
Facial Features Quotes

There are 96 quotes

"Knowing how to work with the bottom and top eyelids and how the pupils dilate and react and look at certain things, using features like shadow to create a darkness to the face, stretching the entire angle of the face so it looks like it's pulling itself in a certain direction."
"Adalia Rose... diagnosed with Hutchinson-Gilford Progeria..."
"Start making some character busts - the face is the most interesting part of sculpting and the most difficult."
"If you don't have eyebrows, you can't show your facial expressions very well because your eyebrows aren't in a lot of facial expressions."
"The goal when contouring a square-shaped face is to soften the hard angles to create a more oval appearance."
"Opt for a softly shaped brow with a very slight curve that is shorter in length and closer together to draw attention to the middle of the face and balance the proportions."
"Look at this [] bro look at this wait wait look at look at this picture bottom left yeah look at them boy but yo why she got like the prettiest vibrant features imaginable like bro listen that [] looked like he got mean cases CTE"
"And potentially trim that and alongside that also you can see how her nostrils are almost little slits."
"Never underestimate the power of brows to frame your face."
"Your nose is very large, we are gonna have to move her mouth, her nose is literally covering her mouth, can't have that."
"This isn't too bad actually, the face is really good."
"Center parting accentuates our face shape by closely hugging the scalp, revealing the clear contours and structure of our facial bones."
"Attractiveness increased with manipulated averageness."
"Averageness, symmetry, and expression accounted for 71% of the variants in attractiveness ratings."
"Eyebrows: it's like an umbrella for your eyes."
"Start with a head shape and then the eyes are located halfway down from the top of the head to the bottom of the chin."
"Rare physiognomy: you don't see too many medieval faces anymore."
"Expression lines are nice, you know they can really show off your personality."
"High cheekbones are probably the single most selected for facial features."
"I love it, I think it's fun, I think it's cool, I think it frames the face really really well."
"Eyebrows really do make a face, does that make sense? Like eyebrows really do frame a face very well."
"Eyebrows are one of the most important parts of your face because they can make or break the makeup look."
"It's good to have loops around the eyes and the mouth; that's something that you need to always do."
"They could have sharp features like an elongated face, maybe a sharp nose."
"You want to highlight any areas of the face you want to bring back forward and bring light to."
"The lips are kind of fairly close to the nose."
"Now it's important to understand when you're looking at facial anatomy, the skull and the muscles are good for finding particular points, particular markers."
"A more feminine face is gonna have a lower cheekbone, softer jawline, bigger eyes, smaller chin, eyebrows are gonna be straighter, and then you can never fail with some good old lashes."
"You have very defined, expressive features on your face."
"...Dua Lipa's face is really interesting in that her face has a substantial amount of both masculine and feminine energies..."
"Both men and women tend to prefer symmetry and youthfulness in faces."
"Attractive men prefer more feminine features in women."
"The shape of a character's face, eyes, nose, and mouth can play a huge role in that character's design."
"This is all material from above their neck."
"Beards actually accentuate facial features."
"They like your facial features. Everything about your face, your eyes, your nose, your mouth, your lips, your jawline."
"You have so much face to work with, that's not a read, that is totally the tea girl."
"Facial size reduction or gracilization, or feminization as it is sometimes called, as well as facial retraction are key defining traits for our species."
"Faces that have these features have this calm and grounded energy about us."
"If you have a flat face, you must watch today's video."
"Exaggerated canthal tilt results in 93% higher ratings of attractiveness."
"Upturned eyes are clearly a striking trait."
"The jaw is the most important facial feature for attractiveness."
"Eyebrows are often the feature that creates the highest level of contrast in your face."
"Eyebrows literally like change your whole face."
"Man do brows make a big difference in your face."
"Wide faces with sharp features are the modern ideal."
"Glasses can emphasize the best facial features you've got."
"Just wearing contacts will make people focus on the center of your face as the feature sticks out."
"I feel like the thin brows definitely sit better with my face and they're naturally thinner so I think whatever is like natural to you genuinely just Suits You."
"...upturned eyes give you a lot more sharpness in the eyes and they give you more of that modern and sexy image to your look and generally speaking they do tend to appear more energetic than downturned eyes."
"The face though is not as prognathic, it doesn't stick out as much as you would see in those earlier Australopithecus species."
"If you take a look at this here right, like let's say about here, like, right, like the camera is obviously angled a little bit, just see like, like see how far forward the brows project, especially in relation to the cheekbones and the mid-face there."
"So what you can see there is the eyebrows are kind of broken on the right hand side of the face as you look at it."
"I really like how square you made her face."
"The eyebrows also play another role where additionally they're very important for facial recognition."
"Using the pencil and making a line through both eyes right through the pupils is a good way to find the head tilt."
"Volume creates shape in your face, so it accentuates specific things about your face that you want to accentuate."
"This is what I call the plus sign, and this helps us place the elements on the face."
"There are certain landmarks in the face that always capture your attention and make you understand it's being alive."
"By placing this powder and letting it sit for a few minutes, it'll sharpen that cheek contour and make the jawline really pop."
"We're going to shape the face in a way that's going to highlight the strengths, make the cheekbones pop out, chisel in the chin, get the features defined nicely."
"The width of the eye and the gap between the eye is the same width as an eye, so there should be three equal spaces."
"We're lighter in the middle of our face, our cheekbone, our nose area, under the lid."
"Your eyebrows express emotion; they frame the face, they make up your face."
"Look at her facial structure, this face is meant for blush so I'm really going in on it."
"Brows will make or break your entire makeup look."
"I care about the eyes and the smile and it draws you in."
"What does dark hair do to us that blonde hair is not doing to us? Basically, it is accentuating the outline of our face and our facial features."
"I think that your face is suited to a variety of brands, lenses, and different types of glasses."
"The possibilities are endless. You'd be surprised with how many different combinations of facial features there are. It's crazy."
"High and prominent cheekbones have always been a highly sought-after beauty standard."
"I want to accentuate the leanness in his face."
"Every baby's face is going to be different, but it's the placement of the features that is fairly uniform from one face to the other."
"It's because you have a very expressive face."
"Brows are the framing of your face."
"I think her face mold and makeup design is absolutely gorgeous."
"I'm going to talk to you about heads, faces, and the new tool we have called 'face'."
"Masculinize your face for the week."
"The focal point of her face really is her eyes and her markings."
"Positive dark and low set eyebrows are some of the best eye area features."
"Deep set eyes give a face more depth and definition with their shadows and ridges."
"The area between the eyebrows is called Glabella."
"The face is what gives a person most of their uniqueness."
"The eye and the nose are really important to me because in that way I can measure, I use the eye as a reference."
"So let's give him a face; let's give him eyes."
"It really amplifies your cheekbones and everything."
"I really feel like it helps depuff my face and really just bring out the high point features that I want."
"My face became much slimmer and my facial features became more distinct."