
Iconic Moment Quotes

There are 105 quotes

"Tali's treason trial is one of the most iconic moments of Mass Effect 2."
"David Beckham's free kick against Greece is the most iconic England goal ever."
"It's an S... contains one of the iconic moments."
"Charles and Diana were the first couple to share a kiss on the balcony of Buckingham Palace."
"For the first time ever, five hip-hop icons unite under one roof."
"Allen Iverson crossed over the GOAT and drilled a jumper on top of it."
"This crossover and stepover will forever be in the NBA storybooks."
"The Lambeau leap... breaking down the walls between fans and players."
"Mike Tyson had just become the first and only boxer to stop the great Larry Holmes."
"He has beat the Venom in his signature match. I never thought I'd live to see the day when the Deadman is laid to rest."
"This was her Britney moment and I say give me give me more."
"Hogan body slams the giant, they act like it's never happened before in the history of wrestling."
"Batman is able to shoot Dark Side with the same exact bullet that killed Orion, Dark Side's son, which gives us the ever famous image of Batman using a gun to shoot Dark Side."
"LeBron sending a message on his home court after the whistle blocking Steph Curry."
"Even if you're not a fan, I'm sure you all have heard or seen that dramatic scene where it's revealed that Luke's father is... Darth Vader."
"Kobe Bryant, oh my god. Kobe beat Shaq, running around the court, he hugs Kobe."
"Beautiful and probably the og Janet Lee moment of psycho."
"It's one of the coolest moments in Star Wars history."
"We love the little pink fur stole... it is an iconic fashion moment."
"Nothing shook us as much as All Might pointing out to the crowd to tell Deku that he's next."
"The best scene is when Crow takes off his helmet and just stares at Joaquin Phoenix."
"This is iconic, this is legendary, this is of the moment."
"In a pair of crispy white Air Jordan IIIs, Michael Jordan took off from the free-throw line, flew through the air like his logo, and slammed the ball through the hoop with two hands."
"Tossed to White, he's in, Patriots win the Super Bowl."
"Captain America picked up that hammer, it was so perfect."
"The battle kicks into gear when Steve finally gets to say the Avengers battle cry: Avengers Assemble."
"Sadio mani scoring in a champions league final for southampton that is unbelievable he's copied a bit of firmino there with the celebration but doing it up against atletico before halftime just the dream man."
"The moment when Scorpion's iconic 'get over here' move was born."
"Iconic image of him breaking through the hell in his cell."
"The greatest celebration is Leroy Butler's Lambeau Leap and there's nothing that will ever top that ever."
"Because of the very notable I am Iron Man moment at the end of the film."
"Dan Henderson knocking Michael Bisping is Iconic."
"El Santo removed his mask during an appearance on the talk show Contrapunto, exposing his face without warning as a way to say goodbye to his fans."
"Introduced the MacBook Air by dramatically pulling it out of a manila envelope on stage. Sort of like this."
"That is one of the most iconic Michael Jordan moments of all time captured right here."
"MJ oh oh he did it Michael shakes the finger."
"The Undertaker performed his trademark sit-up and began watching that live The Undertaker unbelievable moment to witness him that was so valuable clips from The Undertaker's illustrious career so great."
"Zoro's legendary 'nothing happened' moment."
"Jordan got to see a clip of Gary talking about this, and his reaction became one of Michael Jordan's most iconic disrespectful moments."
"This iconic moment of the three hugest stars in the company's history all share in a ring."
"Even though I'm not a big WCW guy, that one time that they threw away that Monday night and they, they let Goldberg beat Hogan on a random, oh, just on a random Monday in Atlanta in front of Goldberg's entire sold-out stadium."
"Kobe Bryant puts it in, tie game."
"Michael Jordan from the baseline. It goes. 46 for Jordan."
"But perhaps the most iconic moment of Devil John Wright's incredible life came on July 24th, 1929."
"Out of nowhere lovable Rogue Han Solo swoops in, fires on Luke's attackers, and frees up the farm boy to take a shot which had changed the world forever."
"Cinema goers everywhere watched a farm boy switch off his targeting computer take a deep breath and use the force to fire two proton torpedoes down an exhaust shaft."
"Derrick Rose game winner, that is correct."
"Kyrie Irving game winner against the Warriors, that is correct."
"LeBron celebrating game seven vs the Warriors, after they beat them. Oh, hey, can I...? Way too vague, yeah."
"Kawhi corner three buzzer beater to take Toronto to the Eastern Conference finals, Chris takes the lead."
"LeBron James game winner against the Orlando Magic at the top, over Kingdom Circle. That is correct."
