
Ethereum Quotes

There are 692 quotes

"Vitalik is the, I believe now, 27-year-old creator of Ethereum, which is the most exciting cryptocurrency since Bitcoin."
"The Ethereum 'denum' upgrade... reduces the practical fees of your layer 2 blockchains. This is a big deal."
"When people speak about Ethereum hitting ten thousand, fifteen thousand, twenty thousand dollars, it's very difficult for us to comprehend what exponential growth means."
"MetaMask is an Ethereum wallet that turns your regular web browser into a blockchain browser."
"Bitcoin decentralizes money from government while Ethereum decentralizes authority from intermediaries."
"I think long term, the value of decentralization will help Ethereum maintain its lead as the number one smart contract platform."
"Decentralization, censorship resistance, trustlessness, and being permissionless are some of the reasons why you would want to use Ethereum."
"Currently, Ethereum is the best smart contract and layer 1 blockchain to run decentralized applications on."
"Uniswap is an autonomous piece of software on Ethereum... No human counterparties or centralized intermediaries, just autonomous code."
"Ethereum is now above $3500 USD, a new all-time high. ETH to the moon!"
"Everything in Bitcoin, everything in Ethereum has key pairs, public key and private key, a digital signature."
"The thing that I often ask startups on top of Ethereum is, 'Can you please tell me why using the Ethereum blockchain is better than using Excel?' And if they can come up with a good answer, that's when you know you got something really interesting."
"Ethereum is setting itself up for major success in the long run."
"The main purpose of the Merge is to transition Ethereum from its current Proof of Work consensus mechanism to the Proof of Stake model."
"The transition to Proof of Stake aims at making Ethereum more energy efficient, more secure, and lays the groundwork for enabling more scalability with sharding later on."
"The move to Proof of Stake was one of the big milestones in the original Ethereum roadmap."
"Launching the Beacon Chain allowed for creating a separate parallel PoS chain that could be tested in production without having any direct impact on the existing PoW network."
"The Merge is responsible for merging the user state of the Ethereum network with the PoS Beacon Chain."
"Decoupling the consensus and execution layers allowed for a quicker initial launch of the Beacon Chain without having to worry about the execution layer."
"After the Merge, all applications running on Ethereum should run exactly as pre-merged with the state and transaction history maintained."
"The Merge does not improve Ethereum scalability and it doesn't reduce transaction fees, at least not directly."
"After the Merge, Ethereum will become more secure and sustainable and will also be perfectly positioned for the next big upgrades: the Surge, the Verge, the Purge, and the Splurge."
"My original thesis was if there is an ETH killer, it is Salana. That was also correct."
"When we know we're close to the top of this bull market is when Ethereum goes straight from where it is now to ten thousand dollars in three weeks."
"Regardless of what happens tomorrow with Ethereum, I'm not worried because I think Ethereum is in an extremely strong position."
"Personally, right, anything could happen, right? Crypto's crazy, but I do believe that Ethereum's strength is really justified."
"Ethereum is deemed to be generation two... it allows DeFi through smart contracts, which is kind of cool."
"Cardano tries to solve some of the problems of Ethereum, specifically high gas fees and speed issues."
"Ethereum is not really a cryptocurrency per se, it's more like the internet."
"Ethereum is building industries on top of itself, like the universe creating entire galaxies."
"There's no way ethereum's under 10,000 by the end of this year."
"ETH should be priced at about $7,500 to $10,000."
"It's not a guarantee, but just based on the past of what we've seen, I think we could see Ethereum surge to 10 or 15 maybe as high as 20,000."
"Most importantly, will it survive? Ethereum is thriving and is the most popular smart contract platform on the planet."
"Ethereum is not Salesforce, it's a platform more akin to the internet."
"With Ethereum, it's just software. You can write applications to it."
"Ethereum is on the brink of surpassing its previous 2017 all-time high."
"Ethereum's not going anywhere. It's going to be here, and I have faith in ethereum that they are going to fix these problems."
"Ethereum is the dominant 800-pound gorilla, no ifs, ands, or buts."
"Initial yields on Ethereum staking could garner a juicy 12 to 17 percent per year."
"Ethereum is trying to create a new internet-- Web 3.0, you might have heard this called-- where anyone can build an application."
"Ethereum is about to moon, Ethereum is about to moon, do not sleep on it."
"The ethereum merge doesn't matter too much right now."
"At its core, an Ethereum wallet, also known as a client, holds your private key - the 'secret password' that gives you control over your coins."
