
Parties Quotes

There are 228 quotes

"You ever go to a party and then you meet a girl there, and y'all end up just being cool at the party?"
"Friends are the most important thing of all, which is why to him parties are so important."
"When you go say hi to people, are you trying to join their party or are you inviting them to join yours? Learn how to have that party with yourself. It all starts there."
"I just love serving parties, like birthday parties or anything, 'cause I'll make it the most fun."
"That's a bit overkill, but you know what? Ain't no party if it's not an overkill party."
"The Republican and Democratic Party both move to the left but drift apart from each other dramatically."
"In one fell swoop, it would remove the power of the parties over the presidency."
"In 2009, Stephen Hawking hosted an open party for everyone but only publicized it after it was over so only time travelers would know to attend."
"Everybody know ain't no party like a diddy party, so yeah, that's what's up."
"I feel like the only way that we'll be able to save anybody is by actually attending the stupid birthday party."
"Democrats could equally be doing well as Republicans are doing poorly."
"The best party in the history of fly parties."
"Disney World provides entertainment and cultural experiences, even if they're not 100% real."
"I usually go to parties with my family, my coworkers, or my friends."
"The problem in America is that we don't have enough political parties; we only have two."
"Para will be able to throw different kinds of parties." - Anti
"Political parties are not inert bystanders that have no power."
"You can't have a party without somebody making a scene."
"It'd be wonderful if we had more political parties than really just two here."
"Who would have thunk James Charles throwing a party that's right baby we're in our fun era."
"Now, this one, that's definitely a crowd pleaser."
"A contract is an agreement between two parties."
"It's a contact between two parties, usually a fairly long-term contract, to exchange cash flows."
"It's really to in my words level the playing field if you will and to ensure that as the parties appear before the jury it's on as level of a playing field as I can provide."
"They stand for big organized party which sounds super lame and they are kind of lame but in the best possible way."
"You're not doomed just because you don't like parties."
"The pamper party was something set up to lower girls and for Nygard to have sex with them."
"I figured these would be great to use for parties or even like little gifts that you could throw into a bag with a bunch of other beauty products and things like that."
"The After parties, if you've ever been, you know it's a good time."
"This room is perfect for hosting parties and entertaining."
"Maybe it's time for realignment between people who might find themselves in the wrong parties."
"The differences between our parties today are trivial compared to what they were in the 1850s when the party system fell apart."
"...the real issue is that all of the elegant checks and balances that are in the Constitution fail completely if government becomes based on coherent and disciplined parties."
"Just look at this imagine all the parties you can have here."
"The best party I've ever been to was at Puffy's 50th birthday. It was so sick, epic."
"Guaranteed to keep the party going longer."
"The party going even while social distancing."
"Fireball whiskey went from being unheard of to the drink of choice at parties and bars nationwide, all within a few short years."
"Both major American political parties have their problems to be sure big problems but one of them, the Democratic party, is clearly preferable to the other."
"It was the epicenter of lavish parties."
"Parties will always be messy and you know that's the fun in them is that you can make the messes and then clean them up later and all is well."
"Appetizers are arguably my favorite part of any party."
"Who doesn't just love a good old swatch party? I do anyway."
"He did not succeed, but his first time getting very, very drunk was at one of my house parties."
"These are proper parties that actually win."
"Paulie parties were some of the best parties ever."
"There's nothing wrong with a little bit of good inner party conflict."
"'Me?' he snorted. 'A conjurer? Can you picture me going around crummy kids parties making rabbits come out of top hats?'"
"Last time we had a party here we took both those benches and moved them so they were parallel and covered them in candles and had a huge table here and had like little beastro lights and it was just amazing."
"Donald Trump for the Republicans and Bernie Sanders for the Democrats."
"Mediation fundamentally is about what the two parties can agree."
"I try to vote on policy and not look at the parties because the parties are what's killing us. They can't compromise."
"One thing I loved though about Carnival Jubilee was the lively onboard parties."
"The cruise line has massively fun parties."
"We have all the mystical masquerades we have all the enchanted parties all the glow-in-the darks we're just missing four of the dress up party the ultra rares."
"There is no difference at all between the Democratic Party and the Republican Party on the left. We've all known that for a long time."
"Political parties operate as powerful engines of national compromise."
"No one wants to go home when you're really enjoying the party."
"It's like all of the parties that we were at, sober. All of the people we talked to, we were just too buttoned up."
"I just feel like you man enjoy parties."
"There was no gigs, we played parties."
"Parties would serve as instruments to subordinate Congress, ensuring a majority party always in control of the presidency."
"In order for me to be around people, I have discovered that I love the big dinner parties, I love Christmas parties, I love to be out socially at Christmas."
"If anything I hope that you gained a little bit of confidence to attempt to throw your own parties at home."
