
Technology Limitations Quotes

There are 100 quotes

"Telescopes are limited by two things: resolution and light-gathering."
"There is simply no substitute yet for being there."
"Blockchain is only as good as the information that is added to the blockchain."
"It could be the ultimate vlogger camera if only Canon could work out their 4k."
"AI excels at plenty but only an absolute doofus would think it can replace the human touch."
"You're not going to fix these problems with technology. You're going to fix them with social skills and common sense."
"None of these packages come even close to making Tesla's vehicles autonomous."
"The problem with quantum hard drives is they can't contain data for more than about 15 seconds."
"It may not only be 5G, but Huawei can't even purchase dedicated running memory."
"Computers can't do plays, computers can't do music, computers can't do a lot of things that we do, so arts is a really viable option."
"The challenge is that wind and solar Farms, which are among the cheapest forms of power generation, don't produce electricity at all times and need large batteries to store their output for later use."
"Face ID is great, but it can be a real pain if you're wearing a face mask or sunglasses."
"I firmly believe in oil and gas... You can't print a cow yet."
"Motorsport, if you really drill in, is a display of energy actually, you know, Formula One car is a manifestation of energy in really dense format and it won't work electrically, the numbers just don't stack."
"I think it's important to be realistic about what the technology can and cannot do right now or even in the future."
"The brain...we're never going to be able to replace with any machine."
"Smartphones can't replace your creativity or your mind."
"There's nothing like the campus. If we've learned anything, it's the computer will never replace the campus."
"I think regardless of a strong anti-cheat, people out there will probably still find a way to break through it."
"Buyers of B450 are left stranded without an upgrade path."
"AI is never going to really be able to give us originality."
"No expandable memory on phones that cost over a thousand bucks? They need to have expandable memory or at least one terabyte of storage."
"Most of our problems are not caused by a lack of Technology but by human nature."
"If you've updated past 9.00, I hate to say it, but you're not going to be able to do this jailbreak."
"In some sense there is a direct correlation between how limited the use of 3d is and how good the game is."
"Resumes are a terrible way to find top talent, this AI face scanning isn't any better."
"There's no such thing as an unhackable game."
"Night mode finally... unfortunately restricted... really really bad."
"All the advertised speeds are theoretical maximums and you're never going to reach those speeds even in a perfect lab environment."
"For the first three years that this computer was out I had to tell people I'm sorry I can't help you."
"Reverse proxies aren’t magic and they don’t fix everything."
"Even the recommended GPU struggles without upscaling."
"The main disadvantage of such engines tends to be that their use is confined exclusively to space."
"NTSB said that the crash was due to system limitations and the driver's lack of response due to distraction likely from a cellphone game application."
"Fortunately, with the little tech note, that technology, we do, you couldn't get away with it."
"You can't eat information technology, you can't wear it, you can't live in it."
"Electric cars are a step in the right direction, but they have a scaling problem."
"You can have standby mode but no always on display. That's pretty trash."
"The problem is the virtual world is not exactly the same as the real world as far as the physics."
"If I put a battery from Lewis's iPhone into my iPhone, my iPhone will lose a function."
"As any new learner of Japanese will tell you, Google Translate is fairly reliable for individual words or simple sentences, but the longer the sentences get, the quicker they fall apart."
"We're not trying to build real intelligence because we don't have a clue."
"Layouts from the 80s: variations on a theme, limited only by available programs."
"The AI is only as smart as the data that you train it on."
"Even though he jokes, 'yeah I'd totally love to like have a USB port and just upload French or something that's not how it works'."
"The delay isn't good enough to play all types of games, but Platformers and story mode games are honestly just fine."
"If it doesn't do contact tracing, it doesn't help."
"50 minutes of battery life just isn't good enough."
"Robots didn't take better pictures than the people they couldn't change angles for example they couldn't zoom in intelligently they couldn't capture those candid in-between moments."
"iOS...lacks in the customization Department."
"Fight For Life wasn't a Virtual Fighter or a Tekken, but then the Jaguar wasn't a PlayStation either."
"Incognito mode is not enough to protect your information."
"No water resistance no Wireless charge that's the biggest two takeaways."
"In most cases, if you try to photocopy a banknote, photocopiers will display an error message preventing you from reproducing money...similar errors occur if you try to edit a banknote on Adobe Photoshop."
"Streaming is not ready and it doesn't seem like it's gonna be ready anytime soon."
"Everything can be secure and reliable but communications and authentications methods suffer from the two generals problem."
"So, again, a robot might teach you how to recreate hyperrealism like a printer but not to make art."
"There is absolutely no way to correctly display 120 frames per second on YouTube, so with that in mind, we're gonna do the best that we can."
"If the minimum firmware version is higher than 3.56, then you cannot install custom firmware."
"Even with ideal placement, some projectors failed to produce a uniformly focused image."
"Unfortunately, not all apps support this on YouTube, but there are a lot of cool apps that do take advantage of this and do allow you to watch content in a little window while you're doing other things on your iPhone."
"Have you ever tried to use Google Translate and realize that the thing it's giving you back is not actually what you wanted to say? Well, that's..."
"A preset doesn't give you control, it also doesn't really teach you anything about editing videos in the future."
"Now it doesn't support any of the Bluetooth features that you'll see on the Note line, for example."
"Elementary OS 6 still doesn't support fractional scaling. Why, Elementary, why?"
"We won't be supporting the 'button hack' for creating glass anymore once the real glass feature is out."
"You got to tag me unfortunately I'm in a car that can't be tagged."
"There isn't an all-in-one app that magically lets you bring all those Pixel exclusive features onto your phone."
"Classical computing, incredible as it is, is not enough now and will never be."
"This is something that you can't do in the iPhone, it doesn't let you go wide when you are in portrait mode."
"I suppose this is a good thing, because otherwise I'd be stuck with a slate that could never perform certain functions."
"We've now cut a lot of future upgrade ability and some CPU-limited gaming speed."
"If you're unjust sports photography or wildlife photography, your smartphone really sucks at those things so you should get a camera."
"Now, obstacle avoidance still only works in that normal mode, you're not able to use it in something like sport mode."
"So not only does this not work on the ultra-wide, but it also only records at 1080p 30."
"Even though technology can do amazing things now when it comes to depicting plants there are still some things that a botanical artist can only do in the case of a living plant."
"Medical technology and devices alone are insufficient; we need to design for trust."
"The connection that you make through these apps... is not even one-tenth of the connection that you make in person."
"I think there's a kind of beauty in it and there's something very divine and I don't think those things can register an algorithm."
"You cannot build community with a computer screen."
"Technology is only going to get you so far, you have to care about your content, and in order to care about your content, you have to have heart."
"We need face-to-face contact to form meaningful connections with others."
"The oil well usually... there is no technology here to date that can tell before they drill the well the well will have oil or not."
"Technology is not always appropriate for all the people."
"AI has the potential to do the same, but if the edge hardware never gets to a satisfactory point, then I fear that AI's full potential will remain locked away in the ephemeral cloud."
"You cannot yet solve all of the problems of these large language models."
"Technology alone cannot protect you from everything."
"Our minds are adaptable and expansive, our hardware can't evolve fast enough to keep up with such power."
"There will never be a perfect camera, at least not yet."
"This is not for someone who does a whole lot of work in Photoshop, who needs to edit HD or full HD videos; this is not a gaming machine."