
Implications Quotes

There are 415 quotes

"The existence of Thorne-Zytkow objects would have really profound implications for stellar astronomy."
"I find that science fiction grapples with the implications of the setting elements more so than fantasy does."
"The implications of this truth on the debate around the existence of ancient high technology are utterly profound and entirely devastating to the orthodox claims."
"What I'm interested in, though, more is the big picture and the ramifications of quantum mechanics."
"I'm just wanting y'all and myself included to think about the larger implications of the things that we mindlessly consume and participate in."
"It's a change that's truly global in scale and implications."
"This is a worrying precedent with wide-ranging implications for journalism."
"In Hollywood, actions sometimes speak much louder than words."
"I think a bigger and possibly more important question is whether we should."
"Seditious conspiracy is a very serious charge."
"The spectacular level of dishonesty and its breadth and its reach does make me... I am concerned about the level of fiction and what it might imply about other things."
"Is there the possibility that that becomes a part of the defense?"
"And as to why developments like that might matter, I think we're only now starting to unpack the potential implications."
"Fanny is going to subsume all of the Trump prosecutions."
"The implications of it would be enormous, not only for the archaeological World but also for our modern world."
"As soon as you regard this technology, then you can start talking about it not in terms of you're invisible or you're not invisible but of all the pros and cons."
"What's freaky is the implication of what the kid's talking about."
"Flying is really just levitating, and it has massive implications."
"She's got those shooter boots on, you know what that means."
"If deep blood proves the existence of vampires, then whose existence will the Imagine Breaker prove?"
"Prosecutors are considering the implications of the conduct that we describe in our report."
"Someone with a dead body in the car doing all this back and forth. What does that tell you if that's what happened?"
"This corruption has a national security implication beyond measure."
"That can absolutely swing an election, and we know that it has."
"What message are we sending to people in regards to the idea of violence?"
"Or was there something more nefarious going on?"
"Every time we convict an innocent person, the real perpetrator remains free."
"Let's actually dive deep into the policy and the potential consequences for our lives that these policies have."
"I'm not suggesting that those rules were violated but I think it's important to look at that."
"And, more importantly, what does this mean for the MCU as it stands today?"
"The judge's ruling is a monster decision with widespread implications for free speech."
"It just makes me wonder, was he behind that?"
"The silence of many people does speak volumes."
"What if this opens the door to all the other accusations that have come our way?"
"Choosing not to let someone or something take your happiness or your independence away from you."
"It wasn't just what was said explicitly, it's what was implied by the things that weren't said that to me also were a bit of a red flag."
"The attempt intent behind these lies seemed clear and it is deeply troubling."
"If Ukraine Falls, that emboldens Xi Jinping to take Taiwan."
"There's no way to slice that where that is not bad stuff and it appears to be bad stuff."
"I saw a seed of fascism there and really wanted to understand where that was coming from and where that could lead us."
"If he's a Fed like Kanye said, doesn't that put things in light when Diddy's lawyer was just crying the other day that all this mess is happening to him?"
"What all of this means is, there is going to be major changes."
"The fact that there's a bit of a freak out over it is actually positive because one of the things that you might expect is that, you know, BB would prefer Trump to be in office."
"But the implications of those story focus changes come into effect."
"That speaks volumes as to what kind of person he is."
"It's a fascinating situation, it's a cautionary tale."
"This is a big deal. Kamala Harris, this is a historic decision that will have huge implications in the future."
"The role of outside actors in all of this is extremely important... It will reveal exactly why the United States government never utilized intelligence derived from its own sources."
"Access to technology is another major implication of the sanctions."
"The stakes may be higher than you think regarding the aliens."
"You've created a world where what you're suggesting is actually evil or wrong."
"Multicultural ethos is just a code word for a whole set of things, primarily what you meant before."
"People are trying to figure out... that indirectly implicates this."
"The implications are huge and all of the foibles that have led up to this have been funny but also a bit alarming for China."
"If you didn't do it, you wouldn't be sitting here."
"The word conspiracy doesn't even necessarily mean that there were other people involved in the planning and execution of the assassination."
"It's big news not only because this could have an impact on the Biden administration's ability to replace a liberal justice with another liberal justice, it also communicates something. It implies something."
"Quantum computers: implications for the military."
"What might happen if and when we discover evidence of an alien civilization."
"Colonialism in any form is potentially infantalizing to those who are under colonial rule, but the two approaches to the institution had different outcomes."
"I think politically we're always since Watergate the impulse of both sides is to try to get things investigated as a crime so that will then expose the person as a criminal."
"Just what is it that the Democrats are so worried about?"
"It's not hard not to connect him to the special executive order issued by Trump."
"If any of this is true, we are in some pretty big trouble."
"It could mean much or it could mean a little."
"What are the political implications of constant surveillance and artificial intelligence?"
"The great voids have profound implications for cosmology and our understanding of the universe."
"The implications of which can extend far beyond our own lives."
"The way people say things says a lot more than you'd think."
