
Parental Pride Quotes

There are 185 quotes

"One of the best days of my life... congratulations to Bronny... I'm super proud of him."
"I just want something that my kids are going to like, be like, 'My mom's that b*tch.'"
"People have gotten to see you play, but in the end, he's always going to be proud of who you are as a man."
"He was our first child and we've had other children since and I'm proud." - "He made by whole life."
"You ever see a guy in public wearing a shirt saying the best dad ever and you wondered like where he actually ranks."
"Meng Tuan's father affectionately patted his son's hair, expressing his appreciation and admiration."
"Oh my God, the chat just said look it's Auggie's best friend. Oh my God, that is, have we gotten in touch with Auggie's parents? They need to know how good of a job they're doing."
"Oh my god could I give this to a child apply changes okay so my brand new son and heir oh my god he looks so cool he's a Mega Chad."
"There isn't a parent in this audience today who wouldn't be honored - honored - to have Dana as your son, he's such a good person."
"It's making me so happy to read about our life that I am finally going to dance missing you and loving you from afar."
"Your mom's lucky. When they were handing out kids, they gave her the toughest one."
"Son, the sight of you saving the whole world like a hero was wonderful."
"Is there a better feeling than when your kid is proud of you?"
"Find your win condition, be the hero that you wanted to be, make your father proud."
"Wow that's not real you should be so proud of that oh my god I died be quiet we love you dad you'll be like she has a million subscribers."
"I'm so proud of you baby, yes sir, so much." - Mom congratulating her son on his achievement.
"There are no words right now as a parent, we get to see he get to live out his childhood dream."
"You've always made me proud and in any decision you've made whether I've been skeptical of it or not um I've always understood why you did something."
"This is my child. I am well pleased with him. This is my daughter. I am well pleased with her."
"Parents' reaction: proud but not fully understanding."
"He just turns around and goes, 'Oh my god dad, Mo Salah waved at me.'"
"I want my dad to be proud of me, and it drives me to this day. That validation, the need to be celebrated and embraced."
"You're gonna walk in and your son's gonna be making something beautiful."
"Landed a Spitfire without any flaps, my parents are so proud of me."
"Fame matters not, an audience matters not. If you make it through another day and you kept your kids all right... you've done bloody well, right?"
"Their skills shine on the stage and earn them a standing ovation, not to mention the parents of the otaku girls are finally proud of them."
"All the babies, all three of those kiddos that I have had dentist appointments this morning and they did so good, I'm so proud of them."
"I want to right that wrong and I want to be... I want my son to be proud that he has a mother like me."
"He actually had a jungler. Nicholas is yours always be satisfying to watch, that's my son fr."
"Watch this Mother's reaction after finding out her son has passed the bar exam."
"Hope everybody has had a great week, so my son started school. Pre-K is big [__], that's huge."
"You can't do anything for your parents greater than that and if they don't tell you that I'm going to tell you that."
"My late father... one of the things he was best at was telling me how proud he was of me."
"My baby did a great job not a good day they did a great job baby."
"Let me begin by saying to the pair of you how proud you must be as parents."
"Most men are proud to take care of their children."
"God chooses his strongest warriors, and my son was one of those." - Leona
"The highest point in my life is knowing that my father is proud."
"Happy birthday, honey. I can't believe you're already 10. I'm so proud of you."
"Be yourself, make your moms proud, you understand, say a little prayers."
"As parents, your child's graduation day is a big deal. All of their hard work and determination has led to that one moment when they walk across that stage, grab their diploma, dreams of the future swimming in their head."
"I feel like a proud mum, like in that first game when he saved that penalty, I was like yes emmy!"
"We have never been more proud of you than we are in this moment!"
"Dominic, his son, he's proud of Dominic for the man that he's become."
"Being a dad is one of the great privileges of my life."
"How stupid crazy is that? Like, how did that feel to see your son out there being that explosive?"
"Somehow, some twisted way being a little bit proud of my son's determination."
"My daughter basically gets straight A's at school."
"He's picking up things, dude. Yes, that's amazing!"
"My kids are the whole package, not just little bits and pieces."
"You're my son, and I'm incredibly proud of you."
"I think for my son, he's proud of me, you know? He tells me all the time, and like every all these teachers know me and everything, and he's always telling me like what the kids say in school and um, so yeah, that's what makes me proud."
