
Political Decision Quotes

There are 163 quotes

"January 6 will live in infamy as a moment where Republicans had to make a decision about who each of them are."
"It was this House that decided to give the British public the referendum in 2016."
"In conservative Kansas, voters rejecting an amendment that would have removed abortion protections from the state constitution."
"It's a mistake if it should be approved by the United States Senate, it may well go down in history as the most profound strategic blunder made since the end of the Cold War."
"I think Canadians are clueing into the fact that there is a really important decision we take about the kind of country we want to see."
"Here's the choice you have: you can shrug your shoulders and give up on doing anything that helps Taiwan better defend itself."
"We're gonna ban fracking, makes perfect sense."
"It was his decision to go to war; it's our choice to make him pay a price."
"I said I wouldn't vote for Trump in 2016. I'm gonna vote for him in 2020."
"Big exciting great news tonight as Nancy Pelosi caves in and gives money for the cows... Literally, she agreed with the CR tonight."
"President Xi Jinping... overnight decided to end the lockdown rule."
"The president stands by his decision to bring our men and women home from Afghanistan."
"If you vote on fear... well, you might lose to Trump."
"Vladimir Putin could have chosen not to invade Ukraine, but he did."
"I think leave won against another referendum."
"I couldn't vote for Hillary Clinton anymore because I couldn't be complicit in that kind of genocide and those kind of war crimes."
"My administration agreed to lift those tariffs."
"Supreme Court reverses Colorado and says Trump can't be on the ballot."
"President Trump's nominee will receive a vote on the floor of the United States Senate."
"We stopped finishing the wall, now they want to finish the wall."
"You have to decide. Do you want to follow Trump or do you want to follow Biden? It's a pretty clear choice."
"I would be voting for Donald Trump based on the information that he was able to answer."
"We have voted for the cheapest way to prevent the occurrence of something which would be of the most terrible significance to the United States of America." - Dwight Eisenhower
"In the wake of Switzerland voting not to join the European Union, foreign partners quickly began to question Swiss Air's ability."
"The radical far-right extremist Supreme Court just voted to overturn Roe v. Wade. This is a dark day."
"Germany to legalize cannabis in an economy-boosting bid after Merkel's departure."
"Donald Trump's decided I think he's had enough with federal court."
"I would rather take a political risk in pursuit of peace than to risk peace in pursuit of politics."
"Voting for Trump to stem the rising tide of liberalism is about as pure an example of cutting off your nose despite your face as political life can afford."
"The Senate just voted to confirm President Trump's nomination of Amy Coney Barrett to succeed Ruth Bader Ginsburg on the Supreme Court."
"You're one vote out of 435 when you're talking about war. This is something that it's not like marginal tax rates. This is people dying, kids getting killed, women becoming widows at a young age. It's just absolutely horrific."
"Trump just banned TikTok. Whoa, really? Just signed an executive order saying that TikTok is banned under the National Emergencies Act and will sanction any company still doing business with them."
"If you're voting for this because you're really upset about what's happening... vote for me, not for them."
"Will the Prime Minister vote today for peace? Yes or no."
"The verdict is going to be delivered by the voters."
"The Biden Administration refuses to guarantee the safety of Americans stranded in Afghanistan."
"The truth is that it is a thoroughly mistaken decision which is taking our country to a bad future."
"When I took early action in January to ban all travel to and from China."
"I've decided to revoke the security clearance of John Brennan, former director of the Central Intelligence Agency."
"Let me close by saying this: the vote we're going to have here is a clear choice of whether we are going to feed the beast of ignorance or we are going to tell the truth to the American people."
"In that year, Congress was about to vote on lend-lease, the controversial program to circumvent neutrality laws."
"That's really significant that the speaker will leave the provision on Aid to Ukraine."
"A judge in Illinois ruled that Donald Trump was to be removed from the ballot."
"Vladimir Putin's decision to partially mobilize announced earlier had prompted many Russian citizens to leave the country."
"Access to contraceptives... almost every single Republican in the House of Representatives voted no."
