
Television Criticism Quotes

There are 101 quotes

"It feels a bit silly to say that two really good casting choices can save an entire show."
"TV is exactly what programming is. It's television. All TV do, it tail lies."
"Are you getting angry at a TV show that you've watched and enjoyed for years? Is Game of Thrones the show that made you realize you don't control the entertainment you watch?"
"It's incredible to watch what they were trying desperately to do with Dragon Ball GT."
"Logan's gotta die, that's the whole point of the show."
"The reason people like The Office is because there is no laugh track, it's like it is dry, it's got that awkward silence."
"As much as I'd love to be bashing the show for how stupid it is, and it is really stupid still, it is starting to get slightly better at this point, at least in a sense of pacing."
"You understand that emotional place that she's coming from you disagree with the decision she makes to try to to get there but like you relate you relate and that's why it's a good freaking show dang it dang it."
"What makes Game of Thrones good is not a White Walker polar bear, god damn it. We want the zombie polar bear!"
"The show is still entertaining as hell even at its worst it's still better than most movies it's just not nearly as intense or intelligent as it used to be."
"I hate laugh tracks. They're annoying, unnecessary, and honestly, I find them to be kind of an insult to the viewer's intelligence."
"Season one of Daredevil is pretty close to perfection."
"Arya did in an hour what John the Nights Watch in centuries couldn't, and I loved every second of it."
"It's a masterpiece of television, and it has yet to be dethroned."
"Midnight: Mind-blowingly good... the sparkling diamond of the Russell T Davies era."
"Riko kills Seth because Neil roasted him on TV... he tortured the out of Neil... that's messed up dude what are we doing."
"It's like they've been on TV for so long. I'm like, 'What are we gonna watch? Them grow into old hoes?'"
"If you watch Ms. Marvel and you still hate it, I don't believe you."
"Smithereens... lives up to the show’s promise in a new way, by revealing that no futuristic, sci-fi embellishments are needed to make our present day look like a dystopia."
"Your life will be empty without this fucking show frustrating myself and everybody else."
"Game of Thrones has never had a year where people weren't aware of what happens next."
"This was just brutal. It felt like the work of writers just trying to end their incredibly successful show as soon as possible with almost no regard for characterization or the internal logic of the world they brought to the screen."
"This ending doesn't fix anything. If anything, it only leads to more questions."
"The last season had some head-scratching moments to say the least..."
"Dino Thunder is not lazy, it's not pandering, and it doesn't offend your intelligence by barely offering you anything in the way of plot progression or real growth."
"Cobra Kai is just like a shining example of how to reference the past but also tell a new story that's fun and enjoyable."
"I don't think there was a steep decline in modern family I think it was just plateau and poor character choices."
"Daenerys burning innocent people alive is fundamentally at odds with her character."
"Insecure is not a groundbreaking premise... it focuses on relatable human stories that anyone should be able to connect to."
"Avatar The Last Airbender is seen as being as close to perfection as possible for a show of its kind."
"I feel like a lot of their almost kisses are better than their actual kisses."
"The expansies finale killed it for me. They're taking the best book and the lesser follow-up and slapping them together into a bland mess while skipping the best parts for woke. It's dead to me."
"It really just feels like a TV show relying on the same gags and punchlines."
"Let's go hi crew, my niece was at St. Jude when she was younger, and they are truly an amazing organization."
"This show never ceases to amaze; the writing is just top tier and the acting is phenomenal."
"Series 7 Clara is a bizarre mix of having an expressive personality while being severely under-characterized."
"It's a series that consistently does not care for continuity."
"You've shown me that all of these characters would rather have that forced drama on Silver team than I would with what we get to after the credit smash."
"What ruins Star Trek it wasn't the TNG films it was the Dominion war a large unfolding plotline about a full-scale war was neat but like my great granddaughter crystal it showed us all the goods too soon and left nothing to the imagination."
"Mad Men is as close at it gets to being the ideal character examination."
"The show stuck the landing emotionally and cathartically."
"I'm fully gagged that this was ever made into a televised competition."
"How the [ __ ] is that show still in the air? It's like the longest-running TV show on MTV for sure or something."
