
Localism Quotes

There are 111 quotes

"The answer to all of this is actual localism."
"The economy is more complicated... you want things to be contained at a local level to increase not only productivity but the circulation of currency internally."
"You've got to remember we're not overseas; we're in our own backyard."
"Localism and decentralization is the antidote."
"We've got to be much more locally based. We've got to eat local, preferably buy local."
"Using that kind of solidarity and subsidiarity let's go local first, buy local, pray local, time approach."
"The best government is local, local solutions to local problems."
"The best way to stay out of the national and global change and policy shifts is to get local with your resources."
"In a perfect world every saber-toothed meal is telling the story of a local terroir."
"You need to know where your farmers are... keep the money locally for our own people around our own local communities."
"Small is good, local is good, different is good."
"The lib Dems are the worst of the bunch. They are coasters and they talk about local people, localism, precisely because it's a license to not be political."
"We want to protect our land just like you do."
"Parallel cultures will emerge. Localism is going to be important."
"When you do go to a small country town, you don't need to head to the biggest, most shiny multi-conglomerate chain."
"Norfolk steadfastly says no to the homogenization of our high streets, fighting tooth and nail to keep Norwich free of faceless multinational brands."
"We need to be able to pick up the things that need to be done at a global level but we also need to be modeling that at the local level."
"You need to think global but act local. If you're capable of acting local, you understand. But if you think global and want to act global, it's not your local."
"There's something really joyful about even something like the slow food movement. You know, just take your time, get food from nearby to where you live, eat it fresh, eat it in season, pick it yourself."
"Local materials minimize transportation and pollution."
"Local stuff really has become sort of important to me in the last few years."
"Do your best and you know maybe next month or maybe next week when this hallway is done I can go back to going to the local shops and buying local produce and focusing on my vegetable garden."
"Maybe there is some dynamical reason why the universe that we live in is so well approximated by local hamiltonian."
"Turns out that all the stones here used to make the town are local Stones."
"You don't have to eat the food that the grocery stores are forcing on us that's been trucked in from thousands of miles away."
"We want to grow a tomato that has flavor locally four seasons."
"Keeping it local is the way to go."
"It is really a great reflection of combining external technologies with local materials, local people, and local cultural and social preference."
"If you have local control of your economics, your food, your travel, you have freedom."
"It's buy local, it's eat local, it's bank local, invest local."
"Local affections tend to dominate human affairs; we tend to prefer what's our own."
"If you're in the growing number of people who are concerned with environmental credentials, animal welfare, and you want to be reassured about what you're buying, then my top tips are to think local."
"All I want with the Prime Act is just a little bit of freedom that can allow people to buy the healthy food that's locally grown."
"We're moving from a fossil fuel-based economy within Central Florida towards a renewable energy, locally grown energy source for the City of Orlando."
"We've opened our eyes to the importance of local farming."
"Eat locally and eat according to the seasons."
"You don't feed the world; you feed the local, and that's how you feed the world."
"We have to rely on local knowledge."
"Decisions are best made at the at the lowest and most local level possible."
"We're going to have to start thinking very locally and very modestly about how we're going to do this."
"We're gonna have to get simpler, we're gonna have to downscale all of our activities, make them less complex, and probably more local."
"Localism, growing, producing food locally... that would be a better model."
"African solutions to African problems."
"He also stressed the need for Africans to support each other and patronize locally manufactured products."
"We've gone past our local sphere of influence; we got to get back down local, organizing, clean up your neighborhoods."
"The last best bastion of local content you see rather than having media channels that come from New York, Los Angeles, other places around the country."
"We actually waited to get our bike from our local dealer; we did not drive out of state. We kept our money in the town."
"Eat local, eat seasonal, eat traditional."
"It's very, very, very important to get things that are locally acclimated and grown here by someone that knows what they're doing."
"I try to buy local coffee whenever I can."
"We need to move toward a sustainable economy that is local in nature."
"Things that should be done locally should be done locally."
"It's all local focus, it is such a seasonal rotating menu."
"I've always believed in sustainable, small local food movements, organic food."
"This is a local shop for local people. There's nothing for you here."
"Meanings are made at the local level; there are no universal meanings."
"The future is local, and a return to local manufacturing is imminent."
"We need less extractive production, less consumption, we want localization over globalization."
"It's about using the local wood, the local proteins, and the indigenous cooking methods of the region."
"Prior to the pandemic, we saw consumers really embrace local and community."
"The movements are themselves globalizing... even if we insist on local issues."
"Go local or go home, right? Local is the best."
"The biggest way to do that is to get people to eat regionally and locally, know their producer, and not be going to a grocery store to get their beef."
"Food and livestock is grown and sold locally. People spend much more time reading and talking together face to face."
"I have a lot of hope, but I also do think that it's great wisdom to have a stocked pantry, have a relationship with local food sources."
"Localism is favorable for the local economy."
"I think people want to feed their kids local raised food... trying to keep your food less processed is what all of us really want for our children."
"It's really important to me that nearly everything from our wedding is sourced locally."
"I'd call it evidence for local conditions being different all over the Earth, which is actually evidence against a global flood."
"African solutions for African problems."
"It's important that it remains local and accessible."
"Masonry is sustainable; it can be made locally and local materials equal local employment."
"It's important that we localize food growing and provide education."
"Most problems are best solved at the local level where people have actual knowledge and experience with the particular challenges."
"I really am a romantic and I really cradle this localized approach to it."
"We need to reduce our dependence upon the globalized food system, eat more local and eat more seasonal."
"Grow local, shop local, support local."
"Localism is a little bit different these days than it was."
"I'm a really big advocate for eating local compared to going out to the store and buying prepackaged goods."
"NIMBY stands for not in my backyard, essentially means people who are okay with development as long as it's not next door or across the road."
"Small farms are very difficult to compete on commodity crops, but if they look to specialty crops and producing food crops that are at a higher price point and selling them locally, that might make it easier for them to compete."
"We should really take solace in the adaptations that we've seen at the local level."
"If Red America were to go from people who took pride in the corporate product to taking pride in the local product, that might be a beginning."
"Let's prioritize quality and local production."
"I really believe in employing my community and keeping my money as close to my house as I can."
"Buying local as much as you can supports local farmers and gets you high quality products."
"I think as many of us as can grow as much of our own food or source it as locally as possible, that's better for our health, the plant's health, the soil health, and everything else."
"I encourage people to eat locally and seasonally."
"Now that we've been picking a lot of our own produce, it's brought in a lot of the local customers."