
Media Focus Quotes

There are 116 quotes

"The problems we're complaining about are so much more grounded. Like, Fox News talks about gender-neutral Mr. Potato Head and pride parades."
"Behind the clicks and views of Internet drama, there's a story we're overlooking: millions of stories, in fact, that scream for immediate attention yet continue to be muffled by the cacophony of the latest drama or trend."
"It's a never-ending, all-day, every-day discussion of this woman."
"The biggest story for Western media around this World Cup has been working conditions."
"If we... talk about Jeffrey Epstein as much as we do Kanye West, the world would be a better place."
"Can we talk about good news? Unfortunately, please."
"Maybe the next time a producer greenlights a movie or streaming series about a notorious serial killer, perhaps they should...instead focus on the people whose lives they took. They are the people we really ought to remember."
"The big story is going to be if you find huge cases here, huge cases there."
"Even though the other candidates were real politicians with real political experience, they simply couldn't get their brands out there to the people, because Trump soaked up everyone's attention."
"This is the most interesting dramatic right-wing drama that's going on right now."
"Do you think our objective should be to grow the audience or should our objective to be talking about the things we want to talk about?" - Chamath
"We're really trying to cover Politics on our program and I think that's what is like our Central Focus."
"All that coverage is just so weird it's part local news fluff part propaganda."
"The Ukrainian war is once again drawing public attention."
"The NFL fan doesn't care about Michael Sam being gay unless Michael Sam is a great football player."
"The real story is not AOC, it's the columnist who wrote about her, Charlotte Alter."
"It's mind blowing that that is your issue. And not only is it your issue, it's your issue on four straight specials."
"Once you get Trump's voice on a recording, I mean that right there is a big deal and a Smoking Gun."
"You're not really a threat, even if you're defending Trump from Russia, you're still talking about Russia every day."
"Don't be distracted by the fight about tweets. Focus on the fact that Justice Department is corrupt and out of control."
"Somebody smashed a window at a CVS, and Jeff Bezos just became the world's first trillionaire. Guess which one we'll frame as a danger to the public."
"It is nuts that it is not the biggest story in the world."
"Nobody's paying attention to this, we've covered this here on this channel since day one."
"Suddenly everything seems to be about Harland."
"Everything we're talking about gets this issue of polarization."
"The best thing for Joe Biden that could possibly happen is for Trump and the Trump circus to be dominating in the news, and Biden to just be laying back and not saying anything."
"Let's make that the story, not how many clicks are you getting. What are you doing, you know, you know?"
"I can't keep paying a tribute to Shane Warne every 10 minutes on a football channel."
"At the end of the day, this is the death of a bright young college student, and everyone's turning it into a blame game."
"It isn't about me, it isn't about other hosts, it isn't about other politicians, it isn't about other people in the media, it's about you."
"This is huge, it has nothing to do with Donald Trump."
"The narrative isn't the Russell Wilson story, it's what do you do with and what do you think about Justin Herbert right now."
"Stories work on both low-budget and high-budget clients."
"But of all the things that have gone wrong for Trump this week, the thing that may be bothering him the most..."
"He will go down as the biggest superstar of this generation in WWE whether you like it or not."
"The ultimate irony though is that the press and public are often more interested in judging celebrity outfits for the theater of the court than in judging their actual guilt and innocence."
"Keep It Coming, keep it up, that's what we want to talk about, not the drama."
"The only person that should be remembered from this case is Hope."
"I think G2 and this is not a bull take at all but I think it is worth saying because a lot of times people are like oh you're not giving you're either you're talking about YouTube too much you're not talking about that enough."
"You're going to get to a point where everything you do is news."
"Tuesday shows are obviously going to be PlayStation focus, it just so happens there's a lot of PlayStation news today."
"That news was so big that you might be forgiven for thinking that nothing else happened in the video games industry this week but that is not the case."
"It's less about the platform and in this game and more about the story that it's telling."
"Tim cast IRL is the main show at this point."
"I felt it was time that we reset this dinner and put the focus a little more squarely on journalism and a little more squarely on the First Amendment."
"Honestly, this whole thing was blown way out of proportion, really. That's what I'm saying, it was one boob, man, it wasn't two."
"It's all about the content, the content, the content."
"We're not interested in the good, we want the bad stuff."
"More Russian videos are coming, going over other stuff people aren't talking about right now."
"This is the story we should all be talking about right now in a major major way."
"The more people get wound up about this, the more that becomes the story."
"Most media outlets are telling you to focus on the leaker, not what he leaked."
