
Economic Concepts Quotes

There are 73 quotes

"Bankruptcy happens gradually and then suddenly."
"The whole idea of a crash, it's a way to refresh, to cleanse out all the crap."
"Inflation becomes the natural remedy... prices start to go higher and higher to reduce that desire for risk and excess demand."
"Understanding how the money supply expands and contracts can help you make smarter financial decisions."
"Inflation is when your money is worth less over time, goods and services go up in relation to your money, and deflation is the opposite."
"The battle between a deflationary asset and an inflationary asset, that's a big deal."
"The Fed's liabilities are not medium of exchange, they're not a store of value, they're not money."
"Literally a money printer, an automatic money printer."
"Any point on the curve is efficient like you're using all of your resources to the fullest any point inside the curve is inefficient any point out here outside the curve is impossible given your current resources."
"Liquidity is the grease for all engines of financial Market markets and that liquidity is key."
"The value of an asset is not the same thing as the asset itself."
"I think shorting is a healthy component of the market."
"Traceable money... we would know the roots of every dollar we ever spent."
"Bubbles and anti-bubbles are some kind of distorted mirror images of each other."
"You really have this eventual convergence to zero—the inflation goes away."
"I call it inflation-induced debt destruction... it describes it perfectly."
"By printing money, you create monetary inflation. All you need is deflation to offset it."
"If I buy a pizza today that doesn't mean that I took someone else's pizza right it's like that's just not how the economy and how the world works."
"Sometimes there's a difference between cost and value."
"That's a bubble. When you see something... that just goes straight up."
"Inflation is the idea that money loses its purchasing power. It requires more money to buy the same number of goods as before."
"Overall, unit four is pretty hard, I give it eight out of ten difficulty because it has some graphs and it has some calculations so as to bring a lot of different concepts together."
"Money is not abstract nor is it some item of precious scarcity."
"Money can be represented in so many different ways."
"There's a difference between being rich and being wealthy."
"When you hear the word cartel the stereotypical violent drug cartel comes to mind but in reality all a cartel really is is a group of companies coming together to fix the price of a product."
"Credit is just the algorithm based off of your financial behavior."
"Material interest doesn't mean profit for capitalists, these two things are not the same."
"Inflation typically is contained in one country or group of closely intertwined nations."
"Money is a medium of exchange; there are infinite ways to generate it."
"It's this boom vortex game of musical chairs."
"At the end of the day, they’re nothing more than the value we’ve agreed to give to them."
"We all want to believe that things have real value, not just perceived value."
"Price and value are two very, very vastly different things."
"It's not about investments, it's about access."
"The concept of exotics is essentially called a market or economic bubble."
"Permanent distortion: not just a distortion between what the markets do and how they behave."
"I'm not an apologist for anybody. Trump people are ticked off, the Biden people are ticked off. That's a good sign. If everybody's mad at you, that's a good sign."
"When more money is printed than there are goods and services, inflation occurs."
"The shared agreement that this dollar is valuable is only valuable because we agree."
"Proof of work basically means you need to expend energy to acquire the value of the money."
"Passive income is income that requires little to no effort to earn."
"It's not really directly money printing that causes the inflation that everybody is concerned about, it's actually the rapid acceleration of the pace of the money printing that causes the inflation that we've seen."
"The freedom dividend is your phrase for what most of us know is a universal basic income, yes, yeah, yeah."
"Value and price are not necessarily related."
"Learning curves are expressed or characterized by cost declines so they're very deflationary but it's a good deflation."
"Growth is a physical concept; it has trade-offs."
"Most kids around the world leave their primary and secondary education with no understanding of personal finance with no understanding of fundamental concepts like saving and debt and compound interest."
"Inflation is like being pregnant. You start off a little pregnant, then you get a lot pregnant, then you've got a problem."
"The other side of disruptive innovation is creative destruction."
"This is where now understanding inflation where we are right now and where inflation could go is so important."
"It's a common misconception that when markets crash... that wealth is destroyed. Wealth is not destroyed; it's merely transferred."
"Inflation affects the value of money over time."
"If you explain the idea of price gouging... a lot of folks hear that and think, 'Yeah, totally, they should be trying to make a profit.'"
"The difference between inflation and hyperinflation is the speed of the default."
"Inflation is basically an erosion of purchasing power."
"Money's not like got the same value all the time - inflation exists."
"Debt essentially allows us to consume more than we produce when we acquire more debt."
"When inflation comes down that's the that's called disinflation right it's the rate of inflation slowing that doesn't mean prices are falling."
"People mistake having a lot of income with being wealthy, they are two completely different things."
"These businesses are typically gatekeepers, monopolies, or toll booths."
"The word inflation comes from the word inflate; what are you inflating? The monetary supply."
"The money supply or the currency supply is expanding."
"What is inflation? Is it the price that companies want to charge, or is it the price that people are willing and able to pay?"
"Aggregate demand is the total demand in the economy for goods and services."
"Inflation is a sustained increase in the average price level over time."
"No price illusion if prices double, as in inflation, but your nominal income also doubles, no harm no foul."
"Compensating variation and equivalent variation are important concepts to understand consumer surplus."
"Variable costs change with the activity level."
"When stocks are going down, that's actually a bubble in cash."