
Vocation Quotes

There are 1048 quotes

"Wake up and see that your calling is worth the sacrifice."
"Your vocation is where your passion meets the world's greatest need."
"Honestly, the reason I want to do medicine is because I think it's a fantastic vocation that I would enjoy for the rest of my life."
"Your job is what you get paid for, but your calling is what you were made for."
"The appointment helped me to rediscover priesthood as a vocation as opposed to an occupation."
"He had a massive radical conversion and he went on to discern his vocation to the priesthood."
"Do it because it's a calling on your life, never back down, have faith."
"It was a calling, I just felt like this was calling me."
"I'm a man very much drawn to that [marriage], but I felt in my heart that he was saying I want you to go out into the world because you really came from it and I've drawn you out of it with so much mercy."
"It's not something that you are, it's something you have a calling to."
"If you look at someone who is really, really, really good at what they do, I cannot get past that sense they give off that they have found their calling."
"I don't feel I have a career, I have a calling."
"God does not call the qualified, he qualifies the call."
"Live in a way that's fitting for the calling with which you were called."
"This is an honor to do this. It's not about the money, it's not about the fame. It's because I know this is what I was called to do on planet earth."
"Being a preacher is a divine act of God, and you're not preaching unless you preach the word."
"I don't think I signed up for this job, I think I was called into this job."
"The lay catechist is now a vocation, a calling in life that goes well beyond mere professional concerns."
"You will not work for ministry you will work from ministry"
"God wishes us all to be saints, each one according to the state of life."
"Nobody ever said that a calling was easy. Having a calling requires you to have strength."
"It's not that you should become a priest, it's that someone must."
"Trust your inner calling - whatever you feel like you're meant to do in your life, that's probably where you will find financial independence."
"Being called to a religious vocation isn't something I can orchestrate. Rather, it's presented to a soul as an invitation, offered as a gift to which I make a free response with His grace and I accept with a wholehearted yes."
"There's plenty of material out there... describing how those were lay vocations."
"Remembering the events of Karbala are a way of remembering the human vocation to be the servant of God."
"I'm only really doing what I think God has called me to do."
"Fine-tuning and selecting a particular idea vocation that you want that is your passion and that does help improve the world."
"If God is calling you to a certain life, there is a certain discipline that upholds it."
"They're going to attack marriage, they're going to attack your vocation, they're going to attack all sorts of things."
"God continues to call. People, young people, to take the risk."
"Doing something you love, your vocation, something you're passionate about, you'd do even if you weren't making money."
"Seek to honor the Lord in whatever job you choose."
"When you have found your calling, you will always be on that path."
"Being a doctor is not entirely about money; respect is the highest reward."
"I just think it's crazy how when you put work into something don't give up really like it your calling will come."
"This person is a healer; they love what they're doing."
"I love what I do every morning; I wake up with a childlike love of it."
"Philosophy is not understood as a professional activity but as the vocation to become a full human being, happiness being the end or the goal of philosophy."
"I felt a definite calling; it was a call to be of service."
"Your job is not your provision, your job is your mission field."
"If you lose that little spark that kept you motivated, that little piece like this is my vocation."
"I felt like 100 percent convinced that my calling at that point in time was to make sure that the people at Mars Hill Shoreline were cared for."
"I feel like I've found my true calling of becoming like a reviewer."
"Do what you love and you never work a day in your life."
"God affirmed to me I was supposed to go into the ministry."
"Thank you for allowing me to do what I love to do."
"I enjoyed being a doctor, assisting people in their healing."
"It's not a job for them, it's what they want to be doing."
"Jesus, help us to accept our vocations and live our lives in ways that are pleasing to the Father."
"Tears were a sign of a true vocation."
"If the work is at your true calling and at your center, then it is absolutely possible."
"Paul was a very educated man he could have done multiple things but he knew what God's calling was and he devoted himself to it"
"I think it isn't a job, it's kind of a love and a passion and it's something that's kind of in you basically and it had been unleashed and I just thought this is something that I won I'm good at and one I really enjoy."
