my first audiobook. He's been incredible."
"Nobody's actually heard my account of it."
"So you know I'm still over here cool so um so what happened was right so check this out there's four kings in the deck right..."
"Man, what a story. I mean, this goes from when this fella is young, and it's like this odyssey of experiences from on his end all the way up to the game warden finding out about teams coming in, killing these things in the South. It's a spectacular story."
"He's going through there absolutely no matter what DAV is doing everything he can to hustle but he's got cold ties he's got no grip he had to shortcut over the top and rle out the other side and they managed to tell the tale both of them."
"Anyway that's my creepy story, I hope you guys liked it."
"Your story, you want to tell it well."
"So, that's hard to pass up, and he just kept on robbin'." - Narrator
"It was absurd thing to do, of course, even if there was a physical cause for Daniel's behavior." - Narrator
"It's really weird because the story somehow feels slow and rushed at the same time."
"There's nothing better than fan fiction, especially when narrated by a cast."
"But Sandow, you'd have to almost have Sandow there because the way he narrated whatever was happening and he'd read off a scroll and it was very, very good, very, very creative and very enjoyable to watch."
"Everyone is so friendly; people are smiling. This gentleman gave me a good narration about the independence of Nassau from the Bahamas from Great Britain."
"Always be narrating to stay in the flow."
"That ladies and gentlemen is our story."
"Roy tells the story of how the last Kyut had his head chopped off by one of his slaves."
"I'm here to provide it for you. I'm here to give you the story."