
Planets Quotes

There are 272 quotes

"Welcome to Venus, some say it's Earth's twin, but this world is nothing like home."
"We now know that on average every single star you see at night has a planet going around it."
"Mars, which I know... it's a lot of people's favorite planets."
"I am Saturn, the sixth planet from the sun. I'm known for my rings by everyone."
"Jupiter and Saturn will come within 0.1 degrees of each other forming the first visible double planet in 800 years."
"What is the farthest planet from the sun? Neptune."
"Which is the hottest planet in the solar system? Venus."
"I guess that's my favorite planet too, right?"
"This new moon is more than just a new moon. It's actually a stellium of four planets, because it includes Chiron and Mercury into a four-planet stellium."
"Earth, Jupiter, Mars, Mercury, and Neptune. Saturn, Uranus, and Venus aren't the only planets in the solar system."
"There are billions of planets out there waiting to be discovered."
"...Uranus of course is tilted over... it's almost 90° or maybe a bit more than that compared to the rest of the solar system."
"We just covered all of the planets basically."
"Venus spins clockwise; it's the only planet that does."
"When I was much younger and saw Neptune for the first time, my first thought was that of an oceanic planet."
"Gas and ice giants are the most alien worlds that can possibly exist."
"It's home to the lightest planets in the known universe, called super Puffs."
"It's one of the hottest planets ever discovered; its temperature is higher than the surface of our sun."
"A planet reincarnates when it crosses a sign cusp."
"We should remember that every single planet wants to reward us."
"Now, obviously Venus is not habitable, Mars is not habitable, Earth is habitable."
"It’s actually about facilitating the development of embodied relationship with plants through planets, and with planets through plants. I’m so excited about it!"
"Yeah, and it's easy to see that. I mean, if you look at Jupiter and Mars, Jupiter accumulates things and generates more life whereas Mars kills and destroys life."
"The fact that the three outer planets are all changing signs at the same time is extraordinary."
"The largest shield volcano in the entire solar system, Olympus Mons."
"There are likely to be tens if not hundreds of trillions of planets just in the Milky Way galaxy."
"We also call the 29 degree planets as soul planets."
"The most interesting planet in our Galactic backyard."
"Mars is essentially like no other planet. It is a unique world."
"Look out at the sky count to five... one out of five stars has a planet that could potentially be like ours."
"The Daleks first targeted the planet al Vega."
"Who cares if it's a planet or a dwarf planet or what-have-you? I just love it as a world."
"Even though Uranus can sometimes reach colder temperatures, Neptune has the coldest average temperature because it's so far from the Sun."
"Some of the moons are as interesting as the planets."
"Jupiter and Saturn can make auroras without the solar wind."
"It was actually only a matter of time before we found more moons around these large, exceptionally gigantic planets known as gas giants."
"Mercury is a planet of mystery and intrigue."
"Saturn is coming up from the rubble."
"May is a month to look forward to, with a full moon in Scorpio, Mercury going direct, Venus moving into Taurus, and Mars moving into Aries."
"Alpha Centauri has a large quantity of the kinds of heavy elements that go into building planets."
"These mysterious entities often called rogue planets are on the boundary between the largest planets and the smallest stars."
"Lovely in the star system of 55 canre there are five planets four of which are gas giants similar to Jupiter and Saturn but the fifth one or rather the first because it's closest to the star is different in a most horrible way."
"So really, you’re not overweight, you’re just on the wrong planet."
"We have often contemplated settling moons of gas giants though, see colonizing Jupiter for more discussion, and in many cases these mini-solar systems will be preferable colonization targets so long as you’re not focused on having a planet with classic open air and skies."
"When I say planets I mean that in the ancient Greek sense where the term planetes means Sky Wanderer."
"A planet could maintain an ocean that was liquid nitrogen with a thin cold atmosphere of oxygen and helium above."
"But are there any planets in Alpha Centauri? This is the question that astronomers have wanted to know for a long time, and the reality is we have no idea."
"Jupiter has this amazing creative potential."
