
International Collaboration Quotes

There are 100 quotes

"Science brings people together internationally, speak different languages, different cultures, but all those telescopes had to work and time things to the same microsecond to be able to amass that data and combine it."
"Thank you to NASA, R Cosmos, CSA, ESA, JAXA, who work together to make the International Space Station work for us all."
"SpaceX is making up about half, but there are a lot of other countries launching right now."
"Earth observations, we do this together as an international community, and that makes us stronger."
"Mars Sample Return is a collaboration, as you heard, from ESA and NASA, already working closely together on this historic endeavor."
"The effort focuses on international collaboration and diplomacy to address global threats."
"It's really a global response... together we're stronger, and I think that's a really important message."
"The Cassini-Huygens mission was a joint effort of NASA, the European Space Agency, and the Italian Space Agency."
"The James Webb Telescope's mission to Jupiter was part of an international collaboration."
"Science really at the end of the day knows no national boundaries."
"We're very excited to be working with international allies and commercial partners to advance our scientific understanding of the Earth, of the Moon, of our solar system, and beyond."
"Let us dream, let us work for those successes for all our nations, united!"
"They said there's international cooperation from militaries and governments around the world."
"It's a good idea to have European collaboration and partnership when it comes to deepening markets and trade."
"Cuba sends medical brigades to Italy and Latin America to face the coronavirus."
"The loss of moneyed residents in their businesses was coupled with the departure of manufacturing jobs."
"Mission and lift off, guys! Endeavor launches once again, four astronauts from three countries on Crew-2, now making their way to the one and only International Space Station."
"The more the free nations actually do work together... it has a multiplying effect on combat capability."
"Endeavor launches once again four astronauts from three countries on crew two now making their way to the one and only international space station."
"Space is an open domain. We can share opportunities, advance in science, and share the risk."
"The Argo program, with around 4,000 probes in the ocean, is a critical international effort, with the US playing a significant role in funding and deployment."
"This was several independent teams from different countries from different facilities and even using completely different Pulsar data that all did pretty much the same research and found pretty much the same thing."
"I'm working with a Japanese company right now to possibly get a bunch of YouTubers together and do what is almost like a little reality show and and teach them how to voice Act."
"At NASA, we are so fortunate to have all of these friends and colleagues around the globe."
"We're a group of international scientists, and we specialize in getting a wide and high-level view of the internet as a whole."
"This is the coolest thing ever that there's all these countries working together to make explorations happen."
"Having international cooperation to go back to the moon is going to make it tougher to cancel."
"The diplomatic arena witnessed a burgeoning sentiment for collaboration."
"I have a very good friend of mine who's Thai that manages this for me."
"Dragon's arrival and capture and installation to the station will be streamed live starting on May 5th at 5:00 a.m. Eastern time on NASA TV."
"We haven't been able to dub the show in foreign languages at the rate that we hoped for, so we've got volunteer translation teams all over the world, and that's been really cool."
"This isn't just work of governments, it's work of our peoples sharing their innovation and insights."
"Arachnophobia used a mix of animatronic and real spiders with over 300 of bonedale spiders hailing from New Zealand coming over for filming."
"When over 20 of Egypt's finest temples were threatened by flooding, 51 nations came to the rescue and mounted one of the most ambitious structural moves in history."
"I invite any government, all governments on the face of the earth, to put their greatest social ecologists and economists and philosophers and politicians and diplomats together and let's have a meeting."
"In late August, the world witnessed the arrival of three astronauts and one cosmonaut aboard SpaceX's Crew Dragon Endurance capsule."
"Collaborative efforts to address shared challenges may indicate the effectiveness of Italy's diplomatic endeavors."
"Italy sets the stage for a future where international collaboration is at the forefront."
"Italy's commitment to fostering collaboration, innovation, and solutions transcends geographical boundaries."
"A global effort that unites municipal, regional, and national governments, private sector partners, and cities residents."
"Plans for the international lunar research station are now underway."
"Yakuza creator in talks with China's Netease."
"With the shuttle safely home, it's now all about the future, the future of the international space station."
"The show has been animated in Korea by a studio named JSON animation for about 15 years but the last season of the show was actually animated in flash by a Canadian studio named George Eliot animation."
"NATO's Baltic air policing Mission promotes collaboration among NATO member and Ally countries."
"Bolivia's lithium nationalization led to collaboration with Chinese firms."
