
Biblical Principles Quotes

There are 127 quotes

"The Bible says very clearly in Luke 6:38, 'Give, and it shall be given unto you; good measure, pressed down, shaken together, and running over.'"
"God's response to Elijah wanting to die was food and rest."
"We have always operated our company in a manner consistent with Biblical principles, including integrity and service to others."
"By pointing our arrow back to the Bible and the first century, we have the best chance of shedding ourselves of unbiblical things."
"There is a Biblical foundation for pointing stuff out."
"If the world all moved according to the Bible, it'd be heaven on earth."
"Jesus measures his love for us based on our love for his word."
"God loves humility all the way through the Scriptures."
"We have so much fun there learning about the Bible and what God's principles mean in children's lives."
"Nobody been saved unless you obey what the word of god says."
"You don't owe people nothing but love, they say that in the Bible."
"The power of the spiritual life is the Spirit of God filling us. Everything that we read about in the Bible only works if He prompts and energizes and empowers it to work."
"If God gives you a promise in the word, you receive it, speak it, do it, and it's yours."
"The principles of the Bible are the groundwork of human freedom."
"We have to stick with the apostles' doctrine, we have to stick with the word of God."
"The aim of the Communist Utopia: total material abundance and freedom from responsibility."
"Let's follow the example of scripture in our own behavior and let's call for others in leadership over us to do the same."
"The sufficiency of scripture: when scripture makes something clear, making exceptions is dangerous."
"For me, I keep my liberty centered around following the Bible and trying to keep God's laws."
"Stick to those basic biblical principles and the peace of God will be on your life."
"Understanding the kingdom, prayer and spiritual warfare, prophets and prophecy, understanding the kingdom and Kingdom economics, and Biblical finances."
"God gives people the dignity of carrying the consequences of their bad decision."
"Enemies are a part of life, but we are called to love and forgive like Jesus did. Repay no one with evil, but overcome evil with good."
"Keeping and proclaiming God's word invites spiritual opposition, confirming we're on the right track." - "If the devil tempts you, it means you're a threat to his kingdom."
"There must come a time when you as a believer must decide: I will stand strong and follow the word of God regardless of what I will have to give up and who I will have to let go of."
"Prophecy must align with biblical principles and teachings, avoiding twisting scripture or personal agendas." - Proverbs 30:5-6.
"Sexual purity according to scripture and God's word... living according to God's design for love, sex, and marriage."
"Father, I pray today we've heard your word. Now I thank you that we won't just be hearers, we will be partakers or doers of the word."
"God's word... we have to unite around God's word."
"Render therefore to all their due: taxes to whom taxes are due, customs to whom customs, fear to whom fear, honor to whom honor."
"To the extent that a nation follows biblical principles of governance, human pain, suffering, and poverty will be reduced."
"I'm here to talk to you about a set of values and principles that I know work. They've been proven over thousands of years, they come directly from the Bible."
"The mind governed by the flesh is hostile to God; it does not submit to God's law nor can it do so."
"He that committeth sin is of the devil. That's right."
"It is the blood of remission... without the shedding of blood there is no forgiveness."
"When you build your life on the Word of God, it's going to stand."
"There's something so special about music... it serves as a record for your experience in life."
"Wisdom is the ability to use biblical principles to become successful."
"God will bless you with a longer, stronger, brighter life if we will follow Bible principles."
"Love is patient, love is kind, etc. That's how we really understand that."
"Compromise is impossible. If you really are serious about standing on what the Bible says, then you've got to stand on what all of the Bible says."
"A strong life is built upon the teachings of the Word of God."
"God is concerned with the state of your heart. What matters is how you live your life in accordance with God's word."
"God's word haven't changed, it remained the same."
"We're going to act justly, love mercy, and walk humbly with our God."
"You need to understand good biblical doctrine."
"Knock and it shall be open, imagine the widow that came before the judge requiring justice into her circumstance and the judge says, 'Hey, I don't fear God, but because of her persistence he granted her the request because of her persistence.'"
"I'm always going to move towards truth and what's biblically sound... but I have to have the ability to talk to people exactly where they're at."
"Act justly, love mercy, walk humbly." - "What does the Lord require of us? To act justly, to love mercy, and to walk humbly."
"The Bible is clear about the spiritual laws and principles."
"To be a Christian, it's not only reading the Bible, but we want to live by the word."
"The primary way in which you know God's will is through Scripture and general principles, then you make a choice."
"Touch not my anointing... Honor your father and mother. It's the only commandment with a promise."
"Your relationship with God is based on the word of God."
"Understanding... applying the principles of Scripture in our life..."
"The just shall live by faith. Your faith and obedience to God's word determine manifestation."
"Real problems need real solutions that are biblically based and gospel centered."
"As a child of God, learn to walk in the wisdom of God by the Holy Spirit and the truth of scripture."
"God's Word never returns void, share God's word."
"When a husband and wife apply Bible principles, their marriage endures and is successful."