"I'm excited about how do we get the best tools in the planet and out of the planet I guess to work together and give us a cohesive picture of planets to answer questions about the diversity"
"I feel like there are these discrete magical effects that get put together in different ways depending on the planet, depending on The Shard, depending on maybe the intent of said Shard."
"After the Sun, we should directly see the Saturn and after the Saturn because today's main talk of is Saturn."
"Mars and Europa offer targets numbers one and two in the search for extraterrestrial life within the solar system."
"Circumbinary planets remind us of the myriad possibilities the universe holds, many of which are beyond our wildest imaginations."
"Can we at least get small planet? Like, can we get small planets? That's like, come on, small planet, bro. Like, the moon level thing is so weird to me."
"Enoch talks about the planets as if they are big, bright lights moving around in a circle in the sky, which he calls the heavenly circle."
"It's pretty much when all the planets deem earth as a prison planet."
"Neptune has this dissolving quality and Uranus has this instability."
"Finally, the young planets are starting to look like planets, but now they have to make it through a time of violence and destruction, a cruel time that will decide which planets will live and which will die."
"Neptune's more varied weather when compared to Uranus is due in part to its higher internal heating."
"The elliptical orbit of this planet and its moon crosses an area around the star some scientists call the Goldilocks zone."
"The conditions are perfect for planets to form, but spectral analysis finds something strange."
"There are billions of planets yet to be explored, every one of them holds the tantalizing possibility of life."
"Every star is a Sun and if our Sun has planets it makes sense that these other stars have planets also."
"May harbor oceans beneath their surfaces."
"The blue of these planets, however, is not that of an ocean."
"Uranus's distinct coloring comes from the presence of methane in its atmosphere."
"Humanity will likely join their number shortly, as the heir to quadrillions of stars and planets."
"Here are the disks of the planets that will one thing the disks that one day will become planets in these stellar systems."
"Jupiter ended up taking twice the combined material of the rest of the bodies in our solar system."
"New planets are discovered almost every day, many of them similar to the place we call home."
"I personally like Pluto Mon more than Jupiter Mon."
"Space is dark, mysterious, endless. Obviously. But if we do find Planet 9, it will be the first solid proof there are more planets in our solar system than we thought."
"Planets have to meet three characteristics: orbit around the Sun, sufficient mass, and cleared their neighborhood of debris."
"Besides Earth, what are the planets in the solar system named after? Greek and Roman gods."
"According to NASA's mathematical modeling estimates published in 2020, there may be billions of planets of this type in our galaxy, both curled harboring an ocean under an ice shell and warm like Gliese 1214b."
"Uranus is not a boring planet; on the contrary, it is a fascinating and unique planet."
"For many years Pluto was considered the ninth planet in the solar system and the farthest of all."
"Professor Brian Cox says there are at least 20 billion potential planets out in the universe where life could be thriving."
"The gas giant swings back and forth across its solar system."
"Oh yes," said Travis. "The second, third, and fourth planets all have atmospheres."
"It's nice to have these interesting biomarkers for potential planets to go and explore."
"The first thing to understand about double planets is that there’s no real cutoff at which something ceases being a moon and becomes a double planet."
"welcome back to DJ fabuloso's fun fact of the week of the week sorry did you know that the hottest planet in our solar system is not Mercury or Mars it is actually Jupiter"
"At the very center of the planet, we can observe a large and massive core of iron, sulfur, and nickel."
"Uranus has a diameter of more than 50,000 kilometers. That's more than a mile."
"All of the planets are actually in elliptical orbits."
"Asteroids are planet builders; without them, our world would not be here."
"The oceans on Neptune and Uranus being made of liquid diamond would also explain other stuff like their magnetic fields being tilted way off their north-south axes."
"Everything I've been doing, it hasn't been just to save the natives of each planet, but to save the planets themselves."
"Planets are like people; they're all different ages and live in all different places."
"The diversity of hypothetical planets is equally intriguing."
"Human colonization on other planets is no longer science fiction; it can be science fact."
"Every single planet that we are looking for is going to be a unique experiment."
"The solar wind is the continuous flow essentially of the outer solar atmosphere bathing all of the planets including us."