"Humans are hardwired to be party animals."
"Parties are just primitive human mating rituals."
"It's not for me and it's not for you, it's for the kids at the party."
"We live in a period of weak parties and strong partisanship."
"What funny mustaches you got there! Oh, it's a party, right?"
"He was the life and soul of the parties."
"People could go out of their way to try and impress you, so at a party or something, you may hear people talking extra loud or people trying to make like extra jokes around you."
"Royal Dragon Chinese dim sum, the easy way to keep your parties from dragging."
"The parties you will have here will be epic."
"The truth is, I know who's going to be using this backyard. I know the type of parties are going to be out here, and they're going to be legendary."
"...the image of these parties morphs from exclusive fund to potential criminal exploits."
"I grew up hating alcohol. I hated parties. I couldn't attend parties. I felt really bad. But as I started getting older, probably around 20, I started thinking, 'Oh, maybe it's not so bad.'"
"When you're throwing a party, you can't be selfish. It's about being selfless."
"Elton was having a party the next night but we were so rowdy the first night he told the record company, 'Make sure you don't invite those Kiss guys to my party.'"
"Rumor has it that these two have been partners in crime for years there's even talk about Kim Kardashian being a regular at Diddy's Infamous parties."
"You certainly know how to throw a party, Jack."
"We only get two choices from the political parties."
"A bilateral contract is an agreement between two or more parties."
"Every time I go to a party I'm like, 'Is this the eczema party?' cuz I'm the star."
"It was always that person who quietly watches others indulge in their revelries from a distance."
"It was just so emotional and lovely and yeah, it's a great party."
"She's the person you go to a party and everyone walks away like this. I would have friends. Everyone loves Jess. Everyone wants to talk to Jess at the party."
"But then I've been seeing you guys out at parties, had your birthday party, which was so much fun."
"...I would favor a system under which there would be more smaller parties and governments as in Germany would have to be formed on the basis of a large measure of compromise between different points of view."
"She mainly attended parties not to drink or cause trouble but for the opportunity to speak to a variety of people."
"We get to dress up, we'll go to some parties, we go to the game."
"What's the best Super Bowl party you've ever been to?"
"None of the parties you're going to go to in high school is going to be as good as this one."
"I mean, there were so many parties happening at Number 10, it must have been like Woodstock."
"I was inspired by house parties and rapping at the end of the house parties over the DJ turntables."
"I adore Paris. I have some friends there who give the most per parties."
"You give such delightful parties; this is going to be a rather special one. I've invited everyone who hates each other."
"He's famous for holding great parties."
"It's impossible to be bored, I think I mentioned a few times we had a foam party the other day."
"There was nothing like a Playboy party, and there never will be anything the same as Hef's parties again."
"Perfect for the holidays, for parties."
"Van Buren can really be credited with having developed the modern political party system."
"At parties we're out to win you over."
"Political parties provide that avenue; they provide you a voice."
"They're very good to have at parties and things like that because they're gonna brighten up the mood."
"That's so sweet. Is that what parties used to be like? No way."
"He loved costume parties more than anything in the entire world."
"You take these to any party, any of them, then you're gonna be a hit."
"I'm all about having a good time, I think that's the best kind of party you can go to."
"Magic jelly has its uses, like at a children's party or a picnic, or as a yummy pudding."
"I love throwing a party. And I love having a great party."
"One of the important things in having a party is that you're able to spend as much time with your guests as possible."
"It's a party for the Rich and Famous."
"I guarantee you once you become a partygoer, that's going to be the best party you ever go to."
"The Vegas after party in the '90s was a lot better than now."
"Look at these Pinkie Pies made files for everypony in town with exactly what kind of parties we like."
"You always can tell a party is going to be really good when the kid comes to the door in their princess costume. They're just like, 'Ahh!' and they're just freaking their minds out, and that's the best part."
"I'm not going to do the whole sides thing, I want everyone to be invited."
"I started doing like house parties and stuff, I started really getting a rush for it."
"I think you'd kill at parties, you're kind of the most fun person I know."
"I'm like the party planner; I legit throw all of my kids' birthday parties."
"I think the idea of doing that is ten out of ten because everyone's always looking for the after party at a wedding."
"Liked to throw lavish parties with many people in attendance."
"Both parties, both the claimant and the defendant, surely it's got to happen that way."
"Tony's parties are always amazing."
"It's a great thing to bring to a party."
"I'm bringing everyone together on the team. I hosted team parties. I make sure everyone gets home safe. That's who I am."
"I look forward to parties where I don't know anybody more than parties that I do."
"I've never been to a wild Hollywood party in my life."
"You're just throwing a party, you know it's gonna be a great party, and throwing parties is fun."
"Did you ever go to a party and think, would anyone really miss me if I weren't here?"