"March 20th, 2003, President George W. Bush officially announced the beginning of the Iraq War."
"Does it matter who we vote for? Oh yeah. I'm not going to vote for candidates, I vote for life."
"Breaking up with the democratic party feels like the right thing to do because I believe I can have a greater impact this way." - Andrew Yang
"We will be leaving the European Union and we are leaving on the 29th of March 2019... that's what the British people voted for and that's what we will be delivering."
"Millions of dollars were lost and tens of thousands of jobs would be cut as a result of Carter's decision to cancel the B-1."
"It's almost like not having her as speaker is a no-brainer."
"Democrats have agreed to advance the 3.5 trillion dollar budget resolution."
"We voted to leave, why is this even a question?"
"Supreme Court rejects Texas and Trump's bid to overturn the election. It's impossible to overstate how big of a deal this is."
"The president just announced he would be granting that Russian wish in exchange for, again, nothing."
"and got them there are Americans currently stranded in Kabul the question is are you going to go out there and are you going to say them well one of the."
"Okay, let's have a trial and see like did he do this thing. Let's give him the process and then have it out and have a conclusion about the man's, you know, a filming or not before we decide to vote for him."
"It's a pretty clear choice, so let's make it happen."
"I will not seek nor will I accept my party's nomination for a second term as president."
"We have made our minds up in the greatest democratic exercise in the history of this country. I trust the voice of the people more than the politicians." [Applause]
"Minneapolis voting to abolish their police while books are being banned, movies are being banned, and art is being banned."
"I was never going to be a person that voted for Trump until the media went very radical."
"If it ever came down to supporting an individual... I will always pick the system. If I had to throw Trump under the bus love him as I do... I would throw him under the bus so fast if the election system indicates that."
"Trump made a really good decision when the outbreak started in China."
"I don't vote for president based on what I perceive as their character."
"Biden's decision to withdraw from Afghanistan was courageous."
"McCarthy apparently saying he plans to urge the former president to resign from office."
"There is a really important decision we take about the kind of country we want to see."
"President Trump's decision to take out sulemani Dave was brilliant absolutely brilliant I'm in a hundred percent agreement no 150 percent agreement with you that it was the right move to keep peace in the region."
"Biden will keep the US embassy in Jerusalem. Middle East peace initiatives continue."
"Hindenburg reluctantly appointed Hitler as chancellor."
"Putin has chosen a premeditated war." - President Biden
"Should we stick with the governor? I think the answer is no."
"President Biden announced the U.S. would withdraw all forces."
"I pushed back against President Trump when he wanted to exit the country in the fall of 2020 by Christmas."
"Marriage is a political decision. Who you marry tells me who you are."
"If we take that option off the table, then we're left with one option which is, does he obey the Benn Act and ask for an extension to article 50?"
"Brexit means Brexit. There's not been for many years a choice that's aroused such passion."
"On Tuesday, Chuck is going to call a vote to decide the date in which discussion of the bipartisan ends."
"I've been put in a position of saying... you've got to choose between keeping your word to your people or cutting Medicare."
"For people who really care about politics, not reflexively voting for Joe might actually be a difficult and certainly very active and maybe yes ultimately a brave choice."
"In totality prime minister Narendra modi's decision to deny 100 MPS the BJP ticket in 2024 is a major Scoop from my side Michelle."
"Italian council is flooded immediately after rejecting measures on climate change."
"It's downright disturbing that the U.S. media is ignoring the fact that Biden is ordering 3,000 members of the selected Reserve."
"I will not run for speaker again. I'll have the conference pick somebody else."
"It's not what we normally think of as an act of God, this is a conscious political decision."
"Sending cluster munitions to Ukraine is pointless and crazy."
"Trump should not invoke the Insurrection Act. That would be a declaration of civil war."
"I want to leave, alright? I want to leave. But if that is off the table, I'd much rather an extension than signing up for this treaty."
"It was about sovereignty, it was about having control of your own country."
"Britain now feels compelled to declare war on Germany."
"What's happened is that the Chinese Communist party... decided to ban it and persecute it."