"Mercury and Venus are the only two planets in our solar system that have no moons."
"Jupiter is a very normal planet. 'Failed stars' are quite another matter..."
"A planet that looks like something out of a Star Wars movie."
"Over 100 billion planets might exist in me, maybe someday you can see them in our galaxy."
"Throughout all of June, Venus and Mars will be on the same astronomical line."
"I'm Jupiter, a gas giant and largest planet shown here, the first biggest of all planets."
"I am the first planet from our sun, you see; my name is Mercury."
"Planets everywhere, yeah, I like that a lot, that's very good."
"The Sumerians had a name for every planet they knew about Mercury and Venus, Mars and Jupiter, and even Pluto."
"I wonder, what planets are in our solar system?"
"Believe it or not, astronomers have discovered rare circumbinary planets that orbit two stars."
"The reason the four innermost planets are so different is because of really tiny circumstances."
"Pluto is no longer considered a planet."
"Closest to the blazing sun are the two smallest and hottest planets, Mercury and Venus."
"The eight planets we've mentioned already do indeed orbit on an almost identical plane."
"Wanderer in Greek translated is planetes; that's where we get the word planets."
"The planets are the conscious forces within the chart... they are the beings which give animation or give life to what's going to happen within a person's life."
"The solar system consists of a single star known as the Sun and has several planets orbiting it."
"Mercury, Venus, Earth, and Mars, then Jupiter, Saturn, and all of the stars."
"Our universe is full of wonderful planets; it is so big that one day people started to wonder if there is any other life in space."
"Each of the planets represents a part of ourselves."
"What is the largest planet in our solar system? Jupiter, that is correct."
"Replicants are being sent to other planets."
"These textures are based on real life planet textures, scans of real planets, so you can see that they've got a really nice realistic quality to them."
"Everything's revolving around the Sun in the solar system."
"If liquid water can exist there, it would seem a bit pointless to ask if life can emerge on such planets."
"The moon is a planet, don't look at me like that. The sun is a star."
"The largest planet in the Solar System."
"We have eight planets in our solar system. Astronomers have discovered over 500 solar systems in our galaxy alone."
"There were not nine planets in the solar system; there were hundreds."
"I've been able to focus planets when I'm out photographing the Milky Way."
"It's raining diamonds on Jupiter and Saturn right now."
"Mars is the last of the inner planets, which are also called terrestrial since they're made up of rocks and metals."
"Should be able to see Mars and Venus."
"We're right on the brink of being able to do that for a lot of planets."
"Robots are being used to explore planets."
"Imagine planets where the rain is made of glass, falling sideways at super fast speeds."
"Whoa, I have the answer to my question: What planets are in our solar system? Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune."
"The way I remember the order of the planets is: My Very Easy Method Just Speeds Up Naming."
"Each of those 10 decadence is said to be also ruled by a planet, and those go through a revolution going down the Tree of Life."
"It creates this symmetry where you then have three planets that are below the Sun, which is the Moon, Mercury, and Venus, and you have three planets which are above the Sun, which is Mars, Jupiter, and Saturn."
"It seems that after Venus stole his thunder last year, Mars is determined to remind us that he is still Earth's favored sibling."
"You're going to be able to see wonderful things like planetary objects Saturn, Jupiter, Mars as well as lunar surface features."
"A thousand times the size of Earth, in fact twice as large as all the other planets combined."
"You can immediately see this star has a planet that's yanking on it."
"Facing southwest in the evening skies, you'll notice a trio of planets."
"What planet is closest to the Sun? Mercury."
"The planet in question is, in fact, Magrathea."
"We're the eight planets and the five dwarf planets of the solar system; we all revolve around the sun."
"Pluto used to be a planet, now it's not."
"You should have no trouble seeing craters on the moon, the rings of Saturn, Jupiter and its four moons, and two cloud belts."
"All planets go around the Sun on an elliptical orbit with the Sun as the focus."
"The universe is filled with stars, and this is no news, but nowadays we are also quite sure the universe is filled with planets as well."
"I've technically seen more planets than you."