"I found my vocation very early on a trip to Italy to the Stromboli volcano when I was in high school."
"Being a teacher is the ultimate high to me."
"Teaching is a sacred profession. Actually it's a vocation. It's a calling, not just a career."
"The church has more than enough vocations to the priesthood that it needs. The problem is that young people today cannot hear the voice of God because they're drowned out in the noise of this world."
"For a long time I wanted to become a theologian," he told an old mentor. "For a long time I was restless. Now however, behold how through my effort, God is being celebrated through astronomy."
"Creating is our vocation. Whatever it is you're doing, create."
"It's a gift to be able to do what you love for a living."
"Some people want to teach and some people are called to teach, and there's a difference."
"There's one main vocation for each of us... a calling from God or the voice of God within us calling us to heaven, calling us home."
"I was born to be a coach, but also to end up helping other people."
"You find a passion and make that passion your vocation."
"You don't just have a career, you have a vocation."
"Seminary is a place where men are seeking to love Christ and to live out a vocation of Love um but to show that in doing this it's kind of just a normal life and that really everybody's called to the same thing."
"The good life consists in doing two things: identify your signature strengths and find a vocation that helps cultivate those strengths."
"You've got to know your calling, and you've got to abide in it."
"I mean, I guess the Dwarves Mine, I guess that's more of a vocation than a through line though."
"Maybe there's some things I can learn about this. I love these Catholics. I love what I experienced, but it's not for me. This is what God's called me to do. This is where God's put me. These people are under my care."
"Being a park ranger was no longer just a job; it had become my calling."
"A vocation is a way of serving. When your job becomes a vocation, when you make a job a vocation, you are serving and not just earning a living."
"I love what I do so much that I wouldn't be doing anything else anyway."
"The calling is the part that you need. The gifts are waiting for that calling."
"Your calling allows you to remain true to yourself."
"You want to be a bishop, you want to be a priest because you want to bear your cross, you want to imitate Jesus, bear your cross, lay down your life for Christ and for the people's sake, which is the greatest expression of love."
"The difference between having a job and having a vocation is that a job is some unpleasant work you do in order to make money with the sole purpose of making money."
"It's contributing to our vocation."
"Ultimately though, this should not be a job that you get into for the money."
"A teacher is a calling, is pursuing a calling of great dignity."
"It's undeniable that I have a vocation to be a Roman Catholic priest."
"You're destined to be a healer, a counselor, an advisor, or an author."
"God gave Moses a vocation speaking of shepherds. God makes him a shepherd. Interestingly enough, this is also part of God getting Moses out of Egypt and getting Egypt out of Moses."
"I literally believe I was born to do the work that I'm doing."
"Here's the bottom line: God's will is less about the specific job you take but the kind of worker you become."
"Teaching is not a career it's a calling and teaching is not just about more information teaching is about a life that changes."
"Their work becomes their spiritual calling."
"Seminary and pastoral care... were just transformative for me... I began also to gravitate toward pastoral care... which was just transformative for me."
"You cannot be anointed to be a pilot, you can't be anointed to be a medical doctor."
"Every vocation has risks, and to the degree that we are afraid to take the risks in our vocation, that is the degree to which we will not be happy."
"I want to be a priest because I feel like God has called me to be a priest. I want to be a priest for the love of God and for the love of my neighbor."
"Oh my goodness, here I am in my late 50s, by the grace of God, I get to talk about Jesus for a living."
"It was clear to me that medicine was my calling."
"I think one terrible move we made culturally again in the the world of great the 20th century is that we we collapsed the notion of I we can last our identity in the notion of vocation to job title."
"At the heart of a priestly vocation is to be a sacrament of God's presence."
"Each of us fulfills our callings in unique ways, and the Lord honors that."
"Your vocation is your calling, the thing that makes you want to get up in the morning."
"Travel can be your vocation. Kindness can be your vocation."
