
Neighbors Quotes

There are 214 quotes

"This really is a diplomatic crisis between these two neighbors who basically didn't have any beef more than 48 hours ago."
"Strangers that is, until they found out they live a block apart from each other. That sense of community was necessary," Marshall said.
"I trust that I am NOT more dense than my neighbors but I was always oppressed with a sense of my own stupidity."
"You have a neighbor who doesn't do what normal neighbors do."
"Why don't you give a great new neighbor? I'm gonna give him a rude."
"Can we be there up the mountain neighbors and then plot on their demise?"
"Your neighbor is among the permanent things."
"Our militia are those good neighbors, those good neighbor people."
"How much do you really know about your neighbors?" - A chilling question that challenges perceptions and stirs curiosity about the hidden lives around us.
"She's literally my neighbor... oh god, I'm sorry to hear that, man."
"Putin says, 'We are neighbors with China you cannot choose neighbors just as you cannot choose close relatives.'"
"It's like a complaint about my neighbors, they're being noisy."
"I felt a little bad but maybe everyone learned their lesson about not bullying their neighbors."
"We met our neighbors, we love them."
"Who would have thought I'd be so thankful for nosy neighbors."
"It's really nice to know that I have such great neighbors who are willing to stand by me in times of need."
"We were neighbors after all. We had to find a way to live peacefully amidst ourselves in the long run."
"I think a lot of people can relate to having a bad neighbor."
"Met her wonderful neighbors, these ladies... they are sweethearts."
"My fellow tenants downstairs aren't always the quietest at night. I'm not complaining though, they're great people and their food is delicious."
"That is probably one of the best neighbor stories I have ever heard."
"What's even wilder is when the hurricanes happen, my white neighbors go surfing, man, yeah, okay, that's the only time this is a party, I'll be looking at the, what the [ __ ]."
"Well, let's just say that I'm pretty sure there is a special place in hell for the neighbors."
"You are the best neighbors anyone could have."
"...including some people you might have heard of like Alexander Hamilton and Aaron Burr not only Rivals but neighbors"
"I have amazing neighbors because I was short for eggs. Called in a lifeline to the neighbor and she said yes."
"I haven't had a meaningful conversation with a neighbor in a decade."
"If you enjoy the stories about entitled crazy neighbors, then please feel free to post some star emojis in the comments."
"I feel like I live on Sesame Street. I know all my neighbors. It brings people together and it brings a lot of joy."
"I'd take all the neighbors' trash cans out during trash day. You gotta be cool to the neighbors, dog. You don't want nobody riding on the neighbors' [expletive]. You don't want nobody breaking into the neighbors' cars, you don't want none of that [expletive]."
"I remember growing up when we would get new neighbors it would take them a while to figure out how many of the kids in our house were actually his."
"What would you have done if your neighbor suddenly decided to have chickens?"
"Your neighbor's dogs are probably the worst threat."
"Neighbor parties became affairs that were now invite-only."
"What makes a good neighborhood is nothing more than good neighbors."
"The 120 residents here are convicted rapists, child sex abusers, and addicts of child pornography. So every one of the people here are the neighbors that no one else really wants to have."
"Normally he's a hater. Normally he just, you know they're not the best neighbors you know they're, but I see the progress in and us growing as neighbors, you know what I mean?"
"My sweet neighbor came over and gave me these."
"Good fences make good neighbors, but good hedging makes even better neighbors."
"The neighbors to the right of us were very strange."
"There is nothing in the world so good as good neighbors."
"twins how you like that you can't see them but they're out there shooting my neighbors are out there shooting."
"Wow, what a crap parking job the neighbor did."
"Literally there's people already living in these houses and they're right on our fence."
"Bad neighbors will lose you tens of thousands of dollars fast, not to mention your sanity."
"Living just down the street from the Brooks's was a house painter named Mr. Flowers."
"...we have a duty to try harder, to do better, and to love our neighbors the way that Christ has loved us."
"...people haven't spoken to their neighbors, and it's weird to me."
"We're next door neighbors with Santa Claus."
"I don't wanna be that neighbor making a lot of noise at 11:00 at night."
"These two neighbors get along really well and they have each other's backs."
"the thing is he had to have called so if you called the lift driver and they're taking you home then maybe the neighbors somehow it's not that far-fetched he said a regular lift driver like he knew him enough to help him inside with the neighbors like that's pretty crazy"
"These could literally be our neighbors."
"They literally live in a flat next to you, maybe even in your flat, most likely in a flat next to you, and they will stay with you for your whole year in first year."
"You can learn a lot about your neighbors based on the things they lose and how hard they try to get these things back."
