
Scientific Innovation Quotes

There are 130 quotes

"I never would have guessed in 2012 that we would have such an amazing array of technologies and scientific innovations."
"The best clocks in national laboratories all over the world, they're using laser-cooled atoms to keep time."
"How do we have that big scientific breakthrough? How do we get that anti-grav, man? How do we get that, uh, faster than light travel?"
"The people behind the greatest leaps in physics - Einstein, Newton, Heisenberg, all had the uncanny ability to see the fundamentals - see the deepest, underlying facts about the world, and from simple statements about reality they built up their incredible theories."
"Droughts could be history after scientists invented a water harvester that can pull moisture out of the air."
"At every flexure point, there's at least one Nobel Prize. The conceptual ideas have just been so mind-blowing."
"He developed Cosmic Rays Found in Smartphones, a smartphone app which uses a cell phone's camera to detect ultra-high energy cosmic rays."
"Of course if you can lab grow proteins, meat proteins, then you never needed the animal in the first place."
"By unleashing America's technical and scientific brilliance, we will end this pandemic, and we will hopefully end it very quickly."
"The first seismometer ever invented was in 132 A.D."
"This really is the opening to an entirely new science of consciousness."
"Carbon nanotubes have the highest yield strength known to man reaching a staggering 30,000 megapascals along their axis."
"The most exciting developments that I expect is happening right now is the merging of physics and biology."
"Scientists can now transform stress into electricity. Unlimited power! We are so stressed, it's funny. Well, as everybody else should be."
"There might be a half-dozen medicines, I'm talking three decades from now, widely used that target different mechanisms."
"We need leaders of the field like Oppenheimer."
"Life is precious and the opportunity to bring forth the new tools of science, particularly consciousness development, is such an exciting part of our work."
"Scientists have taught spinach to send emails."
"Scientists have taken advantage of Thorium to develop a new clear battery with an extremely long lifespan."
"Carbon 60 helps to reverse some of the aging effects."
"Scientists in China have created the world's first human monkey hybrid."
"To achieve such a mission, to travel to another star, we will need to harness the power of stars to drive our ships."
"Archimedes were celebrated even in the ancient world he was celebrated for his incredible mathematical and scientific discoveries so people might well have copied his designs."
"It's molecular origami. If you designed it on paper and showed it to your colleagues in chemistry, they just tell you outright that like that thing can't exist."
"Dude, I know scientists haven't cracked time travel yet, but I think I just did."
"And while he was at it, he started the field of what we now call electronics."
"We have the brightest minds in science... driven by the goal of getting rid of this plague."
"Pigs with human brain cells and biological chips: how lab-grown hybrid life forms are bamboozling scientific ethics."
"We're hoping to shed some light on new ideas and emerging science."
"We can actually go down into the genetic code that makes all of these reactions, all this biochemistry, all this magic."
"Climate change is the greatest challenge facing our planet and we need more talented engineers and scientists working to solve this problem."
"Imagination is as vital to any advance in science as learning and precision are essential for starting points."
"Tractor Beams are another example of how we might warp space."
"His breakthrough idea about motion influenced every area of physics, allowing other great thinkers to stand on his shoulders."
"They made some genetic changes to this bacteria, they tinkered with some of the genes. It was like science fiction, only real."
"The best science is when you go against the grain."
"Webb represents the best of NASA. It maintains our ability to propel us forward for science, for risk-taking, for inspiration."
"All of us who did the institute of pneumatic scientists and the scientific and medical network are probably the two main catalysts for coming out in the western world."
"The sky is not the limit, there is no limit. Every generation of scientists thinks they know all there is to know, and history tells us they're always wrong."
"Open source science... I just love it so much."
"The big scientific breakthroughs happen when teams of scientists across disciplines get together."
"Based on all of this and based on that money and where that money could go, there is a host of luxury products that are actually made by badass female scientists and by actual doctors that have actual ingredients that actually work."
"We must utilize our nation's scientific brilliance to vanquish the virus."
"We're being charged for energy that's free when we can actually harness the infinite energy of the universe."
"Tesla figured out a way to harness energy without having the need to meter it...we're actually being charged for energy that's free."
"If we change the nuclear structure of the atom, we can get a million times more energy out of it."
"Finally, atoms are starting to act like their name actually suggests adding things to the game, good work!"
"We're not only stopping the aging process, we're going backwards."
"NASA continues to do stunning and impressive things."
"Humans invent faster than light travel in our lifetime."
"Modern superconductors allow the magnetic field to penetrate and hold the thing in place."
"The potential is there for so many new hybrid creatures."
"Nuclear fusion is harnessing the power of the sun. Wouldn't that be amazing?"
"It's a Frankenstein moment. It's a Jurassic Park moment."
"Major breakthrough: faster-than-light travel with the new classifier drive."
"Also, Hank Pym is working here, assisted by Bill Foster in his experiments with the size-changing 'Pym Particles' that will allow him and his wife Janet Van Dyne to become the original Ant-Man and Wasp."
"Many scientific discoveries are owed to those who dared to think outside the box."
"If you kind of take away some of those boundaries and take away some of the challenges, the possibilities are really limitless, and that is really what excites me as a scientist."
"Helium-3, a potential fuel source that could help transform the production and utilization of clean and efficient energy on Earth."
"So that is whatever FRBs bring to the table, it's a new independent probe of the universe."
"We can combine the genome with multiple modality testing."
"We are generating cocktails of phages that are targeting the same bacteria through different receptors or different mechanisms, and together these phages are killing the bacteria without allowing it to develop this antiphage defense system."
"You can make graphene with it... it's very cool."
"His quantum hypothesis would signal the birth of an entire new branch of physics."
"It's so water repellent that water genuinely bounces off the material."
