
African Development Quotes

There are 51 quotes

"The development of this continent lies in the hands of the Africans, not in the hands of foreigners."
"The revolution is happening. I got super excited whenever I see young Africans putting their differences aside and start working together to achieve a common goal."
"The way forward for Africa... the fraternity between Muslims and Christians is the way forward for Africa."
"African nations are no longer passive actors; they are proactive creators of their destinies, challenging historical imbalances and shaping a future based on self-determination."
"Shifting as African nations make strides toward success, it's not limited to just one or two countries; a list of nations are actively working to elevate Africa's status."
"Telling our own stories and shaping our own narratives must be our top priority."
"Africa is a continent of hope, and the African Union has contributed to bringing this hope to life over the past 20 years."
"We've been programmed to feel that investment will only happen if a white man says so. But inter-Africa trade alone could change Africa overnight."
"Africa is not underdeveloped; it's overexploited."
"The Largest Free Trade Deal in Nearly a Quarter-Century Seeks to Make Africa a Single Market"
"Africa can be a better place, Africans can do better."
"A country that not only proves that escaping poverty is possible, but one that also became a role model for other countries on the continent."
"African nations are showing a growing interest in space."
"Africa is doing a lot more better than people realize."
"Africa made the right choice to pursue economic independence."
"Revival is here, a new day is here for Africa."
"Let's change the narrative, let's prophesy into the African continent."
"God has given us enough. Now it's up to us Africans to take what he has given us and do something out of it."
"Africa is open to you. Work hard, educate yourself, save, and come and reinvest in this continent."
"Hopefully, the clinic will be a legacy left to Africa, just like the Kisara people."
"The IMF utilizes debt as a tool to exercise control over African nations."
"We're literally trying to educate and empower people so that they can live better so that Africa can stop being this [ __ ] dark hole."
"The future of Africa will be so heavily positively impacted by the future of the horn if the horn is moving in a direction of greater unity across great cultural and ethnic differences and contested and complex histories."
"What happens in Africa can really I think help shape the world in a really positive way."
"I think the aspirations of Africa's massively growing populations are at the heart of these conflicts as they seek to assert their sovereignty, protect their resources, and shape their own destinies."
"Ethiopia represents the future of the African continent."
"African nations are reclaiming agency and asserting their sovereignty in shaping their destinies."
"Africans in Africa cannot build Africa alone. We, those in the diaspora, need to come back here."
"This is the new Africa that we are ready to build, this is the new Africa that we should be thinking about."
"Our diasporans is what's going to change the continent."
"Africa holds the center, natural resources, and thankfully, the African Union is talking about new partnership for Africa's development."
"I realized that I shouldn't be focusing on getting Africans to be consumers, I should be focusing on rebuilding the psychology and the brand of Africa."
"Self-help for African people through education."
"United and understanding each other, that's the only way we can come together in a meaningful way and build the Africa that we want."
"The true potential of Africa lies in its youth."
"China comes to the African continent giving low interest loans... it comes with no conditionalities."
"If you're very serious about aiding and helping out the continent taking very seriously the amount of extraction that an American company specifically are conducting in Africa."
"No angel will come to help us do and accomplish what we want. It's up to you as a young generation to do all what you can so that in 5 to 20 years to come, Africa should be an independent continent."
"I'm a global teacher, that's the mindset we need as Africans to grow, to scale ourselves up."
"Africa's regional integration and the removal of barriers to intra-African trade are vital for African development."
"The hemorrhage of Africa must stop."
"The next few decades will belong to Africa."
"Africans are now rising up to listen to brilliant ideas and also act accordingly."
"South Africa is proof that Africa as a continent has an opportunity to compete globally."
"It's possible for Africans to do stuffs within their own country without borrowing money from different places."
"The change here in Africa is going to happen in our generation, and it's happening right now."
"The challenge is primarily to those on the continent to produce for African languages in African languages."
"That's just a couple of the many wonderful things that the Church of Christ is doing throughout the continent of Africa."