"Your job is what they trained you to do. Your work is what you were born to do."
"Finding out what you're good at or what feels like it's not work to you, you try a lot of different stuff."
"When you do what you love, it's not work."
"If you plan to be lazy, there are plenty of vocations in which you will not be wanted. But above all, you are not wanted in the Christian ministry for a man who finds the ministry an easy life will also find that it brings a hard death."
"We find our vocation or our deep gladness meets the world's deep need."
"If your work is your love, then you'll never work again."
"To be able to help heal, I feel like that's like my purpose in life."
"Bring your identity into the vocation, don't get it from the vocation."
"Prophecy is a call, prophecy is a lifestyle, yes, prophecy is an all-consuming vocation. But it's not a job in the traditional sense."
"I genuinely feel like I found my calling with these videos."
"I would not want to do anything else in the world."
"This is ultimately what I love to do."
"We're hungry for it more than anything, it's not work for us, it's a calling."
"It's part of your vocation, I think you have to not always be saying what's fashionably popular at the moment."
"Some people know from day one what they're meant to do... I once said to Nick when did you first know you wanted to be a philosopher he said first day of classes so I sat there thinking this is what I'm going to do with my life that sometimes happens."
"Vocation is fundamentally about service."
"Vocation is not just about what clergy do. Vocations are something all of us have."
"Vocation means you're doing it as a way of serving."
"If you pick a subject to study that you're in love with, you'll never be working for the rest of your life."
"Cultivate what you think God's calling you to because marriage is about salvation."
"You are born to be creative, okay, or being a priest or minister to others."
"If everyone followed their vocation, big V, and then followed the second vocation, little v, you know, sort of what God's calling you to do specifically, I think it's we're going to have a huge impact in this world."
"Not everyone is called to do that, though. Saint Paul reminds us of it as well."
"Honestly, I feel like to me cooking is not a job."
"Vocations are the hope of our world."
"Whatever vocation God calls you to, it's your choice whether you do that as an act of service to God."
"I always tell people I'm like even if I didn't have this whole like career going on I would still be painting."
"I just wanted to be a missionary."
"My role as a baptized priest, as it were, sharing in that form of Christ's priesthood, has taken off on turbochargers since I came into the Catholic Church."
"God doesn't just drop calls to the priesthood like bombs."
"There are some people they should never teach the Bible, they should just sing hallelujah, get people healed and saved."
"Calling you to the priesthood that's what's going to hold you through every storm."
"I think one of the best vocational discernment prayers out there."
"Your vocation will end up being your vacation."
"A lot of my mates cannot believe that I get paid for what I'm doing when I was doing it for nothing."
"I just want to cook, that's the only thing I want to do with the rest of my life."
"You are a natural Gondolier. You were born to Gondolier."
"I thought, 'My faith and my vocation...are both bound up in my relationship with Christ.'"
"I find my vocation to be so rewarding and so fulfilling."
"This isn't my job. This is my love."
"Marriage and monasticism are these Divine vocations, these Divine callings to the kingdom of God."
"This vocation is going to help us to grow in holiness but it's not going to fix all our problems, right?"
"It's a vocation to live within a story, the story of the Creator God and his world with Jesus as its climactic turning point."
"I have a calling no less than theirs."
"I think midwifery was really for me a kind of life-changing experience. I mean, I never went back to general nursing once I'd been a midwife. I stayed a midwife and I just found it the most wonderful job."
"Find what you enjoy doing most of all and you enjoy it so much you would do it seven days a week 24 hours a day 365 days a year for free and then get someone to pay you a lot of money to do it."
"From the time I was 13 years old it was clear to me that I would study theology."
"I was made to do YouTube. I was made for this."
"This is what I want to do this is what I was made to do this is my gift."
"I love making stuff and so that's really what I'm gonna try and do for the rest of my life."
"Some of you became pastors because you were never supposed to be one. You were supposed to be a church member raised up and you become an evangelist in somebody's church."
