
Growing Up Quotes

There are 75 quotes

"You're 13 you think you're grown, you're 16, still think you're growing, 19 you feel like a child again."
"The days are long, but the years fly by. You look up, and your kids are like 18."
"It's a timeless tale about being forced to grow up too fast, having the burden of leadership thrust upon you."
"All children leave the nest one day or another, sir."
"The process of growing up remains a very difficult and painful one, which makes it rather hard to really be envious of youth."
"The problem with adolescent fantasies is that you grow up."
"Foster's Home for Imaginary Friends offers a poignant and insightful commentary on the challenges of growing up."
"As kids we love the heroes and as adults we understand the villains."
"I can't stop Andy from growing up but I wouldn't miss it for the world."
"I pray for the child that they make it to age 21 and they could claim their own identity."
"What are the hard truths that you learn as you get older? For me it was finding out Santa Claus is not real."
"You never get to be a child again once you're not a child anymore."
"Growing up isn't the focus of the show; the focus is to celebrate being a kid."
"That creative channel stays open where we might be able to see a new possibility."
"The red panda is a metaphor for growing up and how that transition happens."
"It's hard being a parent, man. I'll tell you, you turn your back and everyone's suddenly a grown-up."
"You develop who you are by the things that are around you when you're developing. It's called growing up."
"Okay, she's done, she has all grown up into a very, very cute little grown-up madam."
"18-year-old, they've got to learn the fire is hot someday."
"Are we there yet? Are we there yet? Are we there yet? Next thing you know, these kids is 16, 17, 21, 22, 25 and they've been loving you since they was four."
"A massive congratulations on finally being old enough to swim in the deep end of the pool. You are now officially one of the big kids."
"Rapunzel is grown up. The boy has become an adult. Flynn is grown into a really handsome man."
"I just miss there were so many great memories that I had as a kid growing up there."
"Oh, it hurts to grow up 'cause nothing makes sense anymore."
"Dipper and Mabel are forced to come to terms with the fact that their time and adventures in Gravity Falls will eventually come to an end."
"It doesn't matter that summer might come to an end, or that Dipper and Mabel don't know where life might take them, because that's part of growing up. And it's what makes the moments they do have together so special."
"Peter Pan is selfish, but it also makes sense because the whole point of Peter Pan is that he does not want to grow up."
"Growing up is scary. Who knows what might happen once they leave the shelter of the Mystery Shack and the comfort of their friends? Who knows if life might lead them apart?"
"My kids are getting older, and I'm getting sad because I feel like a lot of this stuff they're just like, 'I don't really want that anymore.'"
"He's a big kid now, so it's bittersweet but you know it happens."
"Childhood is when you idolize Rigby, growing up is when you realize Benson made more sense."
"We got a whole new kid who just wants to grow up so fast."
"Peter Pan has to grow up, and he does."
"Her mother said, 'Kathy we all have to grow up. It's not the easiest thing in the world to do but we all do it.'"
"Growing up as a child, all we wanted to do was grow up."
"High school is terrifying from an outsider from either end. If you're coming from... if you're looking back or looking forward, it's horrifying."
"It's part of the ecosystem of growing up."
"I have never been in a rush to grow up, I like to take my time."
"This boy right here, man, I mean he is at that age, you know?"
"I think that this is what it's like to grow up."
"She just wants to be so grown up like her sister."
"Part of our growing up is to feel all that pain, to learn to grieve, is to learn to be sad and joy, because they all, it's all part of the human experience."
"Growing up, there's not a lot of perks."
"It was the time I realized that not all kids grow up to what they want to be."
"He shook his head and he said with a smile, 'What I'd really like, Dad, is to borrow the car keys, see you later, can I have them please?'"
"We're all growing up, Scotty. We won't be kids for much longer."
"It's the oldest story in the world. One day you're 17 and planning for someday, and then quietly and without you ever really noticing, someday is today, and then someday is yesterday, and this is your life."
"At 6 years old, their chores became more demanding."
"This will all make sense when I am older."
"I'm so excited, 18. It's kind of an achievement for you too, like you've raised your first teen."
"Enjoy your childhood because once you're older, you can't do stuff like that anymore."
"You're double digits now. You'll never be single digits ever again."
"Don't try and grow up too quickly because honestly, you just get to the point where you're like, what am I going to do when I'm 21? I've already done it by the age of 18."
"When you grow up less than a year apart, you basically mature, go through puberty, go through a lot of situations, emotions, feelings, and things together."
"Time won't stop and she won't be in high school much longer."
"It's very natural and it's in fact very important for kids to break away from their parents at this age; this emotional separation actually helps them to adjust into becoming adults."
"When you're little, you're like, 'Can't wait to grow up,' but then when you grow up, you just want to be little again."
"Welcome to adulthood, Cash. I'm just glad we're not babies anymore. That was a nightmare."
"You're growing up fast, Morty. You're growing into a real big thorn straight up into my ass."
"Growing up isn't always easy, sometimes it's hard."
"Growing up trans can be a really rough, isolating experience."
"Now Travis, you're getting to be a big boy. While I'm gone, you'll be the man of the family."
"You don't ever really have to grow up; that's just something they tell you."
"Maybe it's because the kids are getting older, and I don't know how many more summers they'll want to hang out with their parents at the pond."
"...I will say now that I'm older, thank you for the babysitters."
"Growing up in the 2010s, it's really hard to think that 2013 was already 10 years ago."
"When you're 13, you stop getting kid birthdays. You're more of an adult now."
"I'm a big girl now, Ma. I don't stain clothes anymore," she showed her bunny teeth.
"You will grow up in a blink of an eye and move out and be on your own, but no matter what comes your way, I will stay right here beside you to catch you if you fall."
"Mind your business, children. Find your business. Stay in the child's place," my mother used to say.
"Back in the days when I was young, I'm not a kid anymore."
"You're expected to be both a kid and adult at the same time."
"You don't have to get rid of the childhood things that you love just because you're getting older."