
Holistic Healing Quotes

There are 75 quotes

"If you're going to change something material, that means you got to get beyond your body to heal your body."
"You get the body, mind, and spirit in the same direction, and you can heal almost anything or overcome any obstacle in your life."
"The truth of the gospel is a brace put around mind, soul, body, and spirit."
"Jesus has come to heal not just your heart, not just your body, but your body, mind, soul, spirit, and finances. God wants you healed."
"Through a holistic approach to healing, indigenous medicine men and women of the Americas combined herbology with spiritual care."
"Healing ain't pretty, and we may not understand it, but we can't look at the physical level. We gotta look at all levels."
"You have to get beyond your body to heal your body."
"Once you figure out fixing leaky gut... most of these conditions resolve."
"I'm a self-made I like to say holistic healer."
"Heal me from whatever might separate me from you, heal my memory, heart, and emotions."
"When you heal, you don't just heal the sickness, but you restore everything."
"Vibration and healing and music and sound and how it affects your life."
"Earthing, or grounding, is being barefoot. It's supercharged and healing."
"You can't heal the world without healing yourself, and you can't heal yourself without healing the world."
"Embrace your emotional and physical self... heal yourself from doubt and restriction."
"The Gerson Therapy cures cancer as well as almost every other chronic degenerative disease."
"Medical pods repair DNA with sound frequency, then heal the mind and soul."
"The mind is the key to healing. Work with a doctor who understands your goals."
"The key to energy work, the key to trauma healing."
"If you've been drawn to holistic healing practices or feel compelled to heal Old Wounds your higher self is inviting you to embark on a journey of emotional and spiritual healing."
"When a healing dream shows up, please follow through with actual healing. Don't just ignore it and move on."
"We can heal everyone that needs to be healed and we can do it now."
"We discover there's more to total healing than just the physical or spiritual."
"He's not gonna heal my body and leave my mind captive."
"Eva made me realize how much courage and sometimes cost it takes to commit to a holistic path of healing."
"All autoimmune diseases have the same principal root cause and when you treat the root issues the body heals."
"How you heal anything is how you heal everything."
"Build up slowly, remember, like the Scriptures tell us, the herbs are for healing."
"Regeneration is about healing our macro relationship with the planet, not just the carrot on the plate."
"Functional medicine is a diagnostic model to think about, an operating system to think about the body as a system, to think about root causes, and to help the body restore balance. That's the goal."
"So it's, mind and body in that regard are one."
"You'll focus on holistic healing. Be generous, be benevolent, help other people."
"Alchemy is a way of understanding nature and working with nature to craft medicine that is healing on all levels of being."
"What you're doing is definitely a positive thing in terms of helping people heal themselves naturally."
"Therapy would be absolutely amazing, and therapy is not just dealing with drugs, it's dealing with the subconscious and the circumstance."
"I remember at one point, my client was commenting on something... and she stopped, she goes, 'Oh my God, you're right, my back doesn't hurt anymore.'"
"You are much more than this physical body. You are the Healer, the innate person that is going to get you out of whatever you are experiencing."
"The 10 keys to conquer candida overgrowth can help you with joint pain, can help you with your brain, your heart, your skin, your immune system."
"I'm of the belief that this is the one for the people who have bounced from doctor to doctor. This is the one that's life-changing in many cases. Holistic healing."
"Food is actually the ultimate form of medicine."
"Meditation, creativity, innovation, content, company, all of this put together is your healing journey for the rest of your life."
"It's not about pushing medication down people's veins, it's about recognizing autonomy and the beauty of the individual to heal themselves."
"The therapy is fixing her mind, while the medicine is fixing her body."
"Islam heals both physical and spiritual eels by teaching what to eat, when to eat, what to think, and how to act."
"One of my goals is to teach you how to empower yourself over the healing of your own body, mind, and spirit."
"The thing about the plant medicine is that not only does it help you feel better, but it helps you solve the problems of how you got there in the first place."
"We really can do all of this; we can heal mind, body, and soul."
"My solution is to offer healing in all forms: physically, emotionally, and spiritually."
"Understanding the relationship between our mind, body, and spirit as it relates to our healing and helping other people to heal."
"The atoning sacrifice of Christ covers the physical as well as the spiritual needs of the race."
"She blends her expertise in cardiology with her knowledge of Ayurveda, yoga, Vedanta, and the direct path in her approach to healing."
"Healing goes beyond doing shadow work, doing maybe yoga or breath work or activation work."
"The incorporation and the mainstreaming of psychedelics into society will play a major role in healing, spirituality, recreation, creativity, and cultural and human survival."
"Heal my body, my mind, my emotions; strengthen me, make me the best I can be."
"Our healing energies are not limited to the physical body but extend to the emotional, mental, and spiritual dimensions of existence."
"Take your medication, but remember, read Quran on yourself."
"With acupuncture, we don't treat the symptom to make it go away; we sort of balance the body with energy and blood flow, and in that sense, the body will heal itself."
"This is where we take our healing to the next level, to the level of wholeness and boldness."
"You wish to immerse yourself in the healing world, you wish to become a teacher, healer, or leader in the field of holistic healing arts, mystical healing, or metaphysics."
"Heal us spiritually, emotionally, psychologically, and physically, make us whole by the blood of the Lamb, Jesus Christ."
"Healing is not just for the physical; God is concerned spirit, soul, and body."
"Plant medicines are meant to help us grow, to help us be of service to each other, and to help us heal physically, mentally, and spiritually."