
Zeal Quotes

There are 165 quotes

"This would make the Albia ranks some of the most zealous and loyal supporters to the Emperor, revering him above all others."
"Never be lacking in zeal, but keep your spiritual fervor serving the Lord."
"It is the pure love of God and the love of souls in God, it is apostolic zeal zealous beyond measure but humble, patient, and gentle at the same time."
"You can be zealous and still a terrible person."
"Take refuge in the sacred and immaculate hearts and engage more zealously in the mission than ever before. Now is not the time to retreat; it is the time to charge forward."
"Faith is both their shield and their weapon, advancing across ruined battlefields and shattered cities of humanity with righteous fervor."
"It's time for us to burn the xenos in righteous Fire."
"The god Emperor guides their aim, their battle hymns reach a crescendo leading an army of hardened zealots."
"Be zealous and repent." - Revelation chapter 3 verse 19.
"It's just that radical fire that God has, and I've always just been like, man, I want that. I want God for real."
"It is time to live unhindered, uncompromised, unbound, go all out on fire and mighty in the power of the living God."
"God knows the plan. God knows how this is going to be working out, and you and I need to be zealous for Jesus and recognize He's not sitting in heaven going, 'Oh no, I didn't see this coming.'"
"A real sword of God, seeking out heretics to destroy them."
"You sound like an awful lady who makes it their life goal to just kill a lion."
"Jesus wants everything. Jesus wants everything. He doesn't like leftovers. Amen. Hallelujah. Thank you, Lord. Hallelujah."
"Those whom I love, I reprove and discipline. Therefore be zealous and repent."
"It's a commitment to God. It's a zeal for Him to know Him, to obey Him, to make Him known."
"It is fanatical faith that drives the black Templars ever onward in their Eternal Crusade across the stars."
"He spent his entire life with zeal for his Father's house, obeying every jot and tittle of the law."
"It's only the Zeal of God that could have done this no man could take this honor unto himself."
"Zeal must be God-led, channelled into compassion."
"True Zeal is mixed with knowledge to Enlighten others."
"You don't need more faith, you just need some zeal."
"Justice, the rule of law, requires Zeal, just as democracy requires virtue."
"If sinners are zealous in their sins, should not saints be zealous for their God?"
"Zeal is a method, not a goal. Zeal—even a zeal toward God—needs to be 'according to knowledge' of God’s commandments and his plan for his children."
"Lukewarmness makes me want to throw up."
"The need of the hour, this day and this age, is a burning, blazing, passionate, emotional love for the Lord Jesus Christ, and we never have to be ashamed of our zeal."
"Sometimes zeal is simply a disguise for an angry heart."
"He was very opinionated and he annoyed a lot of people. I seem to sense he had a messianic zeal a little bit, which is a very Jewish thing because all mothers want their sons to be the messiah."
"Consumed by zeal, all they could think of is repentance, baptism in Jesus name, Holy Ghost, holiness, worship, preach, teach, pray, love."
"True godliness is served up hot. Newness of life means a soul that glows with love to God and therefore, earnest, zealous, happy."
"With fervent Zeal he began to gather others to his cause using his powers to awaken the dormant potential within them and mold them into a devoted cohort of followers."
"If you're Democrat, everyone thinks that, of course, I'm conservative so I get his zeal."
"I agree with his stance on things like abortion and things, I understand his zeal for those things."
"You've got to have that desire, Lord God, I want to win souls."
"Zeal when you're 20, zeal when you're 30, zeal when you're 60, zeal when you're 80."
"If we were as zealous as we were towards the religious rhetoric of the spook God in the sky daddy like we were towards politics, mathematics, and science, the black community would be out of this situation."
"What zeal. It means I'm making an obligation, a promise, that I'm going to do right."
"What do you mean quieting down? I'm not going to sell that. I'm buying into praise and worship. I'm buying into prayer. I'm buying into sacrifice like never before. I'm more fanatical than I've ever been."
"You have come to the right place. You have zeal as you said you are doing evangelity."
"Zeal for your house will consume me."
"You're hot or you're cold but please do not be lukewarm."
"The greatest scandal... is that Catholics, the children of light, show less zeal in promoting the principles which they profess to uphold than do the children of darkness."
"...if we in the Catholic Church could get our youth to dedicate themselves with the zeal and the enthusiasm that the Mormon missionaries do, we could work wonders."
"The church is missionary in its nature and we need to ReDiscover a Zeal for Souls."
"What good is it to have zeal without knowledge?"
"It's not enough just to be committed. It's not enough just to be zealous. You've got to be committed and zealous after the truth."
"Now it's time for us to be zealous for good works, zealous to do what God has asked us to do."
"Everybody wanted to be there too, yeah. Right, I mean everybody, guys were doing crazy things to get there, you know?"
"So this dude was wheels off this dude was doing some crazy stuff for the Lord and uh and by every standard Charles of of of modern men that we have to look to Charles Spurgeon is a great example for both continuationist and cessationist alike"
"He disrupted their system, he overturned their tables, and he did it with passion."
"I want to live a life worthy of the call. I want to burn with Holy Fire."
"The Sisters of Battle purge the wicked from the galaxy with cleansing holy flame."
"It's good to be zealous, provided the purpose is good."
"God has given me a tireless spirit to further His honor and fame; a spirit can never rest."
"Christ died for our sins not only to redeem us from all iniquity but to purify for himself a people who are enthusiastic for good works."
"You are overzealous, Lieutenant. Remind me to speak to you about it sometime."
"This is the god who has a sacrificial zeal that seeks the shalom of his creatures."
"Persecuting the witch, the alien and the heretic with relentless, unbridled fury in the process."
"I am hungry and thirsty to embrace the whole world for Him."
