
Economic Changes Quotes

There are 54 quotes

"Boomers don't like this, but it is true that on a single income you could get a nice house, a safe neighborhood, and you didn't have to worry about societal disintegration."
"The average cost of going to college has increased by as much as 2,700% in some cases, or about 4.6 times the rate of inflation during the last 50 years."
"You cannot take for granted the stability we have had historically. We are in totally transformational times."
"The middle class goalpost has been moved from $70k to $120,000 in just the past two years."
"Our pension system has changed dramatically. People aren't going to have pensions like they used to."
"Post-war economic and demographic changes had far-reaching consequences for American society, politics, and culture."
"Expect taxes to rise right across the board."
"We are just at the dawn of big changes in personal finance... big space just in front of us."
"That same person that could afford the $2,000 a month mortgage payment can only afford a $275,000 home instead of a $400,000 home - that is a massive decrease in their purchasing power."
"Values are 44 higher today than they were pre-pandemic."
"Netflix first came onto the scene a decade ago... Netflix was $7.99 a month... now they max out at $16 a month."
"In 2020 the chip shortage was relatively small; I didn't expect to be entirely out of stock today."
"I want you to be one of the people that becomes wealthy because of what's happening."
"This was before COVID though, you probably have the money for it now."
"We need to go cashless and that's going to happen."
"Things Are Gonna Change, I hope it's for the better for gamers but it's usually not it's usually better for the companies."
"We've had 25 years of very low rates and now things are going the other way."
"The skyrocketing price of gasoline is part of an incredible transition that is taking place."
"In the past 12 months, the job market has been defined by trends and buzzwords like the great resignation."
"Salute to you, but he's at 2.5, so when did you buy? Those days are long gone."
"Prepare for end of the Year festivities even people's favorite restaurant dishes including guac and seafood are getting far more expensive and harder to find."
"We're living in a very interesting new era of finances."
"Times are tough for a lot of people... workers are quitting their job and moving to higher paying jobs when possible."
"I think things happen to the margins and every year you see a percent here, a percent there."
"Most people's portfolios aren't ready for this new era."
"American workers are now flexing their muscles."
"We're talking about replacing most jobs in the next five to seven years."
"Now the big question is, are they going to change their name to the Dollar $1.25 Tree? Because I just don't think it has the same ring to it, you know. Hello."
"My generation has a lower standard of living than my parents."
"The entire great reset hinges on two things...a global digital currency and a global digital identity."
"The post-pandemic era will usher in a period of massive wealth redistribution."
"Let's talk about all the just absolutely mental things that have happened over the past year with car purchase prices."
"This time, there's relatively gonna be more losers than winners."
"We're just not there anymore. Companies, corporations have literally changed their entire business model around this whole situation."
"Everything else related to anything including labor or anything including commodities that have gone up in price or gone up in cost can't just go back. They can't."
"When I was little we lived in the apartment right above my grandfather's shop. He was a tailor who, according to Dad, used to do quite well back in the day before fines forced him to shut down."
"Finance and currencies, huge. Uranus is to do with these radical changes and things like cryptocurrencies, digital currencies."
"Those jobs are gone and those jobs are not coming back."
"The cost of college in the U.S. has gone up 500% since 1985, and that doesn't even cover the cost of carpet cleaning after sorority parties."
"The rush to globalism has been ongoing for 35 years."
"They're going to start digitalizing our currencies."
"When people say 'make America great again,' they're pointing to a lived experience of it being easier to support their families on working classes."
"Inflation means that things are getting expensive. If you look at the cost of petrol, cost of bread, milk, biscuits, cost of tea, that same cost was not the same as one year ago or six months ago. It's different."
"The way a mortgage works today is not the way it used to work prior to 1930s, especially prior to 1913."
"Do you remember how nice the gas prices were?"
"Teachers work the most unpaid hours of any profession and have seen a 25% pay cut in real terms since 2010."
"I mean it's happening and there's really no denying that inflation is picking up now."
"Interesting that means the markets just got hella spicy."
"Changing trends in markets, from fast food to fashion."
"Work will become optional... there's a lot of jobs that if people weren't paid to do it, they wouldn't do it."
"Two thousand I used to go for 20. So there's a lot of people out there and a lot of changes. So that's where I get my optimism."
"It's never been more expensive to raise a middle-class child than it is right now."