"Ethereum will always be an essential network needed to supply the power and resources for many of these decentralized applications."
"We believe Ethereum Layer 2 is the real narrative."
"Consider other cryptocurrencies, Ethereum, easy choice right there, less risk."
"Ethereum was actually probably the basis of the internet of value."
"Ethereum has got such a great chance to pass bitcoin in my mind."
"Ethereum testnet burns 88k in eth in preparation for EIP 1559."
"I think ethereum has the most robust Network effect around it right now of any chain."
"Ethereum breaking all-time highs once again as well breaking 2500 today pretty much going up a hundred dollars per day steady."
"Ethereum is about to bring to fruition with this new update and if this actually works, this is going to be a fundamental game changer for ETH."
"Ethereum supply on exchanges just keeps dropping and the price just keeps rising."
"Ethereum whales are moving money around getting ready for this."
"Even if we're around the same range we're at, Ethereum whales are moving money around getting ready for this."
"Ethereum is like New York City... it is vast, expensive, and congested in certain areas, however, it also features the richest application ecosystem."
"Ethereum is by far the behemoth in this space... Ethereum's strength only grows when you do that."
"Ethereum, the denominator for NFTs and top platform for tokenization, is becoming the collateral of the internet."
"Bitcoin tends to put new all-time highs before Ethereum."
"The institutional money is pouring into Ethereum. Don't sell your Ethereum."
"Talking about Ethereum here. $1.5 billion in Ethereum options expire on June 25th, and it will determine the future of Ether."
"Way more people are using Ethereum than they're using Bitcoin."
"How ethereum can actually solve the internet's big bad identity problem."
"I do believe that transaction fee incentives after EIP1559 will be a good thing for validators and Ethereum as a whole."
"I really like Ethereum moving into the future."
"Without question Ethereum. It's by far and away the network effects are growing faster and deeper than Bitcoin."
"I just think Ethereum outperforms, and my money's actually mainly in Ethereum these days."
"If Ethereum doesn't nail Ethereum 2.0 in January or end of December, bye-bye Ethereum."
"Bitcoin and Ethereum are differentiated enough where they can coexist."
"Ethereum can get to a 2 trillion dollar market cap."
"Luckily, the launch of Ethereum 2.0 would definitely lower these gas fees and near zero levels, making it very interesting and easier for people to access DeFi."
"It's uh something that can easily make people feel much more comfortable building applications on ethereum."
"The largest upgrade that Ethereum has had probably in its entire history."
"Ethereum has the opportunity to be at the center of this whole transition."
"EIP1559 also proves to the world that the Ethereum ecosystem really is capable of making big changes."
"Ethereum becoming much more culturally mainstream."
"You can stake ethereum before the Ethereum 2.0 goes live."
"Ethereum with its network effect, people are already using it, building on it, and so on."
"I think Ethereum is going to get the very, very explosive move towards 10k, 15k, 20k later in this bull cycle when Bitcoin probably already topped out or is close to topping out."
"Time magazine has named Ethereum co-founder Vitalik Buterin one of the most influential people this year."
"A big part of my Cardano investors thesis has to do with Ethereum."
"Remember, almost all the DeFi is going on on Ethereum."
"Everything comes back to if Bitcoin is going to go down to 12 or 9,000, it's hard to imagine a scenario where at least Ethereum doesn't decline somewhat, right?"
"Ethereum's going to be the top dog... they're all going to just be hanging around."
"Ethereum does not have a killer app; it has a killer ecosystem."
"Ethereum has now broken above seventeen hundred dollars."
"A five-figure ethereum is theoretically on the cards."
"When it comes to Ethereum, Polkadot, and now Cardano, they are there to push Ethereum. They're fierce competitors with each other as well."
"Ethereum is not just pretending to be a credible store of value; it actually is the substrate that powers an entire economy."
"I think that the recovery is an ETH-led recovery."
"The recovery is being led by Ethereum, but I actually think that more important than Ethereum in this recovery is actually Polygon (Matic)."
"Ethereum is doing what it promised to do because it creates the application layer."
"Ethereum is probably the only other asset that you probably need to hold as a crypto investor if you're thinking about making a long-term bet on the industry."
"Ether is probably the only other asset that you probably need to hold as a crypto investor if you're thinking about making a long-term bet on the industry."
"The catalyst is Ethereum's narrative, the London upgrade EIP 559 will change Ethereum's monetary policy."
