
Waiting Quotes

There are 1267 quotes

"I'm gonna have to wait longer. Trust me when I say that I really, really missed you too."
"Finally, I've been waiting for this for so long."
"Back when Guild Wars 2's first expansion, Heart of Thorns, was in development two years ago, we had a lot of waiting around."
"Unfortunately, we're just waiting for everyone else's grandparents to die."
"Like the siblings of the Abyss, I'll be waiting patiently in the darker cave that is my room until release."
"It feels like about time. I've been here all along, you know? I know I shouldn't have kept you waiting, but I'm here now."
"We're just sitting here, we're waiting, we're chilling, it's not a bad thing, it's not exciting."
"Your person feels like you are worth waiting for."
"They're all waiting like hours to eat brunch."
"My strategy is to wait 45 whole seconds for this kill cool timer to go down."
"They do love you and they are going to offer you their love and devotion."
"You need to be patient and wait for this transformation."
"So eight and a half years my theory is my thought is if it's been eight and a half years what's another 21 days to wait for it."
"How about I just put my head down on the desk and wait for the clock to run down?"
"Step back and wait and observe, however long it takes."
"Every time you wait for something, you actually end up resisting it."
"The most quoted promise: Isaiah 64:4. God acts on behalf of those who wait for Him."
"I think you're done waiting. I think you're done having hopes in this."
"There's absolutely nothing at risk to just waiting for a little bit more information."
"Hold on, I'm not gonna move, I'm just gonna hold up, wait a minute."
"A loyal lost dog has decided he will wait for his owner forever."
"If they really loved you, they wouldn't let you wait."
"I continue to wait for the waters to settle."
"I'm still waiting on mine, and I moved so I guess they're trying to find my ZIP code."
"This person is waiting for you to message them."
"If it's not for someone like us... they're just going to sit in the queue forever."
"Long have we waited, my friends, long have we waited."
"Anyone telling you to just wait for Phoenix, you're going to be waiting until after cheaper, more powerful budget graphics cards come out anyways."
"We just sit in these chairs until it's ready."
"Our waiting period is not in vain it is a time of preparation for the blessings that await us."
"You're not gonna hear anything back until you hear something back."
"Filler is just waiting around until we can move on. Stuff is advancing here."
"Can we just sit here and wait till it gives it to us?"
"You just sit there and wait... patient for decades."
"They both forgave each other, especially when Wendy revealed that she had waited for him all night."
"There's really no plan in place for those folks to do anything except sit around and wait for paperwork to clear."
"Okay, well, we now wait. I have to relog for these to be available to use, right?"
"We sat around and we waited about an hour and Charlie said to me..."
"I think the right approach that parents take is to say let's wait and see let's get through puberty and see where you're at after you go through puberty."
"Choose whatever you need for your highest good. I'll be here waiting, whether it's in this lifetime or the next."
"Some of you are really tired of waiting. How long am I going to continue to wait for this?"
"Cool, we'll wait to move this guy, right? I don't want to wait here."
"Until he does come back, you're supposed to do the right thing."
"Our waiting periods are not wasted; they are opportunities for growth and deepening our relationship with God."
"You're tired of waiting, tired of having to be strong on your own."
"Red and Charizard wondered the world. Always training. Always fighting. Till eventually they stopped at Mt. Silver in Johto, waiting for the day a new champion would rise to challenge them."
"It's unhealthy because for the dude, the dude could just be waiting and waiting and waiting, hoping that there's an answer."
"This is it for you, I'm telling you, and you guys deserve it, you've been waiting for so long."
"I don't know when this stuff's gonna lift, I'm a little bit worried."
"I've been waiting for five years for this day."
"No one talks about the mental health implications of waiting."
"I got tired of waiting, Nintendo. I got sick and tired of waiting."
"Education is how long are you waiting for that job after."
"The waiting period with God often sifts our motives for our desires."
"The season is shifting, and blessings are coming for those who wait."
"Maybe they would just be better off putting their hands up and just waiting."
"When it comes to how we wait, number one is to quiet your soul."
"Sorry for the weight, meanwhile I'm just sitting there like..."
"Like I said, I feel like this was just meant to be. As long as you've been waiting for that person, they've been waiting for you."
"Patience is not waiting, patience is how we act while we're waiting." - Joyce Meyer
"Waiting doesn't have to be a time of misery if we trust God." - Joyce Meyer
"At this point, man, we just have to wait and see."
"Your breakthrough is not going to come through what He gives you, but in your ability to learn how to wait for it."
