
Emotional Comfort Quotes

There are 135 quotes

"What's amazing about a moment like this is you can actually feel her heart rate slowing down."
"I'm trying to create a comfortable space for uncomfortable feelings and uncomfortable conversations."
"When you feel like this, look at a rose in the garden and think that it makes sense for us when you feel like this."
"My peace I give to you; not as the world gives. Let not your heart be troubled."
"There are some that say, 'Think back to when you were a baby,' how your guardian would stroke your hair."
"You really don't deserve dogs - even in one of the darkest days in American history, you'll find at least one dog trying to make it better."
"No matter how crazy things get, it makes them feel better when they see a smile."
"She's making me feel so comfortable right now, this is going to be my girl."
"My girls are home. Know today that your family lay you to rest."
"Just make sure that you feel totally comfortable today, and no one will ever hurt you."
"There's never a good time for somebody to pass away but they're still with you because they changed who you are."
"Carly reassures her brother again insisting things will be okay."
"Isn't that the point to like bring people together make people feel less alone?"
"Touch actually lowers our levels of cortisol... makes us feel safer and more calm."
"If you ever need a shoulder, you can lean on mine. I can cop you a rolly, that's if you need some time."
"I just don't want to be alone after everything. Can I stay with you tonight?"
"I am always here for you, ready to cheer you up and console you when you're down."
"Everyone wants to know it's gonna be okay, peace, you know what I mean? Peace."
"If you have that history... food is coming and it's okay."
"You don't know how hard I prayed for you. I never told a soul, but just know you had a prayer warrior by your side."
"It feels so good to be on this- this silly- This silly, daft place that I call my home."
"He knew that everything was going to be okay."
"This album just sort of gives you a sense of comfort in every sort of way."
"Thank you so much for everything, it's been a rough day. It's so unbelievably comforting to have a place like this."
"You are not alone; I'll have nightmares on your behalf."
"Thinking of you brings calm to my soul, wow that's beautiful."
"It's not about physical proximity, it's about not feeling comfortable with yourself."
"I appreciate someone admitting that you're like scared, you know. Thank you for talking about that. I don't know, it's comforting."
"Whenever I feel far from myself, I turn to Sylvia Plath."
"Knowing that you're loved, knowing that you're not here alone."
"There is a kind of sense which is like everything is going to be okay there."
"Your kind words may be what keeps me from crying today."
"Just the thought of you helps them feel at home."
"Everything will be okay, and that feels very powerful."
"You guys made me feel better just by being here."
"I'm so excited that I can share this and it feels safe now."
"Laughter shared between soulmates warms the spirit in a way no coat could ever."
"You feel like everyone’s in competition. And it’s always good to have a shoulder to cry on, or someone to rub your shoulder and be like, 'It’s OK, I’m here for you.'"
"It just feels so good to know that you're not alone sometimes."
"The last thing that I want to talk about isn't a thing at all, it is my cat Gus."
"When no one else was there for you, God was there for you."
"The sweetest words... 'I'm praying for you.'"
"All she wanted to do in that moment was hold the stuffed animal close."
"It's nostalgic, like sitting in your old room."
"Living in a place where you won't be judged, feels amazing."
"People are wanting to care for you and let you know how special and important you are."
"Moonlight cookie, the moon will always shine."
"Do you know what is the deepest desire of the human heart? We yearn for refuge, protection, and comfort."
"When you are flushed with worry and you think, am I going to be all right, and then you suddenly know. Yes, yes you are."
"You are my sunshine, and all my concerns melt away in your love."
"When someone's in trauma and you have no way of understanding what they're going through, the best thing really is to show up and shut up, hold them, cry with them."
"Food is a comfort, it's like your friend. So when you're on a diet it's like losing your best friend."
"My house for me is a home, and so it has to represent home."
"Hearing his voice again on a song, some new Nipsey verse... like it was soothing to me."
"You ever just wanted someone to virtually hold your hand through a video game?"
"Thank you for just being here, now, even though we have problems, you still manage to make me feel less lonely, Zora."
"Having a good supportive birth partner is key. Their presence is all you need sometimes."
"Visualizing has the powers and capabilities to help manifest dreams and goals that you have desired, therefore putting you in a state of comfort."
"Dying need not be something we fear, it's the status of being dead that can be scary."
"Relationships should not be dramatic. Relationships should always be fireworks and relationships should not make you feel unsettled. There's something to be said for comfort, companionship, and kindness."
"I'm glad you said no that that gives me a lot of Hope and peace."
"How do you feel about being comforted by lies? It feels immoral and offensive."
"The fire represents comfort and consumption, depending on its behavior."
"I cannot get over how magical these plushies are. They are just so cuddly and cute, and they even talk to you whenever you need a friend. You're my new friend!"
"Fall in love with you fast and they get a sense of Peace around you like none other peace calm true Joy."