"We have amazing neighbors, we fell into an amazing church and an amazing community."
"We meet great people when we're next door neighbors."
"...since we've been here it's been basically covered the whole time so we haven't gotten to know our neighbors but like it's just an expected common courtesy and I love that."
"Neighbors here in Tennessee and we're super super excited to have them next to us."
"Fortunately for my fence it backs on to woodland so I don't have the normal neighbor issues but the boundary is ill-defined."
"Despite not living in that mansion long, my neighbor ended up moving away, and a part of me thinks it was related to that car parked outside his house."
"It's an invitation for somebody to be close to you. That's what neighbors are, they happen to be in the same neighborhood and close."
"If you're going to be having a party... you need to let your neighbors know."
"Good neighbors are worth more than money."
"I've got a lot of great neighbors so it's great to have them around."
"Life is too short to surround yourself with negative people... and you know what the most negative people are going to be? Your neighbors."
"Our neighbors are so amazing. I just feel very thankful right now."
"Canada is my neighbor you know America Canada we're right there and uh to not know more about it and its culture is uh a travesty to say the least."
"Comparison is a thief of joy... it's hard not to look over the f*** neighbor's fence."
"The neighbors are super nice and friendly."
"The people, you know, it doesn't mean you have to then be best friends with the people next door, but to at least know them by name, you know who's around you, and in a bind, you've got a community you can go to."
"His neighbor lets me feed little baby animals that's so cool."
"I hope you learn your lesson, you need to be more respectful to your neighbors."
"Suppressors are a courtesy to your neighbors."
"We were the next door neighbor best friends."
"If you're building on a boundary line, you're best to talk to your neighbour about what sort of fence you're building, its costs, and your start time."
"If you want to annoy the [ __ ] out of your neighbors... you get yourself peacocks."
"Our neighborhood is for the most part made of amazing people to call neighbors."
"We're always conscious that we've got neighbors; we want to be respectful to the local people."
"The neighbors are some of the best neighbors we've ever had in any of our homes that we lived in."
"Just because someone's your neighbor doesn't mean that they're your buddy, your friend."
"I'm not quite sure but I think the difference may lie in the relationship; a friend can be someone you share your feelings with, while a neighbor can just be someone living next door."
"The question is not are we alone, it's how far away are our neighbors and when will we meet."
"We're just so lucky to have the neighbors we do; they feel like family."
"They had great neighbors, and everyone was very friendly."
"They were just so friendly and inviting; we were like, oh my gosh, we couldn't not have found better neighbors."
"Get involved in your local community; chat with your neighbors."
"We want our country to have laws that will bless our neighbors."
"'That's just what the neighbors think anyway. Of course, they hadn't sold the house. They'd just left it.'"
"The Philistines melded with their Canaanite and Israelite Neighbors."
"You just try to get along with your neighbors, man."
"We're neighbors, look out for each other and stay safe."
"I live in the penthouse; my neighbor is a doctor."
"The people here in Iowa are extremely nice and like to get to know their neighbors."
"I hope you're all enjoying your forced quarantine. It's basically becoming the equivalent of Castaway, except rather than Wilson and an island, I have my house and annoying neighbors."
"The Cleavers... were the neighbors that everyone wished they had."
"I think it's cool for your neighbors too because they have a story to tell their friends."
"Do try and get to know your neighbors."
"I'm so excited that we're going to be neighbors, we should totally hang out."
"Either way, it seems that our upstairs neighbors aren't real, and we have no idea what to do about it."
"I also got really close with a girl next door to me called Charmaine, whom I'm still really close friends with now."
"I got so blessed with being neighbors with amazing people."
"Russia has to acknowledge the right of its neighbors to exist and to have security interests as well."
"Good neighbors who turn to each other when there's trouble."
"Watching TCL and Hisense be like old neighbors: 'Stay out of my yard' was so cool."
"It pays off to have good neighbors."
"That's when good neighbors become good friends."
"I can't wait to see what the neighbors do when they realize we bought a pool."
"Sometimes your neighbors do such a good job that you just have to give them a round of applause."
"It's nice to have neighbors again."
"My neighbors take Halloween a little too seriously."
"I do have neighbors on the block that I'm very curious about."
"It was so nice of you to invite the new neighbors over for barbecue."
"First of all, it was amazing how we ended up running into each other, but it turned out that we were like neighbors just ran into each other here on the street, which was awesome."
"Let's make the neighbors jealous."
"We need to work again with Canada and Mexico as neighbors, not as adversaries."
"I always thought my neighbors are quiet nice people, and then they put a password on the Wi-Fi."
