
Atonement Quotes

There are 851 quotes

"It is through His atonement that we are able to return to the presence of our loving Heavenly Father."
"Eternal Father, I offer you the body, blood, soul, and divinity of Your dearly beloved Son, Our Lord Jesus Christ, in atonement for our sins and those of the whole world."
"All that is unfair about life can be made right through the Atonement of Jesus Christ."
"Because Jesus Christ overcame this fallen world and because He atoned for each of us, you too can overcome this sin-saturated, self-centered, and often exhausting world."
"The good news tells us how God makes us right with himself... 'For God sent Jesus to take the punishment for our sins and to satisfy God's anger against us. We are made right with God when we believe that Jesus shed his blood, sacrificing his life for us.'"
"The atonement is not only for people who have done bad things and are trying to be good. It is also for good people who are trying to become better, and serve faithfully, and who yearn for an ongoing and mighty change of heart."
"The atonement of Jesus Christ is infinite and eternal and all-encompassing in its breadth and depth but wholly personal and individual in its effects."
"Mendicant was locked in an eternal exile and entombed beneath a vast desert on the Ark, with only one thought to think: atonement."
"Healing can come through the miracle of the redemptive might, of the Atonement of Jesus Christ."
"By loving kindness and faithfulness, iniquity is atoned for."
"If god says that killing an innocent person will pay for the sin of everybody else, to me, that's unjust."
"Yom Kippur is known as the Day of Atonement on the Jewish calendar. It happens in October. The Day of Atonement, where you have to ask forgiveness for your sins, where there is an atonement given because of your sins."
"Jesus suffered and died on the cross for the sin of the world. The Ten Commandments are called the moral law; you and I broke the law, Jesus paid the fine."
"Christ worked out the infinite and eternal atonement."
"Yom Kippur is an amazing holiday; it's a wonderful opportunity to really sort of reconsider... it's the day of atonement."
"Purgatory exists to detach us from the sins we've been forgiven of and to atone for the consequences of those sins."
"Jesus Christ died on the cross for our sins."
"It is not possible for you to sink lower than the infinite light of Christ’s atoning sacrifice shines."
"Rejoice, for Yahweh will provide atonement for his land and his people."
"This Youtube channel is my atonement for having participated in the further spread of what I refer to as the Standard American History Myth."
"Reparation is doing an act of apology, an act of penance for sins, for crime."
"On the cross, Jesus bore the wrath of almighty God in the place of sinners. The theological term for this is substitutionary atonement or penal substitution."
"Every day I am blessed to know that because of His Atonement, I may someday be resurrected to live forever in a loving family."
"Forgiving and forsaking offenses, old or new, is central to the grandeur of the Atonement of Jesus Christ."
"It's a genuine sacrifice he's making, everything he has, he's giving to right the wrongs that he's been complicit in."
"I have felt the true power of the atonement in my life and I know that Jesus Christ is my personal Savior."
"The Holy One of Israel suffered and died for my sin and your sin all the rottenness that you and I have ever committed was put on Jesus Christ."
"This is centered in the message of Jesus Christ and his death on the cross, his atonement for us."
"Messiah will be cut off... for himself... it's a substitutionary atonement."
"Only those who have been covered by the blood of Christ shed for us on the cross can be assured that God's Wrath will never fall on them." (Romans 5:9)
"If God and Jesus teach the blood atonement and God and Jesus are loving, then the blood atonement is not unloving."
"I will devote my life to atoning for my incompetence."
"Even if I atone for these sins for the rest of my life, it would still not be enough."
"I've made it my mission in this life to atone to my father by showing the world he was right."
"The only blood that can save you is the blood of Jesus Christ."
"Boyka's decision to help Alma and atone for his mistakes has brought peace within him."
"Healing is not a miracle, the atonement is the final Miracle."
"Christ died on the cross for your sins, he was buried, then he rose again the third day from the dead physically, visibly."
"Jesus Christ takes away the sins of the world Jesus Christ and he was the sacrifice to die."
"Personally, I would much prefer to apply the beautiful blood of the Lamb of God who was slain for me than I would to atone for my own sins."
"Christ's atonement will have been worth it, worth the infinite cost he paid."
"Understanding the fall leads to rejoicing in the atonement."
"Redeemed humanity rises higher than unfallen; the atonement makes us more than we were."
"A fortunate fall: it creates a grander appreciation for what Jesus can do."
"The fall allows us in regard to the fall to rise far higher than we would have risen even if we had never sinned."
