
Personal Balance Quotes

There are 154 quotes

"If you feel like you're out of balance a little bit, or if you've kind of been too sort of in your own world, whether it's work, school, or relationship, try working and doing something for someone just for the sake of doing it."
"Life is all about balance, and right now, I need balance."
"The goal in Ayurveda is to understand what your constitution is and then to make wise lifestyle choices that keep you in balance with that constitution."
"All you can really do is try to enforce within ourselves that balance."
"Let yourself feel what you feel and acknowledge that you don't have to have one win over the other."
"For former UFC featherweight Champion Max Holloway, a vicious nature inside the Octagon is balanced by a modest one outside of it."
"I feel attacked and blessed, that's just the line that we should strive to balance on throughout our lives, to be honest."
"Don't lose yourself in the equation, find some time for self-care and self-love."
"You also have to have other sides of yourself...to be mature and childish at the same time."
"It's about balance. You gotta do something for you."
"Getting grounded and getting centered is going to be very significant for you."
"Your lord has a right upon you, your family has a right upon you, yourself has a right upon you."
"It's all about you, not in an egotistical way, but in a more healthy kind of balanced way."
"Temperance brings balance, massive healing for you."
"I genuinely feel like a much more balanced, happy, decent person now that I'm not pvping much anymore."
"There's so much stuff going on right now, just find your center of gravity."
"Manifesting balance within yourself, redistributing energy in a way that serves you best."
"Listen to your soul, listen to the messages. Go see these people, go meet these people, go be in an environment that is calm. They can show you how to balance yourself."
"I like having friends I just need a lot of time to balance out the social stuff."
"Find your balance, take care of yourself, do something for yourself today."
"The first step to leveling out is finding your Center."
"Being a comedian, it's tough balancing the half-empty glass mentality."
"It's very difficult and it's very human. It's a lifelong balance, and I have a lot left to learn."
"Nothing wrong with us having a social life as parents. I encourage parents to have a social life."
"Balance looks different for everyone - find what keeps your peace and inspires you."
"If we're going to count our flaws, we should also count our blessings."
"There was no balance in my life. I became this machine, and I lost me."
"At the end of the day, Phil, it's about staying grounded."
"You need to have both humility and confidence."
"Sometimes the only way to be really connected is to disconnect for a while."
"I love my husband and I love my work as well."
"Be professional about it, be passionate about it, have fun with it, but don't lose yourself."
"What if I trust my intuition? What if I trust those moments I need to rest instead of just pushing through forward all the time?"
"Even if you are seeing some things about yourself that you're not liking, make sure that you balance that out with things about yourself that are wonderful."
"Obsession has its place, but we've got to keep it in check somehow, right?"
"Learning balance and managing life, that's the key!"
"Find a balance, finder balance is probably the thing I should be doing."
"Balancing theory versus practice is a very rare skill."
"Honor what's happening without too much attachment to results."
"I don't think we want to spend all day in social media. I want to get my message out, I want to help people, but I also want to be with my family."
"Find the balance between opening up and healthy boundaries."
"Your balance will not be like anyone else's balance."
"I'm relaxed I'm even killed people may think I'm just you know looking at the charts 24 7."
"She has given me the desire to want to be balanced in my life."
"Your version of success is learning to balance what you're capable of with what you actually need to do."
"Life's about balance, and for every ratty only fixed half of it Mopar I build, I'm due one Porsche masterpiece."
"Celebrity literally reverses God's order so if you happen to become one and you're a person of Faith you have to try and balance that out."
"Balance, centered, meditate, awareness, equality, well-being, and feeling complete."
"Put yourself first, everything else will work itself around you."
"Life is a lonely journey, but it's a fun balance as long as you're enjoying it."
"This Sagittarius full moon is gonna pull you out of confusion, uncertainty, imbalance, and you're finally going to be able to decide, to make a choice, know what you want to do, feel very grounded and balanced, no longer confused."
"Just because you're taking on new responsibilities doesn't mean you have to throw your love for music in the garbage."
"Balance: I surround myself with people I love and enjoy my time with them, but I also take time to nurture myself. My relationship with myself. Well, I have found a healthy balance between being with friends and having self-care time."
"You should work so [__] hard when you're young, but when it comes to having a family, you need to prioritize balance."
"You feel as though balance and happiness has been restored in your world because after this person comes in here you are with this temperance and the star."
"It's all about you finding balance in the lesson. Don't let the idea that you allowed this to happen flood your thoughts."
"I have a balanced relationship with time. I use time well."
"Balancing statements with approaching people, letting actions inform character, and finding a balance is key."
"Your physical health is as important as your mental and emotional and spiritual health."
"The more you focus on your Clairvoyance, your ability, your gift, the more you're going to come into balance and understanding; you're just going to see things as they are."
"Both feminine and masculine energy within ourselves."
"I love that part of me. I love that I can be like, not to use the word because I know it gets a bad, but a boss here and then I go home and um and I pass that boss to my boss."
"But I think Toby had the best balance out of all three of them."
"If you care more about others than yourself, where's you in there? In order for you to really genuinely care for other people, you have to care for yourself."
"Everything you think, everything that you say, and everything you do is aligned from that place of centeredness and groundedness."
"Balance needs to be brought back to your life, Gemini."
"I want to build my life so that I feel in balance and harmony."
"It inspires me because I can center and balance myself."
"A career that has left a lasting impact on the entertainment industry while highlighting her dedication to a balanced and fulfilling life beyond the spotlight."