"I think that Ethereum flips Bitcoin, and I think it happens before March 2022."
"Ethereum is an option on everything that we haven't yet created."
"It was pretty clear towards the end of last year that this is going to be a big year for Ethereum."
"If Bitcoin goes 2x, it's really reasonable for Ethereum or Cardano or Binance Coin to go 3x or 4x."
"DApps can make use of smart contracts on the Ethereum network."
"Ethereum's programming language is completely generic so you can do almost every program that you can imagine."
"Ethereum's burning: not deflationary yet, but getting there."
"Ethereum's gonna rock your face off because they're burning."
"We will hit all-time highs for Ethereum by January 17th if not much sooner."
"Bitcoin dropped below the bull market band back in November and once again about a month later you're seeing ethereum follow."
"Ethereum, in particular, has never looked stronger."
"There will be one single layer one which is Ethereum, on top of which all of these Layer Twos where the user activity will happen."
"The Merge is perhaps the most important update in Ethereum's history."
"The Merge was indeed an incredible technical feat."
"I own a lot of Ethereum because I think it's the closest to a true currency."
"Let's measure the fundamentals where are all the developers ethereum."
"Bitcoin great focus on ethereum as well because the nft market is huge."
"Ethereum will outperform Bitcoin for a number of reasons... it offers yield... powers kind of new finance in the world."
"Eth Maxis that have hated Saul for the last three years are now seeing the value of it."
"Loopring: the first smart wallet app with L2 scaling provides a secure, intuitive, powerful Ethereum experience in your pocket."
"I remember watching this happen before when Ethereum was $100 and $200 and $300 and how eth went to $3 and $4 thousand dollars."
"Ethereum is gonna be your best bang for your buck."
"We bought the Bronco, I gave my sister an Ethereum for her wedding."
"For me, Ethereum is about building multiple industries or multiple economies on one protocol."
"So for me right now, I would be looking at gaming plays because I can see that the gas that is being burnt on the biggest protocol in the world, Ethereum, is being used for NFTs."
"Standard Chartered says Ethereum could hit 35,000. Okay, so very bullish here until Ethereum."
"Goldman Sachs is basically saying with this statement that they're going to now be looking at Ethereum and actual currencies that can be used for transactions over the bitcoins."
"Ethereum is the most important cryptocurrency."
"Bitcoin is $50,800 plus, Ethereum is over $4,000 this morning."
"Ethereum is in a really strong position to push forward real-world application due to its development activity."
"Ethereum is the most proven asset and has survived the bear market."
"I do think Ethereum can hit a one trillion dollar market capitalization." - I do think Ethereum can hit a one trillion dollar market capitalization.
"ETH is hot right now, but the time to buy ETH was in January when we were buying it." - ETH is hot
"If I had $10,000 to invest today, 10 out of 10 times into Ethereum." - 10 out of 10 times
"Ethereum is the innovator. Anything you can think of, any kind of innovation that's been happening has come out of Ethereum."
"I personally think the absolute key asset at the moment is ethereum."
"Eth liquidity is still going to be one of the main reasons that people stay close to the Eth ecosystem."
"Seeing how much is going into Ethereum 2.0 is definitely something that's wild."
"Notably, Vitalik Buterin moved up the launch date of ETH 2.0 from January 2022 to December 2021."
"Ethereum has produced a 773% return over the last year."
"Ethereum is going to remain the king when it comes to DeFi and those other blockchain uses."
"Long-term holders of ethereum accumulate $12 billion in a matter of weeks."
"We're going to be able to reduce Ethereum's fees and help Ethereum be a better network."
"Rudo: 'Ethereum is the leader, the leading indicator for us to know when the alt season is on.'"
"Ethereum wouldn't be viable at this point because of the gas fees for micro transactions itself."
"From a technical point of view, you've just seen that the case for a fifteen thousand twenty thousand dollar ethereum actually isn't such a far-fetched case."
"Ethereum's merge with the beacon chain is poised to be the biggest catalyst for the metaverse in October. Get ready for a seismic shift in the ecosystem!"
"Why was Ethereum given a free pass when the rest of the crypto industry is being held to a different standard?"
"Either has more potential than Bitcoin as a newer crypto."
"E2 will help Ether outpace Bitcoin, Pantera Capital CEO predicts."
"The big news here is it's both Bitcoin and ethereum"
"The London upgrade was really meant to make Ethereum deflationary. Ethereum could really pivot into that use case and become ultrasound money."