"It is super important for all sorts of things beyond this stupid, stupid war."
"The implications of this are actually quite large."
"If thoughts were prosecutable, we'd all be screwed."
"The final point that I want to make about the meaning of this resistance is democracy."
"Imagine the implications for moral judgment, empathy, deception."
"Starting from truth and spinning out its implications, beautiful or not."
"Johnson, when they're going down there to Texas, he is at risk of getting thrown off the ticket and then he's at risk of being thrown in prison. This has to be understood."
"Fortunately, with the little tech note, that technology, we do, you couldn't get away with it."
"If we are being observed and studied by extraterrestrials, it stands to reason."
"The existence of these does beg the question."
"The real story is why Dojo is different from other supercomputers and what implications this has not only for Tesla but also for the wide world of artificial intelligence."
"Its implications are as far-reaching and awe-inspiring as can be imagined."
"The ongoing U.S extradition case against WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange is disturbing and has worrying implications for all journalists." - Alan Rushbridger
"I think it's a metaphor, but what it represents is way worse."
"It's kind of wild how twisted a song like this really is."
"Implications for what human consciousness is are profound."
"Another important thing about this impeachment that we have to recognize is what it tells about all of our foreign relations."
"There's a lot of statements that I imagine we're going to talk about that suggest that there's some kind of underlying mental illness."
"He left the brewery and he never came back and I think that says plenty about him."
"This is not just a bribe, this could also be considered an extortion."
"The Fallout TV show definitely has some interesting implications on Fallout lore."
"Three identical strangers: a captivating story with profound implications."
"I always start these theories by looking for the moments in the show that seem to be implying more than they're letting on."
"There's something about the way that character does that thing there's something about what they're doing not the thing itself that resonates with you."
"Genetically modified human embryos: implications are great, could program DNA."
"Numbers don't lie right so you know something's going on over there."
"If she invites you to come over to her house alone, I mean bro, what are we even talking about at this point?"
"The implications of this discovery are vast."
"Implications of having a gigantic account like this taken over are much worse than a simple scam."
"If you specifically remove that implication, it's gone. They can't use that."
"Remember that self-love is not selfish as Liza Koshy so poetically explained it, loving and caring for somebody when you don't love and care for yourself."
"Not recognizing countries makes the whole system break down."
"But whoever did it, if it exists, it would change everything."
"His silence speaks volumes because Tommy Davis has witnessed crimes..."
"The realization about the universe being deterministic has grave implications regarding the existence of free will."
"Wow, this is actually more serious than we thought."
"It's about you and your values and if that's truly an implication for you that you can't get around then that's valid."
"The revelation of UFOs goes far beyond its political and social implications."
"That's really saying, 'You learned your lesson.'"
"Choosing which weapon you'll use in that game... has massive implications for every in-game choice you make."
"The chilling implications of the Anunnaki myth challenge our understanding of human history."
"Even when words are synonymous, the implication of the word is slightly different based on its usage."
"The case has implications for higher ranking figures but the indictment is mostly immediately devastating to the reputation of the many famous news personalities who hyped the Steele story."
"The implications of this discovery are fascinating. This could mean potential for innovative applications and advancements."
"Impeaching Trump makes Mike Pence president. It solves nothing."
"If string theory was found to just somehow not be right, then you have to start thinking about rewriting all the textbooks."
"The election made some things present and it made other things absent."
"We will keep an open mind and our detailed investigation will seek to gather sufficient evidence."
"Being delayed doesn't necessarily mean that battle mage is delayed too."
"That is bad news. That is very, very bad news for this White House."
"Everything together... is incredibly damning."
"Was Umuamwa really an ancient aliens exploratory craft? If it is, it means we are indeed not alone. What's more, it means we have undoubtedly been found."
"The implications I think are huge, there's no laboratories involved in this."
"This decision has huge implications because it says that if this government or a future government does not like some Canadians' views, it's okay, you can just go ahead and use the emergencies act."
"The implications of such transitions are vast and multifaceted."
"That would, in that instant, politicize the agency forevermore."
"If they have the power to ban them, they have the power to ban you."
"This has direct implications for American democracy itself."
"This case could redefine it...she knew very well that her PAC had nothing to do with the shooter."
"Imagine if they battle Man City for me, that's what that means for the title."
"We knew this was gonna have serious implications for rat dick's future on the channel."
"And the implications for disclosure are really significant."
"The implications for herd immunity are potentially huge."
"Personifying AI is not as harmless as it is when we ascribe the same kind of traits to our pets or our toys."
"Despite essentially being caught red-handed."
"If the law is too broad, it's going to criminalize a bunch of conduct that we don't want to criminalize."
"Indeed, combined supernatural and natural parentage would imply such characteristics." - Unknown speaker
"Wanda vision and Doctor Strange and the multiverse of madness are going to feed directly into each other in that what happens with Wanda and Wanda vision will establish where she is and that maybe even things that she's encountering drag."
"When you create a global system that you can essentially turn off access to somebody's funds, that's going to change the game."
"Maybe there's something there to think about."