"Reflect and avoid drama. It's really hard to work on your well-being when drama surrounds you."
"It's good for these things to be your entertainment. Maybe it's even okay for them to be your mythology. But they shouldn't be your life."
"This level of self-reflection is...super refreshing to see. As simple as weighing your ideas, your needs, your wants against someone else's."
"Stay centered, stay grounded, it's your time and the world needs you."
"You're in total harmony; you carry yourself with grace."
"He's the balanced one between them two, the father of the two sons."
"This is somebody who wants to try to create everything balanced with you."
"People really want to round that out and kind of find that fine medium there for them."
"Sometimes you try too hard, but it's like you burn yourself out as well."
"Seems like a really balanced individual. I'm kind of feeling like you're pretty in tune with yourself."
"Let your head and your mind reach the stars, yet keep your feet grounded on the earth."
"I think it was really necessary to get back to being grounded."
"If you're always giving to other people and never thinking about yourself, you're going to run into the problem that you're running into now."
"Having a relationship with yourself is crucial for a balanced life."
"I just wanna compliment your balance. I've never met someone so balanced as you."
"Life is so good that if anything, the only thing I'm stressed out about is like how do I not let this consume me."
"Follow your intuition, find inner peace and balance."
"Unlocking a new beginning that will lead to a lot of peace, harmony, and balance."
"I'm angry but I am still trying to keep a balanced approach to how I look at these things."
"You're doing too much. Somewhere along the line, you are still doing way too much."
"So I keep it structured and then when I'm outside of training, I have my fun."
"Being in balance allows things to naturally go well for you."
"Life's a series of deposits and withdrawals, always keep your reserves full."
"Staying balanced, staying grounded within your own spirit."
"That's what makes me feel balanced and right in the world."
"You will eventually figure out how to balance your heart's desire. It's not the easiest thing right now, but the components are not lost to you, they are with you."
"Embrace change, find balance, conquer your fears. Trust the journey, and the universe will catch you."
"Balance really is subjective but for me that's what keeps me going."
"The first quarter phase challenges us to balance Mars and Saturn energies, ego, and responsibility."
"If you take a little bit of a break, you may find yourself enjoying life more."
"Every once in a while it's good to step away and do something else."
"Balance yourself out; it's gonna help you complete this rebirth."
"I want balance and grounding, I want to create something long-lasting."
"You're walking around knowing exactly who you are."
"It all comes back to this inner-outer balance. If you're too focused on outer gratification within this false reality, the only logical option is to disconnect from that and go back within yourself."
"A desire for balance in all aspects of Life physical emotional mental and spiritual is a clear indication that your higher self is guiding you towards a harmonious existence."
"It's about balance and I'm willing to bet Steve is way too far on the side of the rules."
"A strong destiny relies on solid foundation of personal balance and emotional equanimity."
"Find your balance, embrace and express the essence of yourself."
"You might have to go from true businessman in this meeting to soft husband in the next moment and loving father."
"I'm just a very competitive player... but I try my best not to take the game too serious."
"I know dudes who make a lot of money and they're awful. You've got to be a well-balanced person."
"I can't let it take over my life, you know. I've got to keep going."
"Your energy of stepping back... has brought things back into balance."
"There's a fine line between self-discipline and compulsiveness."
"Everything begins with the self. The more you take care of you, the more balance is shown in your outer world."
"I think having the routine gives me some balance throughout the day versus just winging it."
"The best state of being is like having an ebb and flow to your ego."
"Mastery is being aware of the difficulties and still being able to keep your equilibrium."
"Luckily, Venus is going to help provide some balance, some harmony, some equilibrium here."
"Take time to connect to your inner being, taking time to rest, taking time to play and have fun, and live your best life."
"Set strategies and don't forget to enjoy life. Go outside, spend time with friends and family."
"You guys are on a journey to union, a journey to finding balance and healing within yourself first, and I do feel very many of you that you guys are bound to find your way to one another."
"It brings you to a balancing of yourself in the public arena and people will comment on a shift that's going on or a new energy around you or a calmness to you because you are embracing your balance."
"I think the secret to getting a slim thick figure is finding your balance."
"Keeping your inner peace at the same time."
"It's not holding yourself so perfect that you can't make a tiny mistake, but it's also being able to understand and recognize between the good ones and the not good ones at all."
"This way I burn up enough calories so I can eat anything I want."
"I'm a planner, but this adds some spontaneity."
"I live to be balanced and at peace, and no two things do that more for me than golfing with the boys and shooting firearms."
"Public people have to always be mindful that they don't save the world while losing their families."
"I had to make sure that I found my balance."
"The Inner Warrior wanted to be more empathetic, and the inner empath needed to stand up for themselves."
"I felt satisfied and finally at peace that I found the balance I've been looking for."
"It wasn't until I started to love who I was that I then realized I didn't want to affect that balance anymore."
"I like spending time with everyone, but I also like spending time alone."
"You need to achieve that perfect balance to become ungettable."
"We can balance out what the industry is imposing on us by imposing our own balance."
"Things are balancing out somehow for yourself individually."
"Having downtime and rest time helps me be so much more productive during the day."
"Expect the best when it comes to connections, to your love life, to balance and feeling good about yourself."
"It's all sort of just one big life; I don't really see any need to make it separate, and that works for me."
"That's self-love, when you've been able to come into balance with yourself in every way, shape, or form, where you love yourself more than anyone."