"Magic tricks are always welcome at parties."
"India has a lot of other political parties beyond just Congress and the BJP."
"It's amazing how many dishes two people can use, especially when they give a party for a hundred."
"Imagine the parties you could have here."
"Have fun... you're taking pictures of people's parties, it's kind of a dream job."
"Maybe if you're at a party, they'll say something like, 'Ugh, I hate these things,' and then you may ask them why they came."
"We're dropping in on what you could call the continent's top 10 parties, each rich in tradition and a celebration of local culture."
"Nightlife is an interesting one; there are some great parties in London."
"I'm always happy when a party's over personally."
"It was so nice throwing big parties."
"That Project X party was amazing, but my New Year's party was off the rails, dog."
"I love when people come to my house; hosting parties is like my favorite thing to do."
"I love to host, and I just love hosting parties and dinner parties."
"If you want to find parties at ASU, you definitely can, but if it's not your thing, there's plenty to do at ASU where you don't have to party."
"Parties go up and parties go down in a democracy."
"You're going to feel incredibly social, so there could be some very significant parties, events with friends, social gatherings."
"If a party says it starts at 7:00, you don't get there at 7:00."
"The thing I love about parties is actual real life raw fun."
"Listen, I've thrown some of the most fabulous parties Atlanta has ever seen."
"It was the morning after one of our parties. Listen, you probably had a lot of fun back in the day, definitely possible."
"It's really cool to see Raven come up with these ideas and things for these parties."
"I bet you're great fun at parties."
"I absolutely love throwing parties and organizing them."
"Everybody knows the party ends in the kitchen."
"I've got so many little treat containers, and so it'll be nice to make a nice tray of treats to have my kids be able to take for their parties."
"It's like you want to have a party, you only have five friends but you want to have like 40 people."
"Definitely come to the pool parties, they have them like every other day."
"We throw amazing parties, and our whole goal is to have the party of all parties."
"Palm Springs is just the best, I've been to a bachelorette party here and I've also thrown an epic girls trip."
"Good manners make a good party extra sweet."
"Mingling, that's the secret of a successful party."
"There's always a little bit of doubt when you throw a party, or maybe there's not, and I just have crippling anxiety."
"I showed up to this party, went straight to the basement, and just started shooting hoops in the gym."
"I was the party-goer; I just loved talking to people and socializing."
"Bachelorette parties are a male dancer's best friend."
"Who knew that you could have some of the best parties ever in the bogs?"
"There's actually a sick launch day party which we are invited to."
"Right, slumber party's the best! Finally, a chance to discuss all of life's really important issues."
"One of my absolute favorite things about summer time is for sure the beach trips and the pool parties."
"Put the word out, go to smaller parties at people's houses and things, meet people; it'll happen."
"One thing about Thomas and I is that we love to throw over the top, decadent, Hollywood glamorous parties."
"Graham, parties are meant to be fun."
"We put on two parties: at one, we have no manners at all, but at the other one, we'll have perfect manners."
"Good manners make a good party extra good."
"October is a great month for parties."
"I wish there were more Halloween parties that were like all of the sitcom Halloween parties growing up."
"Peppa loves fancy dress parties. Everyone loves fancy dress parties."
"What a relaxation and relief it is to go to a party and let other people have the attention."
"You showed people at that party that they should cherish their moms a little more."
"Cake pops are the perfect dessert for any event or party."
"This will certainly be a social experiment at your next holiday party."
"I feel like our parties are gonna be lit."
"If you're having boring parties, get a microphone and you're gonna have way more fun."
"I think this summer's gonna be completely crazy, people are gonna be bottled up, they're gonna be going nuts, I think like block parties might be coming back, oh shit's gonna be crazy."
"They have been throwing a lot of pool parties and hot tub parties recently at the crib, which have been very fun."
"I love doing these birthday parties; they're just so much fun."
"It's pool party this, day parties there, party parties, there's clubs, like everything is intensified in the summer."
"After parties, not good, no good. Nothing good is going to happen."
"Horse finds people and crowds exciting and loves parties."
"She likes rock music and Halloween parties."
"Every dinner party needs a little Corbin fairy to just sneak into the kitchen, sort out the problem, and then disappear into the night."
"George Washington cautioned against forming political parties at all, believing they would lead to the downfall of the Republic."
"We all enjoyed great boating by day and awesome Parties By Night."
"Tacos at parties are like the best."
"If you take this recipe to your next house party, you're going to be the one losing weight in the recliner."
"When you're at a party and you lose your homies, but a new group finds you and you hit it off."
"I always carry a box of extra turkey calls, man. They make good party gifts, everybody loves turkey calls."
"Accept every invitation to parties outings with your friends."
"This would definitely be like a fun novelty thing I would bring to a party."
"Imagine the soirees they threw up here."