"The atonement wasn't Plan B to clean up the mess Adam and Eve made of things it was from the foundation of the world."
"The governor Rick Snyder needs to atone for his crimes."
"Without the shedding of the blood of Jesus Christ there is no access to Holy God."
"He's the One who's covered our sin at the cross."
"Jesus bore the sins of the whole world, endured our punishment, the wrath of God against transgression."
"His blood is greater than any animal sacrifice."
"Christ's death on the cross was a payment for the sins of the whole world."
"Thank you for making him who had no sin, no weakness, no limitations, all of ours."
"God took your sin off of you and placed it on his son and hurled his son into the sea of the wrath of Almighty God."
"One of the greatest blessings is the atonement of Jesus Christ."
"The life of the blood is in the flesh... I have given it to you upon an altar as an atonement for your sins."
"Salvation is based upon blood and whether you accept the blood atonement."
"James needs to be held responsible and to admit to his wrongdoing and atone for his actions."
"He gives us the very body and blood that were on Calgary's cross to blot out the sins of the world."
"The cross is the only place that you can meet God... if you want forgiveness of your sins and you want to go to heaven you have to come by the way of the blood."
"Admitting that he sought out violence against a man to atone for the actions of presumably someone else."
"Drift, the noble swordsman, sought atonement for his actions."
"Salvation is purchased by the death and resurrection of Christ."
"There's nothing more privileged than adopting the position of the I am going to atone for this terrible sin it's a very entitled way of behaving."
"The answer to how you pay for your past sins isn't by jumping off a bridge."
"Is there something I can do now to atone for what I failed to do in the past?"
"The blood is what made you atonement. It's Christ's blood that gives you total forgiveness."
"It's because of the blood of Jesus that covers me, the blood of Jesus has made way for us to come into the presence of God."
"When Jesus died on the cross, he was accepting the punishment for all of our sins upon himself."
"Physical death of Christ that atoned for sin."
"Jesus Christ died for all those who we read about."
"Expiation goes down, getting rid of my sin. Propitiation goes up, dealing with God's justice and the curse of the law. Jesus is our expiation and propitiation."
"Penal substitution emphasizes that the punishment from God provoked by human sin was borne by Jesus Christ with his sacrificial death."
"Jesus Christ is the Son of God, he came and he died on the cross to pay for sin."
"The new wine represents a perfect, dynamic atonement."
"Jesus's death was necessary because we cannot make satisfaction for the Eternal consequence of sin the Eternal consequence of sin is that we have accured an infinite debt against God."
"The ones that do begin to atone will have a different path of integration."
"It's okay to make a mistake if you atone for it or you learn from it and then atone for it."
"Propitiation is a sacrifice given to satisfy justice and appease wrath, that a just God might pardon wicked men."
"We're saved through the blood of Jesus Christ."
"The miracle of the Atonement is not just that we can live after we die but that we can live more abundantly."
"Death is the penalty for sin, so something has to die in order to atone for people's sin before Christ."
"The gift of the Atonement of Jesus Christ provides individual comfort and powerful evidence of God's love for us."
"He starts traveling from town to town to figure out... if I help this old lady, I will get atonement for my sins."
"If Jesus has died for not only my sins but for the sins of the whole world then limited atonements not true."
"There's simply no room to atone for that... America will never be able to wash that blood off her hands."
"It takes the blood of God himself to pay for our sins."
"You can atone for your past self and become a better person."
"All her life Gabby has known one thing: that they must atone for the sins of their ancestors."
"You don't make up for your sins in the church. You do it in the streets."
"Anything that is unfair in life can [and will] be made right through the Atonement of Jesus Christ."
"God laid on Him the iniquities of us all."
"We become a saint through the atonement of Christ the Lord and become as a child."
"That is the miracle of the incarnation, which was for the miracle of atonement."
"He sacrificed for their sins once for all when he offered himself."
"Jesus voluntarily died on the cross because he was paying the price of the sins for everyone."
"Atonement is very different from just saying 'I forgive you' because it really requires a lot of introspection and self-understanding."
"Instead of forgive and forget, it should be atonement and accept."
"He actually shed his blood or sprinkled his blood seven times for our conscience to be clean so we could draw close to God."
"Sasuke wants to end his own life in order to atone for his sins."
"His journey is also one of atonement."
"Redemption through death is a cop-out. Had he lived, then he would actively have to atone for his sins."
"Christ paid the ransom for our sins upon that cross."
"The atonement of Christ has unconditional and conditional parts."
