
Students Quotes

There are 270 quotes

"The real heroes here are the students...they showed incredible resilience and spirit."
"Students, it is time for your first challenge."
"There's something a little off about these students; they're about to join a suicide cult."
"It's really a pleasure for me and an honor to see that these students are successful with their exam and that those exam results have allowed them to open new doors for where they can study and where they can find job opportunities afterwards."
"It's a shame that then all of their achievements that they made in their entire year... it feels bad that Worlds is like the only thing that people paid a hundred these students for."
"there's a ton of really genuine and interesting interactions you can have with students."
"A fun little take on how these school students came together and became the gang we all know."
"I truly believe that the students here at Liberty University represent what is so hopeful for America."
"It's much safer for students to live on campus at low risk young people would rather than the alternative."
"What the students in this college did was great, they stood up for themselves."
"To see any Chinese students standing up against the government, that's quite a big deal."
"This assault on conservative students is happening every single day."
"Now we are letting students sleep much more than what they could have slept with a sleeping pill."
"I came here wanting to do the biggest art piece we've ever done, but when I got here, I realized it was more about the students."
"Dozens of students now being escorted away from Royce Hall with their hands up."
"Students protesting for peace is nothing new; they have every right to do it."
"The students are sort of the conscience of a nation."
"These are University students, so you can expect that they're pretty smart, pretty well organized."
"Ramen is said to be the meal of all college students because it's inexpensive and it tastes oh so good."
"The students are the only reason we exist."
"The teachers are quite few and can't protect all the students on their way there."
"If students are happy about a deadly virus closing schools then maybe schools should rethink their education system"
"We've never had this many students, you know there's thousands of you guys wanting to get better at art."
"So a nice tool that you can use with students when students are doing their own work, a nice tool for them to be able to do some mathematical calculations."
"His teachings live on through us, his students."
"...you may see one of our students who is in their final year of their education."
"LSC has more than 11,000 students, and just under 70% of those students come from outside of the UK."
"Students should be directed to the possibilities of online listening resources."
"This handout is a really simple-looking thing, but I've had a lot of my students tell me by the end of the semester that this was the most helpful handout that they've got."
"My tips with this, and I see a lot of students do this, is basically get a bit too impatient when they're drawing out quads."
"We have over 7,000 students in my Facebook group."
"These are the sort of things where if you are a student particularly this device can get you through nearly anything."
"First being Get to Know You activities... where students are sharing about themselves."
"At the end of the day this is what it's really for the students."
"A University's true currency is its students and staff, and they define an institution through their actions."
"There's no such thing as a bad student, only a bad teacher."
"To what extent does this influence or affect the students?"
"A culturally responsive classroom belongs to the students with the teachers as facilitators."
"My heart sank where on Earth did these students go?"
"Education's only ever about students and we're in this for kids."
"We want to create read update and delete the students that we are creating in this application."
"Students, focus on self-care and recalibration. Take the time you need to find your direction."
"Felicia said that a supervisor will be coming to visit the houses of all students in the near future."
"It reflects how our students, and I think students in general, are interested in making a difference and in addressing these really complicated hard societal problems."
"We can do a better job at helping students make a difference."
"She made students the center of the law school experience."
"It's real teamwork to keep students on track for their exams. We are so close now and Paris has almost no time left. Thank you."
"For every student in here who has trusted Christ as a personal living Savior, he wants the power of his resurrection to be demonstrated in your life today."
"Someone powerful is hunting down her students."
"My students are gonna think that is so cool that they get to sit in a special chair."
"Students who can decode just get faster and faster at it and yet they've built such a large skill set that's going to help them in anything that they read."
"Good students will even pass with a bad teacher."
"There are almost 50,000 students around the world that are interested in studying the Quran and its meanings."
"Mary and Doug refused to stop here, they knew this was a great start to ensure the safety and the future of other students."
"Snape used his position as Headmaster to discreetly protect the students."
"Since there are many advantages and disadvantages of instituting a merit pay system, districts must always focus on what's best for our students in the long run."
"What I like about the compassionate school project is that it helps students learn appropriate coping strategies."
"Students really are fascinated with the idea of compassion for other people."
"Empowering our students to marshal all the resources of language."
