
Prison System Quotes

There are 117 quotes

"Prison is a business, isn't it? It's crazy that prison is a business."
"Robert is currently 69 years old and he has been in prison for 48 years, making him the longest serving prisoner ever in the UK."
"The sole purpose of laws should be to reduce crime. And if prison systems are doing the opposite of that, then something has to change."
"Some people, irrespective of their crime, come in jail, do their time, and they're polite and respectful."
"Going to prison breeds crime. You've not got the tools now to operate as a model citizen."
"My Democratic colleagues are requesting hearings on the effect of the virus in prison, state, and federal detention centers for immigration purposes, and we will try to work together to have those hearings."
"No one goes to prison for a drug offense. They go into rehabilitation."
"The prisons in Norway are built on rehabilitation; the prisons in the United States are built on punishment, not rehabilitation."
"The federal government moved into the Rocky Mountain states establishing prisons to just set order on the landscape."
"The growth of prisons produced a 35% increase."
"Prison is what I realize, it's designed to break you, take your self-esteem."
"But let's not fool ourselves that our prisons are full of people who shouldn't be there. That's simply not the case."
"Now, for 3 decades, we fought crime by building huge prisons."
"Time goes on for the people who are on the outside and eventually they just sort of forget about you on the inside and they move on with their lives."
"When we say 'school to prison,' we literally mean that. If a black boy can't read by the time he finishes the fifth grade, there's a 75 percent chance he will spend at least some of his adulthood in prison."
"Money is being siphoned out of education and into prisons. You know, just a few blocks from where I teach, they built a $200 million jail for kids."
"The truth is when you combine the low to non-existent wages that prisoners get paid with these surprisingly high costs that they and their families can incur while they're inside, the current system can wind up costing all of us."
"The prisons are collapsing and the prisoners are about to be released."
"There are things in this society that cannot be reformed and the prison system is one of them."
"A prison is not just hell on earth for inmates, it's also hell for the families and loved ones of anyone incarcerated."
"What happens inside our prison's walls not only tells us something about the kinds of people we lock up but also something about ourselves, our politics, and our culture."
"Private prisons could be fine in theory, but anything that's good for the prisoner is bad for them."
"Until we get the system where it's not based on bonuses for wardens..."
"Mandates destroyed America, it created the prison industrial complex."
"My job was to help teach people the skills to never come back to prison again."
"Corporations should not make huge profits locking up fellow Americans."
"Even if it's not real, it's real as hell in the prison system."
"Let us not forget something here presently the stats are that in federal uh privatized prisons the prison industrial complex in the United States of America is owned by large corporations."
"Prisoners must! We've released zeros again. We don't have a reoffending right yet, okay, that's fair."
"You don't find it too often where you go to prison, you come home, and you're able to find a job that you really enjoy."
"A large prison population means that we are locking up our criminals, that's a good thing."
"The misery of those locked in put money in the pockets of those left outside."
"Prisons are for people being penalized, and it doesn't make them better people."
"There's a lot of talented people that are in prison, bro."
"The polar opposite of this is Bolivia’s San Pedro prison."
"Prison abolition is a radical idea worth taking seriously."
"How does someone on suicide watch hang himself with no intervention? Impossible."
"Enough people care so that they end up in women's prisons and enough people are cowards, they don't want to come out and say this is insane."
"You shouldn't be able to profit off of mass incarceration."
"Andy is educated and wealthy and smart and so he goes into the prison system and teaches everybody how to be."
"We put more people in prison than any country on earth for no good reason."
"These jails, institutions, penitentiaries, prisons, that are just crazy worlds inside this already crazy world we live in."
"Supermax facilities have evolved as a concept in the last 10 years to deal with some of the most problematic inmates in the system, to get them out of the rest of the facilities in the system."
"What the public expects from prison today is really the sense that the people inside are going to stay inside."
"Most of these women would not have been sent to jail or prison 40 years ago. We're sending them there now because we have mandatory sentencing laws, because we have these ridiculous drug laws."
"The U.S is a prison nation, with approximately 2.5 million people behind bars, constituting 25% of the world's incarcerated population."
"This movie for kids went out of its way to bravely and brutally dismantle the dark side of poorly run American prisons."
"I remember some guys next to me said, 'If someone dies in your cell, there's a law that you can get out straight away.'"
"There are many, MANY clear and pointed parallels between the prison system we see on Narkina 5 and the real life, horrendous carceral system in America."
"The prison system is another way of enslaving black people."
"The penal system is unjust. The prison system, in general, is not about rehabilitation for the most part."
"Norway's prison system puts a focus on rehabilitation."
"Prison is not the place for mentally ill people."
"The incongruity between the life being protected and the life being either ended or basically destroyed by prison is so vast."