"So our technology... what we do is we take these old antibodies... and we have this computational amino engineer... using math and computers to engineer hundreds of millions of DNA variants."
"But as amazing as it is, we did still make that knowledge up. And we will continue to make knowledge up. And it will continue to be cool, and useful, and interesting."
"By venturing into the realm of what could be considered far-fetched technology, the scientific community can propel the boundaries of knowledge."
"Instead of the fundamental constituents being little dot particles as we have long thought of them, the new idea is that they're actually little tiny filaments of vibrating energy."
"You should only work on things that should be wrong."
"Loads of reasons why fusion has enormous potential."
"And following the intuitions of Erast Gliner has led to incredible discoveries in the past, so perhaps they will again."
"As NASA continues to push boundaries and collaborate with experts from various fields, we can look forward to witnessing more ingenious strategies and groundbreaking discoveries."
"If we could create even a modest warp drive that would allow us to travel say five times the speed of light, we could get to Proxima Centauri in about one year."
"Stevens Smale showed that it's possible to turn the sphere inside out and this really counterintuitive result is actually now referred to as Smale's paradox."
"She dreamed of creating a mathematical model for the structure of the brain... a calculus of the nervous system."
"We are unleashing our nation's scientific brilliance and will likely have a therapeutic and a vaccine solution long before the end of the year."
"Approach the problem from a different perspective; we must learn how to manipulate and distort space-time."
"Has science let us down with these incredible creations of pure power? Well, only time will tell."
"He marched into an unknown branch of science which few even knew existed at the time and blazed a trail."
"Direct Imaging of exoplanets is the new exciting way. We're watching actual planets orbiting another star."
"Alfred Nobel saw the enormous potential of nitroglycerin... to manufacture the powerful new explosive."
"A laboratory that's really been working on it anyways now you know that is so cool."
"We should make more GMOs and stop stigmatizing them."
"What we have created is now a rotating magnetic field and it rotates in one period all the way around, three hundred sixty degrees."
"Physics has reached an end... but then somebody comes up with usually a completely new and unexpected idea."
"Leonardo challenged all the prevailing scientific notions of his day."
"One of the most impressive scientific Feats of the 21st Century."
"We're not just pushing the boundaries of science, we're breaking them." - Dr. David Fiser, CERN theoretical physicist
"What is it true John that no one had would have ever come up with the Haber Bosch process but it's not like the Mona Lisa there's only one Mona Lisa and if you know Leonardo didn't paint it it wouldn't exist."
"I think we truly may have the greatest science project of our time here."
"I think what we're talking about is a race to find something new in experiment that gives people the right to be bold before we lose the coherence of the theoretical physics community from about 50 years of frustration."
"We have real invisibility cloaks now that work both on the human eye and electronic equipment called wave bending meta materials."
"Using mirrors to reflect light and make images revolutionized telescope design."
"His machine could use radio x-rays to analyze the chemical electrical and physical properties of matter at Great depths and up to several miles away."
"We've shaved years off the time that it takes to develop a vaccine."
"Thanks to colossal biosciences and their amazing scientific breakthroughs... there's a chance in our lifetime we might get to see some of these long lost species brought back to life."
"The money should be spent on making plankton that can survive ocean acidity levels rising."
"Reverse transcriptase. This enzyme has revolutionized science, in my opinion."
"Volta used the principles he discovered in his earlier experiments to construct the world's first chemical battery known as a voltic pile."
"He was a scientist, an industrial titan, and a technical innovator of genius."
"The fast mode is ideal for experiments that require resolution at or above the limit of the light microscope but benefit from reduced exposure, improved signal to noise, and speed of acquisition."
"AlphaFold is a software program that produces accurate protein structures."
"It really changes the game of chromatography."
"The real strength of two photon excitation is that there's no out of focus light; we're only getting excitation in the region where the beam is most intense and most tightly focused."
"There's really no other technique that can do this."
"When you can get organisms and great minds coming together, you make better chemistry, period."
"In essence, the swirlonic state bends the laws of physics."
"It's such an exciting time to be doing this research."
"I've created the ultimate scientific masterpiece. I've done the impossible. I've invented a time machine."
"There's a new generation of young scientists who have been internalizing the ideas and concepts and tools of both quantum information and quantum gravity."
"We've taken the CRISPR editing workflow and we can go from design concept to having edited cells ready to pick clones in as little as four days."
"Einstein called forth a new domain never existed; he invented it, he didn't fantasize it, he didn't pretend it, he literally created a new context for physics called relativity."
"This is literally the first ever video of an actual space-time Crystal."
"The DeLorean time machine, a one-of-a-kind scientific wonder capable of traversing the very fabric of time itself."
"Machine learning can be used to accelerate materials development and will be entirely pervasive across the sciences."
"If you could turn on or off the brain or parts of the brain or cell types or individual cells at the natural rate and rhythm and timing of normal brain activity, that would be immensely valuable."
"It's incredibly exciting when you see a company making a drug using technologies that was developed in a little fume hood at the back end of a lab in Princeton."
"A central part of DeepMind's mission is to solve fundamental scientific problems."
"I want to talk to you about some new ideas in electromagnetism."
"I was feeling a genuine sense of excitement building up, knowing that I was about to partake in the latest scientific breakthrough."
"...if you can reduce the amount of time...which will be 30,000 years and he's managed to find a way in which he thinks he'll reduce it to 1,000 years."
"Ultimately, that is where Landsat's greatest impact lies: in starting the program decades ago, researchers were not just creating a camera for photographing Earth from space; they were in fact creating a new field of science, the science of remote sensing."
"We could lick cold fusion in less than a decade."
"We develop technology in this sense and it can now be applied to problems that are other than the Big Bang or quantum gravity."