
Financial Habits Quotes

There are 186 quotes

"The habits and actions you have with money will outlast you."
"It is okay to go out and have a cup of tea with your friends... but spending this money every single morning just because you don't want to brew it at home, that's a different story."
"It's astounding how quickly things can improve when you quit playing the game the way that you've been taught."
"One of the cool things, if you are getting paid even if you're furloughed right now, it's like very hard to spend money."
"Making big fixes rarely ever works when it comes to saving money; it's actually a lot of small little minuscule moves that add up to a large amount of savings."
"Poor people spend time to save money, rich people spend money to save time."
"Once you're on a budget for long enough, the idea is to make those good habits innate."
"Your habit is probably costing you a lot of money. I feel like if you think about it like this, the same money that you spend on smoking, you can be investing into something."
"85% of people in this survey say that it's very important to maintain a high credit score, but 85% of people do not have great credit."
"Develop certain practices with money so you become comfortable with it."
"I'm an absolute standard 20% bare minimum tipper."
"Just get used to doing that in your 20s and I promise you it's gonna be way easier and these are gonna be decisions you're not going to regret later on."
"48% of millennials admit to overspending, even going into debt, to keep up with their friends."
"One of my goals in life is to get Americans to start treating the credit card like it's the financial cigarette."
"I'm pretty responsible with my money aside from buying random things on Instagram ads."
"It all began by slowly building the habit of what you do with a dollar."
"Are your takeaway cravings keeping you poor? Junk food probably isn't entirely to blame, but the phrase healthy body, healthy mind does have some truth behind it."
"Despite the temptations, Millennials are saving earlier than their parents and their savings are higher portions of their income."
"Better to teach the young the habit of saving when they have a little bit of money to save than try to teach savings when they have no money because they're in over their head."
"No matter where you're going to start with finding extra room in your budget, the biggest thing is to start making those little changes that can seem kind of pointless on the surface but add up to big things in the long term."
"The truth will set us free. Power to survivors. Thank you to this community for standing with us."
"Instead of saving whatever the five dollars for your coffee every day... maybe instead of like focusing so much on those little differences focus your time instead on building a higher credit score."
"Spending properly then is just the culmination of making good decisions over and over and over again day in and day out."
"The reason people are poor is because of bad financial behaviors, that's it."
"When you pay with a debit card, you're paying with your past; when you pay with a credit card, you're paying with your future."
"You have to talk to your kids about the problems and have helped them develop good habits early."
"Never think that it's too late for you to learn about better financial habits."
"The whole idea of investing is you need a little bit of money over a long period of time and good habits."
"It's okay to live for designer Brands and spend money faster than you make it."
"Pull themselves up by their bootstraps, work harder, and stop wasting their money on Activado Toast. Bloody Millecutives."
"I have noticed as I've gotten older people buy things that they cannot afford."
"Credit is dangerous, but with proper habits, we can leverage it."
"Let your giving be marked by passion, not percentages or prosperity."
"Payment history is 35% of your score - pay your bills on time every month."
"Keep your debt utilization low and pay all bills on time."
"Having a good to great to excellent to perfect credit score is not just about how well you do these things, it's about how long and consistently you do it for."
"The credit bureau wants to see that you're using the credit card and that you're paying it off on time."
"I would much rather lend somebody money who has no credit score but they keep ten thousand dollars in the bank and always pay the rent on time than it would someone who has a 730 credit score but who lives paycheck to paycheck."
"We spend money we don't have on things we don't need to impress people we don't like."
"If you're paying off your credit cards every month, uh the credit card perks feel like free money."
"Spend money you don't have but... if you're paying off your credit cards every month... the credit card perks feel like free money."
"That's a really smart question, and I think because of my upbringing, I never quite fell prey to lifestyle inflation."
"Gen Z is chalking up credit card debt and falling behind on their payments faster than any other generation."
"Paying off debt isn't just about paying off debt now. It's ensuring that you don't go back into debt in the future."
"I got really anxious one month because I was like I spent like 800 on UberEats this month I was like that's bad."
"All of this really just begins with a hundred dollars a week and once you get this down that amount could scale up to whatever amount you decide to invest in."
"Shaq said that the wealthy people, when you get a check, you rip it in half."
"The problem is not necessarily the income or lack of, but rather their money management habits."
"Rich people invest their money and spend what's left."
