
Industry Reputation Quotes

There are 51 quotes

"There are few people in this industry with more integrity than Mello Online, in my opinion."
"From Software have established themselves as perhaps the best developer of the modern era."
"But as far as how Leon is doing now, it is said that Leon is doing very well. Honey said he's doing better than everybody actually, because Leon went on to be a very successful producer."
"It's hard to say for sure if Amber Heard has ruined her acting career forever."
"The GameCube was never a bad game system to start with and certainly not an unmitigated disaster."
"Despite her reduced presence in acting, she remains highly regarded in the industry."
"Platinum games is a developer name that many people know comes with an impressive stable of action games."
"Many who have worked at Naughty Dog over the years described it as a duality as a place that can be simultaneously the best and worst workplace in the world."
"An icon for the last four decades, generally agreed to be one of the best cars on sale."
"There has long been a halo around Japanese quality."
"In conclusion, given Square Enix has a pretty bad reputation when it comes to their remasters with there being some huge missteps over the years, it's pleasing to say that Crisis Core reunion does not fall into the same trap."
"Respawn continues to prove why they are among some of the best game developers."
"CRKT, this list is just as much about who is cool as who's making good products."
"This industry trades so much on customer trust."
"Mark and Debbie's reporting is just some of the most accurate in the industry."
"Naughty Dog has always been known for their technical prowess."
"When you put high quality content first, it actually doesn't take that long before others in your industry start to view you as an authority on the topic."
"She was the most perfect human being that he'd ever met, beloved in her industry."
"Seiko's legacy is unmatched in the watch world."
"Give it to Jon Favreau, a safe pair of hands."
"Every single rapper in the industry, they know what I'm about."
"They associate it with online shopping with big business or at worse with terrible working conditions for its employees right and none of those things have anything to do with video games."
"Somehow despite all of that, despite literally being headlines for being the worst broken remaster we've ever seen..."
"To most people in the industry, Goldman Sachs is the pinnacle of high finance."
"He's one of the most legit tough guys in the industry today."
"The guy has a great track record. He's arguably the best filmmaker working today."
"PlatinumGames, the makers behind so many incredible things."
"I guarantee you if Hamada is out, he ain't gonna be unemployed for long."
"Being blacklisted for a negative opinion of a video game is extremely rare."
"Respawn Entertainment shines brightly, cementing its legacy as a top-tier developer."
"In less than a year, Bleszinski went from one of the most respected game developers out there to a punchline."
"Remember when CD Projekt Red was like the darlings and now they're like everyone? Over the course of like a three week period just yeah."
"They have their pedigree, they're known to make amazing first-person shooters."
"The GTA Trilogy as released in 2021 is a laughing stock, and with good reason."
"Ukraine is known for our very efficient IT sector, and Ukrainian IT specialists are very much valued everywhere."
"The Seiko SKX cemented itself as the undisputed value leader for decades."
"Danny Coker's years of experience in auto restoration made him one of the industry's reliable experts."
"We will build a better name for our industry by starting conversations to build on trust and transparency."
"This microphone, legendary, been around forever and, by all accounts, it has earned its reputation."
"I'm trying to uphold this reputation of being the most generous person in my industry."
"I use Lutron Caseta. Lutron is a trusted company that's been making lighting products for a long time, and they have a great reputation within the industry."
"Pelican is one of the most well-known, well-respected, kind of iconic brands in the fountain pen industry."
"Cad-cut thermo-film, really great durable product, the one we're most known for in the industry."
"James is known for treating members of his cast and crew with the utmost respect."
"Testo are quite regarded in the electrical industry."