"Every child's dream out there is to make their parents proud, to drive something like this, and for me, I'm grateful. These things came so early and we thank God, we thank God, we thank God."
"You're smart, funny, tough but kind. You're the daughter that every father dreams of."
"Being a dad is an honor. Being papa is priceless."
"So my son is not, he's not an idiot, he's not a sucker, he is not a loser. The President of the United States is lucky that there are young men and women in this country like my son." - Jennifer Horne
"This is for my kids who color everything - dude I adore you."
"He cried at the first audition because he just wanted to make his mom proud."
"He's so precious, he's so perfect, he's so proud. Everything about him is perfect, he looks like a freaking doll you guys."
"I think the little things like my mom hit me the other day was just telling me how proud she was."
"And it made me feel proud as a father to see him working and to see him happy."
"His father never had any doubt about Shikamaru's abilities and was proud of him to the end."
"Every mom or dad wants their son or daughter to surpass them, and she has surpassed me. And that's the joy I felt when I saw her today -- is she has surpassed me in all my dreams."
"My kids are very respectful. That's why I bless them the way I do."
"It's so exciting to see how big the girls are... just growing and thriving and just flourishing and blessing us with their presence and their love."
"I'm very proud of my kids, proud of every one of them."
"I'm proud of you, son. I just need a little bit more of your help."
"I actually did feel something there. Pride in my son."
"After seeing her get off a school bus."
"Your daughter has the voice of an Angel."
"I'm like Birdman, this my son, y'all please believe me. I'm gonna take the dorm greasy and take a picture with him like he Weezy."
"You just want to make you proud. Yeah, well you are and you're doing it."
"Alicia's parents were exceptionally proud of her achievements, and it was clear that their daughter would go far."
"It's just a different feeling, you know? My son winning overall wrestler, overall. I think that was a better feeling than me winning a world title because I just felt something way different in my bones for my son's success."
"Every mother says that about a kid. Yours had an impact, but every mother says that."
"Your child is Gifted Man, he could become a great hero one day."
"Luke is very proud of his daughter."
"There's nothing better than that, you know? And his highs are higher than a lot of other kids."
"You know what? I think I'm going to enjoy watching my son leave you in pieces."
"You're glowing you're blessed you have an amazing son"
"Everybody thinks their kid is like Shirley Temple, which every parent thinks their kid is."
"I just know that your father was smiling at you with joy he'd be so proud of you."
"I'm very proud to have a son who has achieved as much as he has achieved."
"My mom could just be like, you know what, at least he's got a degree."
"My boy's gonna become an influencer, probably a professional boxer."
"This is Solomon Tedlock and he is my son... he is really, really special."
"When you win with your kids, it's crazy."
"For whatever mistakes I made, there is no denying that you came out better than any parent could wish for."
"I can't tell you how proud Laura and I are of our girls."
"From now on I'll never worry about what'll become of you. Son, you'll always have an idea."
"It's a dream that you see your child wanting his whole life."
"She's fantastic, yeah, she's beautiful, she's about the best looking baby you've ever seen, nicest just started on cereal took every drop."
"Chris's parents are not upset, they're proud of him"
"I don't care what they look like, my kids are gonna be amazing and they're gonna change the world."
"We couldn't be happier for you... This is what every parent wants for their kid."
"Your kids... put their little hearts and their hard work into their little crafts and make us little things, don't they make you proud?"
"She shows up, 'Oh my goodness, you sold all the chocolates in less than an hour, I'm so proud of you, you're the number one seller!'"
"We're pretty sure I'm the favorite parent, a fact that keeps my ego well inflated."
"It's a beautiful drawing, Caillou."
"This point in my life right now, I've always just died to have my parents call me up and say, 'Son, I'm proud of you.'"
"I'm just floored right now by the detail that my son is taking on these art projects."
"This power is amazing, and King Cold couldn't be any prouder of his son than he is right now."
"You did well," Jake said, patting my head as he cried. "He's adorable, our baby."
"Kids do grow up fast, and my little guy is flourishing."
"When I do something, would my children be proud of me?"
"We made a star, yes. I'm a proud dad, yo."
"I'm definitely proud to be their dad."
"I am honestly just so proud of him; he's the best son I could have ever asked for."