"It was never an aspiration, like, 'Man, I want to make music for a living.' It just was in me to do it and sort of made a way for itself."
"I think our generation... we confuse a career with a calling."
"Your job here is of service but of a more spiritual nature. It's not about fixing the problems with nuts and bolts kind of either mathematical or tech or anything like that. This is about a life of service."
"Walk worthy of the vocation wherewith you are called."
"Teaching is a higher calling in every aspect."
"Being a teacher is a higher calling."
"Polarisa was clearly born to do this."
"Life's work emerges out of your purpose."
"It was here that he realized his true vocation."
"If I quit youtubing, who am I? I don't even know if I would know who I am anymore."
"I just can't even believe I get to do what I do. It's not work."
"No matter what you do for a living, there's a higher purpose for your life."
"My writing is a deeply private act. I write because I have to. I write because it is my vocation. I also write because I want and hope to be read."
"How do I help them see the thing that they're going to spend 45 to 50 hours a week doing for the majority of their life as connected to God's purposes for the world?"
"If it is your calling, you feel good when you are going home because you have touched someone's life."
"It's not work. Not where I'm from."
"Your work is what you were born to do, not just your job."
"Why are you a writer? Because I couldn't be anything else."
"God needs an evangelist in the market... your kind is required in the space where God has domiciled you."
"Most people go through life without ever discovering their vocation."
"If you have the good fortune to feel a vocation or a calling towards something."
"Perhaps a vocation has been born."
"But the blessing in that is that my work was something that I actually did enjoy to do."
"Vocation happens when we get to the end of our questions."
"If you will follow Jesus in our true identity into our vocation, where would it lead? It's going to be beyond what you could ask or imagine."
"Could I preach the Gospel as an engineer? Yes! As a scientist? Yes! As a teacher? Yes!"
"Become the nurse that God created only you to befriend."
"Is it a calling or is it a job discussion? It seems to me like people that are in it, it's a calling at some level."
"I think you have to apply that to the vocation that I'm in. I sort of believe that you're on a bit of a path."
"Renewal of purpose is about examining why am I here, what is God's call upon my life, and what's my passion, vocation, occupation, and mission."
"But it's protective visiting, right? So let's get it heard and so I began. By right then, they started bringing vocation back and there was a computer office's vocation said, 'You know, I'm gonna go take this.' I had to learn how to type. So I started putting the plan together."
"Let the beauty you love be what you do."
"A calling is not limited to ministry."
"Jesus's vocation was messiah, but that wasn't his identity."
"When your gift hooks up with the need, it's your calling."
"...and the thing that keeps me going is I keep coming back to something that's very clear to me, that it is my vocation."
"This is your vocation. So you embrace it with everything in your being. You don't wish that you were the other."
"I think the biggest thing is to teach your children how to pray. That's the most important thing because the Lord's gonna draw them to their vocation."
"Becoming a poet is a vocation that you don't choose, it chooses you, and you feel it inside yourself and inside yourself is a voice telling you this is what makes me happy, this is what I want to do."
"...your family is your number one vocation and that having families is the single most important thing any society can do to ensure its longevity..."
"Be faithful ordinary Christian faithfulness moms ordinary Christian faithfulness businessmen whatever your vocation whatever you're calling whatever you're doing you have no idea what that produces."
"If your life is lining up with the work that you're doing, because a lot of times you'll see people putting into positions whose life really don't line up with what they're ministering over."
"A vocation, a true vocation, is somebody who's called to something that's above, that they're able to see the good in, and leave that good behind for something better."
"...I feel like our lady had a hand in my vocation too."
"Rembrandt knew with the enthusiastic certainty of youth that he would be a painter and nothing else."
"Once I felt like I could make music, I kind of was like... this is what I gotta do."
"When you find competence, you'll find your calling."
"The business isn't just a way we make money... it's a calling from God."
"So I thought I'd take you on a typical day of my life as a modern-day carpenter."
"...ultimately it wasn't what I was passionate about, what I'm passionate about is working with kids and working with families..."