
Doctor-patient Relationship Quotes

There are 73 quotes

"So, I think that that, too, for me, feels like it's closer to a doctor-patient relationship."
"If you don't have faith in your doctor, find one you'll have faith in."
"I feel sad when I hear a constant torrent of abuse directed towards doctors for putting money ahead of patients, because that just isn't the reality I know, in any country."
"If a patient even just likes their doctor a little bit, it reduces malpractice lawsuits by somewhere north of 75 percent."
"My advice to doctors listening is to tell your story, share with your patients. Don't have this doctor-patient relationship which is very distant and estranged. Be a human."
"Patient we may know more than the patient about diagnoses, but it's still really important because as a doctor, what's your best source of information? Your best source of information is actually the patient."
"Be the CEO of your health and approach your doctor like a consultant."
"What would constitute a successful doctor-patient interaction to the doctor? We reverse your diseases, you over time move into a state of health that feels incredible and powerful."
"I cannot overstate the importance of having a high-quality doctor enough."
"So, if you can find a doctor that's not afraid to say 'I don't know,' you found yourself a really good doctor."
"Essentially doctors would lose the right to speak freely and openly with their patients about the virus and its treatment options."
"I guess one thing I can give credit to what we do here... is talk to your doctor."
"There's a path to health out there that may be a little bit different than what their doctor is telling them."
"When I introduce myself as Dr. Nasir Karma to a patient for the first time, that is going to be absolutely mind-blowing."
"The more open and honest dialogue you can have with your doctor, the better it's going to be long-term for you."
"Change your perception, fire your doctor, find out what reason you're taking the prescriptions for and get your body healthy."
"Doctors ought to be able to treat their patients without somebody looking over their shoulder."
"Health emerges from the patient-doctor relationship."
"Fundamentally, when we look at health, health emerges from the patient-doctor relationship."
"A big part of healing is believing in your healer. A fist bump from my doc would tell me we got this more than any ten-second bedside conversation."
"My doctor said, 'It will come back. Your mother killed herself. You have manic depression.' And I said, 'You know what's not coming back, doctor? Me.'"
"I want to be that doctor when you walk into my office you know I care."
"A lot of doctors don't spend the time to create good information and to convey like the things that they know to the people."
"I'll try to do my best as a doctor to please you and make sure that I always keep track on all of your bits of health which is very important to me."
"Just talk to your doctor. But the point I'm trying to make... Just talk to your doctor."
"People can speak with their doctor about what is best for them."
"Doctors aren't on our time; we're on their time because we need them to save our lives."
"An abortion is a medical decision between a patient and their doctor, full stop."
"When you go to the doctor, the doctor's got a responsibility to tell you whether you've got cancer or not and whether it's terminal or not. Hope doesn't come into it."
"You go to the doctor, they think they're the best in the world, they give you bad advice... Don't just immediately trust them."
"People want to see the same GP. I know that as a doctor I want to see the same patients. That definitely makes my life easier and their lives easier."
"Doctor's offices should be a safe space because you need them."
"I called the OB-GYN. I treat her very much like my GP. A lot of us do, I think especially if your GP retires, and you're like, 'Yeah, she knows me. We had babies together.'"
"I want you all to be healthy and live long productive happy lives so please please please talk to your doctors."
"Your health care decisions are made by you and your doctor, not an insurance company."
"When patients feel like they can't be honest with themselves or honest with their provider, they're going to find another doctor."
"When I did my family medicine rotation, I fell in love with the relationships those doctors had with their patients."
"I honestly am not a very big fan of my dermatologist just with like that I I think like a lot of doctors do that but it is just very frustrating waiting for hours and then like they spend 2 minutes with you and they're like okay bye you're like thanks for the help"
"Your healthcare decisions are no longer between you and your doctor with an advantage plan."
"It's important for your doctor to understand this issue, educate you about it, and most importantly, to support your decisions or changing your mind along the way."
"Rather than putting um, you know, blame on our patients, I think that this doctor-patient relationship should be so strengthened."
"I want them to know that I'm there as their doctor and I don't want it to ever be about me. It's about them."
"I'm your doctor, I'm with you all the way."
"Remember you're not alone and your doctor is a great resource."
"Compassion and the importance of the relationship between the physician and the patient."
"I am deeply concerned about efforts to erode the doctor-patient relationship."
"Doctors can't always intuitively know the best questions to ask or tests to give if they don't have good inputs about what their patient is going through on a daily basis."
"The relationship where the doctor was precious, there was trust, there was presence, there was lots of time, it was a human bond."
"I have a very close relationship with my doctor and I highly doubt he would violate HIPAA."
"We had something principled and almost lovely; there was a relationship between the doctor and the patient, the one-on-one all-important relationship, nurse and patient, which is really the essence of healthcare."
"Give it to me straight, Doc. I can take it. Just tell it to me in plain English."
"Patients don't sue doctors because of malpractice; they sue because malpractice occurred in the context of a poor doctor-patient relationship."
"The medical care here is amazing, and the doctors are so personable with the patients."
"It doesn't matter if they can recite lines to your favorite movie, but if they can't remember your name, it's time to get a new doctor."
"Be an active participant in your appointments with your doctor to really get the most out of your time with them."
"The whole idea of being a doctor is not about curing, it's about caring."
"The importance of having a good doctor that you know cares about you and wants to make you better is truly insane."
"If you trust the doctor and he trusts you, you then are beginning to take control of your health."
"There are some incredible doctors out there; please don't settle on a doctor that makes you not feel heard."
"Building that relationship with your patients can be not only incredibly rewarding but it adds meaning and purpose to your work."
"I'm glad you picked up on that; it's sometimes difficult for even the most experienced doctor to establish a bond with a patient from the outset."
"It solidified the rights of doctors to talk to their patients about medical cannabis and other cannabinoids."
"Having a relationship and having trust are very important on the patient side and very important on the surgeon side."
"The level of anxiety you have is directly tied to that level of trust that you have in your surgeon."
"Make sure that you're taking care of yourselves and also just making sure that you're in communication with your doctors if anything is concerning you."