"The more you test, the more positives that you will find."
"You bring them out on a boat to the middle of the lake or the ocean and then you know because of the implication."
"Many implications of how this is going to be used."
"The comments have now been removed from the video, which really just says it all."
"The implications cannot be overstated if this is true."
"It's weird that he declined it, 'cause then it almost states that he had a relationship."
"Clearly, there's some important information; obviously, there are some huge implications from this."
"Stopping terrorism is good, but not simply because terrorism is bad, but also because even worse than that is the reaction to terrorism."
"The emergence of alien life could have numerous implications for humanity."
"It also has implications about segment tree which is kind of cool."
"It's brought up some pretty big questions in terms of the wider use of the lower airspace."
"The implications would reshape our understanding of the universe and the very nature of space travel, astronomy, and physics."
"The implications of Silva and Zeno's teaching methods are interesting."
"It's going to create a huge problem for the prosecution during the trial and then on appeal."
"The discovery of water on and near the lunar surface carries great implications for humanity's future beyond Earth."
"The film rides a really fine line in making the arms race such a compelling journey with the implications of winning the arms race lingering over the character's heads."
"There are many ethical implications."
"Either we're alone in the universe, or we're not, and either way, the implications are staggering."
"The finale also leaves us with a new sheriff in town but with some serious implications."
"I think that has big implications for how we think about cell biology."
"The implications of Sukuna, a human turned curse, being the benchmark of JJ K's philosophies is very worrying."
"Every movie could have larger implications."
"It's interesting to see the implications it had on the characters' backstories and abilities."
"The implications of which still send a wave of Terror down my back at every thought."
"The implications were staggering, hinting at a scope of existence far beyond anything previously imagined."
"Fallinel will find a way to have a relationship with the Elven oracle. Do you understand the implications of what I'm saying?"
"But I do think this is huge for domestic violence victims. It's huge for guys that have been accused falsely. It's huge for first amendment right, defamation, what you can say, what you can't say, the implications of saying something like this."
"It does not everything but without knowing what the implications of your actions are you can't decide what actions are good now the science tell you always which actions are good no but it can tell you what the implications of your actions are."
"There's some big implications for this new introduction into the spring universe."
"The impacts trickle down to everyone through increased rates, increased costs of food, and a whole host of other implications."
"Bringing back Palpatine has huge implications for the original trilogy."
"If Jesus Is God and he conquered sin and he's the authority in our lives then Downstream that has implications for our time and our bodies and sexuality and all sorts of other ethical issues."
"Doesn't that all support just how strong and robust circadian biology is and how messing around with it can have unforeseen implications?"
"But is it actually free? Or has the cost just not declared itself?"
"The everchanging ceiling has massive implications on Dragon Ball as a whole."
"So it's crucial to be aware of this new change and its implications."
"If we find that it's technological in origin, that of course will have huge implications for the future of humanity, for the way we envision our place in the universe and so forth."
"I think a good case can be made that the implications go far beyond, and that it should be a matter of rather considerable concern."
"This new regime has a lot of implications for portfolio construction."
"The electroweak epoch has profound implications for our understanding of particle physics and the Standard Model."
"Theories of quantum gravity carry profound implications for our traditional concepts of the universe's beginning."
"This finding has profound implications for the fate of the universe."
"The implications of this kind of technology are profound."
"There would be a real appetite to do that kind of work because the implications are enormous."
"'The implications of this case are not just about the people who have been victimized by these two people, but about his connections to the heights of finance, tech, media, and most importantly, the intelligence community.'"
"AI is not necessarily just a fun little feature on Snapchat anymore or a fun little thing that you can type in and ask questions. I think there's a lot more that's happening and a lot more that's being weaponized now."
"Sounds like morning sickness," he repeated, as Beth grappled with the implications of her situation.
"The snap had devastating implications on every living being in the universe. It's the sort of catastrophe that changes everything forever."
"There are skin implications, including the way that scars form, whether the skin is soft or stretchy, bruising."
"We know that there are osteoarticular and musculoskeletal implications, including things like flat feet."
"She is left wondering about his cryptic remark and its implications meanwhile a discussion about a missing girl possibly involving a stalker unfolds on the news."
"The implications of this socially, politically, ecclesially, it gives us something really good to build on, something you don't have to apologize for."
"The implications are pretty amazing. It means that the books of Moses were written a lot later than people used to imagine."
"This discovery could have huge implications in the search for life in the cosmos."
"What's implicit in that statement makes me weak."
"Is driving easy? I tend to personally believe that solving driving will have really deep, important implications."
"Results without causes are much more impressive."
"The implications aren't cool. It's sad, it's worrying."
"We are in the midst of a peaceful intelligent revolution, and it is far more important to remember this knowledge, learn it, and know its implications."
"And Kendrick seemingly mocks but I don't think he's really like egging Drake to go on at this point like I think this is this is like so easily applying to like a lot more people um than just being directly you know at Drake."
"These are not the only companies that will meaningfully benefit from artificial intelligence."