"Planets are the bodies of great intelligences or deities."
"The planets are all in each other's presence; they are omnipresent in their consciousness."
"And you have, also, in the central part the gods and goddesses linked to the planetary world, so the different planets."
"I wonder how many planets will fall this time."
"It's normal for planets to be a bit tilted on the side."
"There are eight confirmed planets in the solar system, but evidence shows there can be a ninth; we just haven't discovered it yet."
"These are the huge icy bodies of Uranus and of Neptune, and they're unlike any of the other planets."
"We've learned the most common, the easiest spray painting planet technique that there is to learn."
"We're talking about seeing like six planets and a giant Sun all in perfect orchestra."
"What's the hottest planet? Venus."
"Are there other worlds where life has taken hold? How did they come to be?"
"We now know as much about the planets of a system 21 light years away that we knew of those in our own system 200 years ago."
"You'll definitely see the rings of Saturn, moons of Jupiter, all that stuff, even storms on Jupiter's surface."
"Rings went from being the exception for giant planets to the rule."
"The Babylonians... named the hours in the day after the planets... it takes exactly seven days for this pattern to repeat."
"For the rest of October and throughout the month of November, the planets are going to be spoiling us once again with Saturn, Jupiter, and Mars all visible in the evening sky."
"Jupiter and Saturn will be visible as soon as the sun has set, wherever you are in the world, and then we'll disappear around about midnight depending on where you are."
"Let's not call them failed stars, let's just call them achieving planets."
"You'll start to see two bright points of light; that would be Jupiter and Venus."
"At totality, you'll be able to see the fainter planets: Saturn, Mercury, and Mars."
"These objects are planets, and yes, you can have a Jupiter mass planet orbiting very very close to a star."
"It turns out that stars are very bright, and planets are very dim and very small."
"We want planets so the right temperature, not too hot, not too cold, but just right for life."
"NASA is on a quest to find a planet like Earth; moreover, NASA's on a quest to find life in the galaxy."
"Which planet has rings? Saturn, yeah!"
"We're on the verge of the discovery of so many very exciting planets that in turn will tell us so much more about how rocky planets work."
"We are the planets of the solar system."
"The hottest planet is Pluto. Some say Mercury, no Venus, and the largest is Jupiter."
"My favorite planet is whichever one I'm looking at at the moment because I love them."
"That's how people know what elements are sitting on different planets."
"All planets in the solar system emit radio waves; they're especially strong if we talk about Jupiter."
"Huge diamonds could be raining down on Jupiter and Saturn."
"Every planet in the solar system is unique in its own way; it indicates creation in some fashion."
"We have lifetimes on all kinds of different planets, not just Earth."
"Each planet is a unique soundscape shaped by its particular makeup."
"Deep within Uranus, Saturn, and Neptune, it might be raining diamonds."
"Planets are extraordinarily ubiquitous in the galaxy."
"Each day has a planet assigned to it... Monday is the Moon, Tuesday is Mars, Wednesday is Mercury, Thursday is Jupiter, Friday is Venus, Saturday is Saturn, and Sunday is the Sun."
"Planets may look like they are fixed and don't change, but they are always changing."
"Under the right conditions, the planets look fantastic."
"Once you get a disc, you almost certainly get planets."
"Jupiter and Saturn are visible over the course of most of the night."
"People have always been drawn to wilderness, and the planets are the highest wilderness there is."
"There are always more planets, and that seems to be nature's rule."
"Our Sun is a star, the stars that we see in the night sky could well be suns to their own planets."
"Every planet in the solar system spins on its axis from west to east, except Uranus, which spins on its side, and what planet that spins east to west?"
"Of all the planets in our solar system, I’m the biggest one!"
"We're going to visit almost every planet in the solar system and have all kinds of adventures along the way."
"We can look forward to four of the five naked eye visible planets in the evening skies."
"Facing southwest in the evening skies, you'll also notice a trio of planets: Jupiter, Saturn, and Venus."
"Ending the year with four beautiful planets in the evening skies."
"There are thousands of planets out there waiting to be discovered."