"May you give to others and receive for yourselves every blessing the atonement of the Lord Jesus Christ offers."
"How do we get there through the atonement of Jesus Christ?"
"The atonement of Jesus Christ is at the very center of heavenly father's Plan of Salvation the plan is beautiful it's both perfectly just and perfectly merciful."
"The resurrection is God's Amen to Christ's atoning work."
"No man physiologically will ever experience the atonement of Jesus Christ the way you will in carrying this child."
"But to atone for all the sins she committed as Elise de Clorance, she became a doctor."
"That eternal life is fully provided through the atonement of Christ, and our surrender to God."
"Maybe because I wanted to atone for my guilt."
"The atonement of Jesus Christ provides both a cleansing and redeeming power."
"The atonement forgives us but also helps us to be better than we ever could by relying only upon our own strength."
"We've inherited 2,000 years worth of assumptions from the broader Christian tradition about what the atonement is and about how it works."
"When the Holy Ghost is your companion, you can have confidence the atonement is working in your life."
"Christ's perfect life stands in place of our imperfect lives. Divine justice demands perfect obedience, and Christ's atoning sacrifice on the cross provides the solution. Salvation is a gift, undeserved."
"Ken, having now dedicated his life to being the kind version of himself that Wormmon admired, as well as atoning for his misdeeds by aiming to undo the damage he caused, calls the digital world a graveyard."
"If the sins of the world are to be laid on His Son, then His Son must take the death that they deserve."
"It's kind of Michael Morbius offering some measure of atonement."
"The Mass is God offering God to God."
"God the Holy Spirit is offering God the Son to God the Father in atonement for our sins."
"God hath set forth Jesus to be a propitiation through faith in his blood."
"Thank God he came in a human form because if he didn't come in a human form, there's no atonement, and if there's no atonement, there's no forgiveness of sins."
"Every false religion on the face of this Earth attacks the atonement of Jesus Christ, the person and the work of Christ, everyone without exception."
"It's good writing to actually have him feel the guilt of that on a daily basis blaming himself and therefore seeking to atone in any way he can."
"Oliver realizes his guilt and is ready to atone for it."
"Jesus died for your sins. He paid for all of the sins of the entire world past, present, and even future."
"The main aspect of the atonement, the main aspect of redemption is the intimate, personal, eternal union between the Lord Jesus Christ and the elect sinners."
"Ultimately the story of the Silver Surfer is one of redemption, a noble man forced into great evil and forever atoning for his sins."
"Atonement means to cover, to appease, to forgive."
"I accept. I will do whatever it takes to atone for my sins."
"His blood is going to atone for the sins of those who have fallen by the transgression of Adam."
"You have to get Jesus into you in order to get the natural man out. The solution is to put off the natural man through the atonement."
"Tonto is a good man who is trying to atone for the sins he believed he committed, so it’s no doubt he lands here on the list."
"As we genuinely repent of our sins, we allow the atoning sacrifice of Christ to become wholly effective in our life."
"The purpose of the atonement is not only to cleanse us but also perfect us."
"When you're talking about the issue of atonement we had to go back to the Jewish theology we had to go back to the feast we had to go back to the sacrifices we had to go back to the temple and that's what makes better sense."
"You've got to understand the doctrine of the cross. Your life will not be changed, the world will not be changed unless you understand the doctrine of the atonement."
"The blood of Jesus Christ cleanses from all sin."
"Not one drop of judgment can come through that atonement."
"Without the shedding of blood, there's no remission of sin." - Emphasizing the significance of sacrifice and the centrality of the altar in worship.
"His death was for a judicial requirement of righteousness."
"It is finished, paid in full. He paid for our crimes against God."
"So what's one to do when they finally pick up compassion after years of feigning it? A popular ritual towards wholeness in western civilization is the 12-step program of Alcoholics Anonymous, and atoning with those you've wronged is an essential step."
"If I murder somebody, there's a crime and a punishment attached to that, and it needs to be corrected. Jesus serves our sentence."
"The vicarious atonement, or the substitutionary death of Jesus, He died in our place, the perfect sacrifice took our sin so that we could be the righteousness of God in Him."
"The beauty of the atonement of Jesus Christ that says I have overcome the world for you be of good cheer."
"Isn't that fascinating that through His infinite atonement, Jesus Christ overcame and seized the keys of both death, the grave, and of hell, spiritual death."
"Salvation is only by faith or belief in the one who secured it, the one who secured atonement, that's Christ."
"God said, 'I'll give My Son. I'll let him die. I'll let him take the judgment and the hell for you.'"