"Congratulations my fellow students."
"He loves teaching. He loves his students."
"The teacher encouraged the students to continue practicing their writing skills by writing essays every week."
"Students will do things last minute, whether they're 10 or 25."
"We're not after a polished performance. We're not after nice people. We're just after the best intellectual students with the greatest potential to do well."
"Make an effort to include all students. Go for those quiet ones in between, too. Make sure to include all your students at some point or another."
"You have good friends. You have family. You have students."
"Students who do homework more than three hours per day show elevated cortisol levels compared to students who do no homework."
"I am absolutely passionate about helping students just like you prepare and succeed for the USMLE."
"Our students are making money working from home on their own terms."
"Literally the students we've celebrated just this week."
"With an average age of 31, I'm representing 18,000 students."
"I created a course for students who have been practicing with me for a while."
"...pretty much everyone at cal is hard-working smart and passionate."
"Students are the clients paying your salary."
"The best feeling in the world for me was when I saw one of my students actually believe in themselves."
"Ping truly cared about the well-being of Dong Wu's students."
"Our priority should be taking care of the students."
"It's okay to have expectations of the student."
"Know your students. They're not a throwaway experience."
"Will the club be good for students?"
"...$20 is even a better deal, so if you are a student or know a student, let them know this because they can save some cash."
"Flexibility in a job is priceless when it comes to the kind of jobs you should be looking at as a student."
"I've heard from so many students that this alone has been game-changing...that alone is powerful."
"Many Asian American students are student leaders among their classmates."
"Student discounts is what I'm about to talk about now. If you're a student, you're in luck because there are a lot of shops and a lot of opportunities for 50% off or whatever percent off on your legitimate ID card, your student ID card."
"Major supporting detail 1: For one thing, students may have financial problems."
"Each of these students has done amazing things."
"No matter the issue, no matter the time, I promise to help out each and every single student."
"More than 240,000 U.S. students have experienced gun violence at school since Columbine in 1999."
"We just started doing this last spring, every student gets an ID."
"There's a 50 million students who will benefit from this, who today will struggle."
"It's a fair day at World University, and lots of students are milling about."
"I'm quite lucky but generally, rooms for students... cost anything between like 350 to 500 euros."
"He was an inspiration to the student fraternity."
"Successful students change their image and their mindset about themselves."
"We can't be afraid of our students' power; their power will help them make tomorrow better."
"One of my favorite parts of the job is connecting with students, especially underserved students, and changing their lives."
"High school students act exactly like alcoholics."
"We approach our students from a strengths-based perspective."
"Building rich, meaningful relationships with all students."
"Teach your students how to manage their emotions."
"Your students will have improved test scores, grades, and attendance."
"Your students will have increased positive social behaviors and relationships."
"It's easy for many students to sort of lose track of what they're doing."
"Having that overdraft, there's agreed no percent overdrafts from a student current account, they can be lifesavers."
"It was the students who really have shown leadership in the University of California in the area of sustainability."
"For every student, every classroom, real results."
"I do miss my students, haven't seen them for a while, and hopefully, everybody is doing well."
"Countless International students have made considerable sacrifices both financially and emotionally only to face such a sudden and a life-altering outcome."
"The deaths and the wounding of so many students was a tragedy that we should never forget."
"If you are also a student, I hope that you are surviving, I hope that you are thriving; if you're not a student, I hope that you are also surviving and thriving."
"We don't just teach classes or lessons; we teach students."
"Most of the students are visual learners."
"Students have the right to be safe."
"My aim with this playlist is to show you really simple, actually budgeting recipes for students."
"If the sample is representative of the 195 students, we can say that one third of the 195 students want to go to the theme park."
"Local students and community service, it's a great combination."
"This creates a really tight-knit community and really helps you get to know not only those students in your year but in the years above and below as well."
"It's used as a brain booster by students before examinations."
"Weighing in just 1.2 kilo, this laptop ticks pretty much all the boxes and makes it an easy recommendation for any students."
"For the new incoming students or freshmen, there's still things to do, so don't give up."
"Those students were taking a much-needed and well-deserved vacation from studying."
"I have to say, that sixth-grade class was the best group of students I've ever worked with."
"It's definitely made me be more aware of the things that I say to my students."
