
Viruses Quotes

There are 135 quotes

"For far too long we've indulged in the magical thinking that viruses that exist somewhere else don't matter and will stay there."
"Viruses know no borders and they don't care your ethnicity, the color of your skin, or how much money you have in the bank."
"Viruses aren't alive; they are well-organized molecular parasites."
"Viruses are both terrifying and beautiful. Terrifying because they can threaten the fabric of human civilization, both biological and psychological. Beautiful because they give us insights into the nature of life on Earth, and perhaps even extraterrestrial life."
"Viruses don't just influence organisms; they're incredibly important on a planetary scale, perhaps an interplanetary scale."
"Viruses, or their ancestors, may have played a role in the origin of life on Earth and may be needed to initiate life on any planet."
"Understanding viruses may be the key to understanding the origin of life."
"No surprise, viruses evolve and RNA viruses mutate. They will continue to do so."
"We can't afford to keep acquiring new [viruses]. The burden to humanity... is devastating. We can't keep doing this."
"Viruses... what they contain in their little strip of RNA or DNA is a message that is built by selection to get this object deeply into the future."
"Virus's entire jam is invading cells and twisting them for our own uses before moving on to another cell and doing the same thing."
"Viruses are not alive in any traditional sense of the word. They self-replicate but they can't do it without a living organism to use as part of their reproduction."
"Life on earth co-evolved with its viruses. But there is a contentious idea out there that maybe under the right conditions viruses can generalize."
"All life on planet Earth has a really complex relationship with viruses of all sorts and it's not always negative..."
"Viruses infect every living thing on the planet. Nothing escapes a virus infection."
"Viruses have embedded themselves deep into the roots of computing."
"In the grand tapestry of life, viruses have been not just a thread, but a master weaver, intricately shaping the very fabric of our existence."
"Viruses occupy a hazy region between life and non-life."
"Viruses deserve nothing but our utmost admiration and respect."
"But here comes another magic thing about bats: Even though they’re widely infected with notoriously deadly viruses, they don’t actually seem to get sick from them."
"As we move towards trying to combat other viruses with vaccines, we're going to find out that if we don't allow the innate immune system's involvement..."
"Expect strange viruses to really pick up. We're talking about beyond any vaccines or beyond any killer bacteria."
"You don't have to weaponize viruses. Mother Nature's been doing it quite happily all by herself for some 4 billion years now."
"Viruses may have not actually originated from our planet."
"As long as there have been living organisms made up of cells on this planet, there have been viruses."
"Interferon is specifically responsible for preventing a foothold of viruses inside the body."
"The body has a way of dealing with a broad range of different viruses; that variability is already built into your immune system."
"Viruses are the expression of ingenuity. They are the expression of adaptation of nature."
"It purifies it from bacteria and viruses and all that stuff."
"Scientists studying Glacier Ice high up in the Tibetan mountains have stumbled upon viruses frozen in the ice for 15,000 years."
"Viruses hide out unnoticed in populations of wild animals before trying their hand at a new generation of humans."
"I could feel my body fighting off viruses when my immune system is strong."
"These viruses and malware, they are really smart. They are very good at circumventing security. They're very good at hiding themselves. It's not something you want to play around with."
"80% of patients with Hashimoto's and 60% of Graves' disease patients had Epstein-Barr virus reactivation."
"Robots play a significant role in disinfecting places contaminated with viruses."
"If nothing out there ate viruses... all of the viruses in the ocean would actually destroy every single cell."
"About almost 10%... are defunct viruses."
"Viruses are responsible for all of these elements Al cycle."
"Not only with viruses that I think were man-made, but viruses because of greed and a lack of respect for the planet are now being released."
"Viruses are the unknown frontier."
"We no longer can consider there to be bad bacteria or bad viruses... what makes it good or bad is the environment in which it's in."
"...there's no real representation of people like me who live with very common incurable viruses like HPV or herpes."
"Viruses are the first ones that I want you to know. So, dengue virus is one particular type, okay? So, dengue virus. The other one is the herpes virus."
"Viruses cannot survive without a susceptible host."
"Coronaviruses are a global health threat largely because it's a large family of viruses that generally dwell in animal reservoirs."
"Different viruses, even from different families, can bind the same receptors."
"Viruses are upgrading systems. They are not here to destroy you, they are showing you your power, your consciousness level."
"All these other virus things either got people getting sick, melting, or they're zombies eating people, but this might be the one virus thing out there that not only will entertain them but will also break down how viruses work, how the body works."
"I had seen it before, but that was the funny thing about viruses, no matter how often you had seen a pattern emerge they could still surprise you."
"Viruses are obligate intracellular parasites, they cannot reproduce without a host cell."
"Viruses basically cause a variety of foodborne illnesses - hepatitis A, norovirus, of course, we all know about the COVID virus that is a respiratory virus we've all been contending with in our lives."
"Self-assembly of virus particles does not occur."
"Viruses are considered obligatory intracellular parasites, so they are obligated to be parasites inside of another cell. So just means they require a living host cell to multiply. They can't replicate on their own."