"Kobe winning his fifth championship against the Celtics, that is correct."
"KD hits the game three dagger over LeBron. That is correct."
"Michael Jordan, dude, iconic photo. Come on."
"Do you know what the most iconic moment will be? When Jin Wu finally says the long-awaited legendary 'First Arise'."
"It must end the same way their first encounter did, with a Kamehameha beam struggle."
"I went through a lot to get on that Tony Hawk tour. Mind over matter, no matter what. And when I finally made it, I just went all in. The fight in Seattle? It wasn't planned, but it became iconic. It was just another night on tour, but it got caught on video."
"... leaving fans with one of the best WrestleMania moments of all time with Seth Rollins cashing in his Money in the Bank contract."
"Jimi's ethereal rendition of the Star-Spangled Banner in the early morning light was one of rock's greatest moments."
"J.T.'s idol, which Russell gives to Parvati, leads to an iconic moment in Survivor history."
"The spine-tingling call heralding The Shield to come through the crowd and wreck house was unforgettable."
"The fans will never forget the sight of Jackie Robinson hurrying for the plate on his daring steal."
"a moment that has immortalized both Taker and Foley in the annals of WWE"
"Undertaker looking down at Foley after throwing him off the cell."
"Kurt Schilling's magnum opus: the bloody sock."
"Messi produced a truly iconic moment."
"There's a reason that it's called miracle of the meadowlands two because there was an original."
"Although the scenario would later become a franchise staple, nothing can beat the first time the T-Rex proved it was the top dinosaur."
"This is gonna be all summed up in one word: bullet time."
"This is probably one of the most iconic Batman moments of not only just the 80s but Batman's history that it went down with the get down. It's legendary, I can't, like, everything about it is just straight up legendary."
"It's one of the funniest moments in the history of the show, iconic 10 out of 10."
"She is the first queen to ever leave the stage during a lip sync with the iconic jump split off the stage."
"The old Roberto Clemente catch, look at the white down on the edge of the webbing like an ice cream cone."
"Carrie Strug's anchoring was one of the most iconic moments not just in gymnastics, but in sports history."
"The killing blow isn't even what makes this such a great death. Come on, Lex saying Tony is playing God, with Tony responding that he's actually been playing human, continues to be one of the most iconic moments of the series."
"That was such an iconic moment, like there is nothing that I don't think will in my humble opinion will ever top that."
"The best thing in this match was the figure 4 spot. Flare finally gets a figure 4 on Sting."
"The motorcycle jump is essentially 'The Great Escape's' legacy, a historic moment in moviemaking."
"That's such a classic Hollywood cliche moment of the microphone."
"The sound of the glass shattering and the look of trauma in the face of Vince McMahon never gets old absolutely never."
"Ben Gardner's head popping out of the boat is one of the best jump scares in movie history."
"The 900 probably is one of the if not the greatest moments in sports history."
"Austin 3:16 all came about at the King of the Ring pay-per-view on June 23rd 1996."
"Oh, Harry is powerful. This is really iconic because I've been waiting for this moment where we see actual Voldemort come by for ages."
"That one right hand that night in Philadelphia created the Mystique of Rocky Marciano."
"the most iconic moment in all of survivor history is sue hawk's snakes and rats speech"
"She made one of the most all-time shocking moments in Drag Race herstory."
"Miss Vanjie was eliminated in season 10. Made the most iconic exit of all time."
"Full Hollow Ichigo and the mayhem that he caused is one of the reasons why Ichigo vs. Ukiyora was considered one of the best moments in Bleach history."
"the irresistible force meeting the immovable object would become a moment in wrestling lore that would live forever."
"That's the best Wolverine moment in the history of Wolverine."
"It's a moment in time for a connection between artist and audience that everybody knows is a masterpiece."
"It's Odell doing the Odell catch, like that is awesome."
"Michael Jordan ending his Bulls career with a crossover that sent Bryon Russell flying."
"Eating a lemon donut, an iconic reaction."
"The climax... seeing Goku fight alongside his previous foes... a powerful iconic time to be had for sure."
"We're about to set it off; yeah, this is going to be the most iconic moment today."
"That's the greatest moment in WWF history."
"The Undertaker's return here was simply one of the most iconic in wrestling history."
"The atmosphere it also builds is just the icing on the cake to this iconic moment."
"The most memorable moment in Mays' career occurred in the first game of that series when he made a running over-the-shoulder catch at the warning track, popularly known as 'The Catch'."
"It's important to remember the match, the moment in which Sting truly cemented himself as the icon."
"It was the greatest entrance in wrestling history."
"The moment that Natalie Portman holds a hammer could be the only mic drop you need for the year."