
Comfort Zones Quotes

There are 126 quotes

"Comfort zones, what they are, the science behind comfort zones, how I expanded mine, and why you should too."
"Moves of the Holy Spirit upset the religious and the comfortable."
"Being able to learn how to be comfortable being uncomfortable is one of the top things to being successful."
"The things that we truly want require us to come out of our comfort zone and open up and be vulnerable."
"I want to be on the side of glory, I don't want to be on the side of safe, I don't want to be on the side of comfortable."
"Your business will succeed when you get really comfortable with being uncomfortable."
"It's not about believing it or not it's you may be put in an uncomfortable position don't worry about that just just don't even worry about believing it or not just listen to it."
"Nothing good is gonna come out of you being comfortable."
"Step outside your comfort zone and trust your intuition."
"Devastating in his own element right, but then you take him out of his comfort zone, he just crumbles."
"Some people want to be in this position. It's comfortable for them."
"Get out of your comfort zone and learn about yourself."
"You got to take those shots, you know? Leaning into that stuff, which is very uncomfortable for a lot of people."
"You have to be pushed to your breaking point in order to uproot your entire life otherwise why would you if it's a little uncomfy you're just gonna deal with it because why Rock the Boat."
"I just couldn't make it happen so I wound up defaulting to like a comfort zone which is not what I wanted to do here."
"It's important to confront ideas that you're not comfortable with."
"It's fun, yeah. I mean, I like you, Dr. Drew, so I'll go past my comfort zone for you."
"I'm not trying to have one-size-fits-all prescription that everyone does. That would be crazy. It's just about exploring the part of that spectrum that you're less comfortable with. That's where breakthroughs come from."
"If we can get comfortable in the uncomfortable, that's a recipe for happiness like no other."
"Life begins at the edge of your comfort zone."
"You cannot be comfortable and be Christ-like."
"Nothing good happens in the comfort zone oftentimes, so it could be a good thing for you to stretch out of your comfort zone."
"There's going to be a strong emphasis on where you feel safe with the people with whom you feel safe."
"You have to step outside of your comfort zone."
"Some people don't want to open their mind up to becoming better people because sometimes your own comfort will restrict you from your own happiness."
"Be willing to get uncomfortable, learn a new skill."
"Comfort zones: there are two times you need to be on guard, after you win and after you lose."
"The brain loves habits... that's why growth comes from just being uncomfortable."
"Keep raising the bar, get out of comfort zones."
"You're probably gonna have to walk away from comfort zones to be successful."
"Growth is painful, change is painful, but nothing is as painful as staying stuck somewhere you don't belong."
"Intensity does not happen within our comfort zone, that's why we like it."
"Try to pick something that is outside your comfort zone in a healthy way."
"It's really about taking risks and doing something outside your comfort zone."
"We all have to get a little bit more comfortable being uncomfortable."
"I want you to push out of your comfort zone when it comes to the size of your art, the size of your mirrors, your curtains. I don't want you to be afraid of height."
"Creating a new comfort zone around everything in life."
"It's easy to fall into habit, comfortable habit that's not moving it forward."
"Leave your comfort zone, but don't leave your strength zone."
"Branching out of your comfort zone is hard but essential for growth."
"Achieving dreams often requires stepping out of your comfort zone."
"I'm now very, very focused on getting out of my comfort zone."
"You need to let go of the thing that's not serving you if the thing right now is not what you want but you just hold on to it because it's comfortable you have to have faith and let go."
"Adversity is good. Becoming comfortable makes you complacent."
"Teach them to be comfortable being uncomfortable."
"Growth is always on the other side of your comfort zone."
"Sometimes you have to get comfortable with discomfort."
"You should always change yourself to do something different and get out of your comfort zone."
"Small enclosed spaces like baskets, boxes, and containers make cats feel safe and secure."
"Step out of that comfort zone, that's not where you belong."
"People have to get comfortable being uncomfortable."
"Getting outside your comfort zone is so good for growth."
"We gotta be comfortable with being uncomfortable."
"If your results exceed your internal thermostat, you'll find a way to cool your life back down."
"I love Max's positivity and I love the fact that Lay is willing to try anything even though it's out of their comfort zone."
"Every year that goes by, more things will try to hold you back, more responsibilities, more obstacles, more excuses for staying comfortable with the life you're currently living." - Jeff Wilson
"People are more likely to retreat to the known, comfortable, they understood even if it's patterns that they themselves were fighting against before."
