
Job Application Quotes

There are 291 quotes

"The most common reason that you didn't get the job is you weren't able to articulate why you were the best person for the job."
"I would much prefer if I saw a cover letter that was like, 'Hey, I'm going to be honest, I don't have the experience needed for the role, but here are the reasons why I think you should hire me anyway.'"
"Sending a video is an absolutely underrated thing that you can do."
"If you have a really strong resume, you can send it out to a handful of jobs and get a good number of interview calls back."
"Spelling errors will eliminate you immediately as a candidate."
"A CV is just a document that helps you market yourself for a job."
"Create a professional-looking email for your CVs."
"Include a professional summary that is really catchy."
"Do not include objectives in your resumes; they don't really help you distinguish yourself."
"Skills are one of the easiest things to customize... reorder the skills on your resume based on what the Job Description wants."
"Show results and include links... anything above maybe like the top 10% is very good and can help show off your abilities."
"Cover letters are totally optional and really only useful if you can really personalize it for the company you're applying to."
"A good vocabulary allows you to make any job application or award package sound impressive."
"You don't have experience? What you do is get my resume that I literally write out for you, put your information in it, and submit it."
"If companies can lie about how awesome the job is, then the least that we can do as applicants is lie about how qualified we are to do it."
"Customize your resume, that is going to be the single biggest thing that you can do to increase your chances of getting the callback."
"Don't sleep on those online applications as long as you have some good groundwork laid out a good looking resume and everything else that we talked about leading up to the job search you're going to have the best chances that you can possibly have."
"I believe you should hire me because not only do I have the experience and the skills and qualities that are a match for the job description."
"Your writing is the first thing that your future employer sees about you when you submit your resume."
"If your resume is not picked up by the interviewer, then it doesn't matter how great of a software engineer you are because you're never gonna get to that bottom of the funnel."
"Applying fast is one of the best ways that you can separate yourself and give yourself a competitive advantage."
"Writing a resume is no walk in the park. It's hard to know what employers are really looking for in their ideal candidate."
"Tailoring your resume will also help it get through the applicant tracking systems more easily."
"A good resume doesn't go far without a great cover letter."
"Interview questions are probably the number one thing that you guest asked about."
"I genuinely really want to work for your organization I believe that the skills and qualities I have are a match for the standards that you set."
"If you have some questions about any particular part of the CV feel free to comment them and I'll make sure to get back to you."
"The whole point is not to keep it too simple, I want to showcase to a potential employer that you can do more advanced things."
"Put it on my resume. What are you good at? Dying. Okay, just the skill we're looking for. You're hired."
"The more research you do on a company the better chance you have to get the job."
"Knowing this pattern of how these interviews are structured can help you prepare better... for the tell me about yourself section."
"It is a lot easier for them to find you and reach out to you to get you into the interview process than it is to apply to a job where there's potentially 2,000 other candidates that you're competing against."
"Being direct and coherent in your resume will go a long way with hiring managers and recruiters."
"Tailor your resume to the job you're applying for."
"Okay? And you can also use them if you're just applying for a job, if you're interviewing for a job, or if you're trying to get a promotion and you want to sound more professional and effective. Okay?"
"I applied for a job... I didn't know they published comics."
"Resumes should be short and sweet, never longer than one page."
"Include the name of the project, your role, and the producer or company for each entry on your resume."
"I believe you should hire me because I always excel in my work... I will work hard to ensure you see a positive return on your investment."
"I can bring a wealth of experience in this industry, a positive attitude and mindset, loyalty, and the promise that everything I do will be geared towards helping you maintain your position as a market leader."
"Apply for jobs that you don't quite meet the qualifications for anyway."
"There is no reason for you, ever, not to send a r�sum� and a cover letter to a company you want to work for."
"Make sure that your resume is easily searchable. You're hitting those keywords."
"Try to avoid exaggerating too much... It becomes very clear if they're just exaggerating."
"Consider this my formal application... I'd love to work for hire." - Expressing interest in working with Tinks
"If you want a job and there is a place that is hiring, you need to apply for the job."
"The app is the best place to put yourself forward, like a job with a CV."
"I'm an Italian it's in the description guys if you hire me you just read it."
"It's definitely worth going... it's a good way to actually apply to companies."
"Congratulations, you passed the interview and I will recommend your application for approval. The printer will print out a copy of the N-652 form for your reference."
"Applying for a job can be daunting, but building a rapport with someone who already works there can be a game-changer."
