
Business Opportunity Quotes

There are 192 quotes

"It is the biggest business and investment opportunity in all of history."
"McDonald's started earning its fame, and more and more people were hearing about this exciting business opportunity."
"Investors want to make sure that the business opportunity they're investing in is large enough to return their money."
"You make money by doing the things that nobody wants to do who then turn out to have value."
"The new complexity of global trade became a huge business opportunity, and Mexico found itself possibly better placed than almost any other country in the world to make the most of it."
"Arbonne is an opportunity to help others while helping yourself."
"Amazon is a huge opportunity. E-commerce is growing like crazy."
"There is a huge opportunity for profit here."
"Network marketing is something that can make you a lot of money if you pick a good company that you care about."
"Real estate photography can be a very lucrative business because real estate agents will pay photographers to take professional pictures of their listings for a few hundred dollars."
"Overwatch 2 is probably the largest opportunity we've had since the inception of the franchise."
"There is a huge opportunity to build the distributed energy utility."
"It's a huge huge way for you to take advantage of the growing Trends and just the evolving nature of what we've seen happen in the markets."
"Clients will pay you anywhere from one thousand to ten thousand dollars per month to bring them new customers."
"You can profit over ten thousand dollars per van."
"Launching products with influencers is one of the best opportunities."
"It's not all about finding the old coins... it might be a time to start creating some type of business within cryptocurrency."
"The income potential is endless depending on what you create."
"You were born to solve a problem. Every problem is a business you were born to solve."
"This is the greatest business opportunity... It's that big."
"Absolutely start a business if it's the kind of business that can still do well in a time where people don't want to be around other people."
"This is a type of company that has a multi hundred billion dollar opportunity."
"In Finland, per capita, the usage of Instagram and Facebook in comparison to how much marketing money is being put in there by the companies in Finland is one of the biggest opportunities in the world."
"I think they definitely have an opportunity."
"A lucrative deal that gets put in front of you and you are going to drop everything you're doing to take it."
"This is an exciting time to do business in India. It's like a boat, but if we don't sail, we can even sink."
"Wholesaling: a great way to make money if you don't have a lot of money, credit, or experience."
"When gambling became legal in Nevada, Siegel saw the opportunity of a lifetime."
"Books are really easy to list as well, so took a chance on this. I think it'll pay off."
"We think that we have a great opportunity to meaningfully expand the audiences of our biggest franchises."
"Car detailing side hustle has very low overhead, meaning the amount of money needed to start is very little."
"Every state is coming online... it's more of a unique opportunity for somebody to come on board now."
"This is still one of the greatest side hustles to exist."
"I want to be riding with the three companies that I think have the biggest opportunity long term, the biggest ROI opportunities."
"People want to walk, people want to exercise, you know if you can find a way to monetize exercising then why not?"
"A single deal can be worth a lot of money if you position yourself correctly."
"Buying a laundromat could build you an empire."
"I make so many mistakes... probably my best mistakes is watching some of the companies that I passed on and investing become successful."
"Any business where that allows someone without college degree like me to go on to earn over a million dollars is honestly gonna be life-changing."
"Transactional funding: get into the business without a ton of risk involved."
"This is a great chance for you to start without having to go all the way back and try and find product that may not be available anymore."
"People go crazy for Halloween stuff too, so this is the time to start your business if you're already thinking about starting one."
"This is the greatest opportunity on Earth to start your own business."
"Tesla is going after the biggest opportunity on planet earth."
"Space is a huge, enormous, gigantic, just tremendous opportunity."
"There has never been a better time to do business in America."
"He created an environment where Jay-Z could slide in and position himself to maybe eventually become the first black NFL owner."
"The biggest growth opportunity for the next five years."
"This business is literally gonna change your life."
"This is truly a business that could change your life forever."
"The ones that will thrive are the ones that accept it, adapt to it, and then learn how to capitalize in the metaverse."
"A great business that you guys can start if you're good at cooking."
"More and more companies are paying regular people that aren't big influencers to create content for them."
"I am confident that this is a 10x opportunity in the making that you do not want to miss out on."
"There is such a massive opportunity for Universal right now."
"I think there's a big opportunity in this area right I think that we've been talking about this week I think there's a lot of bullish signs."
"How can I not put a decent chunk of change in this company when I look at the risk reward with this? It's just way too attractive."
"There's plenty of business out there for every single one of you."