"Several types of cancers, about 10 percent, are now known to be caused by viruses."
"Some argue viruses are alive: made of organic molecules, with DNA and a purposeful life cycle."
"Viruses are obligate intracellular parasites; they need a host in order to grow, multiply, and infect."
"Viruses are sneaky little things, protected by their protein coat, the capsid."
"You cannot kill the thing that is not alive, but [viruses] are components of what constitutes life."
"Viruses have been such fantastic teachers of biology."
"Viruses and viral components are centerpieces of many of the tools that we use on a daily basis in molecular biology."
"The presence of various mosaic viruses and there's obviously a broad array of viruses that are important, I've recently learned that the presence of molybdenum can have a significant impact on reducing or preventing viral expression on a crop."
"Viruses can seem like pretty nasty invaders."
"It's not time to panic yet when scientists analyze the ancient ice they found the genetic codes of 33 viruses only four of them were able to be identified from virus families that we know about today."
"The only reason they didn't get viruses is because hackers didn't target them because there wasn't enough customer base and also and also with windows they make their own viruses they make the virus to save the solution and the apple don't make his own viruses windows does."
"Viruses aren't living organisms, they're little packets of DNA or RNA wrapped in a protein shell."
"Viral immunopathology is nothing new."
"Monoclonal antibodies can neutralize viruses by blocking attachment to cells or by other mechanisms."
"What do you find beautiful about viruses? A post-COVID assessment strategy."
"Human viruses all came from animals."
"Imagine what a virus can do with eight million years."
"We live and prosper in a cloud of viruses."
"Many virus infections are seasonal."
"Bacteria can reproduce outside of a host organism, while viruses cannot."
"The single best thing we can do to protect those who are most vulnerable is stop viruses from killing hundreds of thousands of people."
"Viruses have changed history, seems to be changing it in fact today as we speak."
"Viruses are going to end up curing a lot of issues of humans."
"Viruses will either have DNA or RNA as their genetic material, but not both."
"If you want to understand organisms, how they interact, how they exist, you need to know about viruses."
"Viruses are not just purveyors of bad news, although most people think they are because they're only familiar with the viruses that make you sick."
"Viruses are really important in geo cycles on the earth, recycling all kinds of organics."
"The most likely mechanism is that viruses in animals spill over to humans and cause disease because humans have no immunity against these animal viruses."
"RNA viruses dominate eukaryotic organisms because they're more mutable and they can vary and occupy more niches."
"This is a perfectly reasonable thing to try to understand the infectious potential of these viruses."
"Viruses are hard to kill because they're not really alive."
"RNA viruses are the masters of genome mutation."
"We have lots of very exciting ways that we can use viruses to help us."
"Microorganisms and viruses might be the most powerful forces on Earth."
"You don't take antibiotics for a virus."
"Viruses are in that gray area of biology where they're not technically considered living things because they're not composed of cells."
"Scientists have discovered viruses previously unknown to science hidden inside ice from the Tibetan plateau."
"The Yamnaya and other ancient Eurasian populations have helped scientists understand not just human history, but also the history of human viruses."
"Viruses are the building blocks of everything that's in us and that made us the way we are."
"Viruses could be what created life to begin with."
"Most viruses are not parasites and will actually cause sickness in us; most of them seem to be beneficial to us."
"Viruses are among the smallest disease-causing organisms."
"If you look at the history of mankind, hosts and viruses tend to evolve to kind of live with each other."
"Tick-borne viruses really a global problem."
"These viruses with double-stranded DNA genomes... they include the adenoviruses, herpesviruses, papillomaviruses, polyomaviruses, and the giant poxviruses."
"FIP is a mutation of a coronavirus, and coronaviruses are called that because they're these beautiful little things that kind of look like sunshines."
"Viruses can't replicate on their own; they get into your cell, take over the machinery, replicate, and then fill the cell up until it breaks."
"Just how exactly could the myriad different methods of intervention with respect to viruses turn out to be completely misleading?"
"These viruses luckily usually run their cycles."
"Viruses of course are obligate intracellular parasites."
"What possibilities could be unlocked if we could tame one of our natural enemies, viruses, flooding our bodies with a swarm of cancer-seeking sentinels set to hunt down and deliver medicine where it's needed most?"
"Viruses don't respect national boundaries."
"Viruses are amazingly important for your well-being and your health."
"Viruses are chemicals that undergo reactions just like everything else and there's no intent."
"This is the link that we are getting to between the biology of these viruses and cancer."
"Viruses are not considered to be living because they can't reproduce on their own."
"Viruses are really pretty neat entities."
"Reassortment gives a powerful advantage in terms of evolution to these viruses because they can change readily."
"The one thing you should remember is that when it comes to viruses, nothing is impossible."
"This is a reservoir of viruses that occasionally spill over into human populations and cause big outbreaks of disease."
"Viruses are the most amazing nanomachines you've ever seen."
"We are carrying this cemetery of viruses with us in all our cells."
"We have an organism that is capable in its immune system of handling viruses."