"The fruits of your exertions expressed the most laudable zeal in the pursuit of knowledge."
"He was very zealous for the Lord and he had a genuine love for people."
"Let us hasten with urgency and zeal to accomplish every good work."
"Be more zealous for God... ask God by his Spirit to ignite you to set you on fire."
"Christ gave himself to redeem us from every lawless deed and to purify for himself a people for his own possession, zealous for good deeds."
"She had great zeal and a love for God."
"Are you out and out for God Almighty?"
"In his name, I shall not suffer the unclean to live."
"Fire is a rich picture of the divine influences of the Spirit, a holy emblem of the zeal of the Christian."
"All true repentance is marked with zeal."
"God wants you to see the force of darkness in your life and have a fiery zeal against it."
"Peter was ardent; Peter was bold; Peter was zealous."
"Phineas... hath turned my wrath away from the children of Israel, while he was zealous for my sake among them."
"What does a life look like consumed with the holy fire of God?"
"When you're on fire for God, nobody has to tell you to run; you just run."
"I have this newfound hunger for the word of God."
"When I gave my life to the Lord, I had this insatiable desire to read the Bible."
"The Lord shall go forth like a mighty man; He shall stir up His zeal like a man of war."
"Be filled with zeal and passion and boldness for God, for His kingdom."
"We're going to plunder hell and populate heaven."
"Let's populate heaven and plunder hell."
"The Lord will be zealous for His land and will have pity upon His people."
"Spirit of God is jealous for our spirit."
"The zeal of God's house will consume me because God's enemies have forgotten the Word of God."
"Putting Jesus first in their life with some urgency, with some fervor, with some fortitude, with some zeal."
"God has saved us to make a peculiar people, zealous of good works."
"It was like a fire was lit under me, and I'm like I want to go and share the gospel to everybody."
"You've been running hard, you've been running with zeal, you've been doing well, but I have this against you, says the Lord, you've left that love, that first love."
"The worthy shall rush to the God-Pharaoh's side with relentless zeal, rising to overcome every obstacle."
"He might redeem us from every lawless deed and purify for himself his own special people, zealous for good works."
"Zeal for God's house consumed him."
"He gave himself up on our behalf in order to free us from the violation of the Torah and to purify for himself a people who would be his very own, eager to do good."
"God's supernatural lays his hand on only those who hunger and thirst after his word and do it."
"Take hold with humility and zeal to do the work He asks of you."
"We have to be anxious for the salvation of souls."
"He might redeem us from all ungodliness and purify unto himself a peculiar people, zealous for good works."
"He's changed my life; he's changed my walk. I have a hunger for God now that I've never had before, and this is just the beginning."
"Zeal without knowledge is quite dangerous."
"The zeal of Yah will perform this."
"His actions against the greater good are unknown; he is believed to have been zealous and uncompromising."
"I am exceedingly jealous for Jerusalem and for Zion," says the Lord of Hosts.
"A lawyer's ethical obligation is to zealously represent your client, zealously not half-heartedly."
"There's nothing else on this planet that I should have more zeal and more drive than to be successful at the contents of her heart and mastering her heart."
"Do not let your heart envy sinners, but always be zealous for the fear of the Lord."
"Heavenly intelligences are looking on, and when imbued with zeal for Christ's honor, they will impart to us a new spiritual power."
"You should always have a good zeal to learn something."
"We truly live in amazing times where thousands are coming back to the Most High with a zeal that hasn't been seen in centuries."
"It was not comfortable, that's true, but you were sustained throughout by your vision, your almost religious zealousness."
"It's not enough to be desirous and zealous; you have to become skillful."
"We don't want to just be zealous; we want to be excellent in our zeal for spiritual things."
"Now is the time to get on fire for God."
"Zeal for God and His cause moved the disciples to bear witness to the gospel with mighty power."
"Now is our opportunity to show our zeal for God and our love for humanity."
"Serving the Lord, fervent in spirit."
"Concern for the Father's name, passionate zeal for his kingdom, the accomplishment of the will of the Father, and deliverance from evil."
"What would happen if life became a passion and you had zeal for it?"
"Let us live our faith with zeal, remembering that when we step out in faith, God will help us."
"Those who have faith in God should show it by a holy fear which makes them zealous to have nothing undone which is commanded of the Lord."
"They left nothing untried that was within the compass of human zeal."
"You cannot stay on fire for God surrounded by lukewarm people."
"God honors those who stand for his principles with zeal."
"Return with tenfold zeal to seek Him."
"Christ gave himself for us, that he might redeem us from every lawless deed and purify for himself his own special people, zealous for good works."
"A tremendous zeal to reform and also an underlying humanitarian sense."
"Who gave himself up for us, that he might redeem us from all iniquity and purify unto himself a people for his own possession, zealous of good works."
"Be zealous to fight for the faith, the doctrines that were once and for all handed down to the Saints."
"Do it with passion or not at all."
"Grab the opportunity when it rises, grab it by the hair, grab it as if your life depended on it."
"We want to be saved, sanctified, holy, blessed, living on fire for the Lord."
"God's jealousy is a love in action; He refuses to share the human heart with any rival."
"Do not grow slack in zeal; be fervent in spirit; serve the Lord."
"Our pulpits need to be on fire for God."
"I'll rake your bones as hot as my love for the Emperor, kill the heretics!"
"All zeal for the master that is not the outcome of a loved relationship with Him is worthless."
"Jesus who submitted to the cross also drove the money changers out of the temple because they were preying on the people instead of praying for the people."
"I'm going to teach the word of God like my hair on fire."
"When you say you become an evangelist for God, you are set on fire for God."
"New believers are filled with zeal and excitement."
"There's a reason why Jesus went into the temple and turned over the tables."