"My incredibly kind and absolutely lovely neighbors brought me these from their own garden."
"I think having a good friendship with your neighbors is really important."
"What blows my mind is that the people that originally moved in next door to us... their lawn is lovely and they did almost nothing to it."
"I bet the neighbors think we're as nutty as a bar of chocolate."
"Creature neighbors are creature treasures."
"We could see straight into our neighbor's yard, we just kind of wanted our own private space."
"We have been neighbors for centuries; we are actually a community of common destiny."
"'To new neighbors,' he replied, raising his glass in a toast."
"I feel like everyone's a stranger, small talk with your narcissistic neighbor."
"...the question of what each of us wants for Scotland and where that Scotland should sit in relationships with its neighbours by land and sea remains at the forefront..."
"It really doesn't matter where you live; it's the neighbors and stuff because you let them influence how you see everything else in the world."
"All I care about is that hopefully, I get a better neighbor next time."
"NAFTA is a real big one in the U.S. because our top two trading partners are right next door to us."
"That's why good neighbors become good friends."
"We have never been brought closer to our neighbours as we have today."
"I'm Tim and this is my wife Charlotte, we live right there across the street."
"Let me start by saying that both Mai and I are glad you chose to move into your new homes nearby."
"Isn't it weird how they just live right above us and we just have no idea what that argument was about, you know, we'll never know."
"Neighbors should live together and understand each other."
"If we don't do it soon, we're going to be forced into giving them awkward waves and avoiding eye contact until someone dies or moves away."
"So you can never really know what is truly happening next door; the smiles of our neighbors could hide dark secrets."
"Retreat neighbors with love and respect."
"One of our side quests in the flipping of this house is going to be to befriend the neighbor's dogs over here."
"Would you rather have nosy neighbors or noisy neighbors?"
"Noisy is going to annoy me. Noise annoying gonna annoy us, but a nosy one is like an invasion of privacy."
"Making the neighbor's green with envy."
"We can use K nearest neighbor for regression... it's as simple as changing the way we determine the output by computing the average of the K nearest neighbors."
"Any live cell with two or three live neighbors survives."
"We truly have the best neighbors."
"I'm thankful I have some unbelievably good neighbors."
"I thought he would disturb the neighbors. I didn't touch him or comfort him, but I felt a compassion, sympathy."
"We've just been given an amazing gift from our neighbors."
"I love neighbor dog, guys. It's the best kind of dog to play with."
"In life, you never know who you're going to meet or who lives right next door to you."
"We just got home and our neighbor's horses are out, and they're like super close to our house, and it's so beautiful to be able to see them."
"I feel a lot better about knowing who my neighbors are."
"Obviously, next door neighbors should be able to resolve their differences without having to bother judges and juries."
"My neighbor and I both heard footsteps upstairs in a woman's voice."
"I had always felt like there was something off about my neighbor, who we'll call Mr. Johnson."
"When good neighbors become good friends."
"Ta-ta, boss. Look, Emma's house has been extended. Woohoo, it's double the size!"
"There's always that one neighbor who has the light so intense they could give you third degree burns."
"How much do you really know about your neighbors?"
"It's a great pleasure to be here today and to meet our neighbors up the street."
"I remember joking that they were the perfect neighbors, quiet and never asking to borrow my lawnmower."
"I hit the jackpot with the best neighbors ever."
"I love bass, and my neighbors really can't even hear the sound, which is nice."
"The k-nearest neighbor algorithm is a non-parametric machine learning algorithm."
"We've been blessed with good neighbors."
"I never realized before how important it is to have good neighbors and a sense of community, especially in an urban setting."
"Our neighbours had like a mega disco last night."
"I'm going to miss you as my neighbor."
"Well, you are actually in luck, the new neighbors have a kid your age."
"They were the best freaking neighbors I ever had."
"We live in the same compound, and yet it's like we're strangers."
"Neighbors from other streets came over and started helping."
"On a hexahedral mesh, a cell will have six neighbors."
"My neighbors actually were nice enough to put cayenne pepper on my pumpkins so the squirrels would stay away."
"I would love to live in a neighborhood where neighbors know each other."
"We are hoping to establish trade routes with our neighbors first."
"We love seeing both of them and they wish we wish that they lived next door to us, that would be a dream come true."
"Dealing with a drunk and of course irrational Karen is hard enough, but when she's your next door neighbor, it's like playing life on expert mode."
"I'm so excited to meet all of our neighbors."
"You don't get to choose your neighbors, but you have to understand your neighbors."
"I have the best neighbors in the whole wide world."