
Age Perception Quotes

There are 222 quotes

"Compared to other parents around us, we dress pretty young for our age."
"I don't know about you, but I'm feeling 22. I'm not feeling 22, I'm feeling old."
"Times have changed. Patrick Mahomes is literally younger than me."
"Age and time... are also constructs... I believe that you can change your life at any time."
"The biggest problem that older people have is that they have young people who think they're old."
"They call me old like the Dalai Lama. But half y'all [BLEEP] I could have [BLEEP] your mama. Picture that."
"50 is the new 30 these days. Right, medical technology and better health has older folks in their even 60s feeling a lot younger."
"People don't actually see age in the Marvel Universe unless it's very sudden and literal."
"This judge is 75 years old okay, and his understanding of this technology is actually surprisingly better than almost every single one of you [ __ ] out there."
"I just want to know who lied to Millennials who lied and said that Millennials look younger than genen Z who lied I just want to know."
"It's not a Millen versus gen Z thing it's a stupid cringe thing and 30 is not even old that's the thing Millennials like they're not old they're really not the oldest age for Millennials are like 40 years old and really 40."
"Older women running around trying to look like teenagers... who do they think they're kidding?"
"Age is nothing but a number, I'm gonna be forever young because I'm immature."
"Life is not over after 30, but you gotta do something you've never done before."
"It's hard to believe that George is already 30."
"Rosa Parks was only 42 years old - yeah, you're shocked, right? You never heard that."
"I feel like I'm 35 years old again really I swear to God I feel like I'm 35."
"When we try to look younger, we end up looking clownish and foolish. When we try to look modern, we actually look a little younger."
"I feel great. I really feel great. I feel like I'm 36 but I feel like 26."
"People are so hung up with age, but really it's just a number."
"How are you so I know seriously you look 70."
"30 is not the new 20. Do not believe any of those female empowering feminist driven articles out there that are espousing this lie."
"I know when I was 13 on Call Of Duty Modern Warfare I would brag about being 15 thinking that was so cool."
"Women hit their prime in their 30s and 40s and if you did already know that then i'm gonna assume that just means that it intimidates you and you can't keep up."
"They know some of them are now old enough to be like, 'That's Auntie Mara.'"
"The reality is that 65 is the new 55 and 55 is the new 45."
"You're only as old as you feel. 40 is just a number. This is not the beginning of old age at all."
"You want to feel like a woman who's 50 or you want to feel like a woman who's 30?"
"What is one of the hardest things as a successful woman? And it's like you look tremendously younger than what you are."
"You don't have any excuse... What you are discovering is not that 30 is washed."
"Age is just a number actually age is just a word huh."
"He has to demonstrate that he is vigorous, that he is energetic, because the numerical age is a big number."
"You're too young to be a grandmother, come on!"
"Stop right there. There is no way you could possibly think I'm an old man."
"You're old, even though I'm 33. That means you're sensitive about your age."
"I feel much younger than I am chronologically."
"I can't believe I'm gonna be a dad... like, I'm not old enough to be a dad... like, I'm old enough."
"Age is just a number, you are beautiful exactly as you are."
"Madonna... aging... getting older but she's not exactly decrepit... people aren't mocking Joe Biden for being in his 80s..."
"Age doesn't determine your level of maturity."
"25 is deemed as old because these kids are becoming adults at 15 years old."
"At 14, that is the last age that you're allowed to call me a kid..."
"So no, you are certainly not too old at age 40."
"Guess Gary's real age, you can guess." - Hirsch
"I'm almost 40 and I look 40. I look appropriate for my age."
"Age is just a number. You're only 29 once. Enjoy and I love all your videos, George. Hi George, love you both."
"If you catch yourself thinking that you're too old to do something you want to do, please recognize that you're now listening to the pessimistic voice inside of you."
"Jazz-O is 55 years old. Come on, though, okay? 55."
"Age is just a number, it really depends on how we feel inside of ourselves."
"You're only as young as you feel. I've heard that saying said multiple times."
"I spent my entire 20s dreading turning 30, but when I did, I was like, who cares?"
"Age is just a number, it's never too late to get started."
"Forty's like the new 21, like all my friends who are 40 are living their best lives."
"I think you hit the nail right on the head with that. I came in when I was 27, 26. People act like you're dead at 27 and [ __ ]. But a lot of the big [ __ ] still had ones."
"You're too busy to find your daughter? You're too busy? I'm 31 years old. Wow, really? Okay."
"I've got a young mentality. It's a mental thing, not a number."
"I never looked at my age as what would determine who I would become."
"Gemini rising, you might look way younger than you actually are or people always think you're like a child or a teenager."
"I think when we hit 35, 40, that's when it starts getting blurry."