"Applying for jobs sucks... the worst part is the cover letters... most employers don't even read them... I'd say on this issue specifically go for it spam chat GPT and fill out those stupid cover letters in in 2023."
"It's irrelevant, none of the other companies I've applied for have said anything about it."
"Apply for jobs even if you think you're not qualified. You should absolutely be applying for every job that you see that you want."
"Let them tell you know if they want to but at least apply for it first."
"Using the same resume to apply for every single position you go for is a huge mistake."
"If you can demonstrate cultural alignment, that will go over well."
"Consider this as a portfolio. Make sure the video shows your best parts as a streamer because that is the job you are applying for."
"Honestly, I would rather read an application from someone who knows what they're doing, who says 'Yes, I'm a professional, I make games, this is what I do, I have this much experience. I absolutely can complete this job.'"
"I just recently had an interview with a company about a summer job during which the interviewer asked what I did for fun. I replied with the basics: movies and TV." - Michael McKay
"Make that thing beautiful. Make that thing stand out. Make that thing look like it's just screaming that you want the job."
"The entire goal when applying to a job is to get a conversation."
"I need you to like rewind, fire your brain, and start applying for things even if you don't meet every box because here's a job that tells you clearly it's not just all about what's on your resume."
"Imagine you're applying to a job, would you not feel better if the link that you're sending over with your portfolio is a beautiful well-designed looking website that's going to make a better impression?"
"Better Canva skills, better resume skills."
"Your resume is basically guiding the reader."
"Your job that you're applying for is attention to detail."
"You have a template that you can use for all your future adjustments to your resume."
"You only need to put the city and state; you don't have to actually put your physical address in there."
"People that are looking at your resume may not be looking at it for too long, so you want to make sure you're capturing all their attention as much as you can."
"After applying, I got reached back out to a week later, and the offer letter was sent."
"I am confident that my collaborative mindset interpersonal skills and capacity to handle varying work Dynamics make me a strong fit for the role that requires team interactions."
"In addition to this video, I just wanted to mention how it is very important to do your research about the company you're applying with."
"Know your story and be prepared to tell it. Understanding project management fundamentals doesn't differentiate you from the others. That's where you're all the same. Your unique fit in terms of your story is where you gain the edge over the others."
"The courage it takes to walk into a place and apply for a job you have no business applying for."
"One funny thing my coworker told me: the photo in her application was one from her Instagram, and we thought how you could think a selfie half-naked is an appropriate photo for a document like this. Haha."
"It's giving, you know how you go and apply for something or you're sending your resume, it's somebody bad, yeah."
"Now, if you're applying for a project manager role you know that you know something like lifecycle is key testing is key implementation is key governance."
"It's really important that the candidate has at least some if not all of these four vectors when they're applying to companies."
"Customizing your resume for each job application is a game changer."
"The cover letter should be an opportunity to sell yourself on this job, to explain why this resume you're about to look at is so far beyond the capabilities of other resumes."
"It's pretty much the best job application I've ever seen. So, good job."
"Get you into that interview process in a more timely fashion and get you the best chance of getting noticed for that first round."
"Building your website can showcase that you know what you're doing and it's really important when it comes to applying for jobs."
"You need to show the recruiter why you think that you are the best candidate for that limited position."
"Your strengths and weaknesses should reflect the requirements of the job."
"I think I am a good fit for your company because you guys have the best product and you have great people."
"Honestly, the reason I want to work here is because I've been so impressed. This was a true answer, this wasn't me sucking up."
"Don't psych yourself out, don't think like, 'Oh because I'm not qualified I shouldn't apply for the job.'"
"The most important part of your response is where you describe your experience, showing how it's relevant to the scope of work and try to tie your experience to the specific word elements listed in the scope of work, addressing each task or work element they list."
"I am of course very interested in the position. Can you explain what happens next in the hiring process at American Airlines?"
"Every time I tried to apply for a job, I got turned down."
"Your resume is essentially the first impression you give employers."
"The key is absolutely... keep it professional but keep it specific, keep it very grounded in the particular demands of the particular job you're applying for."
"Every cover letter should be customized."
"What if we use strategies for submitting a resume that were similar to the strategies that sales teams use to get people's attention?"
"Your resume is the first impression you make on the hiring team."
"I want to highlight that this is quite a successful statistics. I got four interviews after 13 applications. I heard much, much worse stories from my colleagues."