"Learning to automate your finances is one of the most important personal finance habits."
"I'm going to try to look at my bank account every Monday and take it from there. It's not I'm gonna do it it's I'm going to try and then just see what happens."
"Drips and fractional shares are extremely important features when it comes to investing especially as a beginner because they help us build good consistent long term investing habits."
"Remember that you don't have to go on some no spend crash diet to make meaningful changes in your budget and to rethink a lot of your day-to-day habits that may have just become totally ingrained."
"I'm too cheap, that's my problem, I'm really cheap."
"For most people, getting rich happens over time—it's small incremental changes, decisions, and habits over decades."
"Are you the type of person that's a single card user or are you that financial mutant that feels like you need to get a little bit more?"
"That daily cup of coffee is leaving a million dollars on the table never never do I do that never that's such a waste of money for something that costs 20 cents."
"I don't like depositing i feel like i feel that's very uh that's a sign of like addiction when you deposit it oh yeah yeah it's same with that crypto if it's in there i'll mess around with it"
"The people with the most money that I know are the cheapest people on the planet."
"If a bunch of people start saving money at their house, hoarding money, what's it got?"
"This is like an anthem to being financially irresponsible and it's kind of amazing."
"Businesses start to lay off workers; they can't get loans to meet their payroll, they can't get loans to keep their businesses going."
"Spending before you save... maybe getting rich isn't a matter of discovering some crazy fancy investment strategy and being the smartest person in the room. Maybe it's as simple as developing the habit of paying yourself first."
"When I got a taste of saving money I got addicted to it."
"Saving starts to be really fun once you see money in there and then you can make it like a little monthly or yearly goal of how much you want to save."
"Examine your relationship with alcohol and money."
"Everyone lives by their habits, some of them affect your health or personal life, but there are also those that directly affect your wallet." - Warren Buffett
"People go broke impressing people that's broke."
"Poor people stay poor because they trying to look rich and act rich and rich people stay rich because they act poor." - Crimson Q
"Every successful person... gives a tenth of their earnings back."
"It's about knowing where you're overspending or what time of day, for example, and instead of scrolling on your phone at night, pick up a book, do a meditation, do some journaling."
"Start saving immediately; it is a healthy financial habit and make it a lifelong one."
"But one thing about us is we frugal."
"You have to decide right now, which one are you? Are you a saver or are you a spender?"
"People became very quickly used to affordable debt."
"I've been trying to stop impulse buying as much... I need to be more responsible when it comes to my spending habits."
"Having no spend days, no spend weeks, no spend months... It's such a nice financial reset. It just forces you to really re-evaluate your values and what your money values are."
"Social media kind of shows like how everyone is spending, you know? Not how everyone is saving, you know? So, I think it sets unrealistic financial expectations for sure."
"Poor people spend money, middle class people save money, rich people invest money."
"I saved all the time from allowances to first jobs I was just constantly saving."
"Some people simply bring bad financial habits into a marriage."
"The poor make money, but they have a habit that makes them not to keep the money they made."
"He hasn't got any money either," she said. "He gets an allowance from his uncle, and his company pay, and he gambles it all away. But he always seems to find more."
"You can tell whether an agent spends money in their business."
"Eventually roll it, I mean she did that for years, it was like this was the thing to do, you roll your own change."
"One of the habits to avoid is not having a vision and not having a 'why' behind your vision when it comes to your money."
"...the number one thing that all millionaires have in common is the ability to live well below their means..."
"What unhealthy money habits are preventing you from getting out of debt quicker?"
"Take those idols that are in your bloodline, that are rioting, causing you to lose your money, spend God's money on foolish stuff, and take them to court."
"Saving money can become habit-forming."
"Before I impulse spend, I would impulsive invest."
"We earned multiple six figures a month, not yearly, every month, and we use coupons."
"Just because you have money doesn't mean that you're... it's the same principles. The principles that made us wealthy don't just fall away once you become wealthy, they're ingrained in you, they're embodiment."
"Money Quickstart is all about doing something quick, fast, and in a hurry to activate your good financial habits."
"Personal finance is 80% behavioral."
"We are going to be focusing on establishing healthy habits around knocking out our debt."
"I used to be a pretty frugal spender."
"If you can really show just healthy spending habits and just repaying balances, it does improve your credit score."
"Change behavior and develop better money habits."
