
Egyptian Culture Quotes

There are 63 quotes

"The religion of the ancient Egyptians... it felt good. They survived for 3000 years until we brought our own man-made religion which didn't make sense at all."
"The ancient Egyptians held a fundamental belief: your death was in many ways the most important moment in your life."
"To ancient Egyptians, life was really just a dress rehearsal for the perfect afterlife that they were trying to reach."
"The earliest known belief in life after death can be traced back to the ancient Egyptians, who believed that some form of self would be transferred to the kingdom of death if properly preserved."
"These ancient sacred objects, their style, and the culture of the original builders drove the entire dynastic Egyptian civilization over thousands of years."
"The ancient Egyptians used to believe cats brought them good fortune."
"It's even speculated that the pyramid tip would have actually been covered in gold, making it such a tremendous sight across the Egyptian landscape."
"They were fervent believers in Egypt's traditional gods, in some ways making them more Egyptian than the Egyptians."
"And it's the things that made the Egyptians so very special, have ensured that they're now known right across the world and they've achieved their ultimate goal, to live forever."
"The Egyptians believe that the pharaoh's duty was to uphold 'maat,' which is balance, justice, morality, and order."
"The golden capstone played into the Pharaoh's status of gods on earth."
"The Egyptians figured out how to make egg ovens 2,000 years ago."
"Ma'at symbolizes the source of truth and righteousness."
"Sacred science was deeply rooted in Egypt's religion, government, arts, and industries."
"The oldest structure in Egyptian history, the Sphinx's true purpose remains a mystery."
"Egyptian Hieroglyphs: To depict these things the Egyptians must've laid eyes on them first."
"The pyramids themselves are said to be the representation of a vessel, a ship that will carry and protect the Pharaoh through space-time."
"The ancient Egyptians believed in the Ba and Ka, representing spirit and soul."
"Tutankhamun's tomb was discovered almost completely intact in 1922."
"The temples of Abu Simbel sit on the shores of the River Nile in southern Egypt, built by the mighty Pharaoh Ramesses II."
"Ancient Egyptians manufactured stone vases for over five thousand years."
"Napata, a city with a very special place in both Egyptian and Kushite society."
"The discovery and research surrounding this town have shed a lot of light on Egyptian culture."
"The precise layout of the three pyramids at Giza illustrate the Egyptian obsession with geometry."
"This is proof that the Egyptians not only understood the Flower of Life, but they lived it."
"This is how cement tiles are handmade at one of the few workshops left in Egypt."
"The Great Pyramid of Giza was once encased in White Limestone, making it appear polished and shining brightly."
"It's far less common to find a priceless Egyptian relic underneath a typical Egyptian family home."
"If I had found this place as an Egyptian king and I found it to be profound, I might have claimed it and used it for my purposes."
"The ancient Egyptians believed in an afterlife or some spiritual identity within every human being."
"Egyptian records on the temple of Abidus... Pharaoh Nefercary Pepe II also called Fiops was the longest living Pharaoh in the Old Kingdom."
"World's oldest brewery built for ancient Egyptian kings according to Egypt's Supreme Council of Antiquities."
"The Sun rises on the year 4000 BC, since immemorial the Egyptian people have lived a nomadic life. After years of wandering, they're ready to settle down and found your first city."
"The Egyptian pyramids are simply amazing ancient structures."
"Egyptians prepared for their deaths; they left a record of how they lived more than three thousand years ago."
"The Egyptians felt themselves so to speak to be creatures of a much bigger universe, part of so to speak, um, a domain ruled over by the gods."
"The concept of the afterlife in Egypt evolved over the years, depicted as a joyful eternal existence."
"The Egyptians partied hard in Horus's honor. The Feast of victory was celebrated every year in the region of Edfu in southern Egypt at the Temple of Horus."
"The ancient Egyptian views of afterlife are really complex and evolving."
"...the Egyptian View is so monumental in kind of laying the groundwork for really believing that the next world in some ways is more significant than this world..."
"I love the pyramids the most; taking a tour around the pyramids, I can not only enjoy the gorgeous architecture but also learn cultural and historical values of the ancient Egyptian culture."
"Oh, check it out, Egyptian comic strips."
"For the Egyptians, death was bittersweet; it was the possibility to transform into an imperishable state."
"For the dead of ancient Egypt, it wasn't enough to be mummified; he had to be laid to rest in style."
"The Cult of Bastet was to the Egyptians what the Cult of Dionysus was to the Greeks: an excuse to party, get wild, and drink until they got sick."
"The Egyptians believed writing someone's name down allowed them to live forever."
"The Egyptians use the same term for 'to write' and 'to draw'."
"Under the auspices of another pyramid, far from the banks of the Nile and its necropolises, the crouching scribe continues to grace the galleries with his enigmatic presence."
"Ancient Egyptians believed that if a person was buried in a boat, that boat would carry them into the Afterlife."
"Did you know that in ancient Egypt, cats were worshiped like gods?"
"This zodiac is an outstanding testimony to the astrological knowledge of the ancient Egyptians; it's magnificent."
"And here we have ourselves the Ankh, representing life."
"Core, C-A... that sound 'C' means Soul, 'Ka' in Egyptian, it means the soul."
"Core, C-A, so that sound 'C' means 'Soul'. 'Ka', in Egyptian, it means the soul."
"The West car Papyrus is an ancient Egyptian text that contains five separate stories about miracles allegedly performed by magicians and priests."