"Age is just a [ __ ] number... all you need is energy, passion, drive, relentlessness, perseverance, resilience."
"Age is literally just a number. Change your beliefs, change your behaviors."
"I am full of all kinds of character defects and problems but um you know at 54 like I feel like I'm just starting man and it's so silly and dumb to say age is just a number but..."
"These whippersnappers set down their game controllers long enough to crawl into the comments and call me old."
"I get called everything under the Sun, so being called old is a generous compliment."
"Korean skincare is like magic, right? So, I was so surprised when I heard her age."
"You appear younger than what you are; you have a youthful glow."
"In an age of media that seems to fetishize the lifestyle of 16 to 25 year olds, it's easy to look at anything older as the cutoff where life stops being interesting."
"It is going to be a good year. 30, flirty, and thriving."
"You're only as old as the last time you changed your mind."
"When people are asked if they could be one age forever the average American picks 36."
"Turning 30, it's almost like you're a young buck again."
"It made me feel literally like a fossil." - Sophia Grace
"Age is just a number, my husband is older than me." - "Age is just a number, my husband is older than me."
"People always always always think I'm 16 or younger... they're always shocked when I say I'm 24."
"Celebrating my 79th birthday Friday at dinner. The waitress guessed I'm 65. She got a big tip."
"I'm 32 years old, I'm 53, I would like to think that I'm still young."
"There are 50 year olds looking like they're 32 because they got a full-blown facelift."
"Age is just a number; it means absolutely nothing."
"Age is just relative, I think it is weird all of a sudden not being in my 20s or not being like young in a sense."
"Nobody looks at a 45-year-old guy and goes, 'I'm gonna mess with that punk.' It's the right age. I just found it."
"I hope I never turn 34. 34 feels sad. But then 35 feels like strong, you know what I mean?"
"It's not about age, it's about how you feel."
"Age is just a number, it's about how you feel."
"I think it's weird. Once you pass a certain age, if anyone ever mistakes you, I feel like that just means something's a little bit off."
"Ronaldo might be 36 but he's not 36 on paper, he's got that winning mentality, he's got everything, he is the champion, he arguably is the greatest of all time."
"I thought for some reason I was thinking is gonna be like 25 when it's like I'm 21 or whatever I was like oh [ __ ] like yeah no wonder you were a dumbass."
"When you sign a 23-year-old, you can call him a hot prospect, but when he gets to 24, you look at the status and it's just grey."
"Guys aren't you like 15 years old? Everyone thinks that Mariah is like 16 years old. I'm like I know I'm 22."
"30 is young I think 35 is young I think when you know 40 years you're only like 80 in my book."
"He looks like an old grandpa you would see in a nursing home."
"Turning 30 doesn't mean giving up on your dreams."
"I feel like I'm not too old to learn my lessons."
"Age is just a number, and you're not gonna be waiting forever."
"40 is the new 20. Yeah, I'm so young, so young, dude."
"It's not necessarily your actual age, it's more about your mindset."
"Your age is just the number of times you've gone around the sun."
"When you're young and cute, it seems endless, but it stops as you get older."
"32 is still young and there is so much [ __ ] seeped into the whole idea of like when you get past a certain age."
"I think about that all the time once I turn 30 and 30 onwards. I'm like I'm closer to 60 than I am from being born and that is terrifying." - Sean
"I feel like age is just a number. It's not real. It's how old you are, how old you feel."
"Age is just a number, but having the right clothes can make that number a lot harder to guess."
"Timothee Chalamet is in his late 20s, but looks like he could be late teens."
"She said it was weird that I was 18 and still hugging my brothers."
"I don't look at Sam as if she's a lot older than me. I feel like we're on the same path."
"27 is when [ __ ] starts. If you're still single at 27, you start to realize this is what peaking feels like."
"I have met people that were teenagers that were far older in their Consciousness than people that I know in their 60s and 70s."
"I definitely didn't know he was 25, still, I thought he was way older, he's stiff, he's got no ban."
"Of course now you got people whispering, 'You're not even 17 yet, your mama not 17 yet, why you all up in my business? You don't know how old I am."
"27 is the most dangerous age for men."
"I felt far too old for when I heard an odd whistle."
"40 is the new 20 or whatever they say."
"Age is just a number...I feel great for the day."
"Age is just a number. You're supposed to be over the hill at 30, but I feel pretty good."
"Age is not a number. They are fit for function and enjoying every single moment of this."
"People like consider early thirties a mid-age to be a really old age, but is this not old? This is still very much young."
"You guys look 10 to 15 years younger than your actual age."
"For just about all of us, even those of us who are older, it's hard to imagine JFK at a hundred. He's frozen in time at age 46, and he looked younger than that."