"The atonement that you seek to make by yourself will be worthless."
"For those who put their trust in Christ, his atonement will cover you today, tomorrow, and forever."
"Please don't ever think of trying to construct something called an atonement theology unless you know with John and Paul what it means that the Messiah died for our sins in accordance with the scriptures."
"The power of our savior's blood that is to say Christ's atonement is an efficacious atonement it always accomplishes what it sets out to do"
"The Lord's death was sufficient for all."
"If Christ's death was not sufficient to atone for everyone then it wasn't sufficient to atone for even one."
"The atonement of Christ didn't just make salvation a possibility; he actually paid the redemption price for those who will be saved."
"Atonement is a period drama starred by the one and only Keira Knightley... it's actually very heartbreaking as well."
"Healing in the atonement, real simple."
"Every single ounce, if you could measure out like that, of Salvation and the payment of the penalties due to our sin, the Eternal payments due that ET Eternal P Punishment Due to our sin is paid by Christ on the cross absolutely that's without doubt."
"Accept suffering and achieve atonement through it. That is what you must do."
"...my sins were contributing to his passion and yet this whole time, whether it was other people that I had hurt or his pain that he was feeling, what he was doing is he was taking all of my shame, my guilt, what injuries I had done to myself during these sins."
"The crucifixion quickly developed as an atonement. The death itself is historical, but the interpretations are theological."
"The offer of atonement is universal, it is equally applicable to all individuals in all circumstances and in it is the power to heal all individuals of all forms of sickness."
"Healing and atonement are identical."
"Christ and Christ alone of all the religions in the world, of all the philosophies in the world, only Christ has made an atonement and that's what we need."
"Healing is a part of the atonement and it already belongs to us. It was bought and paid for at the cross."
"The blood of Jesus justifies you."
"The incarnation makes possible the atonement, the atonement makes possible the new birth, and it's all connected."
"A low view of the atonement goes directly in line with an easygoing view of sin."
"The law is for the lawless and disobedient, for the ungodly and for sinners."
"Because you don't want to accept this gift of atonement, the law is for you too."
"And he shall bring his trespass offering unto the Lord for his sin which he hath sinned, a female from the flock, a lamb or a kid of the goats for a sin offering."
"And the priest shall make an atonement for him before the lord."
"And he shall make an atonement for himself and for his household and for all the congregation of Israel."
"Jesus became sin for us, bearing the guilt and shame of all humanity."
"The earthly sacrifice of the Mass can never substitute for the atonement provided by Christ."
"Faith might well be the path that the power of the Atonement must travel if it is to transform our lives."
"Fear closes that channel. To put it bluntly, choosing fear—and fear, like faith, is a choice—may well keep the blessings of the Atonement from reaching us."
"The atonement of Jesus Christ is real, it is not a fable, it is not a myth, it is not wishful thinking."
"Next time a priest in your ward has to begin the sacrament prayers again next time he has to start over just remember that is what the sacrament is all about that is what the atonement is all about the continuous atonement."
"The atonement is real and through repentance and sanctification, it is transforming but that transforming change is a process that takes time a long time."
"the Atonement of Jesus Christ can restore us to purity."
"Through the Atonement of Christ, all mankind may be saved."
"That urge to rise above yourself is a recognition of your need for the Atonement to work in your life, and your need to be sure that it is working."
"A death knight can rise again only through atonement for its past wickedness or by finding Redemption."
"Jesus dying, that was all for our sins."
"The animal sacrifices could never take away our sin but Jesus the Messiah could."
"God is no longer angry with you over the sins you've committed because Jesus didn't just die for your sin, he took it a step further and he also paid for your sin."
"Jesus made restitution, he made reparations for what I've done."
"So the receipt of the atonement as a gift is not something we have to pay back. We want to maintain that friendship, we want to keep that relationship intact."
"God had to go to the utmost extreme to solve the problem."
"I guess I'll atone for my sins with some light flagellation after I'm done here."
"Healing is as much a part of the atonement of the Lord Jesus Christ as forgiveness of sins is it's not separate."
"Through the sin-bearing substitutionary death of Jesus Christ upon the cross, he alone has appeased the righteous anger of God toward us."
"For it is not possible that the blood of bulls and of goats should take away sins."
"Be reconciled unto him through the atonement of Christ, his only begotten Son."
"But Jesus ushers the sinner into Your presence by taking the sinner's place."
"The sinner can be right with God because the servant, the slave of Jehovah, became a substitute and suffered the judgment of God in the sinner's place."