"And if you're lucky and you apply for such a position, there are high chances that you will hear, you will at least get some feedback or maybe an interview."
"Every time you apply to a new role, the portfolio you submit has to be tailored to that application."
"The next step is the phone screen which is a technical round interviewed by a Google data scientist."
"I have a combination of skills that I feel make me a perfect fit for a customer service role."
"It's a great way to stand out from a pack of other would-be key account managers all applying for the same job."
"I believe that my extensive project management skill would make me a valuable asset to your company, your team, your organization."
"Don't worry so much about what companies think you should have. If you think you're qualified for the job, send your resume in. They'll tell you if you're not qualified."
"If I don't do it, who will, right? Come on, man. They fill out the application, he call him the next day, they going to tell him, 'Oh, we're still looking over it,' meanwhile they didn't hire 12 other people. So, I got it under control."
"I feel I can bring a wealth of experience to your team and the problem-solving capabilities and interpersonal skills I possess make me the perfect candidate for this position."
"So don't be deterred if you don't get it because there are definitely other ways in and, yeah, your reel is still your reel, so use it to apply for jobs."
"It is a standard practice to submit a CV when applying for any job, from entry level to senior positions."
"...trying to align your transferable skills to the educator role that you're actually applying for."
"...so if you have a personal website or if you're planning to make your own personal website then you should add that to your CV as well..."
"Your resume should reflect your skills and experience with the job description."
"You get back what you put in. If you've carefully tailored your job application and your resume clearly proves that you meet all of the requirements, you're going to get better results."
"Apply, apply, apply. People always say hold it, I don't understand that. Apply. But you do need to remember that this is proof. If you can prove you can do the job, you get the job. You need the proof."
"Being specific about why you want to join a department can make a strong impression on the search committee."
"You don't just make one application, guys. Just apply to different works, guys. So, um, here in this particular one was at the time I made this video, but if you go there, just the same process is involved, yes?"
"Your cover letter should highlight why you're the perfect candidate for the job and your passion for working at the company."
"Your CV needs to stand out, okay? So reach out to them if you're looking for a CV, cover letter, LinkedIn optimization."
"Most companies will ask for references at the end of the process, so don't sweat it if you don't have recent ones."
"Dear Thomas we have reviewed your application to the San Francisco Police Department and we are happy to inform you that you have been selected to join our team."
"Make your application personal you want to stand out compared to other people who are also playing for the same position as you."
"Here's a quick tip for you if you find that the job description for the job that you're applying for at GSK is not particularly helpful then you can use a job description for a different company."
"It's time to apply. Just jump all in."
"You don't even need to create a profile on No Desk. When you want to apply to a job, you essentially click on 'Apply Now' and it opens a new email in whatever email client you use, and then you can go ahead and apply and submit your resume and your portfolio."
"Your cover letter really stood out to us."
"If you don't do a video, then you'll just be another application. It's just words on screen. Whereas if you do a video, then the camps have got something to look at and they can kind of get to know you a little bit better."
"Make sure you truly understand the job that you're applying for."
"Resumes should be different truly although it's been 10 years since I've applied for a job probably longer than that actually since I actually applied for a job you should have different versions and formats of your resume."
"You want to be undeniable when you apply for a job. You want to be the ones that stand out."
"The cover letter should tell a story."
"They don’t train you how to sell, and they don’t train you how to write. And so that’s why the cover letter exists. It’s a writing sample. It’s just one thing they won’t train you on."
"Crafting a story of why you are a good fit for the company."
"Don't reapply until you've really understood why they didn't extend an offer."
"The second round was a take-home assessment."
"A cover letter summarizes why you should be considered."
"Don't stress about the size of the resume."
"What kinds of challenges might that employer be experiencing?"
"After you've gone through and you've overhauled your resume and tailored it to the position you've done your summary and you've done your cover letter the next step is to walk away from it all for 24 hours and then come back to it and then go through and read it again."
"Why would a woman go apply for a job if she full well knew she didn't have any intention to go to the job?"
"Regardless of the type of role you're applying for, connecting to a company's core values is something worthwhile."
"Remember, a great resume gets you in the door. The interview is where you seal the deal."
"Highlight your skills and experiences that directly relate to the job you're applying for."
"So, if you feel like you would be good at the job, it's something you want to do, apply anyway, apply, go to the interview, why not?"
"If you write more than one page, no one's gonna look at it because I was told that the hiring manager is going to look at every resume for about five to ten seconds at most."
