
Family Importance Quotes

There are 349 quotes

"No one on their deathbed ever said, 'I wish I worked more.' Everyone always says, 'Where's my family?'"
"My family is the most important thing to me, you know, as much as I love football."
"This country needs you, your families need you, your neighborhoods need you."
"The other big theme of The Way of Water is that of family being the most important thing in the world."
"The importance of family, right where it's so easy to get lost in the day-to-day rush."
"Get away, balance your life. Take care of your family, your spirituality, and good friendships."
"The data unequivocally tells us fathers are vital, and yet laws and society undervalue their importance."
"Nobody can replace a loving and devoted father or mother."
"Nothing compares to all you do, the true meaning of every family."
"People will always rate their families the most important thing in their lives."
"I don't think we can imagine our lives without him. It would be such a void."
"Your family needs you. This is just money. Don't quit on them."
"Families are the cornerstone of any society; you destroy the families, you destroy the country."
"Most people said other people want to be famous. They said what do you value? Family."
"A person might be prime minister or president, but it does not give that much effect unless the family life is great."
"Families and really children are the building blocks of society."
"This is our family. Everybody's going to think about their family."
"I think my family. Most important thing in my life."
"I have great children, and they're very important to me."
"This has nothing to do with politics. This is personal. This is my family. I need to know answers for my family." - Janice Dean
"I just want that family aspect. I've been in this industry for so long."
"If you can't preserve the family... your Society is going to collapse within a generation."
"Nothing is more important than the family and the health of their family."
"The dissolution of the family is the dissolution of the entire society."
"Everyone's just trying to do the same thing, take care of themselves and their family."
"Make sure you prioritize that husband, you know, children, just family right."
"Everything starts at home, and we all recognize the importance."
"The millennial age bracket is now the single largest demographic or group of RV buyers out there."
"It's about how much we care about the members of our family in the guild of Fairy Tales."
"A system like that is the enemy of a healthy society. Any economic system that weakens and destroys families is not worth having."
"Home is the roots to me, and the roots are so important because that's where the tree gets its nourishment, its strength, and its grounding."
"Faith, family, a society based on faith, family, and freedom will happen one way or the other."
"We need children growing up believing that their involvement in their future children's life is critical."
"Nobody's gonna remember that you stayed late for work except for your kids."
"Try to make this thing work out in your best behalf try to make it where you can see your daughter's graduation from College from high school first baby."
"The foundation of society: strong relationships and strong families."
"Parents are cool, she's the only one we have to hang out with, that's true."
"If our family structure is lost in the Next Generation what do we have left or just a bunch of listless individuals living our lives out virtually behind a computer screen and following the orders of the government?"
"Having a strong family is literally critical for you and your development."
"This is what's important: family is important and I remember thinking I've never been closer to my family."
"Spending time with your family and with your loved ones is also important for your life."
"Oldman kept photos of his little boy on set and would often look at them before takes."
"Make it about family. You definitely don't want to be sitting by yourself during the days off."
"The light in my life are my children and grandchildren... that's worth going through this pain for."
"Every time I look at them... I'm like okay not doing that bad."
"Missing a billion years of a 14-billion-year timeline is really equivalent to missing the day of your child's birth."
"I need to spend more time with family. I need to make a difference in this world."
"I just want to help people, inspire people, spend my time with my family, with my mother, with my kids and just being good, good person. And this is my goal."
"Family matters. Trust is something that's earned. You don't just get that away."
"Family Means Everything above all family means everything."
"Aside from his work, his family and loved ones were the main thing that mattered to him."
"Charity begins at home, you can't help somebody else before you help the people around you."
"The best part of my life was my wife and my little kids."
"Being a mother is the only job that someone else can't do. It's the only job that someone else can't do."
"Family is the most important thing. None of it means anything if you don't have your family."
"I think family is the most important thing. None of it means anything if you don't have your family."
"Families are probably the cornerstone. It's what gives us a desire to do anything for the future."
"At the end of the day, all that matters is things like love and family."
"It's easy to forget what's important. You start thinking about why have you to remind me I miss telling you don't forget your roots, don't forget your God, don't forget your family or religion, your rituals just because the world is ending."
"We literally run our business around the world from our basement and do it all in the comfort of stretchy sweatpants."
"The family was always seen as the bedrock of social stability."
"Mothers are indeed the backbone not only of our homes but of our societies."
"This is about figuring out what you want to come home to, focusing more on home, family, and laying down roots."
"The greatest thing you could hope to be in life is to have a family."
"I truly believe that you love your son. He's all I got. He's my entire world."
"Having strong families is the greatest return on investment that any society can make."
"Family's everything. I should have never come here. It's his birthday today. I'm sorry."
