
Feedback Importance Quotes

There are 133 quotes

"The tighter the feedback cycle, the faster you learn."
"Believe in your ability to improve your writing skills through practice and feedback."
"So yeah that's awesome yeah it's just more like to make a educate educated opinion when you have like something and I think like when you know how things work I think that the feedback you can give it could be like way more fruitful yeah."
"I think it's just really valuable to get it out in front of you guys and just kind of get that feedback as early as possible."
"That's how a company gets better... you don't just ignore all your customers."
"Feedback is really our relationship with the world, and it's the world's relationship with us."
"Your feedback still matters... we don't want to get into the roadmap."
"Leaving comments on TripAdvisor ensures a manager will see the comment later on."
"Beta tests are for testing. They should be for taking feedback and bug fixing and iterating your improvements up until release."
"It's very important to them how the community reacts and really giving power back to the community."
"Feedback will progress your idea to impact, validation might make you feel better but they can't serve the same purpose. You got to choose one."
"They listen to feedback, they're open with communication."
"Just providing better feedback on user interface."
"Only through constructive criticism do people grow."
"Customer feedback is crucial. What you've got to do is just listen."
"We listen to everyone's feedback, it's all important."
"Dislikes are one of the only lines of communication between you, the creator, and the audience member who is discovering you for the very first time."
"I was taught in graduate school that learning occurs under conditions where you have lots and lots of feedback tied closely in time to decisions and actions."
"Feedback is one of the most powerful tools you can give and receive in your life."
"If it wasn't for you and your unconditional support, amazing feedback, your constructive and friendly criticism, the incredible almost complete absence of trolls on my channel, I wouldn't be doing this."
"Constructive criticism and feedback we need in either direction."
"That's why it's so important for us to have a beta and to make it kind of like a, you know, two-way conversation."
"I think people underestimate how much feedback a youtuber actually reads."
"Make sure you come in and turn this on and you get all that awesome feedback telling you exactly where the camera is acquiring focus. You need that. It's very, very important."
"We read your comments, guys. You don't think we don't read them, we do."
"I always try to get feedback from my audience."
"One last important thing: if this does well, and I hope it does, I hope it will also send some type of positive message to 343 and Microsoft about what fans want."
"Thank you for finally acknowledging this. It's better to hear something like this than nothing at all."
"If you make excuses for a bad game, you get a bad game."
"We are building a movement here, and it's very important that we listen to audience feedback."
"You have to listen to the players to a certain extent, especially if something is so completely [__]."
"There ain't no such thing as failure baby, only feedback."
"Your comments are more than just a number to us."
"Every review is feedback, every review is potential to be better."
"When it comes to feedback, more detailed feedback is always more pleasant to view."
"Player feedback matters - adjustments based on community input."
"That's the process: you gotta complain, the squeaky wheel gets the grease."
"Listen to feedback, even if it's not from designers."
"The game has grown so much thanks to your support and feedback. We really want to keep expanding the game with your ideas."
"It's the best opportunity for me to signal boost the things that we love about games and talk about the things that we don't because largely I think that's the best way for us to get better games in the future."
"We receive comments and feedback from our customers that say things like this is the best money they've ever spent."
"Gotta get feedback whether it's negative or positive you're still gonna walk out with like that's a better understanding of who you are."
"Feedback is important to us as we continue developing itemization."
"Start listening to your fans because we have been telling you for years about these things."
"Your users need feedback just as much as kids do."
"It's really good to have a fresh perspective kind of read it and tell you their thoughts on it."
"Without your support, your feedback, and of course your questions, well, none of this is possible."
"If you want to give me a bad rating, I'll read it and I'll make some changes because I'm Dr. Gundry and I'm always looking out for you."
"Let's try out. I love it. As consumer to knock back. It's better control."
"We seriously can't be here without you guys watching and chiming in and giving us feedback."
"I think there's a lot of valuable feedback and paying attention to your community as you develop the game instead of just getting tunnel vision is really really cool."
"Complaining is a good thing because it helps inform them on what needs attention."
"How am I supposed to understand and fix this teacher... If I don't even know what part of this test I got wrong?"
"As fans, I think it is absolutely fair to voice your displeasure... and you should listen to them."
"I unblocked everyone I blocked apart from scammers. Negative feedback is a good thing."
"Engaging culture starts with having a feedback loop."
"I always want to hear what you guys have to say."
"Almost everything the halo community has hoped for for Halo 4 to end up being is almost exactly what we asked for for Halo Infinite today."
"Would love to hear what you have to say and what you think because that's what matters the most."
"Collaboration is so important, show a bunch of people your edit to get different eyeballs on it."