"It's a choice between surrender and standing up for what's good for the US and what's good for our allies."
"When Joe Biden pulled America out of Afghanistan, he said it was in part to do with bringing to an end America being involved in Forever Wars." - Neil Oliver
"People never wage war, it is politicians that wage war. No soldier that ever stood in the line of a rifle believes that war is heroic."
"The president now made the announcement that he will not allowing the Taliban to direct our foreign policy."
"Ron DeSantis just pardoned a couple that had been arrested for keeping their gym open."
"The outcome's going to shape our country for decades to come."
"The only reason I would vote for Trump is for the economy. You're being taxed, this is the only reason."
"How many more generations of America's daughters and sons would you have me send to fight in Afghanistan's civil war?"
"When Joe Biden made Juneteenth a Federal holiday, he knew exactly what he was doing."
"Zelensky had the same option... but he didn't."
"Was Garland's hand forced when he made the choice to put this matter first in the hands of a different Trump appointee?"
"Denver voters are deciding on decriminalizing magic mushrooms."
"I would negotiate an end to the war, my son fought over there."
"We've made the tragic decision to remove Trump from the ballot."
"I think it was a huge mistake for Britain to leave the single market."
"President Biden is extending a program that protects Hong Kong residents in the U.S from deportation."
"72.01 percent voted in favor of setting a limit on interest rates for medical debt."
"The ballot is a straight up 'do you want to recall Shama Sawant or do you not want to recall?'"
"I had no right to overturn the election, and on that day, President Trump asked me to put him over the Constitution. I chose the Constitution and I always will."
"That was exactly the right decision to give the American people the confidence." - Adam Schiff
"The use of the emergencies act would be limited in time... we're ready to confirm that the situation is no longer an emergency." - Justin Trudeau
"US House votes to recognize the Armenian Genocide."
"Republicans actively made the decision today that the people in Arizona must live as if it were 1864."
"Bernie Sanders decided to run in 2016... something that he sought to do."
"President Biden calls to double capital gains tax."
"TR's decision signifies a decisive step towards affirming the country's sovereignty over its natural wealth."
"The bravest political decision of modern times really was his expulsion of the 21 conservative MPs who kept voting basically against any Brexit deal."
"Americans themselves will have the opportunity to choose between democracy and Chaos."
"Either the application for the renewal of the charter is granted or the United States will find itself in a most disastrous war."
"What I do about slavery and the colored race I do because I believe it helps to save the Union."
"Why did Zelinski ban 13 opposition parties, martial law?"
"We are going to leave the European Union, that's what people wanted and that's what we will deliver."
"The easiest political decision of any MP's life is to vote in favor of your constituency's interest."
"Republicans voted against providing baby formula for mothers who couldn't access it."
"We can now fight entirely in the air as we leap from chopper to chopper."
"Democrat Mitt Romney said he would vote in favor of confirming Judge Katanji Brown Jackson to the United States Supreme Court."
"Brexit is a process by which the British public voted to regain control of the levers of their own governance."
"Biden did a good job with the choice of Kamala Harris."
"Her political career and historians will always come back to that decision in 2017 to have that election which shattered her Authority and from which she never ever could recover."
"Gordon Brown's decision to remove the 10p tax rate."
"Just what more does he have to do before the Prime Minister will listen to the 1.8 million people who have already called for his state visit invitation to be withdrawn?"
"Cyrus Trump comes along he decides he's gonna move the embassy to Jerusalem immediately there's a whole global flood."
"We are one United Kingdom, there will be one in/out referendum and that will be decided on a majority of those who vote."
"I decided that it was much better for our country."
"The Bulgarian Parliament then formally voted against allowing the deportation of Jews."
"The land of lightning agrees to Lord Ekio's proposal."
"Britain votes to leave the EU, but Scotland backs remain."
"Oprah Winfrey sharing her thoughts on making a presidential run, why she says it's not gonna happen."
"Obama had the stuff in Syria... My favorite moment is when he decides not to go in."
"Once again Margaret Thatcher has put her country's and party's interests before personal considerations."