"My lips have had a career of their own because they started making headlines since the moment that she got them done." - Lisa Rinna
"Dave says he's gonna stay out here, it's on celebrities."
"I think focusing on things like dungeon dragons I mean that right I mean this was kind of the the deflection."
"I think that's very true, it's the neglected story."
"The issue isn't that the railroad companies screwed up to cut costs and create the giant ball of flame you saw in Ohio not the issue the issue is that Biden didn't do the right theatrics if he had gone for a photo op earlier."
"The media attention that was put on Gabby Petito's case is nothing that you remember right seeing in recent years."
"The most powerful stories and images during conflicts and crises tend to focus on people in distress."
"Jose Mourinho is now the box office manager in the Premier League. He is the one everyone's gonna be clinging on to."
"About an eighth of your questions have been about Guy Fieri."
"Let's non sarcastically do what this man says and move on from the Muller report for just a moment."
"This man just ignored the biggest political story of the week."
"Stop giving her attention. We've got to ignore it. Yes, from time to time, we've got to call out these journalists."
"Trump seems obsessed with this, it's not an argument, no one cares about Joe Scarborough to begin with."
"Why into the public eye? It's in the public eye."
"We're going to go back to the Crime Weekly Roots... and really get into one."
"This is a story that should be plastered all over mainstream media."
"We only care about it when it comes to a rapper." - Jason Lee
"It is only the biggest political scandal of our time."
"When Sean said it was a failure, I understood exactly what he meant. Everybody was talking about Sean Penn interviewing El Chapo instead of having the more important conversation..."
"This goes beyond Hunter Biden they've already allowed critical to expire now for Hunter Biden this is obviously a chilling moment."
"Let's talk about the obsessive focus on the individual who leaks these documents rather than the content of the leaks."
"Could we focus on the president, please? I just, I don't want to talk about Trump."
"America's so focused on Will Smith smacking Chris Rock, but how are we ignoring the wife of a Supreme Court justice being very much involved in a coup against the United States?"
"This is a story that matters not just to some but to every American citizen."
"The Lakers who are already out of the playoffs somehow end up being a top story, crazy."
"What journalists should be doing is focusing on the why and how questions when all they seem to care about is the what."
"The reason why they're going after Alex Jones is because he's effective."
"This is the conversation that should lead and dominate headlines until Lamar Jackson gets a new deal."
"The story should be the women. The story should be he's been alleged to do harm to women. Is it true and if so, how do we create justice? That should be the question."
"We aren't actually an engineering company, technically we're a media company."
"The mainstream press and the big story is this Russian investigation which after a year and a half has not gotten a single thing of collusion with the Trump administration or the Trump election campaign conspiring with the Russians."
"This should be a major story that just does not leave the news cycles."
"She's under medical supervision, so we'll be covering that."
"Amy Coney Barrett will be the most talked about woman in America."
"What's wrong with Harden, what's wrong with Giannis, what's wrong with Kevin... instead of looking at the other side as a chance to sort of credit."
"When we were talking about Medicare for all... the answer was, 'But what do you think of Jimmy Dore?' That's insane."
"The weird thing is, the majority of the news articles that you're seeing on Chinese media right now are focusing on American droughts, where actually China is now facing the most severe drought they've ever faced."
"The media and the public are freaking obsessed with the cause of fires. Fires are going to continue to occur. Our challenge as an advanced technical society is to refrain from joining one tribe or the other and all going to war."
"It's kind of sad that the ones that do come out and the one that's made by Steven Spielberg focuses on horses instead of the humans."
"Wow, do I feel bad for Big Ben. He had like a day. There was only like a whole day where the media cycle was talking about Big Ben, so I do feel bad."
"Why aren't you focusing on El Paso then? Why are you distracting by putting this stuff out there?"
"They made this whole Central Park thing about Donald Trump."
"For economic and strategic reasons, we are going to focus on news that hits big in the United States."
"Forget the rumors, can we just talk about how great they look?"
"Drake is the pop music what LeBron is to ESPN. I mean, I respect his greatness, but come on guys, there are other interesting topics you could focus on."
"In biden's case the last thing in the world he wants to do is make donald trump the center of attention."
"The Covid bill the Democrats just passed will make a major impact on the lives of actual Americans. Meanwhile, Fox News is more interested in defending the British royal family and... -Pepé Le Pew."
"Why are we paying more attention to the killers who took those lives than the people who they're survived by?"
"It's pretty clear that Oda has been focusing a lot more on the live action."