"There's so much in the Bible, so principles in there that we all are dealing with whether we admit it or not."
"He lived the principles of the Bible and of his faith. He had a relationship with the Lord."
"But I feel like what's in God's word um what is the principles that you can take from it exactly and if you can take steps towards that you don't have to be perfect but your life is going to be better."
"Children are to be raised surrounded by love for God and biblical principles."
"You won't be bored with this CD. It's a Bible principle that will change your life."
"Moses, the greatest lawgiver in history, declares in Deuteronomy: 'Follow justice and justice alone.'"
"We talked about what marriage is, why does marriage exist, and we talked about how to do marriage according to the Bible."
"I can teach you how to be successful in life because what I'm going to teach is straight from the Bible."
"Who cares if you manifest that dream life who cares if you manifest that car or that job or whatever it is if you know it's not the way that the Bible says things are to be done is it worth it?"
"When you actually consider the biblical principles involved you discover that making respectful gestures with respect to a symbol is just not idolatry."
"Everybody wants to talk about it. But what I'm trying to stress... when you bring the biblical principles into bear, suddenly we can resolve the debate and the politics that are involved here."
"Moreover, you shall select from all the people able men, such as fear God, men of truth, hating covetousness, and place such over them to be rulers of thousands, rulers of hundreds, rulers of fifties, and rulers of tens."
"To the extent a nation will follow the biblical principles of governance, to that extent the nation will reduce human pain, suffering, and poverty."
"Your goal is not to quote the Bible your goal is to become it."
"You can't cheat the process. You cannot ignore biblical principles when you break the principles, the principles break you."
"Discerning the voice of the Lord from our own thoughts or the enemy's whispers is fundamental. If it contradicts the Bible, it's not from the Lord."
"I want to confront a lie today. I want to confront a lie with scripture."
"Paul discusses some principles that our culture has a violent contrary reaction to but it's scripture nonetheless and it's powerful."
"Holiness to the Lord is distinctiveness from the world system played out from a biblical worldview."
"God is looking for honest people people who will see what God's Word says and will adjust and change their lives accordingly."
"We use those biblical foundations, those biblical ideas to kind of strengthen us to be able to get through the challenges and the hard times of homeschooling."
"If you hear or read a brother say something that you think is unchristian or unbiblical with regard to race, don't call it critical race theory; call it unchristian, call it unbiblical."
"In view of what we've just heard from Rasool Berry, let me state two of those biblical relational principles then unpack them one at a time."
"The idea of biblical dating is that you include everyone in your life to join you in the process."
"Revival restores the word of God."
"At the very heart of the Bible, at the heart of theology, there's corporate responsibility."
"We need to just enforce what is biblical with our children and find out what's the giftings inside them."
"We're teaching biblically based common sense."
"Authority does not spring from our position, but from the degree that we conform our lives to the word of God and we proclaim the word of God."
"We can teach our kids to be kind to everyone, we can teach them the nuances of life, the differences of people, while still staying true to what the Bible says is true."
"Marriage is first of all not a cultural issue; it's a biblical issue, it's an issue of Christian discipleship."
"We want to do whatever we can to reach people with the gospel but we never want to violate biblical principles or go outside of biblical parameters in order to do that."
"You meditate on the Word of God day and night... and in whatever he does, he prospers."
"We want to follow God as closely to the Bible as we feel like what it says."
"A Biblical worldview determines our direction, our decisions, our passions, our pursuits."
"Follow those that follow God and line up with the word of God."
"Although the stories are definitely based on principles from the Bible, the series isn't excessively preachy or pushy."
"We stand on what the Bible says, and we don't conform to culture."
"Remember what the Bible says, 'You will be prospered even as your soul is prospered.'"
"Honour the Lord with thy substance, and with the firstfruits of all thine increase: So shall thy barns be filled with plenty, and thy presses shall burst out with new wine."
"When you begin to pray what God has said in the word, you pray with a new authority."
"We are pursuing a biblical objective in a biblical way."
"The centrality of worship always, if it's going to please God, must be centered on the word."
"The Word of God washes your head and makes your spirit and your head connect."
"Let your words by and large reflect what the Bible has said is true of your child more than what you see."
"God is love, so in order to know what love is all about, we must consult His word."
"We should live our life by what the Bible has prescribed for our way of life and our way of living and not to be conformed to the standards and dictates of this world."
"I will not compromise the Word of God."
"The foundational concept which underpins the entire Bible is the notion of covenant."
"Let the word of God have the run of the house."
"I'm feeling more peace than ever; this is right, this is biblical."
"The principles of God's word, not the multiplied conjectures of human philosophy, are to be our guide."
"Jesus, the author and the finisher of our faith, is going to build His church using biblically accepted means."
"For the righteousness of the law might be fulfilled in us, who walk not after the flesh, but after the spirit."
"I want Power with God. I want to see the Bible made manifest in my life."
"He's not asking black people to become white or white people to become black, he's asking both to become biblical."
"The same thing that applied to the time of Abraham applies still today."