
Media Innovation Quotes

There are 109 quotes

"It's only by pushing the boundaries that we discover where this medium can really go."
"We want you to partner with us in what we feel is a noble and necessary effort to define the future of media."
"Daily Peanut may not tell the future but it will divulge the unknown and keep you informed of world events in a balanced and bite-sized way."
"We don't have to conform to what we know as television."
"It really does feel like this is the start of a brand new cover story series that could actually play a quite crucial role in the story going forward."
"Blackstar Network is here, it's a real revolutionary right now."
"New medium, new generation, like I said, it's like reborn like Vine."
"It sounds like you guys are right on the precipice of creating your own network or your own website where people pay you 10 bucks a month and just get access."
"We should look to move public broadcasting into the 21st century with a digital Cooperative."
"We're building 24/7, 365 credible crypto content and that doesn't really exist in the traditional world."
"Nobody wanted Survivorman... I was told no one will ever want to watch people surviving on television."
"So yeah, this is a series that brought in a woman to play the Doctor, but it's also the series that brought in an entirely new creative team with a radically different approach to making the show."
"I want to do is really simple create a news company that can't be canceled."
"One of the great things ESPN has ever done is create the platform that is First Take."
"Whether you like the majority of their shows or not, I do commend them for taking more risks compared to other networks."
"It's the difference between us and other YouTube channels. We're making the change in entertainment everybody out there wants to see."
"New social media apps, AI TV programs, and movies."
"There is no other black cable network, no other black website that is doing what we are doing here at Roland Martin Unfiltered."
"I think the idea here is the scalability of arming citizen journalists. That is going to be an incredible tool."
"Our approach to journalism is different because of you."
"We're not an average news show and we don't want our TikTok presence to be average either."
"I think Bill Maher should be hiring the 22-year-old to host the show."
"Black Star Network is here, a real revolutionary."
"Ground news is the world's first news comparison platform."
"This impeachment was aimed at you, at the American people."
"Netflix, from the very beginning, was meant to be the downfall of cable."
"Take a look at this Midas Touch Network, it's very different than what Legacy media's been doing."
"TRL, which stands for total request live, premiered in 1998."
"We're going to revolutionize what horror means in interactive media."
"I think what you, Brian, the True Geordie, Lawrence, what you boys have done is actually pioneering work."
"What Arsenal Fan TV has managed to do is give us a blueprint of what a fan democracy looks like in football and in the media."
"Say hello to the very first official purple Ranger."
"Be a partner with us because this station isn't like your normal stations."
"This is going to be a new way to experience a new medium."
"Netflix, Hulu, and Amazon all started out small with an idea driving passion and the courage to give their dream a chance."
"We need novelty... audiences require to not be fed the same dribble."
"The winner of Reason Foundation's 2014 lani Friedlander prize not only has broken the biggest news story in a generation, he's following it up by co-founding The Intercept, a magazine that aims to shake up American journalism."
"This is the next wave in that. This is the next wave in that, and you're going to start seeing bigger media companies probably start to play with some of this [__] for sure."
"My only real hope here is that I think the Daily Wire will be successful but that someone will look at that and say hey we could do that too."
"The Dirt Sheet debuted as an online-only program on WWE.com, hosted by John Morrison and The Miz. It was the first opportunity for both to display and develop their personalities outside of the rigid constraints of the infamous creative team."
"Regular television sucks... so I created my own video Network."
"Newsvoice is revolutionizing the news landscape... giving some much-needed balance."
"SPD broke new ground with a female Red Ranger concept."
"There needs to be innovation... be financially sustainable."
"We're making history today. This is the first live broadcast ever in VR 180."
"This one earned big points for me just for being something different for a change from Netflix."
"The ultimate paradigm shift in automotive content consumption."
"The Lord of the Rings is about to change the game all over again with 'The Rings of Power.'"
"Kudos to El Gato hopefully we'll see more good stuff like this."
"Fair as a new programming genre, similar to what Netflix did with documentaries or stand-up specials."
"We've always tried to bring in new, unique voices."
"What's your end game for Midas? To change the way the media is consumed."
"The idea of a guy living his whole life inside of a TV show is just unparalleled when it comes to actual creativity."
"This is new media, baby. We have a direct relationship."
"There wasn't really anything like the Blair Witch Project at the time."
"I feel like something that is lacking on YouTube is a situation where two people can get together in this format, a professional just a everyday person, and break the barriers down a little bit."
"The Last of Us had just set a new standard in narrative storytelling within interactive media."
"The network itself isn't lacking when it comes to ideas for potential shows."
"This show is proof that the MCU is willing to get weird and take chances."
"It's less about being the new streaming service and more about creating something completely new."
"Citizen-led independent journalism is growing at an exponential rate."
"So when Avatar was first released, it was pretty ballsy of Nickelodeon to decide on creating a serialized TV show on a network built around episodic media."
"We created revolutionary technology that's gonna completely change the entire landscape of sports media."
"Now that media is increasingly social, innovation can happen anywhere."
"As the world is more divided, why don't we create a media company that's about bringing people together? It's about discourse, it's about provoking understanding and real human connection."
"Comics should be the R&D for movies and television."
"I want to take what Hollywood does and bring it to YouTube, to my own stuff."
"Creating a new space in media I think is crucial."
"And I know that America needs more guys like you well where we thank you for that we're trying our best Jerry and I to get this Roku TV internet streaming TV that we're doing now."
"We're giving you the news world's first on YouTube, all day every day."
"Friday Night Tights started something pretty incredible."
"Very cool Disney is not only continuing to use their trusty formula but evolving it."
"No more cable boxes or satellites or any long-term contracts, it's all the nonsense about traditional cable and satellite models that just turns people off."
"Apex is doing a phenomenal job in the viewing experience as well as doing watch parties Command Center I think they are way ahead of the game in terms of a viewing experience for a br along with great competition at the top with the algs."
"Experimenting with the broadcast is really good... it's really good that what we are seeing is an attempt to change."
"Final Fantasy 7, what an epic title, beloved through its innovative blend of traditional RPG mechanics with modern elements including groundbreaking 3D graphics and cinematic storytelling."
"GB News is a massive undertaking in a fiercely competitive market but we're confident there's an appetite for a fresh approach to news in Britain."
"Live streaming should be its own entity as part of your content creator persona."
"The Tony Bruno radio show added a level of presentation that completely changed the game."
"Game should be telling stories in their own unique way, not trying to ape existing forms of media."
"What Rogan is doing is categorically different than what happens on traditional media platforms."
"You have a unique opportunity to help create history and create media the media landscape."
"There's no other activity that lends itself to the video camera like skateboarding. Skateboarders got such a jump start on video production."
"In the next 5 to 10 years, you're going to be able to generate shows and movies on demand."
"With the advent of new technologies such as BBC Sounds... it has allowed people to almost circumnavigate traditional scheduling."
"Ted will go down in history and media circles as the finest innovator it's lived certainly in our lifetime."
"MTV debuts the first video... that will change music in a big way."
"...the invention of the audiobook and Founders is releasing new audio books all the time..."
"We said things that other shows weren't saying, and we were sort of doing things other shows were a bit scared to do."
"Gibson just launched its own online TV network."
"The channel that advertised itself as the first Network for kids was one of the major flag bearers of the cable Revolution."