"The golden child may bring esteem and validation onto the parent through their skills."
"I'm super proud of my kid; they're literally the best person in the world to me."
"The minute I actually taught one of my kids to read for the first time and they actually read me a sentence... it blew my mind."
"Acceptance without performance... I'm pleased with you and you haven't turned water into wine."
"I think that my dad's looking down on us and he's so happy for us."
"He will be a great ninja and a great hero, my son Naruto Uzumaki."
"I am absolutely in love with the style of my daughter's art."
"I wanted to achieve and to make sure that further down the line, my kids will look into it and say, 'You know what, at least Dad done something.'"
"Mom and dad say they're super proud of you."
"There's something about your kids saying 'I'm proud of you, mom' that is so powerful."
"I have five beautiful girls, and I wouldn't trade any of you for a son. I won't."
"She did so good, I'm so proud of you."
"I think you would have given your father a run for his money, and that is saying something."
"When your kid thinks you're Superman, it's an amazing feeling."
"He had always known that his son was a genius of the heavens and no one would be able to ruin his son's future."
"She never fails to amaze me with her new skill every single day, and I'm enjoying every bit of it."
"All right, you're doing a great job, son. Well done."
"I think you did so good, Veronica and Vanessa. I am such a proud father."
"Everyone wants their son to kind of think they're cool."
"It brings delight to your face to know that your child is so interested in something."
"My parents being proud of me is probably like the biggest thing that I want out of life."
"Your mother would be proud of you, as am I."
"It's the best feeling I have ever had, watching your kids succeed at something."
"I can't play music or sing without thinking of my dad being there and just being so proud."
"His parents never dreamed this would have been possible when he was born."
"That's so sad but so good at the same time, congratulations to your daughter and to you for getting your daughter to that point."
"Live a good life, try not to forget about me, and know you turned out great. Your father would be so proud."
"I'm just shocked I didn't burn down the house, but my parents were so proud of me."
"One day you'll be grown, you'll have to decide for yourself what it is you believe, how you want to live your life, but whatever that is, I want you to know I'm gonna be proud of you."
"That boy only ever wanted to make his parents proud of him."
"I'm really very happy now I've discovered my son's strengths when he's still at such a tender age."
"B's and C's get degrees, so you know Mama Jessica is proud of me."
"My son is so cute, dude. He's so... first off, his language skills are advancing so fast."
"I want to see my son win this so that at last he turns around and he sees himself as a success."
"I'm superhero, Mom, and I'm proud of it."
"My kids are awesome, like they're amazing kids."
"I'm sure your dad is proud of you."
"My boy's my pride and joy, my son, my daughter."
"His parents must be very proud of him."
"I'm so proud to have a daughter like you."
"Seeing your kids succeed is something that you really can't put a price on."
"My parents love farming; their greatest joy is seeing people enjoy the produce they've grown."
"I have so much respect for my daughter because I don't think at her age I would have been able to make that decision."
"You're my only kid, make me proud."
"You were really brave today; I have no doubt your stepfather and your mother would be really proud of you."
"He was seeing himself in another guy's, and of course, what father could not feel pride in that?"
"Tenzin must be so proud of his daughter."
"We are really proud to have you as a son."
"My happiest moment is when I feel like my parents are proud, that's like when I really feel like damn, I'm doing the damn thing."
"If my dad could see me now... I think he'd be proud of me."
"Now I can beat my chest whenever I go out and say, 'This is my son'."
"Thanks for being honest and being careful, sweetie. Proud of you."
"That was really nice son, I'm really proud of you."
"My two-month-old is such an amazing fighter. He is currently riding out this storm and doing such an amazing job."
"Parents were fond of joy when I brought good grades to them."
"My daughter grew into a beautiful, smart, and generous young woman, just like her mom. I'm very proud of you."
"With tears in their eyes, with pride in their eyes, his parents realized their son had truly grown up."
"Thank you so much for joining us, and I will just say for the record, I learned something from my kids today, very proud of that."
"Most Victorian parents were very proud of their children, who were often seen as prized possessions."
"They are worthy heroes. We will not blast my son to bits," Poseidon interrupted.
"I am proud of my daughter as well," Athena said.
"I wish my parents had been here for that; my father would have appreciated it, and my mother would have believed it."
"Selena, my daughter, is so beautiful."