
Utopian Vision Quotes

There are 94 quotes

"When seven billion people create harmony, the planet will become heaven on earth."
"Welcome to the planet where we embrace love, freedom, happiness, and most importantly, truth."
"Once upon a time, the human race had a dream, a vision of the future where we had evolved beyond our petty military conflicts, where every human was guaranteed equal rights, where we had time to spend with friends and family, to pursue hobbies and trades, and to do meaningful work that we enjoyed, not because we had to but because tedious, unpleasant labor had been handed off to automated systems, leaving humans the time to just live, to really experience what life is all about."
"It's nothing less than starting a whole new chapter in human civilization where in 20 years there would be no poverty on the planet, no pollution, unbelievable abundance."
"He truly believed that communism will make for a better world."
"Think about it, no more conflict or disease, no more suffering. Don't you see them giving the second chance?"
"Imagine people could have raised ten million bucks voluntarily from around the world and Adolf Hitler can't round up Jews and send them off to the concentration camps anymore. Is that a dystopia or a utopia? Well, it's a utopia."
"Humanity's future, whether inside the walls of Eden or not, looks bright."
"We are the creators of our life. Our consciousness is the source of the great potential of creating heaven on Earth."
"I'm a freedom extremist... What would life be like? It would be a [__] utopia."
"The dream of a utopian future drives our people ever forward."
"A society where benders and non-benders from all over the world could live and thrive together in peace and harmony."
"I think we can get it back to a harmonious organic loving kind of Garden of Eden."
"If you have the power to create your own planet, how would you make that planet into the most wonderful place in the universe?"
"If the world all moved according to the Bible, it'd be heaven on earth."
"Communism promised a new kind of society where class exploitation and oppression would disappear."
"We are evolving to that point... Nobody would be sick, there won't be any death."
"We envisage a world free of poverty, hunger, disease, and want, where all life can thrive."
"if you don't have to work for money there's no money you have replicators for food and all that suddenly you can spend your time being the best version of yourself"
"A world where we use technology to use all our human potential and to create even a better world."
"A community where the artist would not fear the censor, where the scientist would not be bound by petty morality."
"Heaven on earth is not a coincidence. Heaven on earth would be our reality because the program is taking us away."
"If there is no love in the world, we will make a new world. We will give it walls and a knocker that resonates so softly that we will never hear it."
"The ancient kingdom's dream: a place where people no longer needed to travel the treacherous Grand Line."
"If we can change the programming, then heaven on earth is available to anyone."
"If everybody followed it, the world would be paradise."
"It's kind of turning our empire into a true utopia, every world is beautiful and everyone lives a happy long life."
"The Earth can be made new again, and Humanity can go forward for thousands of years without pollution or poverty."
"The Sims is almost like a utopia of what I hope our world eventually becomes."
"The quietude considered themselves to be both the epitome of human development as well as the only rightful heirs to the human future."
"A world without money: no crime, no envy, no greed."
"In a world, she can end hunger and global warming."
"Ultramar was known throughout the Galaxy as the 500 worlds effectively an Empire within an Empire a beacon too many of what the Imperium was and could one day be."
"I wanted to see a world where everybody is the same, where you can't tell their gender or age."
"This is going to be a modern paradise, an absolute paradise."
"His dream of a utopian society built on Marxism crumbled around him yet he never gave up on his ideals."
"We're ready now to take the next step in evolution and restore heaven on earth."
"Could Marx’s dream of a workforce that was treated fairly and given an equitable share of the wealth they generated ever truly have happened?"
"Rapture is a paradise for those who seek independence and a new life."
"Society is fragmented and full of conflict. The fantasy: people can come together in a mystical union of souls."
"If this world changes to meet our standard or our frequency or our vibration, all of a sudden you don't need to blast off and go to some other place."
"Becoming like a superhero because the conditions have changed."
"Now we are in charge, now there are no governments, there's no kings, there's no systems in place, now it is life as it was intended."
"The next time we see each other, it will be at the dawn of a whole new world, a peaceful, happy world."
"This new Utopia is already being built on a foundation of exploitation and Trauma."
"The Garden of Even, where we're equal, male and female are equal, the animals and humans are equal, plants are equal."
"The new earth is going to be extremely beautiful. There will be no disease. It's just going to be wonderful."
"That is progressivism. If you come together and use politics in your community, we will perfect human nature. We will have a utopia on earth."
"Wouldn't it be nice to live in a paradise where we're all free to be exactly who we are?"
"Hope embodies utopia, inspiring the pursuit of a world transformed."
"Poverty, racism, homophobic, and biggest health issues will disappear."
"No more hunger, no more disease, no more fighting and meaningless death."
"I will create a world with no bad blood, no wars."
"Her entire universe protects trans kids. That's a great universe, right?"
"He believed that by melding the concept of love with Sith philosophy he could create a utopian society."
"The land of ahimsa, in my world, is a land where all beings are free."
"Our next destination is final, a place where there's neither death nor disease, where no tears, no pain, no pathogen, where they will be gone and death will be defeated."
"Humans and animals are going to live in peace."
"Imagine a world of absolute limitless with no fear hate greed envy or limiting beliefs of any kind."
"My plan is to create an ideal new world free from evil and all criminals, and I intend to reign as a god in that world for a very long time."
"Star Trek feels so political because it's trying to show us a better world and speak about issues of today."
"If they would just commit themselves to bettering the world in some small ways, imagine the Utopia."
"We want a better world, we want a shinier world, a world that's got a lot of green in it, that's the dream, shiny world, it's got a lot of green in it."
"An era of joyous life on the earth will be ushered in."
"He was about to help create a vision of the Utopia that free-market capitalism would build in America."
"It's about realizing our own Divinity and building the Kingdom of Heaven on Earth."
"Everything is beautiful, everyone is healthy and there is no conflict."
"This is like heaven, a heaven-like existence."
"Love to see it, no crime on this planet, never again."
"Those in the positive timeline will experience a thousand years of heaven on earth."
"We're seeing that beautiful new Earth, and everybody is in cooperation. Everybody's in harmony, there's no lack."
"I'll create a world so fair that the very concept of inequality will be forgotten."
"A better world is possible, but we do need works such as Gemini Home Entertainment which help us come to grips with what lies within the abyss."
"The Templar agenda is to bring about heaven on Earth basically."
"...we would all be better off financially, psychologically, spiritually, morally; it would be a completely different world."
"If everybody helped each other, the world would be a perfect place."
"We are heaven on Earth; it should be manifest both to us and the world around us."
"What about the possibility of a kind and just global society in which love is the power rather than the love of power?"
"A core theme of the colonial agenda of New England was to create a kind of New Jerusalem in America."
"Can you imagine having a world in which we live where there is no hunger, there is no poverty, there is no shortage of anything? It's the law of abundance."
"Let's build heaven on earth; there's no need to wait until the afterlife to go to heaven."
"It'll be a new world free of injustice and populated by people who I've judged to be honest, kind, and hardworking."
"One of the things I'm asking for is a planet that has people who don't judge."
"Many early developers believed that the computer was a first step toward a kind of utopia."
"It brings heaven on Earth together, which is what we're transitioning into now."