"This is a massive opportunity not just for the locals but for startup entrepreneurs around the world. If you solve a problem that is here, there's lots of business to be had here."
"I gotta get this car detailing business. That's where the money's at."
"He's famously suggested on numerous occasions that Africa is the only place that you can go right now and build a Fortune 500 company and become a billionaire in five years flat."
"I have something that could benefit us. Would you be interested in a little opportunity I've got going?"
"This is a real chance to put this place on the map."
"There are a lot of companies coming up, and there's a need for manufacturing engineering in the U.S."
"The cleaning industry is a multi-billion dollar industry."
"Leaders need to lead by example and be an example of what's good in society."
"Managing social media for small businesses is probably one of the best side hustles."
"Treat that one customer or client like there's millions on the table."
"I love being in the franchising business... being able to give a lot of people jobs."
"It really is an endless opportunity for distribution."
"I bet we can make some good money and these are cool."
"This is without a doubt a gold mine opportunity."
"There's this underserved market in America called 51 percent of America that like it's like he's joking i'd be like why isn't there a conservative news station."
"There's billions to be made there to be carved out and be taken."
"The market is ready for it and asking for it."
"Investing in real things, commodities, the companies that mine them, and the companies that then transform those raw commodities into value-added products—there's really big investment opportunity there."
"An SMMA is an incredibly lucrative business model."
"There's hunger to be a publisher because people are kind of noticing, 'Oh, there's so many games that are going unpublished.'"
"If somebody decided to copy this design and market it, they'd probably find that there were plenty of buyers."
"Value creation opportunity: create value for others. It's infinite."
"I'm a dealer if they pass this up it's easily akin to or even bigger than missing out on twitch."
"This pandemic will actually end up being a blessing in disguise for Airbnb."
"Figure out what people are not willing to do themselves, and you have yourself a business."
"The value that they provide is far too great of an opportunity to miss."
"There is opportunity everywhere in Africa, the business of somebody can be your opportunity because you can bring something to that person to resolve one problem that person have."
"This is the best time to start an e-commerce business right now."
"This company at an under three billion dollar valuation seems like an absolute steal."
"The opportunity in front of us is absolutely enormous. Anybody getting into battery storage, solar, electric vehicles, etc., is looking at an enormous expanding market over the next decade. The opportunity is phenomenal."
"We believe anyone should have the opportunity to earn money from their videos and turn their channels into successful businesses."
"Every business is saying how can I implement NFTs for the sale of my digital goods yet and to me that's just an enormous opportunity."
"We have got a massive opportunity on Thursday."
"I guess this is to say it is a very very exciting time to be an entrepreneur..."
"One of the most popular, profitable, and in-demand items is bubble tea, boba."
"There is money in what you want to go into, and it's not just a little bit of money—it is like money for your family."
"With Merchants, this is a prime time opportunity for you to really really score some currency."
"You can start today and win a contract today."
"Tavern owners can gain notoriety, economic rewards, and access to certain recipes and vendors."
"Congratulations, you put all your eggs into this basket and somebody came along and bought the basket."
"There's a lot of opportunity still in these markets."
"It's just a matter of capitalizing on the given situation at that moment."
"I have a once in a lifetime opportunity for you."
"I kind of feel that you are one of the signs where there could be some sort of unexpected opportunity for you to invest in your business."
"Cell phone repair is probably one of the easier businesses to market because it pretty much sells itself."
"There's definitely opportunity, there's a lot of money to be made in these clean energy in these EVs."
"An invitation to discuss business opportunities...an opportunity you won't want to pass up." - Yours excitedly, Crips
"It's a pretty easy way to become rich and for me at least there was no startup fee." - Video Narrator
"Some of the biggest businesses were created during recessions."
"There is a huge new growth opportunity on the table for Tesla."
"Tactically, I think there's a real Gap in the market there."
"There's the potential here to make so much money."
"The IPO window might be cracking open a bit."
"When is the best time to start a business? In volatile times, in a recession, in a down economy, in a high-interest rate environment."
"There's a huge upside and the drawbacks are few."
"We're not dealing with little deals here, this could be the deal of a millennium."
"What if I told you I had a way for you to partner with me?"
"The fitness niche and the fashion niche are not over saturated and not dead and they're absolutely booming right now."
"One of the biggest business opportunities of the current year."
"It's a very good time to be getting a great deal if you want to start a business and you need to have a physical space."