"I do believe that in the next 10 years, Ethereum will pass Bitcoin."
"I've been telling you that the easiest money in crypto is just to buy ethereum."
"Ethereum will be the next big focus for large institutions and corporations."
"Increasing demand and decreasing supply is the promise of erp 1559."
"ETH 2.0 is coming in August, so that's gonna be a big thing for them."
"The beautiful thing to me about aetherium when it comes to this market and the potential that ethereum has."
"Ethereum fees soar, driving adoption of Layer 2 solutions."
"Realistic evidence shows Ethereum's potential dominance in the cryptocurrency market."
"We could potentially see a $16,000 cryptocurrency for Ethereum."
"Let's say Ethereum captures thirty percent like I did in 2017, we're gonna see a twenty-three thousand dollar coin price in 2023."
"Ether is the platform upon which most of DeFi is taking place as well as stable coins and NFTs."
"Eth Mega whales have been stacking hard, representing great news for Ethereum's bullish price action."
"The institutional demand for Ethereum has literally never been higher. They've never seen anything like it is right now."
"Ethereum's deflation is directly linked to its network activity with greater activity amplifying the amount of deflationary impact."
"Bitcoin holding above 51,000, Ethereum moving upwards of 1800 again."
"For Ethereum, the number I'm looking at, I don't think there's any way Ethereum does not go over fifteen thousand dollars in the cycle."
"Ethereum smashes big Tech in the past 10 billion in revenue, faster than any other major software company besides Google."
"Ethereum is just simply where it's at. It's where projects are launching, it's the, you know, it's where developers prefer to code in Solidity, it's just where all the volume is."
"Ethereum could quadruple in the next six months."
"I think Chainlink could be bigger than ethereum or even Bitcoin."
"My biggest bet... would be ethereum because it's the least risky with the highest rewards." - Raoul Pal
"If it's past Ethereum, is Bitcoin Cash literally the source code of Bitcoin plus generally all modifications to change the block size? Is that worth more than Ethereum?"
"The use cases for Ethereum are also significant: banking and financial service contracts, ICOs, prediction markets, replacing escrow, identity management... Ethereum transaction time is faster than Bitcoin."
"Ethereum open interest perpetual futures and contracts on Darabit: a multi-year high right now."
"If Bitcoin goes up 10x, then Ethereum will go up 10x."
"You can definitely just sit on that knowing that in I think in the next year or two that we're going to see massive appreciation for Ethereum."
"If you could only own one asset over the next 12 months, what would it be? It'd be Ethereum."
"Let's roast the gas fees of Ethereum, they're not working so well right now."
"I think Ethereum over the next two years will take over that spot."
"If things go to plan, Ethereum has overtaken Bitcoin as the largest cryptocurrency."
"Ethereum could in a matter of a day or two be at all-time highs."
"Ethereum for me is the index for the altcoin market."
"Ethereum could hit halfway to its all-time high first due to low inflation and institutional interest."
"There's more bullish stuff going on within the ethereum style ecosystems than there is with BTC."
"Ethereum settled over six trillion dollars in transactions in the past 12 months. Ethereum is hitting new milestones by the week."
"Ethereum is a very bullish outlook over the next few months fueled by the growing number of Ethereum being locked away for Ethereum 2.0."
"Ethereum's crypto economy dominance nears 20 as ether price rockets to fresh highs."
"Ethereum can be a standard for decentralized login."
"The biggest decks on Ethereum is Uniswap valued at over 10 billion dollars."
"Ethereum recovered the fastest it ever has from a 50% drawdown."
"If you're thinking long term on the potential of what ETH could be."
"I expect to see Ethereum outperforming Bitcoin in the coming months."
"Grayscale has purchased nearly 50% of all of the Ethereum."
"Bitcoin might do but certainly altcoins, Ethereum, these kind of growing ecosystems that we have right now."
"Derivatives data favors ethereum Bulls even with this week's crash below 3K."
"This ethereum to me Remains the best bet in the world from a risk adjusted standpoint."
"I think it's possible Ethereum could pass Bitcoin."
"Ethereum is just like the dollar backed by computing power."
"Ethereum is only getting easier to use, they're only building more stuff for ETH."
"I think we could definitely see Ethereum hitting $20,000 by summer, sometime in the summer."
"Ethereum fees are dipping to record lows for the first time in months."
"You're definitely going to want to watch this one front to back to get a sense of what's coming for Ethereum as it pushes to all-time highs."