"That's family, bro. Without them, you wouldn't even be alive."
"Children are a blessing, not an environmental threat."
"We are being asked right now to protect something that is possibly as important as our family and that is our country because without a free country to live in we don't have a free and safe family."
"My family, you know, that means a lot to me."
"I need my son and my children in my life so I can't let you give them up."
"Living a nice life and remembering what's important – family, kids, wife, livelihood – those are the things that really matter."
"When the home fails, the society is going to fail."
"Life doesn't come with a manual, but if you're lucky, it comes with a mom."
"I truly believe that I need to be with my family, you know, with my closest friends."
"Women and men grow into something besides their money and their children mattering the most in the world."
"Wholeheartedly I do believe it starts at home."
"Who's the most important person to you? My little sister."
"The family unit, the cornerstone of our society, constantly under attack by liberals and Marxists."
"The only [__] thing that matters is your family, period."
"Always put the ones that you love and care about put them first don't forget about them."
"Fathers matter, and we can't do that anymore."
"Be happy with it because so many people, to include me last year in 2020 in the heart in the heat of uh Rona right now, family."
"The only thing that makes you happy is a happy family. That's it."
"It feels amazing to be home. It's great to be back at home base. We absolutely love being at home, just feels good."
"Life's too short. I'm gonna go be with my family over the holidays."
"My goal is to make it back home to my family."
"The family is the building block of civilization, and when that collapses, everything else falls apart."
"Every time I do a story... the only gift they truly wanted was their family back."
"Who you're gonna celebrate all this with if you're not gonna like spend time with your family and your loved ones so please do spend time with them and let them know that they're important."
"I believe the family is probably one of the most important things that we as human beings engage with today."
"What is the strongest element? Tungsten, but not as strong as family."
"This is your name, this is her future, if you don't come through for them."
"The significance of the mother-baby bond will override any other things."
"Family is key, and it doesn't have to be family by blood."
"The family Dynamic is so important when it comes to well-building."
"The basic unit of society is the family, not the individual."
"The opposite of collectivism is not individualism, it's the family and intermediate institutions."
"I hope it never gets to that point, but you gotta reconnect with your family. When all of this technology and all of this stuff, you're gonna have to get in the bunkers with people you love and trust."
"At the end of the day, if one of our team members doesn't get home with their family, what's it all for?"
"I think a high value man is somebody who's going to respect the mother of his children."
"If you don't have a strong family you're gonna crumble you can believe that it's just a matter of time."
"How could we not talk about family when family is all that we got?"
"So I sacrificed a great franchise which today looking back I'm very happy to have done to be with my family." - Steven Spielberg
"There's nothing more important than the families. We have eight families who lost loved ones."
"I always looked at having a family like winning."
"Having lost his father at a young age, Prince recognized the importance of being there for his kids."
"Even when the grid goes down and the world is going crazy, my home and my family are the most important thing to me."
"It's tough, you know? That's something I always want to do every time I finish a fight. I want to go home, see the family."
"The purpose behind what I do has changed drastically... The most important thing to me has always been family, but now that's on some other level."
"For your family and your community, you don't destroy everything around you."
"I'm thankful because I've got a family I can sit down with this coming Thursday, people I love dearly in this world."
"God as number one, family number two, so we make sure to have that as the foundation for everything that's number one."
"It's about family, it's always about family."
"A child is a gift you can't buy. It's the most perfect gift in the world."
"Children and family are the biggest investment."
"Your mother probably saved your life, you should be thanking her for that."
"Most people don't care about any of this [ __ ] they just want to go about their day and have their life with their family with some degree of [ __ ] peace. That's what most people want."
"Everybody needs to take time for their family."
"People won't remember you for the streams you did, but your family might remember you for the time you spent with them."
"This family vacation was like the mini pause button that I needed so badly to help me gain better perspective on what actually matters in my life."
"You can take everything away from me as long as I have my family and their health and my health and memories together, that's literally all that matters to me."
"I love my wife I would never hurt my wife she's the light of my life and my daughter's lives."
"When you destroy the family unit, the negative aspects of society explode."
"What community, that's what that's what family, and that's what good people are all about."
"The connections that actually make you happy are the connections with your friends, your family, the people that you surround yourself with."
"Fatherhood is the greatest gift a child could ask for."
"I just want to live here for a very long time, and I had my son, and he became the literal air that I breathe."
"Value real relationships, value your loved ones."
"It's all about family it's all about family."
"He made me realize the family, it's everything."
"My baby is number one. So it just went from basketball being the be all end all to like, man, there's more to life, once I had my daughter."
"I'm seeing the pictures of my own grandkids. But I'll tell you, take it a step further, the doctors that are performing surgery in utero now are using more than 3D imaging."