"I think it's an interesting comment on it's a teen soap with teen viewers and but then we had a lot of adults watching and I don't know about you I mean you guys are now in I want to say your 40s or 140. I just turned 40."
"Kelly does not look 48 at all, she looks 33."
"I don't feel a bit older than 59."
"Age truly is just a number, and we have to stop putting so much pressure on ourselves."
"You're as old as you feel inside."
"You shouldn't underestimate people for their age."
"50 is the new 40, 40 is the new 30, and 30 is the new 20."
"I thought you were in your 20s until our first meal together."
"I feel like I'm 30 years old after losing 100."
"Don't you even think of it as growing old."
"I feel as young as I did when I was 17 years old."
"Once you're 25, I think age truly is like whatever."
"You're only as old as you let yourself be."
"How old do you feel? Fifty. I don't feel old."
"I don't believe there is such a thing as age. I believe I'm becoming younger each year."
"I feel like when you're in your early 20s, you think 40 is so old, but it's really not."
"You look 32. Good, I hope that I can always stay three years behind pace."
"My legs are still young, I'm still in my prime, age is nothing but a number."
"You're only as old as you feel, right?"
"People talk about age, but age is just a meaningless number."
"I don't feel 30, but I don't know what feeling 30 is like."
"50 is the new 40, and 40 is the new 30."
"I'm 29 years old but often get mistaken for being much younger than I am."
"I feel like 70 is not old anymore... people are living to be like a hundred."
"I do find it completely incredible that two weeks ago I could run 30 minutes on the treadmill and I felt strong, I felt young, and now I feel old, I feel gaunt."
"This proves again, age is just a number."
"It's just so weird 'cause I still feel like I'm 20."
"You're not old, and 30 is not old."
"I'm forever 25 until I start to feel something different."
"Older is a flex. I really don't get age insults."
"Age doesn't mean that I haven't studied and worked hard to do my job."
"You are only as old as you want to be."
"Don't think old, or you'll certainly be old."
"I consider myself to be youthful, I'm a young, you know, 67 is the new 47."
"Age might be a number, but I see it as a mirage."
"I'm a 30 year old boy trapped in a 61 year old's body because I still feel at 30."
"I feel younger, don't feel like a 36 - I feel like a 26 year old."
"People who know that age is just a number, not an outlook on life."
"Age is just a number... it's about your maturity, it's about your spiritual maturity."
"When you were nine or ten, someone who was even two years older seemed like they were so much older, didn't it? Like so much wiser, so much cooler, stronger, smarter, maybe also scarier."
"Do I look my age? Oh, absolutely not."
"When I was young, I felt like 30 is a very mature age. It's old. It's already mature. But today as I'm 30, It's nothing. Things are the same."
"Looking old isn't a bad thing, neither is looking young. There's nothing wrong with looking any way you look."
"It's how I feel when it's my birthday. I'm like, 'How old am I? Oh, I can't be that old.'"
"Musicians and athletes are always younger than you expect and actors are always a lot older."
"30 is young. This is 30. Emma Watson's 30. Emily Ratajkowski's 30. Taylor Swift, I think she might be 31."
"Being old is a state of mind and 50 is the new 20."
"Age isn't real at all; it's just how well you take care of your body."
"Age is just a number, and I stopped counting years ago."
"30 years old, that's scary. 30 years old, 30 is the new 20 though."
"I feel younger now than I did then."
"I was so much older then. I'm younger than that now."
"You're only as old as you feel, and I feel 18."
"People say you don't look like you're 50."
"You only start feeling old when you start acting old."
"I always felt like we were the same age even though I was older than he was."
"Age to me is just a number. I don't really see it as a handicap."
"I don't think of myself with a number; I don't think, 'Oh, I'm going to be 60.' I think, 'I'm going to take these kids to school.'"
"Before the women in their 40s were like grandmas, now the woman in their 40s is like a young flower."
"If you have a stiff spine at 20, you're old, and if you have a flexible spine at 60, you're young."
"I'm 78 and mentally, I think I'm 48."
"I'm glad I don't look 35. I just wish I had this mindset maybe a decade ago."
"Age is only a number because it really is dependent on how young your soul is."
"That's the thing about sisters, they can be old and you don't know they're old."
"Age is nothing but a number, right?"
"You got to know your cosmic age and got nothing to do with no religious outlook."
"You feel like a kid until you're 30."
"That was super unlike a 64-year-old. I want to be that cool when I'm 64."
"Age is just a number. I feel like I'm in my 20s or 30s."
"Age is only the numbers, you know, and I continue training hard every day."
"Age is just a number; it's all your beliefs and your mindset that determine your success."