"The mistake the showrunners made once they ran out of source material was to assume Game of Thrones could end as any other fantasy could. It can't and it never could."
"Can we just sign a petition to get RHOA canceled?"
"SNL is not the pinnacle of comedy but it's also not the worst show ever made."
"There's one thing I hate more than all the cons on this reality TV show 90 Day Fiance, it is plagiarism."
"It's endemic of the way that Game of Thrones is written that there is no Victor loss here."
"This is like trying to follow The Stand after you've had an actual boulder fall on your head."
"The entire premise of the show is basically wrong."
"Breaking Bad is a tour de force of pacing suspense and visual storytelling."
"If you think that 'The Bells' was somehow majorly out of character for Daenerys Targaryen, then that is absolutely wild."
"Game of Thrones is the worst ending I've ever seen of any show and I'm standing on it."
"Overall still a fantastic finale to an incredible show."
"My favorite part about the show is how they're all Libertarians but really that just means they read Ayn Rand."
"Only watch one of them, the best one, which is without a shadow of a doubt 'The Wire.'"
"99.9% of every fan understands it's Dave and Dan's fault."
"That's what happens when you have different writers every week."
"The Flash is a show that just fundamentally refuses to evolve."
"I'm astonished by how this show is going down."
"Modern Family's coming to an end. What other TV show should come to an end?"
"Entourage is the best [ __ ] show that ever existed."
"One of the most squirm inducing moments from Oliver and Morty is the eyeholes segment."
"One of the greatest television shows to come on air in the last decade or more has been House of the Dragon."
"Lessons in storytelling from Euphoria: the importance of character-driven narratives."
"That they should be punished for all the vicarious fun we had at their expense is David's way of saying we never should have made these cruel losers must-see-worthy."
"This show is genius and why the character dynamics are genius."
"Who's worse, Eva or the Android? Charlotte Flair is by far the worst thing on television."
"While there are a few too many on the nose needle drops and Mike Wheeler spends most of the season being a whiny turd..."
"It's depressing to see some people latch onto that one thing and now they love the show because of it, at the expense of everything else."
"Making Lorca evil: Discovery misused yet another great actor as Sarak says in the Battle of the Binary Stars, 'What I cannot abide is a waste of resources.'"
"Beating down Michael Burnham: Star Trek Discovery has replaced developing Michael's character with making her the galaxy's punching bag."
"The abrupt death of such an important character within the last few moments of the show struck many fans as unsatisfying."
"Caitlyn's death was a baffling disservice to the character."
"I liked the Christopher Eccleston reboot. I thought that was really good for the most part."
"Unfortunately, you can't pinpoint the moment where the Simpsons' heart breaks in half; it was a very slow burn."
"Fans and critics agreed it wasn't the same show without Harmon and that's because Dan Harmon is community."
"It's by no means an easy show to get through, but it is one that the world needs right now."
"The biggest example of this is Game of Thrones, which was incredible throughout and had the chance to be one of if not the best show ever made but people will always remember it for its terrible ending."
"Power Rangers was less of an action drama than it was a giant toy commercial."
"The Queen's Gambit was easily the best show of 2020."
"A lot of people dislike the 10th doctor's farewell tour but I think it's the perfect way to close out this era of the show."
"I like the Triple H version of NXT. That's the version of NXT that I miss, that they have now killed."
"I think even in that year of the Arrowverse or that season of the Arrowverse, Supergirl was the best show because of season four."
"If you watch Breaking Bad and you don't hate Skylar, I don't think you watched it."
"One of the best characters in television right now."
"It's such a good show, and there's so many good storylines, so many huge moments that were built up so well. Then just the last season doesn't do it justice, man."
"For everyone that loves to complain about these shows, we've been right all along."
"We deserve House of the Dragon level science fiction to watch, and Star Trek should be there."
"Breaking Bad had one of the best first seasons ever."
"Game of Thrones' story is just way more captivating."
"Season eight was good with the exception of the writing and dialogue."
"The biggest challenge of all, and not just the show but in cinematic history, was making Anthony Bridgerton likeable."
"If we want to make positive change in this world, we've got to get away from the television set."
"Fool me once, shame on you; fool me twice, and your TV show has some serious issues."