"Jesus wasn't lost he just moved into the next dimension and sometimes your purpose moves into the next dimension so that you can be reminded not to be comfortable."
"To break out of your shell, have one person you're comfortable with and then integrate with others."
"You have to step outside of that, make yourself uncomfortable in order to make significant changes."
"Comfort breeds mediocrity... go out and make a difference."
"Here's to doing things outside your comfort zone because they're probably good for you to do."
"Success is not comfortable, so you have to do some things that you don't think might work sometimes. If you're honestly taking the swings at coming in on the top of the list, right?"
"Every level you go to, God does not want you to get comfortable at that level."
"We're getting more and more comfortable being uncomfortable."
"We love being right, we're very uncomfortable being wrong."
"Life begins and ends at the end of your comfort zone."
"Rayquaza is not only one of my top five favorite pokemon of all time but easily my favorite legendary."
"The most important thing in life is getting comfortable with being uncomfortable."
"If we're gonna you know go to the moon again and we're gonna go to mars and beyond then we gotta get a little outside of our comfort zone."
"Bitcoin is oxygen, and it's new. There are some people that are very comfortable in their existence and they think it's okay to ignore it because they're rich and they're comfortable and they're happy."
"Don't be afraid to step out of your comfort zone."
"This person does make you step outside your comfort zone... but you're willing to try for them."
"It's all just fear of the unknown. It's all just fear of being somewhere you're not comfortable."
"Growth is uncomfortable, and comfort zones - nothing grows there."
"Comfortable is bad because it leads to contentment. You're not trying, there's no effort. Whenever you stop failing, you're done."
"Push yourself to that place of being uncomfortable get comfortable with being uncomfortable."
"Set yourself free from this comfort zone that's actually like a prison that's really painful."
"Take the leap of faith; success awaits beyond comfort zones."
"Embracing the suck...comfort will be your coffin."
"Your comfort zone is the deadliest place you will ever be."
"Get comfortable making a losing decision from the winning state."
"In my comfort zone: Three, two, one, go do a thing, and they run back into their comfort zone."
"A pro many times is comfortable taking risks and being up off the ground perhaps in ways that are not all that smart."
"Never allow yourself to get comfortable in a place where you ought to be delivered."
"The hardest part is feeling comfortable doing things."
"Stick with what you're most comfortable with."
"True freedom is being able to step out of your comfort zone."
"Do you put yourself at risk of being uncomfortable to get your message to as many people as possible?"
"Let's start small, we can't just expect to go in and feel comfortable."
"Earned it, you stepped out of your comfort zone today."
"It's definitely time to leave a comfort zone."
"Know the difference between safe and comfortable."
"You'll never have any real accomplishment in your life if you convince yourself that sitting back and being comfortable is a good thing."
"Nothing great in your life will happen in a comfort zone."
"This always happens to us, as soon as you feel comfortable, the universe says no."
"For a long time, they were trying to hold on to the comfort zone but then they wanted the new... They've wanted to be with you."
"Getting out of our comfort zones is an important part of our emotional and spiritual growth."
"We choose to stay in our stories because we get false benefits from them."
"Our comfort zone invites us to find the edges of what we perceive as real, and to take a good, hard, deep look at it."
"There are only two things killing you in this season: your comfort and your complaints."
"Going after whatever it is you desire is important. Risk and reward, yeah, it's like this coming out of a comfort zone."
"Life doesn't change much. You don't break out into the next level because you're comfortable."
"If you don't push yourself and don't try new things you just get stuck in this little bubble of comfort."
"You can only be comfortable if you're comfortable with the uncomfortable."
"It's funny for us, but it gets weird when people get a bit too comfortable with stereotyping."
"I learned how important it is to not become so consumed with the business of my schedule that I don't take the time to come out of my own comfort zones."
"It's hard to enjoy the long journey home, but these creatures of habit have regular haunts to look forward to that help ease the pain of defeat."
"It's okay to let go of control, it's okay to let go of those results and get uncomfortable."
"Let me get comfortable with what I find uncomfortable so that I don't have to be uncomfortable anymore."
"I didn't always fit into a particular kind of role that people felt comfortable with."
"Once you learn how to be comfortable in uncomfortable situations, that's when fear doesn't exist anymore."
"She's comfortable in a lot of worlds I'm not comfortable in, but she is not comfortable in this world."
"Sometimes you have to be uncomfortable to be really comfortable."
"Learn to truly embrace being comfortable with the uncomfortable."