"Stay persistent. It takes time. If you apply to a role and you don't hear back in a week or two, don't take that as they're not moving forward."
"Step one: upload your resume. Step two: re-enter everything that's on your resume. Insanity."
"I want to work for boots as I'm a frequent Boots customer and therefore I can attest the excellent quality of your items and the professionalism of your staff."
"Your resume and your cover letter are what's going to make you stand out."
"You can apply to these jobs from anywhere in the world."
"I hope that your resume is ready to go and that you're ready to start applying for those data analyst jobs."
"I wish you the very best of luck in your application with us at the Department for Transport."
"Do not be put off by others... if that role is something that you want to apply for, don't compare yourself to other candidates and apply."
"Choose good practical examples that highlight your key achievements."
"Your CV should only be one page if you are applying at an entry level."
"Resumes should be efficient, clear to the point, error-free, and highlight your skills."
"You need to be persistent, you need to keep on pushing, you need to apply aggressively."
"You have to be intelligent about the position in which you're applying."
"The most interesting thing to an employer in your application is your supporting information."
"You need to watch this video to know how to really write your supporting information."
"Tailor your shots towards the company you want to work for."
"Do your CV very well, alternate your CV, don't use one CV for all the jobs."
"Clicking apply is a waste of our time, but if we can network our way in, our applications are taken way more seriously."
"You're going to have a custom resume for that application, a custom cover letter, a custom story about why you're a good fit for the role."
"If you have a bad resume and you apply to a thousand places, it's possible to get zero interviews."
"You're not going to have to struggle as long as you apply the right way."
"Keep trying and keep applying regularly for these job roles."
"Write unique cover letters for different companies."
"Edit your cover letter; make sure that it is super, remove all the errors."
"I wish you all the best for your job application in Canada as well as your application for permanent residence."
"Why this role? Now it's so important when answering this question."
"If you set a hard date for applying for jobs and you're not quite ready and you go out and you apply, nothing happens, then you can go back to the drawing board."
"Your strengths have to be something that is highly relevant to the business that you're applying to."
"One of my strengths that I look forward to bringing to Deloitte is my exceptional organizational skill."
"If you have a good CV, you stand a chance of getting a job that you applied for."
"You want to put the most relevant experience first because sometimes they don't read the entire resume."
"Apply to five jobs per day, reach out to five people on LinkedIn per day, spend 45 minutes per day learning a new engineering skill."
"Your resume should have different versions based on the type of jobs you're applying for."
"Your application is just a way for you to get your foot in the door; your interview is the thing that's going to land you the job."
"Always, always, always write a cover letter. 100%."
"I'm confident I have the skills and qualities to be a high performing employee for your organization."
"If you hire me, I will be a positive role model for Morgan Stanley."
"It's so essential to let your reader know why you want the position that you're applying for."
"If you have a resume made in advance, it makes that part of the application process go much more smoothly."
"Stop applying for jobs that you 100% know you can do. You need to apply for the job that scares you because that's how you grow."
"You want to keep your CVs to one page, especially if you are applying out of university and going to your first job."
"Recruiters spend only about six to seven seconds, so your job is to highlight your key achievements in a way that it catches the recruiter's eyes in that short duration."
"Your job is to highlight your key achievements in a way that it catches the recruiter's eyes in that short duration of six or seven seconds."
"That will leave a positive impression on recruiter's mind."
"The most important thing is to apply for the job."
"Remember, recruiters go through hundreds, if not thousands, of resumes, so your goal is to make your resume stand out."
"The best way to answer this question is to have an understanding of the company that you're applying to, can align your answers to their expectations."
"If you haven't heard back from a company within a certain time frame and you're curious to know if they have hired someone already, or you just want to give them a little nudge so that they will remember you, then you want to send them a thank you note, a follow-up note."
"Customizing your resumes for different applications is crucial."
"Remove all cliches, buzzwords, and fluff from the resume."
"Support your resume with a really good cover letter."
"I'm an enthusiastic, professional, loyal, and hardworking person who has been working towards applying for this job for many months now."
"Make sure you have some examples of some recent deals that even if it's not the firm that you're applying to... just any deal that you found interesting."
"As soon as you have a portfolio project out there in the wild that shows that you can do this, then that's when it's time to start applying."
"You're not there to plead your case and defend, so your CV needs to be a very good representation of your skills, your experience, and the value you're going to be adding to the company."
"When you're writing a cover letter, you've got to always remember that you're trying to encourage somebody else to look at your CV."