"We have our sovereignty, we work together because we need to, we have to, and we have the right to."
"For some, we sent George's drawings to Australia to a man with a wacky taste in hats who happens to be the head of the University of Sydney's Centre for the mind professor Alan Snyder."
"We are very optimistic that we will be able to meet the deadline that was given to us by member states."
"Ripple is now officially working with the Central Bank Central Bank for international payments."
"Elon said, 'I think something that would be super cool would be too and so we're gonna do it we're gonna try to do it would be to create a China design and engineering center to actually design an original car in China for worldwide consumption.'"
"It is said that Pine Gap is actually a Joint Defense facility between the Australian and the United States governments." - Illuminating the secrecy and intrigue surrounding Pine Gap.
"The International Space Station, sitting in low Earth orbit 330 kilometers above the surface of our planet, represents the combined resources and ingenuity of five major space agencies across the world."
"After operating for more than 20 years as a symbol of international peace and collaboration, the ISS is reaching the end of its operational life."
"OpenBSD was founded in Canada to avoid U.S. export controls."
"It really signaled the end of the Space Race and a new era of international collaboration between nations that have previously kept their programs very secretive."
"The border is often associated with miracles... it was translated in California, calligraphed in Washington DC, sung and recorded in Morocco, mixed and designed and produced in London in Cambridge, printed in Istanbul and bound in Ankara."
"They're every bit as competent and responsible for success on Everest as any visiting European or North American climber."
"UCT continues to grow as an internationally connected and relevant institution advancing the distinctiveness of our own African scholarship by attracting students and academics from all over the world to experience what the top university on the continent has to offer."
"What great football from Chelsea, the D starts it, a great ball from the Spaniard, another great ball from the Dane, and the Norwegian finishes. Cosmopolitan goal but great football whichever country you play in."
"We're inspiring future generations from a platform that is one of the largest international collaborations of our time."
"I loved working with people from other countries."
"The lab here is built to host science from collaborations all over the world."
"It's kind of cool, yes it's a Swedish car but with Italian styling."
"The real R&D is done mostly by the USA, France, Japan, and the UK governments or joint ventures."
"The e-learning platform is also used for continuing medical education where African doctors have an opportunity to learn from the knowledge of Indian doctors."
"International cooperation is the key to managing artificial intelligence."
"It's just a match made in heaven with the Fox Mustang platform all the way from the US, the Barra all the way from Australia."
"The success of these cable systems is a tribute to the men from United States and Great Britain whose skills have made possible the spanning of oceans by telephone lines."
"It's this incredible ensemble from New York and Los Angeles and London and Canada... this real international group of people working together to tell the story."
"This role does include direct interaction with their partners in North and South America to address technical and service issues."
"Anyone from any country around the world can use the Hubble Space Telescope for free, which is pretty amazing."
"Participation in a development largely initiated by international scientific collaboration and involving immense potentialities as regards human welfare would also reinforce the intimate bonds which were created in years before the war between scientists of different nations."
"The telescope will launch on an Ariane 5 rocket, which is being provided by the European Space Agency as part of its contributions to the mission."
"Kenya is a developing country and to reach to the state where United States and other developed countries are, we need minds that go out there, study, take the knowledge there, and bring it here in the country."
"If biologists or astronomers or physicists can work together so effectively across national boundaries... is this not a way to bring the world together?"
"Mathematics has this remarkable quality that the results that one mathematician gets in one country can be used and pushed on further by other mathematicians elsewhere."
"We want to see collaboration between the U.S. private sector and the Guyanese private sector."
"The entire cast and crew spanning various countries are brimming with love for One Piece."
"Spread the love to the US and let's collaborate."
"Erasmus Mundus is EU funded Master-level complete scholarship program jointly delivered by an international consortium of higher education institutions."
"The process of mapping the Milky Way is very much an international endeavor."
"We are happy to be here back after one year with over 14 doctors from the United States, France, UK."
"I build zip lines all over the country now, and the Chinese have approached me about building zip lines there as well."
"The ability to affordably land hundreds of tons on the lunar surface could finally enable the establishment of a large international outpost on the Moon."
"The good news is that internationally we all share a great deal of commonality in our approaches."
"The new findings are the culmination of 12 years of research involving scientists from Germany, Argentina, and the U.S., as well as the Cambridge team."
"The Integra model was developed in Japan but it's the first of its kind to be built in America, specifically in Ohio."