"I thought I was going to be the manager... it's 2021 and I'm still waiting for the call."
"Don't wait around on this person, don't put your life on hold waiting for somebody."
"There was a communication here where something wasn't quite right or you're waiting for this communication but there's love here."
"Every moment of waiting is part of God's intricate design to shape us into the individuals He desires us to be."
"So I'll wait, I will wait for you, oh you are my."
"You're still their wish, and they're just waiting for things to change."
"Coming out of the confusion and waiting period."
"It's fine don't worry about it, I'll just sit here for longer."
"This person may have been selfish in their energy, maybe kept you hanging, kept you waiting."
"We're playing a waiting game where everyone's just waiting to see now the dust has settled."
"Don't be putting your life on hold waiting around for anybody, for nobody."
"This is the beginning of what we've been waiting for for the last three, three and a half years."
"Jesus Christ as our high priest is waiting for you."
"We're just trying to have a wait here, okay?"
"You're just about to give up on someone, you're tired of waiting, waiting for some kind of clarity and communication."
"It's our last day, oh, we're still waiting for our covered results."
"This person is secretly in love with you, waiting for you, ready to love again."
"You gotta sit there with a [ __ ] board official waiting for two hours"
"Honestly, at this point, we're just sitting here waiting for everything to go."
"Love offer, just waiting for someone to make the first move."
"I know y'all have been waiting... unless y'all want to donate I mean you can... they never wrote that but listen."
"We're just waiting now, like, for the final ones to come through."
"I felt like she was just waiting, waiting... she was just waiting for her moment."
"The hardest part is just gonna be the waiting, just have to be patient."
"Delivery dates might be so far out that you might not take delivery for nine months or longer."
"Being patient is hard... but sometimes the best thing you can do is sit and wait for that opportunity to come to you."
"Look at you waiting for your mummy to come give you some cuddles."
"I'm gonna wait in the car for you. I'm gonna wait outside the door while you're in school, okay? Now I'm gonna wait outside because I'm gonna miss you. We won't be far, I promise."
"You are going to have an opportunity you've been waiting for a very, very long time."
"Relationship status: waiting for a miracle."
"Patience is your heart posture during the wait."
"I've waited thousands of years for us to find each other. I can wait a little longer."
"Some people take chances; some people sit there waiting for the bluebird of happiness."
"If you're not feeling something good happening right now, know that you've got another four weeks for something good to happen."
"Your models will be waiting for you when you're ready."
"You've been waiting so long, I'm here to answer your call. I know that I shouldn't have had you waiting at all."
"He just stood there for who knows how long until he retreated."
"Sometimes we just have to be patient."
"You're worth waiting for, divine timing is at work in your love life."
"I just feel like I've waited for this day for so long."
"I've been waiting for this for a very, very long time."
"If it seems slow, wait for it; it will surely come; it will not delay."
"We have waited for this day for 10 years."
"I waited so long for this to come back in stock."
"I'm so happy, do you know how long I've been waiting for this?"
"That moment of anticipation when you are next in line but the door is shut."
"Drake, we waiting bro. I'm a fan of both of y'all."
"This person has been waiting for someone like you for a very long time."
"As the minutes turn to hours, I wonder what they're doing."
"We're still waiting to see where that will go."
"I'm like time, honey, it waits for no one."
"Good things do come to those who are willing to wait."
"You're staying loyal and waiting on somebody for no reason."
"A liminal space is the time between the 'what was' and the 'next.' It is a place of transition, a season of waiting, and not knowing."
"My teeth shattered and my breath steamed in the air as I waited."
"I just sat at the kitchen table waiting for my wife to finish."
"It's the only line I'll really wait in at Disneyland is the Dole Whip line."
"They're actually waiting for you to reach out."
"I'm so excited, I can hardly wait till tomorrow."
"Everything will come at you at the right time; be patient and your time will come."
"I need a distraction while I'm waiting for you. I love you."
"Be patient, some type of opportunity is being formed, it's only a matter of time now."
"Everyone deep in their hearts is waiting for the end of the world."
"She's been waiting here for a long time."
"I love you, Mama. I always will, and I'll be waiting when you come."
"When you can finally be together...it's just so sweet because you would have waited so long."
"...someone's using patience here as a method of wanting to be with you."
"Men will wait forever, okay, men will wait for [ __ ] ever"
"I'm waiting for your signs to take action."
"She waited for him all day long, but in the end, he never showed up."