"The first thing that loved ones in spirit want us to know is that they're okay and they also want us to know that they love us."
"If you're ever feeling a bit down, come to Pigs in the Woods, meet the piglets, you're gonna feel much better."
"It's so nice when they're here, you guys, like don't you feel like we kind of get a taste of our old lives?"
"A cuddle is a nice thing, it can be quite soothing."
"I gotta know if I'm ever not here, my dogs will protect the people that are most important to me."
"It's a book for anyone... it's so gorgeous that on a day where you're not feeling so good you can just sit there with a cup of tea or a cup of coffee and just randomly open a page."
"You've got your precious Mother by your side. That should be plenty."
"She buried herself in his chest while he stroked her head."
"You handled it as well as anyone could. I don't think any less of you."
"Don't you just love the holiday season? It always makes me feel warm and fuzzy inside."
"You make me feel calm and free. This person feels very safe with you."
"No emergency period kit would be complete without our favorite chocolates here at the Nan house."
"People just thank me for giving them some kind of comfort. The show feels like there's warmth to it. I think people have needed it right now."
"It's how I felt and I felt very secure in these games, I felt like nothing could get to me."
"Her books feel like a warm hug and kind of tuning into something that you just know is going to make you feel better."
"There's nothing quite like giving a puppy a belly rub with your whole hand."
"You are the only thing that will help me fall asleep."
"It was honestly like the safest place that I've ever felt, it felt like the safest place that I've ever been since the start of the pandemic."
"I feel accepted, I feel warmth, I feel an intimate connection without being sexual just completely platonic."
"Lola is still hurting from the news of Sid Arthur so it's no surprise that she decided to dress in an outfit that would bring her comfort and remind her of home."
"Friendship is having people in your life that you can feel whatever you feel around."
"You just feel it washing all over your body, adding a layer of protection."
"I've been dreaming so much lately about your face when you're smiling. It's the only thing that saves me."
"If I'm ever sad or feeling down or having my doubts I'm just calling you man."
"I called my mom, she was the first person I called. She talked to me and she called me every single day after that."
"Seems like I can finally rest my head on something real, I like the way that feels."
"This outpouring of love and support provided a sense of solace for Zandra's family."
"Corny usually means safe. Not safe as in weak, but like I feel safe around you."
"True friends rejoice with you and give you a shoulder to lean on."
"Your person desires deeper intimacy, deeper closeness, that feeling of euphoria, that feeling of divine comfort and healing to feel like one with you."
"He's such a lovely soul watching our videos makes me get past such dark times."
"I just have a sense that everything's gonna be okay. I know it's gonna be okay."
"You feel like a warm home to me, and here is forgive me, I've never felt this way before, I do not know how to act."
"Just by looking at the picture of your beloved one you can feel a sense of relief."
"I felt more relaxed now... and thought that everything would be all right."
"This connection is like chicken soup for the soul, it's very healing, very nourishing."
"It's visually exciting with bells on... there's a lot that will make people... smile and feel hugged."
"That made me feel a little bit better."
"Love thine own soul and comfort thy heart."
"I was extremely homesick... I decided that I needed a pet. When I first saw Turtle, my heart was full."
"It just feels like a warm hug in album form."
"When the whole world is on your case, I could offer you a warm embrace to make you feel my love."
"I was moved by the warmth of another person and it felt so comforting that I could only cry through my tears."
"This too shall pass, I think didn't Jesus or somebody say that?"
"Hello Internet! Welcome to Food Theory, the show that's not here to make you cry."
"They have their good days, but they also have those days that you know you wish you was at home with your momma's cookies."
"You're not alone, it doesn't always have to feel that way."
"It feels like returning home, you know?"
"I need Papa to come flying through that door and wrap me up in his arms and say, 'I've been waiting for so long, and you're right on time.'"
"Midnights is that friend... when you're going through your worst moments."
"Having somebody to just give him a hug and understand him goes a long way."
"You've been the bright light in my dark nights."
"Buy more yarn, it'll make you feel better."
"I love it. It soothes me. It calms me."
"Finding other people who were going through similar things really, really helped me just knowing I wasn't alone."
"This brownie... you are what I needed this whole time."
"Certain fast food desserts make you feel like everything's going to be all right, and that's one of them."
"It's always the arroz caldo that gets me, the flavor is so good. It makes me calm."
"Knitting without tears is a great one."
"You make me feel warm and fuzzy on the inside."
"I think if I die, I know a big piece of me is still with you and that makes me happy."
"It makes me feel less lonely inside, and anytime that can happen, well, it's a good feeling."
"She didn't feel overwhelmed and she didn't get frustrated, and that is huge."
"Musical talents that could soothe the most troubled soul."
"It's very emotionally soothing, it kind of gives you a sense of happiness within."