"I believe that every student should be offered this chance."
"This would make a wonderful Afghan if you have a college student, a high school student, or even if you want to support your team."
"When five dollars appears from nowhere for broke college students, this is a godsend."
"It's finally summer break for all of those still in school."
"Each student studied hard for the exam."
"We serve over 10,000 students a year at our site in Kenya in East Africa."
"10,000 people all students in one city sounds like the place you want to find yourself."
"If we can see students as students with problems rather than problem students, we see them in a slightly different way."
"You inspire a lot of students out there."
"It's going to be a really great time, we have some amazing sponsors and there's going to be some really great goodie bags for every student to take home."
"It's an honor for me to be with these students."
"Celebrate the wins of your students; highlight their wins."
"You're good students and I like you."
"We just hung out with Brazilian college students the whole time."
"It's a big night, a lot of students from both schools are excited."
"I think we need to give students that sense of empowerment."
"I love helping students, those studying for their professional qualifications, and those looking to move into the audit industry."
"I'm just continuously impressed by the students here."
"For students in the audience, we are always hiring."
"We just want to see a good hard-fought game between student human athletes."
"It's always important for us to be able to speak to students that are coming from a variety of backgrounds."
"At the end of the day, it's the students who matter."
"Hope you're all doing okay, and a big shout out to all the students out there."
"These geology students found pretty extensive remains of a bunch of mammoths and it was a big freaking deal."
"Till the best of luck students happily."
"Educate yourself on your students... it's really important."
"We are full of students who are hard workers and truly care about their education."
"Really good, I love you all my students."
"This has been a huge maturing moment for the students."
"I did this so that I could, for a few seconds at least, create the illusion the place wasn't crawling with students."
"It's time for you to claim your position as a teacher because there's students that literally wait for your wisdom."
"We like to think that we empower our students."
"Welcome my new and returning students."
"I do miss my kids though, I love my students."
"We want to target students who are in a university to find the right roommates."
"You want the world to stand up, and the students finally did."
"Hey students, it's time to start learning."
"Students all gathered in a throng, making them feel like they belong."
"I'd like to particularly thank the students who won both auctions in which they participated."
"The students united will never be defeated."
"Every single college kid needs a little extra cash."
"I think we could actually find a few students that would be inspired."
"What is very important for you guys is to remember that we actually try to promote our students as well."
"This is creating interaction with your students."
"Any moment that we can bring that in, we really don't realize what the value is for those students."
"The software is really easy to learn, and we can really vouch for it looking at our students' work."
"We give best wishes to all of our students."
"We had some students who were interested in prayer."
"I pray over every single student that's watching right now."
"I'm also grateful for incredible students wherever I've been."
"I pray for every single student that's watching this video."
"The second reason the Extension School is absolutely amazing is because of its students."
"It's just a nice way to take a little break if you're a student and center yourself."
"It's a really kind gesture when our students give us gifts."
"This allows students who are unable to demonstrate their creditworthiness a chance to apply for a credit card and get approved."
"Seeing these students out here reminds me that God is still here and that there's still good in the world."
"We're all students and we're all just trying to succeed and do well."
"We are taking every step to ensure their physical and their psychological safety."
"There's a lot of students out there that have not got money."
"GitHub itself has this whole student pack that gives you access to a whole bunch of discounts and other things as well."
"It's great, all the students plan super duper exciting things."
"Good luck to all the university students who are working hard for graduation!"
"My heart goes out to everyone who's in med school right now."
"The number of students using public transportation is greater than the number of retirees."
"Be brilliant, you fantastic AP Physics students."
"Most of the kids really are amazing; they have a high respect for teachers."
"I guess MIT undergrads never cease to amaze me."
"Congratulations to our graduating students on your awesome accomplishments."
"Thank you for being such great students and thank you for coming to my lectures."
"Student borrowers need just basic Bill of Rights like a protection."
"The university students are the future, are they not? They are the future."
"It's great to see you guys, especially that we also have a few of our former students in the chat."
"Bologna is probably one of the top destinations for Italian students."
"Students don't realize that enough is that this is for you guys."
"Every spring, we have the Spring Flower Show which is always curated by students here on campus."
"The purpose of Write and Improve is to help students develop their writing skills."