"Waiting in the Lord is not just doing nothing, it's actively stewarding what he's called you to do."
"God is with us in the waiting, he is in the here and the now."
"I've been waiting for 10 minutes."
"This person is waiting to see if you are open to talking, communicating with them."
"I've been waiting for this particular box right here for a good while."
"They've got their hand out like they're still waiting for you to grab their hand, and in the meantime, they're just keeping an eye on you."
"I think we must wait for a little more material. After all, you have nothing to complain of, you have received your rent, and he is not a troublesome lodger."
"You were not designed to stay in the waiting season."
"I felt a pang in my heart at the thought that he had been waiting for me all this time."
"You gotta wait for the good stuff. Patience is a virtue."
"Grant's mother Mary Hendrickson said that she had been waiting for justice for 18 years."
"But just being patient, waiting for these significant time frames to shift in your favor."
"I've wasted too much time waiting for things to happen and I'm not going to wait anymore."
"Not waiting has been the best decision we ever made."
"They might be waiting for you to make something known to them so that they can have more courage to offer their love."
"It's better for you to be single and wait for as long as you have to wait for God to give you your person."
"They're gonna have to wait another year for that."
"Maybe you're waiting for a message, waiting for communication. Some of you could have had a falling out with this person, like there could be a disconnect, an argument, a fight."
"It’s not glamorous, but our best option is to stay put and wait for help to arrive."
"I want this gracious moment to come as soon as possible."
"It feels like you've been waiting for this for a little while."
"But if you give me moments, a little bit of your time, I'll be waiting for you."
"Patience is needed; they're anxiously waiting."
"The art of waiting, we have made it seem like seasons, but there is waiting that looks like literal stillness in his presence."
"It may be that you give them a little bit of time."
"I wouldn't wait for it, it's not like Nvidia or AMD."
"We shall be there waiting for him when he arrives."
"We're still waiting for 166, I'm giving this to like 16580."
"You're like oh my god have you ever waited on a phone call."
"He’s fine with it, because if she thinks she needs more time, he’ll wait as long as she wants."
"I have been waiting for Google for a long time to add this into the Google home app."
"And while staying with them He ordered them not to depart from Jerusalem, but to wait for the promise of the Father."
"The longer people neglect waiting upon the Lord, the longer they have to wait."
"Oh my god, I waited for you all day."
"The moment we've been waiting three years for is about to happen."
"You're thinking it's going to empower you, as you wait and as you've waited and wondered how long it's going to take this person to catch up with you."
"But until then, I’ll be idly waiting, and looking absolutely fabulous while doing it too."
"It's been a long time coming, but it's finally here."
"I felt so bad for her but she's getting our car ready right now so we're just waiting out here."
"That was the moment that I've been waiting for."
"Chanel, you're up. I've been waiting like an hour for you."
"It gives them something to look at so they're not just sitting there playing on their phone whilst we're waiting for everybody to arrive."
"The entire world is waiting on the impact that you will have."
"I'm still waiting for you to ask me to be your Valentine."
"You have both taken the time to seek him, to seek his face, to wait on him."
"There is beauty in the wait, waiting is a gift instead of spiritual detention."
"In the waiting, God is doing a couple of things... he's reordering priorities and he is setting our hearts up to receive well whatever he's going to give."
"The waiting time in crisis is never wasted time in Christ."
"Waiting with expectation, knowing that God is faithful."
"I'm just tired of waiting for this to dry and going back and forth outside."
"Life is all about waiting... but not this season."
"Blackbeard patiently waits for the correct time."
"Waiting for the train about eight to ten minutes apparently. It's not quick enough, it's not long enough for a drink, is it?"
"I have been waiting for this day for so many months. I cannot believe it's here."
"We want our kids to experience the fullness of Life, and there's value in the waiting and the stewarding that the value comes."
"This is the day I've been waiting for."
"It's not crowded now. One of the downsides of being the first was that we wanted to go on the bear hunt and we had to wait."
"He's not waiting on your performance, he's waiting on your surrender."
"Why does God want us to wait for marriage? What is the why behind this reasoning of what we are doing?"
"I just think we need to hang off."
"Those who wait on the Lord will find renewed strength."
"I've been waiting here in this tower for 10 years."
"Waiting is a constant circumstance we find ourselves in while walking with God."
"Just being patient and patience is the key."
"Oh my goodness, and he was waiting for you all along."
"I told everybody, 'Call me when you get out of here, call me when you go.'"
"Ren's got more anticipation than a kid on Christmas Eve."