
Relationship Guidance Quotes

There are 54 quotes

"The best relationship advice I ever received was essentially to the effect of when you are in a fight, it doesn't matter what you're actually fighting about because at the end of the day you know that you were coming out of that fight still together."
"We need to help people genuinely know what they want and need in a relationship. We need to help them select the right partner."
"You can't train a man all you can do is show them how to treat you."
"The dating app is an appetizer, it's a dessert. It ain't the main course. Main course needs to be IRL, in real life. Get out there."
"If a relationship no longer glorifies God but instead glorifies itself, it's time to move on. It's time to look forward."
"Having this list of your relationship standards of your requirements of what matters to you is a wonderful way to navigate your own relationship values."
"They feel lost without you. It's like you're their heart compass."
"Some of the most important advice you will ever give to people you love is relationship advice."
"Love is patient and kind, love is not jealous or boastful or proud or rude, and it keeps no record of being wronged."
"Here's where your love read differs... something that should be a forever love."
"We're not born knowing how to create love and create long-lasting relationships." - Matthew Hussey
"This is not at all reflective of what healthy communication looks like."
"This one is gonna be about something that we get a lot of messages about which is family."
"In order for a woman to submit to a man and follow his lead, he must demonstrate through his actions that he can handle himself, her, and any other challenges life throws his way."
"Love each other unconditionally and then overlook imperfections."
"Love requires us to know when to be silent and when to speak up."
"Whether seeking romance, friendship, or business, spirit asks: Have you met them yet?"
"If your woman were to say, 'You don't love me,' one effective response might be to say something like, 'You feel that I don't love you?'"
"Love does not take delight in having someone to browbeat or denounce. Our love for the other person has to take priority over denouncing them, even their actions."
"You Will Be Loved by going above and beyond to show that you care."
"Someone is coming in with some action, with some clarity."
"Husbands, love your wives; wives, respect your husbands."
"You need to make sure that the desire is a healthy desire. Be married to the Lord first, and then you can be married to somebody else."
"The Lovers: love is still there, the possibility of a long-term relationship."
"And you will not be able to walk toward Jesus with somebody who doesn't trust him."
"When you get married, you have to die to yourself every single day."
"It's about releasing all expectation... and bringing you to the person in divine timing."
"If God's in your relationship, you'll always see a future together."
"Communication, responsibility, and consistency in meeting love needs are key in relationships."
"Trust that God may be setting you up for a match that lasts a lifetime. No matter how complex and complicated the situation is, if God wants it for you, He will bring it about."
"The greatest thing a man can do for his relationship is to know where he's going."
"In our love lives, following our north star won't always feel good."
"It's the man's job to guide the woman and if she refuses to be guided, you leave her alone, shun her, let her be, let her go on about her business."
"Don't try to chase it down, let love come to you."
"Pay attention to the red flags and speak up."
"Ten of pentacles means the best love card in the deck."
"Build the relationship you want. It doesn't matter what the rules say."
"Divine timing is at work in your love life right now."
"Your connection is guided by Spirit, destined, meant to be."
"Your words are sacred you guys allow this person to really work through it for some of you this person they're going to like to surf they like to spend a lot of time by the water."
"There's definitely, definitely blessed energy coming in for you with this relationship, this divine partner."
"Leadership in a relationship is about direction; it's about taking ownership over your actions, decisions, choices, and where those are leading you, the relationship, and your partner."
"You sort of are gonna have to teach this person how to love."
"The absolute best chances... shows you how to go through the steps of reconnecting with your partner."
"Be the conductor, be the leader of the emotional and communicative aspects of the relationship."
"Love can grow and sometimes it ebbs and flows, but there's actually a love path that you can follow."
"Relationship Alive is my offering to you, so that you can have the best relationship possible."
"The Bible has a base for relationships, a foundation for relationships."
"Thank you for allowing me to help you on your journey to creating the relationship that you've always wanted to have."
"It is your source for practical down-to-earth marriage advice without all the over spiritualization or romantic context."
"Be good to women; be good to your wife. Make sure you're kind to them."
"When it's you that's trying to make your relationship work, it is forced, but when it's God, it just flows."
"The predatory female teaches how to avoid such mistakes in the first place."