"...the opportunity in the Cyber Truck is potentially huge."
"He saw an opportunity to address what he perceived as a gap in the market for football content during the NFL offseason."
"... i really think that a lot of you need to start thinking and treating this as a career and as a business opportunity."
"You're not only to figure out what your customers actually want, it's to look at the intersection of customer needs and business opportunity."
"Your job as a product manager is not only to figure out what your customers actually want, it's to look at the intersection of customer needs and business opportunity."
"I think it's a great niche business to start."
"You don't have to spend any money to get into it, as many companies offer affiliate programs for free."
"Do this right, and you've got a million-dollar opportunity."
"There's a lot of opportunity there."
"If Nashville is the center of this great railroad network that is starting to bind together the east and the west and the north and the south, anyone smart enough to take advantage of that and create wholesale businesses would profit immensely."
"Franchising really allows you to expand your brand. So it really is a great opportunity for you to expand your brand."
"Seeing how profitable the East Cleveland Railroad was, several other Cleveland businessmen wanted to capitalize on this too."
"I just I can't imagine Harley Davidson missing this opportunity."
"This is for anyone interested in starting a new, exciting home-based business."
"There are those that have a genuine skill set and ability, and there are those that see an opportunity and know the business structure of how to move forward."
"This opens up a whole new world for us tumbler makers."
"There's enough demand there for everyone."
"Less than 10 of those are ever going to make the money you're talking about."
"When you go to Sephora, you buy products you can't earn money from. With our products, look at what happens: you can earn money."
"If you're solving a real problem in a large market, then that means there's a ton of latent demand out there."
"Selling on Amazon continues to be a really amazing opportunity for creating your own business."
"There's great opportunity in becoming familiar with these general characteristics that make higher-end items."
"The climate crisis presents us with the greatest opportunity for new business in the just transition."
"The decision you make about whether to get in Primerica or not should really be based on your personal experience."
"You'd be a fool to ignore that market."
"The ecommerce advantage gives you the opportunity to sell anywhere in the world."
"Quail farming is oftentimes considered to be one of the easiest businesses to get into."
"You make that one connection and boom, you know, hopefully you got a business for years to come."
"Kenyans in the diaspora now have an opportunity to invest back home in a practical business."
"I have been obsessed with the content for a long time because I knew it was the biggest opportunity of our generation."
"Photographing products for companies... there's a lot of companies out there with products that are going to need photos of their products."
"I'm unbelievably blessed to have found this vehicle in my entrepreneurship journey."
"You could sell it to a school, you could sell it to some type of retreat."
"I actually really liked that one because I feel like I see a lot of potential."
"This is going to be an unbelievable opportunity for you to bring in a large number of qualified prospects and your past clients and peers."
"CBD is one of the biggest opportunities we have."
"Markets get saturated because there's a lot of demand. That's a good problem."
"We feel this is a fantastic opportunity to be involved in a young and exciting company placed in a market that has defied recession."
"You guys have heard of social media marketing agencies before, but in my opinion, email marketing agencies are the way to go."
"There's gonna be a huge market for this in the future."
"This is what I call Advanced AI Automation and I think it's the biggest opportunity right now to charge a premium price at your agency."
"It's more the opposite, the rising trend, which might indicate a product that is just growing in popularity."
"Join our partner program and promote our products today."
"That's a pretty good opportunity, I would say."
"This tells me there is a lot of demand that is incoming for this product and I may have an opportunity to get ahead of the curve."
"It's great for marketing and advertising, so it's a great opportunity."
"This should pay for itself almost immediately with some of the opportunities."
"It's a perfect solution for detailers and it's a great way to make some extra money."
"If you're a small business owner, you cannot pass this opportunity up."
"Right now there's a massive opportunity on Airbnb."
"We believe this world does present an opportunity to accelerate a customer's digital transformation."
"Smart house stuff is a mystery to Boomers, and there is money to be made."
"I bought an Amazon liquidation pallet of customer returns, Amazon warehouse damaged, and overstock."
"The ASMR market is growing; you should really do something about that."
"If there is a great market, then you are more likely to succeed."
"If you had a straight supply of milk powder and Ferrero Rocher chocolates, you'd be a billionaire; you'd be a king."
"This really is a secret admirer, and they may have business in mind as well."
"There is a market for this, there is a giftable market for this."
"Autonomous trucks, I'm going to own an autonomous truck and make money off of sending that out and doing jobs autonomously."