"It matters far less who's in the White House than who's in my house."
"Fathers absolutely matter. That balance is there."
"No kid should grow up without both of their parents."
"We care about our families and we want to live through this particular chunk of time."
"The family... are the primary educator for their child."
"Hug your loved ones, cherish the moments you have, and keep your children close."
"Your family unit is going to be your foundation when you need them."
"Mothers matter. Make sure they know that before it's too late. Rest in peace."
"The success of the future and of the government depends on healthy, strong families."
"What made me happy today was just having an amazing family day."
"Spend time with God and you spend time with your family because spending time with God compels you and transforms you into being a better husband and a better father."
"Love you bro. All relationships I'll give up every dollar I have in every suit jacket on earth for one week with either of my grandparents."
"My mom is everything, she's just always been there, when it was just me, her and my brother, in a situation where it was 'what's next?'"
"Nothing in life is more important than your family."
"For me, it's like 10 out of 10 because it includes my family, it's sentimental, it's deep, it's important, it has meaning."
"What's the most important thing in this world? Family."
"Family, self-love, and self-care is always something that is incredibly important."
"I wanted him to see his people because family is an important thing, you know, it just needs to function properly."
"He had a mom and her sister who were the most important."
"Once you lose your family... you lose everything."
"Unless the family is fixed, all efforts to end discrimination, poverty, and injustice will come too little, almost stop."
"Happy wife, happy life, right? But seriously, family time is important."
"Your relationship with your relatives is far more important than winning any debate."
"The film emphasizes the importance of being yourself but also how valuable it is to have a family, even though you may not get along all the time."
"Your wife and your children will remember you more than anyone else."
"Manifesting your own destiny includes health, wealth, peace of mind, and family."
"I don't want to die... my grandchildren... that is the most important part of your legacy."
"The only things I really truly die for, live for, is like my family, friends, and my dogs."
"Maintaining family values is essential, agree."
"Family is the most important thing, and the past is about to get personal."
"Home is our real life. You are totally replaceable at work. You're not replaceable at home. Home is your real life. Keep that perspective, always."
"Life is not about you anymore, it's all about your children."
"Your family matters, your friends matter, being a kind person matters."
"The family unit is the fundamental unit of the community. If your family is messed up, your community is going to be messed up."
"Families are the building blocks of society. By turning to faith, we will be the kind of nation God intends us to be."
"Family is so so important they are the ones that will always be there for you no matter what they're the ones that care about most."
"Family should always come first... It also serves as a strong support system and safety net."
"It's reinforced the best of what they are - culture, music, love, family. The importance of family coming through again."
"You're an amazing guy, you've got an amazing family, you have an amazing company. It's all because of hard work, caring, and loving that you do."
"We believe in the sanctity of life... bringing children into this world is a mitzvah."
"Your relationships, especially with family, those are glass balls."
"I don't think anybody even cares about money out here, you know? I'm starting to realize that maybe money isn't everything, and spending time with your family is a lot more important."
"Home is where the family is, that's all that's all it takes."
"The blueprint for a transformed city is in a healthy family."
"It's your core family that matters the most: you, your partner, and whatever type of family you've built together."
"For me, home is in my heart, you know what I'm saying? It's with my family wherever they may be and it's with my spouse Nick."
"I'm hoping that you still pursue Malcolm's biological father. Because it's important."
"Forget the house, forget the things, we've got each other."
"If being with your family is gonna make you happy, you need to optimize your life to do more of that."
"Eating meals together is really important and doing a lot of reading."
"Being on the farm and being with my family is literally like the thing that makes me the happiest."
"Yep, I have to say that there's nothing more important to me in my life than my family. It's still the thing that makes life worth living."
"Family is a huge part of it... It's nice to actually have a support system."
"Family is everything when you're raising a child."
"The game has treated me well but it's time for me to make my family the top priority in my life." - Reggie Miller
"It's always families, folks, always families."
"Family unity as you say is number one right in terms of practically right this is super super super important."
"The number one problem facing the black community is not racist cops, it's not income inequality, it's not climate change. The number one problem facing the black community is the lack of fathers in the home."
"I don't want Teresa to be forgotten. She is beyond loved and means so much to her family and her loved ones."
"We need to bring back the influence of the family."
"Happiness for me is being with my family easy as I get older in life I see that and and enjoy life."
"Family is way more important than I want you guys to understand how much I cherish my relationships over my job this at the end of the day it's just a job."
"My number one outlet, other than the studio, is being with my kids."
"Family has been increasingly more important to me, it's always been very important to me, but I've really been appreciating it especially over the past six months."
"Family and friends, those are the things that give your life the most meaning."
"The most important is having a family unit or your soul tribe that come together in love."