
Unchanged Quotes

There are 56 quotes

"The presidency usually changes people who sit in that office; it hasn't changed Trump."
"What matters is that the format remains the same."
"Money hasn't changed them; they're very authentic, very helpful."
"The French fry has remained untouched and unchanged."
"The basic off-road goodness has not changed."
"My affections and wishes are unchanged."
"So you felt for the swag? I mean, again, I've known this since 13, and he ain't nothing changed about him but age. He's still the same, talking the same."
"My heart hasn't changed, I still want you."
"The product hasn't changed in so long."
"This entire area for the most part looks identical to the way it did back in the late '70s."
"I'm still very nervous. It hasn't changed."
"How fun would it be to see this adapted but change nothing? No changes, I want to see that."
"The banality of evil is so apparent, and it doesn't change."
"Radiator Springs hasn't changed much. It still pulsates with the calm rustic charm."
"A lot has changed since then, but peanut butter hasn't changed at all."
"The Quran remains completely unchanged after all these years."
"Testosterone doesn't make you into somebody or something that you're not. It doesn't change your personality."
"The fact that this hasn't really changed much in the last decade says a lot about its formula."
"Jesus hasn't changed. Everybody who came to Jesus when he walked the Earth, he touched them."
"The devil's tactics have not changed over the years."
"I know you want to stay, just like nothing has changed."
"We've literally not done anything to it."
"The place hasn't changed in any way, shape or form."
"So it hasn't changed my vision or photograph really in any way."
"He's back, right where he resided when he left. Some things just don't change."
"I sobbed and then all of a sudden nothing changed, I just had a lot of money in my bank account but I'm still the same guy."
"The basic human condition has not really changed all that much."
"Peter is in his mid-70s he hasn't changed at all"
"To this day has not improved with age."
"She has come back as if she never left."
"So one of the things I get asked sometimes too is they say, you know, what did they change? What if the stuff in that house was yours? What did they bring in? And actually, they changed nothing."
"Fame and fortune were not to change him."
"We're sisters, our relationship hasn't changed."
"They've just kept a lot of the primitive behavior; it's just not been altered."
"You look just the same, Katie. You haven't changed one little bit," Benjamin smiled.
"The stunning bedrooms didn't need changing."
"I haven't been to this place since I was a child. It hasn't changed a bit."
"When I was young, I did eagerly visit philosophers and saints, and hear great arguments about this and that, but every time I came out the same door I went in."
"It's like nothing has even changed."
"It is hard not to imagine him here, so little has changed in 800 years; the air seems suffused with a peacefulness, and the villages have a timeless quality as if he had only just passed through."
"Take away my first letter, and I still sound the same. Take away my last letter, I still sound the same. Take away my middle letter, and I will still sound the same. I am a five-letter word. What am I?"
"It was roughly the same as before in shape and size, but no eyes at all this time that I could see."
"If tomorrow someone tells me I have one year left to live, I wouldn't change my life at all."
"I have the strange sensation of being on board a time machine; nothing has changed in over a thousand years."
"This diagnosis hasn't changed my daughter at all; she is still the same amazing wonderful little girl she always has been."
"The Quran is unchanged and the unchanged word of God."
"You haven't changed at all; you're still cute."
"This room has not changed since the '20s."
"It's such a great piece of design and I'm glad they haven't changed a thing."
"They are living just like they were roughly 13,000 years ago."
"I am still the same son that you have always had nothing about me has changed."
"Life on the coast between Ponte and Porto has remained unchanged, a picture postcard idyll."