"Being good with money isn't about having this much saved by this age... it's simply a set of actions that you repeatedly take."
"Stop spending beyond your means... this cycle of consumerism is a trap that too many people fall into."
"Break the pattern, break the tradition of that consumer mentality."
"If there's one thing I'm gonna do, it's spend some money but also save some money."
"There is no faster way to feel rich than to spend lots of money on really nice things, but the way to be wealthy is to spend money you have and to not spend money you don't have."
"You use your credit card, you pay it off in full, it will help you build credit."
"The decision you make about where your money goes every single month is what separates people."
"My spending habit overall is not bad."
"We are going to structurally change the way that you spend money on celebrating."
"If you get into the habit of updating this every single day, you'll really be able to take charge of your finances."
"Saving is a really great habit even if you can only save a couple of pounds a week."
"Motivation is just something that cannot be relied upon so it's really important that we make that habit of saving."
"It's a budget that gives you a view into your spending habits and forecasts how much money you'll have in the future, all at the same time."
"You can't pay off debt if you are actively still in the cycle that causes you to create more debt."
"If you are able to only spend the amount of money you're earning and you just spend it on a credit card, pay it back on time, that's going to look great on your credit report."
"A lifetime of operating on how little you can spend cannot be shifted overnight."
"Saving is really a mindset; there are no secrets to saving."
"Wealthy people do money different than poor people do it, period, end of story."
"The rich focus on acquiring assets, while the poor spend on liabilities."
"It completely changed my spending behaviors, I learned so much about myself."
"We borrowed the habit of acquiring wealth overnight, but not the habit of keeping the wealth."
"We have learned the habit of showing off what we have, but not the habit of producing it."
"It is never too late to start moving in the right direction and get some millionaire habits going."
"Your money habits dictate you reaching your goals."
"It's not the percentage or the dollar amount you commit to that's most important, it's creating the habit of putting this money aside every single month."
"Small money steps matter, savings even little bits add up and it contributes to a life more intentionally spent."
"Doing a no spend challenge can be a great way just to reset your buying habits."
"That's why wealth is quiet, it's not because they're used to money, they stunt."
"Automatically 30% of my income goes directly into investments and savings accounts."
"The simplest and easiest way to build good credit is by getting a credit card and paying it off on time every single month."
"Emotional spending can be another factor in why you're not saving money and why you're spending when you shouldn't."
"Form the habit of systematic saving by putting aside a definite percentage of your income."
"I've been pretty frugal most of my life; I don't have any debt."
"Habit over motivation is really powerful with finance."
"Stacking is more than just saving; it's a lifestyle."
"The big secret to getting all the positives from credit cards without all those negatives... is really all about having self-awareness."
"Having a 100% payment history is one of the easiest ways to have a great positive impact on your credit score."
"You can see if somebody's going to become financially rich or middle class or financially poor based off of how they use their money."
"Money burns a hole in my pocket, but Salah is the opposite; he's so good with money."
"Lifestyle inflation is essentially you make more money and then you automatically spend more money."
"You're going to overspend, you're going to buy things you don't need, and you're going to pay for the past instead of building for the future."
"Saving small amounts really frequently is much easier, much more successful, and much less painful than trying to save bigger chunks less often."
"You need to set really good habits for you financially, and it will set you up really well for the future."
"Once you get into the habit of paying attention to what you're spending money on, it really just becomes a habit."
"The poor have an obsession with paying stuff off."
"People who are rich do not have car payments."
"I've learned that I need to stop spending money towards guys."
"Create a habit of automatically saving and eventually have that money transfer to your own banking system."
"Put more money in your pocket through credit cards and smart financial habits."
"I've always been cheap with money; it's something my mother taught me from a young age."
"The Swiss are not only good at making money, but they are also the best at saving them."
"There's always one that's a spender and always one that's a saver in most relationships."
"Keep living like a college student even after you graduate."
"I'm not someone that spends my money on designer items or luxury items; I'm a serial saver."
"Financial resolutions are things that you want to get better at over a longer period of time."
"If you feel like you're stuck in a rut, you keep spending and spending, and you feel like there's no way out... know that you can change."
"Are you a spender or a saver? I'm definitely a saver."
"I'm a big saver, I love to save money, not a big spender."
"Daily cultivate the money habit by thinking about money, being aware of its value, and handling it with consciousness."