"Minimum Viable Product: put the minimum amount of effort into your creation to get feedback."
"I'm always interested in your comments and what you can do to help us all learn."
"Your voices are heard internally... it's incredibly valuable to us."
"Threats don't help; offering criticism, feedback, and compliments, when deserved, that's the stuff that's actually going to be useful."
"The feedback is the important thing. It's not about the number."
"At the end of the day I kind of think that like if you do lose your feedback loop that's actually not good so it isn't actually important to get negative feedback."
"Ask questions. Ask for help. Ask for advice. Ask for feedback."
"Listen to feedback the first time... change it now no matter how bad it hurts."
"User testing: providing feedback and usability tests."
"Immediate feedback is powerful, not only for solidifying good habits but also for curbing bad behavior."
"NDA with large companies takes time. Feedback is crucial. Big upgrade based on their input."
"Good feedback is crucial for success in selling on eBay."
"Nobody starts with confidence on its own. You have to build it by getting positive feedback from things you've done."
"It's all about common sense and getting feedback on the results of what you're doing."
"Feedback is not only welcomed but encouraged."
"Working with community feedback has been super important for Minecraft for like many many years long before I joined voting."
"It's better for players to offer feedback and be wrong than for players to withhold their feedback."
"I appreciate that, I want feedback, I do not want to get cancelled for a toxic work environment."
"The more people that fill out the survey, the better the chances that we get changed."
"That kind of detailed social feedback would be so useful."
"They've learned a lot from the past. They've heard your feedback."
"The most glorious feedback loop. It makes every single thing that I do feel so rewarding."
"I think asking for feedback is important in any sort of relationship that you have."
"Please share your feedback. We use your feedback to improve your sessions."
"The value in making mistakes and being willing to listen to feedback is that you can discover greater truths."
"I'm looking for as much feedback as I can about the things that I do."
"I get a lot of great feedback in the comments when I do things wrong in my videos."
"It's very important to be heard in the game as a game player."
"You don't need to be first to dominate. Feedback is key to success."
"We want to see your comments, we want to see your feedback."
"Your feedback gets used, so please, please, please submit it."
"Here's an opportunity to focus on the positive, provide some positive feedback."
"I think it's important that you receive feedback to help you understand how profoundly positive effect you've had in the world."
"Thank you for all of the comments, whether positive or negative."
"The last one is called inner strength. That was one of the, I would say like in all the six that was the one that we got most feedback, yeah, very positive. Like people found it like he's very interesting and it's a, it's not a simple one."
"I know it's kind of lame to ask for likes but I promise you that's one of the best ways that I can get feedback from you guys to see if you're enjoying the series and to see if it should continue."
"Your feedback is the most important part of bringing the quality of content on this channel to be the best that it can be."
"They're giving you feedback on your training."
"Thank you very much for your time. Please remember to rate all the sessions. Your feedback is very important to us, and I hope that you enjoy the rest of your conference."
"Make sure you make your comments, your participation is very well appreciated."
"If you want me to be the best me as I can be, you need to give me what's going on in your head."
"Feedback is really important to make sure that they're getting it right."
"That feedback loop is invaluable."
"Just because I don't reply to the comments, it's got to the stage now where I have so many videos, it's getting impossible to actually reply to all the comments. But please keep making them because I promise you I do read them."
"I promise you I do read them, so please don't stop them because that's how I do my learning, and also how other people do their learning as well."
"Customer feedback is getting crucially important here, don't wait for them to go online and leave you a good or a bad review."
"The more people you're bringing into your world and you're talking to, and they're trying out even the crappiest version of your product and giving you feedback, the better off you're going to be."
"At Exponent, we believe strongly in self-feedback as one of the best ways to get better at interviews."
"It's much more important that as they check in on their posts, they get some feedback quickly to have a sense that there's engagement."
"Your feedback is really important, so even if you're not sure if it's a great idea or not, leave the comments."
"I love the instant feedback because it's not going to let you move on to the next stage unless you've corrected what it's telling you to work on."
"I would rather that someone write even if it's bad than actually ignoring. Ignorance for me is what scares me the most."
"Feedback is really important because it challenges us, it challenges what we think is the norm."
"Feedback between the system and the user or the programmer is so critical."
"Anything you can do to release more often and get early feedback is worth a lot."
"Motion provides meaning to the user. It is a form of feedback which focuses the user's attention."
"The importance of people's feedback in driving our understanding of care is absolutely central."
"The magic in life comes from learning how to solicit, receive, and integrate feedback into our lives."
"You want to see how your lights responding after changing multipliers and getting fast feedback is the key for moving really fast in this stage."
"Feedback culture is about fighting against indifference."