"How we treat prisoners says a lot about what we care about as moral beings."
"There is a thing called absolute law in our prison."
"A more humane prison system... more money for treatment programs."
"We cannot reach, nor does government have in place, a functional program that takes them from prison and makes them productive."
"Prison reform is definitely needed."
"More of the citizens of the United States, particularly in California, don't understand what really happens inside these prisons."
"The prison system sucks, and if I could make some humor out of it while also giving you some knowledge, that's really the whole approach of Prison Break Raw."
"Prison should rehabilitate, but some prisons are like a party going on in there."
"The incident at the women's prison in New Jersey is not an isolated case of abuse within the prison system."
"The findings of the US Department of Justice have revealed a disturbing pattern of sexual abuse within the prison system, further emphasizing the urgent need for reform."
"I think there's a culture in the Bureau of Prisons that needs to change."
"The single most best thing you can do to improve the prison system obviously would be get rid of private prisons."
"We want to stop for-profit prisons. They're literally for profit, and they'll come up with how it's cheaper, but how can you use your prison model making money and then say, 'Oh, we don't want any more customers coming back in'?"
"It wasn't like it was just gangbangers just going crazy, I mean it was like it was a real government conspiracy they had this [__] blown up so they could build the prison system up to the way it is now."
"'Our prison system is a business. They're privatized prisons that make money.'"
"My hope for Keith is that he gets a chance to rehabilitate, help rehabilitate the other prisoners in the system, to say, 'Look, I was your age when I walked in here, and I can help you if you will just let me.'"
"What happens inside our prison walls not only tells us something about the kinds of people we lock up but also something about ourselves, our politics, and our culture."
"We are the greatest country in the world yet we have the most people in prison of any country and the highest incarceration rate as well."
"Before he died, Michael Francke told his family that he was going to blow the lid off of corruption in the Oregon prison system."
"What the special unit offers prisoners is Hope."
"Prisons do not make better people."
"The degree of civilization in the society can be judged by observing its prisoners."
"The state of Texas is currently spending two billion dollars of your tax money to build the biggest prison system in the free world."
"The prison system runs one of the richest school districts in the state."
"Many inmates look upon the prison system as an entitlement program."
"By any standard measure that economists, criminologists, or sociologists look at, the U.S. is an extreme outlier in its use of prisons."
"The very procedures and structures of a prison provide some level of security."
"I want to have a prison that's set up to actually rehabilitate people."
"We wouldn't have to pay so much in prison costs and things like that."
"The USA prison system doesn't do a good job of actually trying to help the prisoner change."
"I want a prison system that is both effective, merciful, and humanitarian."
"The main reason I created this channel was to expose the corruption that goes on in prison."
"The re-entry training must begin in prison to help people in custody prepare for the hardest part which is coming home with a solid reputation and a felony record."
"They make millions and millions of dollars enslaving and jailing people who don't even know that they're being railroaded."
"The prison system... from the moment you walk in that door through that gate, the prison environment abuses you."
"It's like enforced my trust in also like this Finnish prison system, where like giving chances to put people like you, it's awesome."
"I'm happy to see that there's not only equality for prisoners or an attempt at it, a quality of opportunity, but not only for prisoners but for men and women prisoners."
"Our prisons have gotten so violent that even if you didn't go in with a trauma disorder, it's hard to come out without one."
"It's a worse punishment to keep them in prison."
"Casanova's story served as a sobering reminder of the need for reform within the prison system."
"There should never be profit associated with incarceration. Period."
"Every person we can keep out of prison saves us like 80,000."
"When you send a person that young to prison, a person who's already in the subculture like gang banging and he's extremely impressionable, you send him to that yard in a situation where basically he feels he has to sink or swim."
"It's about showing a multi-dimensional view of the prison system."
"Let's get the moniker of the worst prison system in the Free World off America. Let's change."
"These are human beings that are going to get out at some point, so stop traumatizing people."
"We're spending 80 billion dollars and failing half the time."
"Putting a person in prison is already a huge amount of a violation of autonomy, but it's a justified violation of autonomy."
"The way the prison is set up is masterful... this is how oppressors work."
"We should want healthy, rehabilitated, happy people leaving prison."
"Going to prison, it's an elementary, a Middle School, a high school, and a college if you want it's there, you can apply yourself."
"A lot of good commentary, generally on the prison system."
"The way we deal with the prison system is completely disgusting."
"The more people that they have in their prison system, the more profits they turn."
"If you accept they didn't actually have a choice because it's all deterministic, you might have a different response to how prison is structured."
"The prison's is to help reform and rehabilitate the inmates."
"We should put money directly into people's hands, certainly when they come out of prison, but before they go to prison."